19.58% Empire of Butuan / Chapter 24: Chapter 24 (Heir’s conversation Part 2)

章 24: Chapter 24 (Heir’s conversation Part 2)

"So… what is now your ingenious plan to modernize our respective families?" he asks

"Well. Currently, I have thought of 4 things that can modernize and help our family to retain its popularity and support from both the military and the people." I said. "These plans can be done during our father's reign or upon our enthronement, but the earlier we start, the better."

These 4 plans can be done during our reign, but the earlier we introduce this to our people, the stronger our foundation would be. Especially now that I am planning to start further introducing advanced technologies that can hasten the information era. And by ensuring our strong foundation in our respective nation, the better our situation will be in the new era that technology will be ushering in.

"What are those then?"

"First, we need to control the Media and Education of our respective country. Exercising our control over these two, we can then shape public opinion in favour of the monarchy and our policies. We also need to limit access to alternative perspectives that can damage the image of the monarchy, by doing this we can help maintain popular support for the semi-constitutional monarchial system that our respective country currently adheres." I paused as I smiled towards him.

Controlling the media and educational system of the country. A practice that is being used by many countries in my past life, especially the Russian Federation, the People's Republic of China (PRC), Iran, and North Korea, to name a few. Which proves to be a huge success in promoting National Identity and Loyalty, Suppression of Dissent, Propaganda and State-Sanctioned Narratives.

"If used correctly, this practice will be more beneficial to the monarchy and the country's future as a united nation." He nods while completely listening to me.

"Second, we need a strong monarchial tradition." I said as the rays from the setting sun flashed through me after passing the window.

"How? Aren't our respective cultures and religions already have a strong emphasis on the importance of the monarchy?" He confusedly said

"Correct. But in order to solidify the importance of the monarchy in our respective countries we need a strong monarchial tradition that could stand the erosions of time, much like the Japanese Imperial Family." I noddingly said before continuing "We need to cultivate and promote a strong sense of national identity and tradition centered around the monarchy. In return, this will create a popular attachment to the institution, making it more difficult for democratic movements to gain traction."

I have seen and read it. Despite the strong monarchial tradition of Thailand, Nepal, Korea, China, and Myanmar, to name a few, some of them choose to abolish the monarchy while others are still advocating for its abolition.

The success of the Japanese Imperial Family made them relevant even until their defeat in WW2. Even with the advancement in technology and society, the Japanese Emperor manages to be one of the most respected and popular figures in the entire country.

With their strong monarchial tradition, they manage to make a huge impact in their country. Cultural identity and national unity, social cohesion and harmony, and ceremonies and traditions, to name a few of these impacts.

"Are we going to use the media and education for this one?" He said solemnly

"Ha! Looks like you are now getting it huh? Hahaha!" I laughingly said while jokingly mocking him.

"Hahaha! Do I even have a choice? Despite your young age, you manage to have this idea of how we can make our respective families more modern while staying in power. Of course, I will try to get it!" he awkwardly said while playfully throwing me a small cushion "Hahaha! Anyways, continue what you are saying. I am now all ears."

"Great! For the third one. This might be a bit hard but, we need to be more transparent." I said as I take my sit on the nearest chair in the window

"Wait, wait, wait… Hahahahaha! Are you really suggesting that we need to report every action we do to the people?" He mockingly asked feeling a bit insulted

"No, and yes." I said only to see his confused expression "What I mean is that we need our family to be more transparent in our finances and activities. This will help to build trust with the public and make them feel like they have a better understanding of our families. They would even start to feel like they are part of our family."

"So, are we going to let the media covers every action we do?" he inquired

"No. Only the events, charity works, and other things that involve our family. Privacy is still our utmost priority on this one." I calmly stated.

"True. My family is still not used to the idea of being on the front page of every newspaper. Despite our nation's initial steps to industrialization, thanks to your country's support, we are still more a bit reserved compared to your country." He admittingly said.

This is true, as Siam is still slowly crossing an old bridge that connects the past and the future. Siam must hasten itself to industrialize and for it to face the challenges of economic stagnation. Although they just have their own railway system recently, they are still far behind our improvement.

"And that is one we needed to do. Which brings me to our next move. We needed to help our respective government in promoting advancement. We must be seen by the people as preservers of our cultures and promoter of advancement." I calmly stated.

"I agree. Despite our efforts in industrializing our nation, the majority of our countrymen are still prejudiced towards embracing Western ideas. Especially those who remember our defeat from the West." He worriedly said before continuing. "This is making me worried because if we don't make a move now, my nation will be left behind and will never be able to defend our own interest. Especially our dream of retaking what is rightfully ours."

"I understand your concern. Even our country is also suffering from the same problem. We might have managed to become the 3rd largest economy in the world, but people are still hesitant to further expand the advancement in fear of our culture being destroyed." I seconded.

As of the moment, our nation has already managed to connect all major cities either by steam train or paved roads, including the Sabah Region, Champa Region, and the Island of Hainan. This boosted the transportation of both people and goods, making it more profitable on our side.

But not all are willing to avail on this one, most are still prejudiced towards this idea. And something must be done to further advance the transportation of goods and services in the empire. All people must adhere to the idea of advancement and must be ready to take the risk.

The government's efforts will not be enough to further strengthen our economy, the people's cooperation is what really matters. Their support will tremendously help our economy in overtaking the West. And this can only be done by accepting advancement.

"That is why, I have thought of overhauling the entire 'Westernization' idea to better suit our nation's interest." I continued after a pause

"How?" he confusedly inquired. "The idea of 'Westernization' can only further degrade our respective culture and tradition. Don't get me wrong, Westernization has indeed helped our country to improve in many different ways, but it takes a toll on our cultures. The further we improve, the more we resemble the Western World. And this is one of the major issues our people are concerned about."

"To which, I have no objection towards that. That is why, I have come up with the idea of taking the good benefits of Westernization like; economic & technological advancement, and access to education and healthcare, and combining it with cultural and environmental preservation." I smilingly said towards him.

"This shall be called 'Asianization', promoting the advancement without damaging our own unique identity." He then takes a minute to think about it before replying to me.

"Asianization huh? But aren't you worried that this will only divide our respective nations? Your empire and my kingdom are both multicultural nations, and the idea of preserving the culture is our major concern from Westernization. But we both know that preserving the culture also gives rise to the cultural nationalism ideology. This might inspire others for rebellion in hopes of making their own country." He worriedly inquired.

Which is also right. My idea of Asianization can indeed help our respective countries to preserve our cultures while attaining advancement. But I also know that this can inspire others to attain adhere to the cultural nationalism ideology. The very ideology that sees the formation of Italy, Germany, Israel, Greece, and the breakup of Yugoslavia.

The same as the republicanism ideology, if the ideology of cultural nationalism will not be contained in our respective countries, we will be seeing the downfall of our nation.

Especially our empire, we are a nation made out of different cultures, and when the idea of Asianization is introduced to them, some might see this opportunity to separate themselves from us.

Which is unacceptable.

"I am worried. I will deny the fact that my idea of Asianization will really ignite some minorities to rise up and separate themselves from us. And if they were successful, this might trigger a bigger uprising that can further divide our nation. But with the help of our prior plans that I have mentioned, we can instil in them the idea of being united under one banner. Letting them join any post and offices in our military and government. This will not just make them feel included but will solidify their identity as part of our nations." I said before continuing calmly.

"I know those prior plans will not 100% solve the problem of the ideology of cultural nationalism nor the republicanism ideology. But I can assure you that it will lessen this issue to mere minuscule worry."

"I see. So, do you think this can be achievable? Your Asianization idea?" he nonchalantly inquired.

"Yes. I truly believe so. Besides, we are just following the Westernization style while incorporating our own ideas that are also the interest of our nation." I replied calmly towards him. "Besides, in our country, this will be first evaluated by my papa and his cabinet before being used by the government, so I have no issue with that."

"Mm-hmmm… Okay!" He exclaimed while stretching before continuing. "I will also tell this towards my father and see his opinion about this. And if this will not be implemented in his time, I will do it, and I hope by the time I am the king… our nation is still intact."

"Okay, next one. Strongly discipline any member of our houses." I seriously said

"You mean all?" he curiously asks

"If possible, but we must prioritize the closer once. We need this to avoid scandals and issues that might cause our family name to be tarnished." I said nonchalantly.

I don't really get why some royal members of Western monarchy failed to understand that their personal scandals and issues will not just affect themselves, it will affect the entire institution. This is the reason why before my death, the Spanish monarchy are on the verge of collapse because of how the previous King was ravaged with scandals left and right.

Before my death, the only monarchial family that was free of destructive scandals and issues are those monarchial families in the middle east, the House of Yamamoto, House Wangchuck, and House Norodom.

And this is where I got the idea of controlling or disciplining the members of the family.

"Mm-hmmm. I agree with this one. Some members of the nobility might not take this seriously sometimes, but it is different to our family. Our family image really matters." He noddingly said.

"True… Public image really matters to royalty, especially since we are the face of our nation. One simple mistake can either tarnish our nation's image on the international stage." I seconded.

"And lastly, we needed to be flexible and adaptable." I said as I look at him to which I saw him smile

"Uhm… No need to explain this one. I already know this. And I agree, although we needed to make a strong monarchial tradition, we also need to be the first to accept progress to the extent that we needed to be flexible and adaptable." He smilingly said to which I nod in agreement.

"So, I think that's the thing that we needed to tell our parents or just do it ourselves. This will fundamentally engrave the monarchy in our nation's citizens." I spoke

"Indeed. With these plans of yours, I can really see the institution survive much longer." He said while smiling at me meaningfully.

"Well, that's the main point of these though." I smilingly said "The monarchy must survive and win in our time and in the future. And the only way for us to survive is to set aside our prejudice and work together."

"I could not have agreed more." He replied while grinning.

"Looks like the course of the wind is once again about to change." He said as he stands up and starts walking towards me, only to stop on my side while looking at the Imperial Garden. "The balance of power is now shifting slowly. The wind that used to blow from the West is now slowly blowing towards the East. A premonition of both good and bad."

"True." I said. "I recently heard from the ministers that tensions are now high between our nation and the French-Indochina government, not to mention the Qing is also once again eying to retake the Hainan Island from us."

"The Qing? Looks like Aunt Sae is right on what he told me prior to our journey here." He said while looking at me

"So, you already know, huh?"

"Yeah. Even my Father already knows and he is in support of our country's claim on the Island." He nonchalantly replied

"Should be. The Island has been under our rule for more than 100 years now and pretty much the people are in better shape compared to the mainlanders." I smiled

"They sure did." He noddingly replied. "That country has never been peaceful since its founding. A warmonger if you ask me."

"Anyways, I heard that your father is now in communication with Joseon to form a formal alliance by marriage. Is this true?"

"Yes." I confirm "My father wanted to make an alliance with Joseon with my sister's union with one of their princes, Prince Yeong." I replied while looking at Prince Yeong making his way to the main garden pavilion.

"Hmm… Prince Yeong." He said while thinking "Is that the one little prince who doesn't like to interact with others except you and your siblings?"

"Hahahaha! You also notice that?" I laughingly replied "But yeah, that's Prince Yeong. Isn't he cute?"

"Cute? Maybe… But he kind of protective over your sister." He replied "He would always stare at me when I am trying to have a conversation with Mai-Mai. He looks menacing while staring at me that time."

"Hahahaha! A child made you feel like that?" I replied

"He really does look menacing!" he said trying to explain himself "Even Radhesh told me about this!"

I know what they meant and I have seen Yeong being overprotected towards my sister. Me and my parents even notices this and it did not bother us to see this as a problem. Yeong's protectiveness to my sister only shows that he cares for her and he will take good care of her.

I can't even blame Prince Yeong to be protective of my sister. My sister is cute and friendly, too friendly to the point that she will even hug a complete stranger. With Prince Yeong on her side, my sister would have her own human leash. The one that will protect and control her in a better way.

"Just don't mind him, Vajiravudh. My sister and Yeong are good friends, and as my sister's soon-to-be fiancé, he has the responsibility to be protected her." I said while shrugging his comments about Prince Yeong's protectiveness toward my sister.

"How was Khao by the way?"

"Eh? Hahaha I never thought you would ask about her." He laughingly said "Well, she is doing good actually. The day she came back from here she never stops talking about you and your family. I don't know what you did to her but she won't stop talking about how good you are and how you both made a promise." He continues in a mocking tone

"She must have really enjoyed her stay here. But she won't be good for long. Mother told me that she will be coming here when she reaches the age of 12 to start her training in the ways and customs of our people."

"Yeah. I heard that from Aunt Sae too." He replied "Khao is so livid when she heard about her return when she will reach the age of 12. She even started to read books about your culture and tradition."

"That's good for her but sadly it won't be enough."

"What do you mean?"

"The Siame royal court is vastly different from the Imperial court of Butuan, Vajiravudh." I paused a bit before continuing "Mother told me once that her training to be the wife of my father is very strict and tiresome, despite her being a native Butuanon. She was expected to learn a lot of things about the empire, religion, and managing the Imperial Household, to name a few."

"I see. Looks like my sister would be having a hard time during her stay here soon. But I understand the need for her training, even the women in our royal court are trained while they are still young."

"This reminds me, Siagu. Why are your parents trusting you with these tasks and information despite your young age? Are they not afraid that you might accidentally disclose something confidential to others?" he curiously asks

"Nope. They trusted me. Besides…" I said while smiling "Other people who don't know me yet will not believe me who is a 10-year-old child." I jokingly continue.

"Hahahaha! You are right." He said "I still can't believe that you, a 10-year-old child, manages to catch my interest after our first meeting at the port of Manapa. Tell me, how did you know about those things about me, Siagu?"

"Hahahaha! I won't tell you. Where is the fun of our friendship if I will tell you that? Hahaha!" I laughingly replied while directing my attention to the garden illuminated by the blazing sun.

Any modern man knows that personal information of yours, Vajiravudh. Your interest in Western literature and literature writing is a common knowledge for those people who loved to explore the history of Siam. And by the time I told you about this information of yours, I already got your interest, an interest that can make you stick to my side as an ally.

A few minutes later, Vajiravudh and I are still in the music room, talking to each other, wanting to know more and understand each other's personalities and ideologies.

When suddenly, Radhesh enters the room in haste. He then walks towards us before bowing and started talking.

"Your Imperial Highness. Your Royal Highness." He said while bowing to both of us.

"What is it, Radhesh?"

"A message from Mr Allen Faher, Sir." He said while looking at me and to Vajiravodh

"Hayst. Looks like this is some important matter." He said as he takes his walk towards the door "Thank you for those suggestions, Siagu. I will try to convince my father about those things when we get back."

"M-hmm." I nod in reply

"Ah! By the way. My sister wanted me to tell you that she will wait for the day both of you meet again. And she hopes you will keep your promise to her." He spoke

"Tell her, I will." I replied which he answers with a smile and then finally exiting the room.

After Vajiravodh's exit in the room, I then proceeded to take a sit on a couch on the other side of the room. My feet are almost sore because of long standing.

"Speak, Radhesh. What is the message that Faher told you that warrants your sudden entrance?" I seriously said

"Ahem..." he said before continuing "A grave news from Seoul, Sir." He seriously said while staring at me

"What happened?" I inquired

"A successful assassination has happened in the Royal court of Joseon, Sir." He paused a bit before continuing "The entire nation is now in chaos and turmoil. Prompting King Gojong and his entire family and entourage to flee the country."

An assassination? What the hell? This really caught me by surprise, the Korean peninsula has been peaceful for the past few months and is expected to maintain that status, but now what? An assassination? Give me a break!

"Who?" I solemnly replied after composing myself

"Sir?" Radhesh replied in confusion

"Hayst… I said, who was assassinated?" I said

"Ah… it was the Minister of Rites, Sir. Minister Min Young-ik was assassinated."

Holy_Slayer Holy_Slayer

Thank you for reading everyone!

By the way... I have no intention of offending, insulting, degrading, or mocking, anyone in here. Remember that this is pure work of fiction and should not be taken seriously.

I am also planning on using a much more anime-looking portrait of the people in my story. It is quite hard to generate a suitable realistic portrait of my character. Hope you all understand that. Thank you!

Have some idea about my story? Comment on it and let me know.

next chapter
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  • 世界の背景

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