/ Others / Elder Scrolls: Naruto

Elder Scrolls: Naruto オリジナル

Elder Scrolls: Naruto

Others 86 章 3.9M ビュー
作者: Myumara

4.29 (185 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次 Reviews


What happens when the greatest Naruto fan is thrust into that very same world?

Will he hide in the shadows and watch his favorite series play out right before his eyes?

Or Will he completely change the landscape of the world and rewrite history?

Some say knowledge is power, and they were right.

Cover: Sueidysom
Editor: Scarlet Goddess

------------------------------------------------------------------------ I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad

No One 17 and Under Admitted
  1. yugi0998
    yugi0998 貢献した 23
  2. JRA_09
    JRA_09 貢献した 13
  3. Hellbo
    Hellbo 貢献した 10


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット




  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



Some call me shameless, and they would be right. I'm going to say English is not my native language so you will be more kind with your reviews. I think this is the best novel I've written so...you better like it too or I'll write you into the story, make you have a happy life with a beautiful wife, all so I can NTR you for revenge...you've been warned.

78 の返信を表示する

It's just a typical fanfic, nothing really special. What is unique is the how hateful the author is, every chapter the author is this argueing and insulting people who give any sort of negative feedback. Then proceeds to insult them constantly by calling them 'retards'. The author is also a bully and i've seen them reply to someone saying that written them into the story negatively to embarrass them. This person seems to have a lot of issues, lack of confidence? Or just a simply jumped up bully thinking they are better than they actually are. Either way the author is very toxic.

69 の返信を表示する

Out of all the fanfics I’ve seen, this is by far the most original and interesting. The plot is great, the characters are well developed, and the grammar is as fluent as it gets. From what I’ve seen, the update frequency is great as well. Keep up the good work, Author.

5 の返信を表示する

I know the standards for novels here at rock bottom, but I didn't expect one of the top fictions to be such trash. It's just another reincarnated baby that already walks and talks at the age of 1 lol, Self Insert that thinks he can write a better Naruto because he is angry due to obsessing himself with plotholes. So much for a better Naruto, author(Self Insert) thinks just because he knows hand seals he can immediately preform those jutsu and that clones can regenerate chakra and make infinite clones ROFL. They can also take punches and heal hahaha, anyway I've read about 4-5 chaps which is 2 too much.

25 の返信を表示する

I like this story so far. I had become fed up with stories starting in Konoha. And the way some fanfics show konoha filled with good guys who help the MC is unreal. I mean we saw the anime or read manga through Naruto's perspective of ofcourse we're gonna see them as good guy. But not everything as it seems. Nothing is black and white. Humans operate in the gray zone. Just because someone is good to naruto doesn't mean they are good guys.

17 の返信を表示する

The start is like must other naruto fanfic mc gets reborn not renacarnated. In the naruto world but by the age of 1 his already got everything in the bag, he knows just about everything and even teaches jonins how to improve their jutsu's. But all of this takes place in war time. Which makes this weird how no one wonders how a one year old knows all of this in a world where theirs techniques to mind control and body steal. I think this has more potential. The biggest downer to this fanfic would be how aggressive the authors response is to criticism, he directly insult the reviewer by calling them insults and saying everything they say is wrong even if the place you got the info from was the original manga. As an author from royal road, this type of author who attacks his audience gives us a bad after taste. But anyways if you like naruto fanfic i say give it a try if you like the first 13chapter you'll most likely enjoy the rest. If you didn't it's best to move on.

12 の返信を表示する

As a fan of naruto myself, i like your story, i really do! So i will give you this 5star for making it likable... Xd Keep it up and don't drop it halfway!! \(^.^)/ …...... ........... ................ ...................... .......................... ....................................

1 の返信を表示する
LV 15 Badge

its a good novel but how come nobody asks questions about the mc. The mc was raised by his mom who is not a ninja for one year. after that he entered an experimental training during which he learnt no ninjutsu taijutsu etc.. only meditation to increase chakra after that he was put into 3 year long incubation chamber. The day after he woke up he straight up used water dragon jutsu, he explained advanced ninja knowledge to his jounin teacher and nobody asked how he knew all that? he was 1 year old barely able to speak, was then put in stasis for 3 years and suddenly knew all that and nobody asks him how? this is a world full of ninjas during war times. thats whats been bugging m about this novel, the mc knows too much and nobody cares, so 3 stars for story and character development. character got 3 stars bc he is a little too ruthless and brutal for somebody from modern earth. killing is ok, fast and clean but his first kill he actually put his sword away and let his clones beat her into a bloody pulp before he cut her into two(it was during an exam with no enmity between them). there is more but i'm writing too much so i'll stop here

57 の返信を表示する

Thought id give a review. I won't mention your grammar because youve already stated that your learning but first and foremost your chapters state you have an "Editor" which is higjly unlikely because a middle schooler could fix the grammar issues present. The characters are really base and have no actual depth you take 1 percent of a person and make it a 100. The story is half rant and half OP mc. You continously complain about naruto while writing a story you deem as "better" than naruto. Theres a reason your not Kirishima. To counter your argument about naruto, you state that the story is full of plotholes. Chakra is meant to be an energy in all living beings and handsigns are meant to focus the energy into certain forms or affinities. Near the end of the story all the antagonists had reached a state of understanding that superseded regular shinobi so stop spouting bull****. The MC is just a version of yourself that you wish to be. 5 languages? You havnt even finished 2. Anger issues? In check but apparently in the story its okay to be angry all the time. You just want to live in a fictional world and wrote one of the worst fan fictions inserting yourself just to do so. Being an author is more than just writing. Its understanding and being open to what a story really is and adapting yourself to it. As stated before your characters are empty driven by a single emotion when a human being is a multitude of emotions and actions. Theres so much more to writing you havn't even begun to understand. If writing is what you want to do then please go and study to make yourself be the best you can. You seem to a person who just thinks theyre already the best.

0 の返信を表示する

Its a really good story and also is consistant with the timeline which is problem in most of the other fanfics. And there are only minimal grammatical errors. So as of now I recommend reading this. Trust me you won't regret anything other than lower number of chapters and a small plothole. ..... Will it be a harem or not Will there be materials "For Academic Purposes" Will the double updates continue ..... To find out more I'll keep myself lurking in these areas BTW author reply if you can

3 の返信を表示する

Of the fanfics on this site that I have checked out, this is definitely one of the ones that has a much more interesting plot, is better developed, and has interesting mechanics. Of the chapters I read, I found myself engrossed, and wanting to see more! Perhaps this is partly because I'm a Naruto fan, but, well, what can you do? :)

3 の返信を表示する
LV 14 Badge

Everyone but the MC seems a little too retarded. No one can notice an untrained one year old who should know nothing about being a ninja with maybe a little bit of chakra training all of a sudden know everything there is about being a ninja without training. It looks like people only reviewed it high because oh the litrpg elements. Nothin else stands out.

0 の返信を表示する

Do you hate danzo? Do you hate orochimaru? Then this novel isn't for you.. because MC is like them.. a psychopath Naruto fan club leader.. who gets transported into Naruto world.. the story starts off greatly untill author ruins it.. and no.. you should never argue with the author.. because he is going to give his "common sense" in the shape of reply to you.. and if he lost the argument he is going to call you a "retard".. so yeah.. dropping this novel, as this kind of dark fan fiction isn't my cup of tea.. What's so dark about it? Killing innocent people with bull**** justification.. killing a pragnent wife's husband in front of her, taking her babies.. and shamelessly calling that baby his child with showing 'tender' expression in his face.. well just read the stories.. you will know.. author always spits 'realistic this realistic that'.. well you know what? **** Your sense of realism...

1 の返信を表示する

... I really like the book but... It just went from wow that cool to wtf he becoming a kidnapping psycho that muders innocence people. For what power? Or for fun?... It hard to tell now really.. And it also going to become a harem it seems and that I personally don't like. And if you think about it will the women he so calls loves not hate him if she knew he had feeling for someone else. And been killing people for no real reason and the whole taking a baby out of a women stomach.. Is also out there... If I wanted to read something like this I would redownload Psycho in Naruto world something like that is called. And it just how it sounds a guy *****ing abd blaming the word and he just goes and start killing people from not even the age of 2.. So ya.. Going to drop this.. Like it while it lasted at least.

0 の返信を表示する
LV 14 Badge

This used to be a well written story at least until c 60. I used to look foward for a new chapter, mC have its own mind not a goofer or your typical rpg stick toon, the system is also well tought just like a SKYRIM HUD NO *ding* new mission host gotta do this or that* no status screen filler every chapter no mission sjust HuD. He’s quite a scheemer he use what he know will happen for example the seven sword accident, he stole em all and with a good reason too otherwise his village will lose em, he saved pakura, whatever he do its his choicenot because of some system told him todo. So its quite refreshing story. Aftet that arround chapter 60 it goes downhill fast, mc do stuff without a clear reason. The clone that he made to save haku go rouge it have its own feeling againts other girl while mc is training at swamp for 5 years according to the wiki shadow clone have a small but constant link between clone and host for example naruto is aware what his clone does (again this is from wiki)thus what happen is quite impossible. After chapter 70 it went from bad to abyssal mc went crazy without a good reason ,i wont say what he did in that chapter other review already state it, but what i want to say is some deed that he did have a good reason, my problem is with the other deed imo it happen because author want it to be because mc have no good reason to do such deed, and when i ask author told me that it happen because of the darkside of narutos world he tell me to not watch thi book from a rose colored glasses its on chapter 74 comment i think, some might like all that evil stuff. they might say that it just happen no need a good reason, as for me? no action happen without impetus no matter how absurd how improbable that action is there is always a motive and impetus. This went againts all that mc build since chapter one, heck even violent tendencies that mc suffer does not warrant such big behavioral change. Read at your own risk, im dropping this book. What i like from this book is already gone.

1 の返信を表示する

One word - Trash This author has his head far up his heiny hole that he thinks he is better than the original creator of Naruto... As if you pedo freak weaboo who probably has illegal waifu pillow in the dozens. I hope this author gets help from a mental hospital, and so would his fans cause they enjoy pedo literature, like wtf.

0 の返信を表示する
LV 13 Badge

A JEWEL found inside this pit of **** that is QI. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-

0 の返信を表示する
LV 15 Badge

Well, vacation of 4 months.. yep, had to post a ****ty review to downgrade this novel, don't deserve its rank if it's in hiatus for that long. 👌🏻

0 の返信を表示する

The story starts out really well and then the author just loses focus and the story just falls apart after a certain point. If you like the typical wish fulfilment psychopathic, making no sense MC then you'll enjoy this story but be warned The MC you like at the beginning of the story disappears and turns into someone else.

0 の返信を表示する

Do not pay attention to those low score reviews buy some people. This is the best naruto fanfiction on this website. The story is great and updates regularly (2 chapters a day).

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作者 Myumara