19.04% Ebony Scales / Chapter 4: Segment Four, ‘Betrayal’

章 4: Segment Four, ‘Betrayal’

'Dr.Wu's Pov'

"STOP THIS AT ONCE!", demanded the notorious scientist of creating the dinosaurs. The two men who had a hold of him, refused to let go.

Hagan merely chuckled as he sat where he was, as he watched the two men inside of the cage struggle with the psychotic creature. "Look doc, I am taking this whole deal seriously? Don't you want to sell her?"

Biting the inside of his jaw, Dr.Wu glared at Hagan who was chuckling at how his creation was killing the poor fools who were now screaming. "I am thinking rationally! She is a very dangerous creature! She is only going to get more dangerous as time goes on! Don't you see that!?!"

Dr.Wu had his eyes locked onto Hagan who looked back at him smugly. "All I see is a nipper? I have seen normal lions be more aggressive than your beast here?"

Hagan didn't see what he saw, and that scared him. The cries and screams that came from the cage became more horrid, as his creation makes short work of their defensive armor. Hagan stared at Dr.Wu with a smile on his face, his gaze then shifted to look back at the cage. "Besides, we both are after the same thing right?"

Dr.Wu swallowed a lump in his throat silently, for that was the main purpose. He needed money to help get him back onto his feet, but at what cost. If his creation was to be sold off, no one would be able to tame her.

She would get out and cost him even more money, and his reputation would be damaged because of it. If that were to happen, he would have to find another type of job, that or be stuck on making creatures that would be used as weapons.

Thinking back to the first park that took place, he made these animals just to show what he could do. He prided in himself in his job for no other could do what he did, for he was the first.

That park was what made him what he was today, and like always he was pushed around by people. These creatures which were once used for entertainment were now being used for weapons. Was that genuinely what he wanted.

"I made another animal that was before this one, and I was against selling him off only cause he was a prototype. He was not complete! Money wasn't an issue then but it is now, yet I am thinking logically and I know for a fact that she is dangerous. To dangerous!", shouted Dr.Wu who was trying to break out of the hands that held him.

Hagan laughed as he clapped his hands, "Dangerous is the new style! Besides, I think you need to cool off yeah?"

Hagan waved his hand, as he kept his eyes on the cage that was in front of him. Dr.Wu blinked and looked at the two gentlemen who were transporting him somewhere. "What are you doing!?!", ordered Dr.Wu.

"I'm merely doing what you want me to do? I am seeing what she can do and selling her off accordingly. Don't worry doc I got this!", Hagan chuckled as Dr.Wu was escorted forcefully out thanks to the two men.

"Stop this at once! Let go!?!", Dr.Wu looked back at Hagan before being fully removed from the viewing area.

'Sable's Pov'

The thrill. The adrenaline rush. Sweet smelling blood.

She felt it all and she was enjoying every moment of it, for this was what she was designed for. This was what she was best at, and that was killing without remorse. Screaming loudly in her aggressiveness, she tackled down a man whose shield was damaged with many evident cracks.

Her eyes looked at him and his eyes were wide, as he began to whimper and pant in fear behind the riot mask. Screaming only enticed her more, as her pupils shifted into sharp slits. Sable's expression became haunting, as a sinister smile crept upon her maw.

The other man who she killed was laying on the floor with deep lacerations through out his damaged armor. She pressed down onto the shield that separated her victim from her. Cracking, the man's eyes shook violently as he felt her push him down. The shield was cracking like mad, and each crack that occurred only seemed to excite her.

She couldn't wait to get a hold of this man and tear him up like the last human that she killed. Her claws were leaving marks upon the armor, for her strength was meant to be feared.

Humans were weak, they couldn't do anything at all to fight against her and she knew this. She knew that she was stronger than them, as well as she was faster than them. Sable's mind was introducing her to these things, for she knew that they couldn't harm her in anyway.

Sable watched the humans when she was just a infant, and she watched them closely. She observed them, and immediately her mind clicked when she discovered the truth. These so called humans were powerless against her, and her mind went into overdrive. Sable wanted to kill them, and enjoy every minute of it.

The man that was pinned kicked and screamed in his desperation to free himself. Sable's large body was firmly on top of him, as her clawed hands press down more. She never once looked away from him for her eyes were locked onto his.


Sable's mind roared this as she quickly opened her mouth and snapped her mouth upon his head. His screaming was muffled before going completely silent as she tore his head off and threw it to the side.

Fresh blood was now evident on her tongue, and the stench of it made her eyes sharper in pure enjoyment. She released her barking cry, as she made a low chuffing hiss afterwards. The sounds of the door came alive and she turned to face it as her eyes glew.

In a instant a loud sound erupted as something hit her, and she roared loudly. The man who was walking in had a shotgun and shot it at her. Sable didn't feel anything hit her, but the sound made her react as she screamed and lunged at him. Violently, she clawed and bite at the man who was groaning loudly due to the rough treatment.

Sable took a hold of his arm, and threw him around as violently as she could. The sounds of the man screaming was harsh, and sounded strangled. These movements were enough to break bones, and that was what Sable was trying to do.

She threw the man to the side harshly, and she looked at him with a pleased expression. The man was trying to crawl away from her now, his left arm was pulled out of place while both of his legs were obviously damaged for he couldn't walk. He slowly turned around and his eyes went wide as she lunged at him.

'Dr.Wu's Pov'

"Ugh!", groaned Dr.Wu as he was roughly shoved into his room onto the ground and he turned around to see the door close behind him.

Standing up, his eyes were clouded by his judgment for he should of never had done this. He should of killed her when he had the chance, and now his creation was taken away from him all thanks to Hagan. It was clear that Hagan merely wanted the money and didn't care for anyone else.

If he does sell her off, what would happen to him. That was something that he didn't want to even think about, and as he walked to the door did he take notice that it was locked. To be stuck in his room while Hagan does god knows what terrified him.

Dr.Wu could hear it, the distant screams of the people who were being sent into his creations unholy wrath. She would keep killing for that was what she loved most.

Specifically, she was designed for it and it was like she knew this already. She knew what she was and she prided herself in it. Just how many more people would die to her, there was no telling.

"I got to get out of here.", Dr.Wu looked around in hopes of finding something that he could use to escape.

His room that was given to him was full of his notes, and other things that he was working on. He looked around curiously to find something but couldn't for there was only papers and folders.

Groaning loudly did he sit down at his desk, while looking at the door with shaky eyes. Just what could he do in order to get out of here with his creation. Logically, he couldn't bring her along and so he would have to kill her but how was he going to do that.

Dr.Wu closed his eyes as he tried to think of a way, just some plan would be better than nothing. The more he thought, the more torn he became. Perhaps, he should sell her off to someone but who would have the training to keep her under control.

The military would be a good start, but then again they would want him to make more creatures like the one who was killing the people now. Was that what he wanted though. Dr.Wu looked up as his eyes opened, and he looked at the door in silence.

'Sable's Pov'

They kept coming every time she killed one, and she was loving this freedom. The concrete floor was completely covered in blood and mangled bodies of the humans who she killed litter the floor.

She soon looked at the door before shifting her gaze upon the top where a bunch of glass lay. Sable could sense someone there, and her eyes were keen on it. All this excitement and freedom fueled her like never before, and her mind came alive.

Sable patiently walked around making it seem like she was not up to something. That quickly changed as she ran and lunged at the glass that broke around her. The viewing area was now open to her, and she mentally laughed at how stupid the humans were. Try as they might, they couldn't contain her.

The sounds of a surprised voice caught her attention, and she saw the man who she wanted to brutally kill. Her excitement and joy changed immediately to a uncontrollable rage as she screamed violently.

'Dr.Wu's Pov'

The sounds of a violent animalistic scream scared the scientist as he got up and ran to the door. His eyes went wide soon after as the sounds of gunshots rung out. This made Dr.Wu panic for his first thought was that his creation broke out and was now causing havoc.

"What is going on out there!?!", yelled Dr.Wu as he tried to force the door open.

Fierce the cries of his creation were as he kept on hitting the door with his shoulders. This moment seemed to last forever until it all of a sudden stopped. This moment lasted for a good two hours but it literally felt longer than that. Dr.Wu froze up as he stood there now, and his eyes slowly went wide as the door unlocked itself.

The moment it did, did he look at the man who was standing there. "Come."

Dr.Wu blinked a few times before following, he was led back to the viewing area and what he saw shocked him. The glass was all over the floor and his creation was knocked out upon the floor.

Hagan was laughing at the unconscious animal, he then looked at Dr.Wu and walked over to him. "Hey doc!"

"What on earth happened!?!", exclaimed Dr.Wu in his shock.

Hagan laughed, "This little girl tried to get me! She failed though!"

Dr.Wu looked at his creation who was laying there, the sight of the blood on her mouth made him scowl in disgust. His disgust became worse though when he looked in the cage and saw so many dead bodies laying there.

The sight was gruesome and he covered his mouth as he fought back the urge to vomit.

"I got to say she will definitely get us some money! If you could, maybe you should make more of them?", chuckled Hagan.

"I will do no such thing.", firmly instructed Dr.Wu.

Hagan's face hardened at that moment, his gaze looked cold. "Really? I don't think you have any control here."

Dr.Wu caught onto the voice, his eyes looked right back at him firmly. "I will not do as you ask. To make more of them would be a horrible idea."

Hagan smirked for he was amused, "Here I thought that we could get along? Guess not?"

Dr.Wu's eyes went wide as he was punched firmly in the face, and Hagan pressed his foot firmly on his head. "Sorry doc, I wanted to get along with you. But I am not about to let you ruin this for me."

Dr.Wu's eyes were going in and out of consciousness, and before he knew it everything had went black. As the darkness began to fade from his weary head, he regained himself as he looked around and saw that he was tied up.

The many cages that surrounded him made him confused, and his body was not feeling all that well. His sore arms and legs that were tied up were telling him how long that he was out cold for. His eyes landed on the cage that his creation was in, and he glanced at the side to see Hagan talking to someone who he didn't recognize.

He couldn't hear anything that they were talking about, and this worried him. Dr.Wu blinked as Hagan walked away from his sight with the other gentleman who he was talking too. This honestly led him to believe that they were discussing about his creation and what they would be doing with her.

Groaning somewhat, he looked at his creation who was more agitated than normal as she circled her cage. She was trying to get at Hagan, that he knew for she broke through the glass to get at him.

How did it come to this, and how was he going to get out of this mess. Thinking about it now, he was greedy in wanting to sell her. This was what happens when you let greed consume you and cloud your judgment. Though he prided himself in his work he was still a human being with strong emotions. If only he thought more about his feelings then greed then he wouldn't be here.

Dr.Wu sighed as the pain in his left cheek ached, the pain in his arms and legs only continued to get worse. Hagan was going to sell her off, and he had no idea who he was going to sell her too.

His mind was on fire for his thoughts continued to swim and burn within his brain. The prototype was a failure and this was going to be a failure if he didn't think of something.

Hagan only cared about money, but perhaps he could use that to his advantage. Dr.Wu looked serious as he was sitting where he was at, and his eyes landed again on her when he saw her eyes scanning around for something.

Scowling, he hated the idea of her going to someone who couldn't keep her under control. She listens to no one, and her complex mind was what was to blame. His eyes looked down, as a idea pops up into his head. The next time that Hagan was to come around, he was going to tell him that he would indeed help him in getting more money.

He hated the idea, but that was the only thing that he could do to get out of this mess. Once he is free he was going to work under wraps and try to sell his creation to the military. That was the only thing that he could do. If he doesn't do this, Hagan was going to give her away to someone else. She would escape them, whoever they were and run into the world and kill many more people.

Dr.Wu closed his eyes as he waits for that chance, and as his eyes close did he actually fall asleep.

It was not long until he felt a kick upon his leg, and Dr.Wu slowly opened his eyes as he looked around before looking up. The sounds of his creation was loud behind the man who stood before him. It was Hagan.

"Rise and shine doc.", smugly scoffed Hagan.

"Mr.Hagan.", replied the scientist in a cool tone.

"Oh are you in a better mood?", smiled Hagan.

Dr.Wu looked at him before slowly looking at his creation who was viciously attacking her cage. His eyes soon moved to look at Hagan as he spoke. "I thought about what you said, and I like to apologize to you."

Hagan laughed at him before squatting down in front of him, the stench of cigarette smoke was heavy upon his lips. "Oh yeah? Are you going to cooperate this time?"

Dr.Wu fought back the urge to glare at him, his eyes closed as he nodded. "I will."

Hagan smirked as he undid the ropes that were tied up on him, and Dr.Wu watched him silently before rubbing his aching wrists. His body was relieved to have the bindings off. Hagan merely chuckled as he turned around and began walking. "Come on doc."

Dr.Wu stood up and he followed after Hagan with his eyes glancing at his creation. She was far more aggressive than ever, and he didn't doubt that she despised Hagan. In a sense, Dr.Wu didn't like him either but he had to think hard on this. If he was to succeed, then he would still have his job and he wouldn't have to worry about his creation.

Dr.Wu followed after Hagan with a new found resolve, and this time he will succeed. No more failures, only success from here on out.

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Here is the next chapter! Thank you for reading as always! ^^ All the reads on my books and comments really mean the world to me <3 Plus it helps me to keep writing for you all!

If you wish to chat with me on your thoughts of my books please follow my Twitter which is the same name on here though you just add 1 to it when you add the @! I will also post things about my books on there as well as many other things and ideas! Really love to hear from you guys if you do follow me! Thank you!

next chapter
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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


