10.6% DxD: The King of Dragons / Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Saving Some Cats

章 7: Chapter 7: Saving Some Cats

Playing with Ise and Irina, Mordred returned back home until the sun went down.

"How is it? Did you enjoy your time with them?" Tiamat asked him with a smile.

"Yes, it was interesting and enjoyable." He nodded at her.

"Then, do you want to do it again?" Tiamat was happy that he wasn't adverse to human contact at least.

"That can be arranged, thanks mom. Then if it is this enjoyable, I will try harder to befriend the nekoshous if I see them again." He promised on his pride as a dragon.

"Then that's good. Here, how about you entice them with these?" Tiamat got a few more game boys and Mordred blinked.

"Mom, you're a genius. That I had no doubt." He indulged her and she chuckled.

"Come here, buttering me up. You ladies man." She hugged him tightly and kissed his forehead.

They went back home and the couple were still awkward.

"Welcome back you two..." They greeted stiffly and Mordred nodded at them.

"You got pregnant Cleria?" He asked and Masaomi who was drinking something did a spit take.

"Um... Mordred, devils actually have a very low birth rate. It's like a 1 in 10000 chance." Cleria blushed.

"Is that so? Then mom, we need to go outside more often. Give them a lot of chances to mate." Mordred requested Tiamat and Masaomi was dying from coughing and hacking violently.

"You really don't have to do that Mordred." Cleria smiled wryly and Masaomi nodded.

"Alright, that's enough Mordred. Come, let's train some more. You've had a lot of time to rest back in Kuoh." Tiamat gestured for him to follow.

"Good luck getting pregnant Cleria. Maybe check in a clinic that Masaomi isn't shooting blanks?" He gave some advice. As he read that the problem wasn't always in the women.

Tiamat chortled as she definitely would blackmail them with this moment if they even tried to defy her.

And while Mordred was finishing up on his evening reading before sleeping. He suddenly got a call from someone.

"Hmmm, the only person I gave my number is mom, the couple, and the nekoshou sisters." He answered it and waited for someone to talk.

"Ummm, hello? This is Mordred right?" He heard the voice of the younger one.

"Yes, that is right. This is Mordred, may I know what your name is?"

"Ahhh, I'm Shirone nya. I wasn't able to introduce myself. I get shy easily, sorry about nee-sama. She's a bit paranoid." Shirone apologized.

"It's okay Shirone, I won't trust you too if you just walked up to me out of nowhere." He understood her older sister's reluctance to interact.

"Her name is Kuroka by the way. We got taken in by the Naberius house. Nee-sama's master is weird. And nee-sama has been acting weird lately." Shirone was feeling something was amiss.

"I see... I will learn more about Naberius." He remembered Kuroka's exhausted expression.

And he wasn't being arrogant, but Kuroka is too young to be that strong. Even the kyuubi who is a leader of a faction in Kyoto wasn't that strong at that age. He is a special case among special ones.

"Thanks Mordred, friends?" Shirone asked and he agreed.

"My task should be done in a few days, it was nice talking to you Shirone. Good night, it's time for me to sleep." They said goodbye to each other.

"Mom, you awake?" Mordred asked Tiamat who was cycling mana in his body.

"Yes honey, it's about Naberius eh? I'll find out everything I can from that devil." She smirked and he snuggled into her so she could cycle mana more efficiently.

And after a nice nap, he woke up with a whimper. Feeling the absence of Tiamat by his side.

"Mom went out, maybe she investigated that devil already?" He rubbed his eyes and went to train, waiting for Tiamat.

While he was stretching, she arrived and was smirking.

"Mom? What is it?" He blinked and she chuckled. "It seems that the devils will owe me once again. The Naberius guy you told me about? He's doing insanely risky research on how to make a super devil like Sirzechs and Ajuka." Tiamat sneered.

"Ahhh, a delusional idiot then?" He sighed and thought that there was one like that everywhere.

"Right in one, this could endanger the devils. And it is an unsanctioned experiment too. If he was doing it on let's say; Ajuka's orders, then our hands are tied. But he's creating abominations in a lab." Tiamat went spying inside of the household.

She found tubes that contained devils and other creatures who were Frankensteined together.

It was actually a miracle that Kuroka didn't receive any defects or problems on her body due to the experimentation.

"And he's planning on getting another sample." Tiamat said with displeasure.

"Ahh, Shirone?" He squinted his eyes. As a dragon, it was dishonorable that one would sacrifice a child for power.

Sacrificing people in general was frowned upon more by dragonkind. It was a show of weakness unbecoming of a true dragon.

Even the evil dragons didn't do something like that. And evil is their first name.

"Of course, my smart mother already has the necessary incriminating evidence?" Mordred smiled at her and she beamed.

"Heh, of course. Who do you think I am? I'm the Chaos Karma dragon." She took a stack of papers that she copied and pasted on blank ones.

"Excellent, I never doubted you mom." He hugged her tightly and Tiamat grinned.

"But aren't you curious? This is the perfect chance to use Caliburn. I'll evacuate the two cats and you blast that place to heaven?" She was interested in seeing him use Caliburn.

"Ohh, you really are a genius mom. I am also curious about Caliburn's destructive capabilities." Mordred nodded, excited about using his sword.

"Hmm, the only surviving piece he has is Kuroka. So there is no fear of blasting the place." She shrugged and they planned it.

They also added in Masaomi so a back up can use the Kusanagi. While Cleria would be the support and make use of worthlessness in case of unexpected attacks.

"A mission? This seems exciting." The couple got informed by them about their raid on the Naberius clan.

Tiamat already informed Sirzechs and Ajuka about it too. They just need to go in, unleash their magic, kill everyone, then done.

"Let's go mom, we should scout the place so we can kidnap. I mean, save Shirone and Kuroka." Mordred smiled sweetly.

"Yeah, that's right. Just like with these two right? Are you trying to pick up strays?" Tiamat raised a brow, amused at what he was doing.

"Hmm, I'm thinking of it. After all, a king should have subordinates right? My father had the round table. They would also advise me well." He nodded, imagining having subordinates.

"Mordred's growing up so fast." Tiamat whispered and she was actually starting to believe that he would begin to leave and stand up on his own.

"He's a dragon, of course he would... But I don't like it at all." She frowned heavily.

She then had an idea. Ajuka owed her, she can definitely cash in on it for that.

The four of them went Lucifaad where the Naberius clan is located. Their estate was at the outskirts of the city.

"Mom, let me find it. I want to try and use my tracking skills." Mordred stopped Tiamat from guiding them to the place.

Sniffing the air, he closed his eyes. Trying to get ahold of Kuroka and Shirone's scent.

He suddenly opened his eyes and began tracking the nekoshous.

"Hmm, Shirone has a sweet smell like candy. While Kuroka has a prominent synthetic one. Masking the sweet smell of females." He squinted his eyes.

"He can even track you while you're outside the city with scent alone. Are you a bloodhound, boss?" Masaomi chuckled.

"I just enhance my senses with magic. And I already locked on to their magical signature. Anything interesting to me? I don't forget it." They started travelling leisurely.

Cleria thought that was scary if you were his enemy. Dragons have undying rage towards their enemies. Albion and Ddraig aren't exactly like cats and dogs. But their rivalry transcends even life and death.

So they can already imagine Mordred hunting down who has wronged him to the ends of the earth.

"There it is, good job sweetie." Tiamat ruffled his hair and he nodded with a smile.

"I can't hide my aura completely yet. It's quite difficult, Grendel has a pretty potent one." Mordred started forming a plan.

"Yeah, whenever we spar; it actually makes my spine tingle. You're leaking bloodlust like a dam whenever you transform." Masaomi commented.

"Then what should we do?" Cleria raised a brow and he raised a hand thinking about it.

Tiamat just watched, wanting him to do this operation. She already did the most difficult part, gathering evidence and informing the Satans.

"Cleria, can your worthlessness work on remote distances?" Mordred had an idea, but he was disappointed after the gray haired devil shook her head.

"Hmm, I was thinking of you using your clan trait on Masaomi because his aura is the least noticeable." Masaomi agreed, he was a normal human.

Without using holy weapons, he felt like an average Joe with stronger magic. More like a magician than an exorcist.

"Let's try my cloaking first." Mordred casted his magic on Masaomi to bent the light around him. Then, he suppressed his magic so the devils won't feel him.

"Mom, feel anything?" Mordred looked at her and she rubbed her chin.

"Ultimate class beings would be able to find him. But Masaomi is like the air right now to high class and below." Tiamat nodded in satisfaction at his magic.

"Wait, before we go. Are there ultimate class beings inside?" Mordred raised a brow.

"Good question~ Kuroka is, though that's only in reserves. Her skills would lose to a decent high class that have control over their powers and skill." Tiamat shrugged.

"I see, Kuroka would sense you with senjutsu Masaomi. Don't try to antagonize her, talk to her first. She will be hostile if you approach Shirone before her." Mordred formed the plan.

Masaomi nodded and he slowly, but surely approached the Naberius house.

"Wait, I don't know who the targets are." Masaomi smacked his forehead.

"Ahh, fuck it. That Kuroka would definitely sense me or something." He lounged around the estate, snooping through rooms quietly.

As a trained exorcist that was one of the best before being marked for death, he is trained to be stealthy too. Killing highly dangerous devils and monsters with a stroke of the Kusanagi is one of the most efficient ways to live through missions.

And the church is a slave driver that sends their best exorcists to suicide missions all the time.

"You, who are you?" Kuroka appeared behind Masaomi after he entered her room and he immediately raised his hand.

"I'm an ally here, you are Kuroka right?" Masaomi didn't move. Kuroka glared at him, she was suspicious of the guy snooping around after all.

"I don't know who that is, who are you?" She was cautious and Masaomi nodded at the confirmed target.

"I'm Masaomi Yaegaki. You know Mordred? We're here to take you two out of here." Masaomi quickly told her their intent.

"Take us out of here... But why? And isn't that the kid who approached us?" Kuroka was confused.

"I don't know, you have to ask him. Shirone contacted him and she told Mordred that you were acting weird." Masaomi shrugged.

"Shirone..." Kuroka bit her lip. Then she shuddered after realizing something.

'We just met him. And if he is already making a move, then he already knows what is happening here in the Naberius estate.' She was both terrified and at awe in what Mordred was capable of.

Not that she knew that Tiamat was the one who did the hard part of it all.

"Prove it." Kuroka was still cautious though. Ever since they were young, they had no one. Kuroka had to raise Shirone by herself.

And she sacrificed herself as a lab rat to the Naberius in order to give Shirone a comfortable home.

But she also felt it, her master was beginning to give Shirone some interested looks. She could feel it, the devil was planning something. Kuroka just doesn't have evidence of it.

"Uhhh, Mordred gave you a paper with a magic circle on it so he could be friends? And that he interests you?" Masaomi cursed Mordred in his mind.

He didn't tell them that at all, he was just bluffing. Throughout the years, Masaomi thought he knew him enough to know what he would do.

"Okay, that's exactly what happened. Now, what are we gonna do?" Kuroka raised a brow.

He sighed in relief. "I'll be extracting you and Shirone from this place. Then, Mordred will blow this place up to kingdom come. They already have the permission of the Satans."

Kuroka bugged at that, her eyes almost bulged. "They have connections with the Satans?" Kuroka blinked dumbly.

"Uhhh yeah, they're actually VIP's to the Satans." Masaomi shrugged and Kuroka nodded.

"Come on, you have almost ultimate class capabilities right? Not there yet, but you can run away quickly in a burst of speed?" Masaomi wanted to get out rapidly.

"I can use senjutsu and touki to power up. You want me to carry Shirone?" Kuroka had a grin on her face.

"Yeah, you don't trust me of course. That would be stupid, so I'll leave her to you and I'll be the rear guard. I heard that nekoshous also use youjutsu? Then use that too, make an illusion that you're invisible or something." Masaomi shrugged.

They crept in Shirone's room stealthily and Kuroka used a spell to make her fall asleep so she won't be asking questions.

"We'll be free from here Shirone. It was a bad idea of nee-san to be at the employ of a devil." Kuroka spat out venomously.

"Hey, not all devils are bad. It's a hit or miss, my girlfriend's a devil." Masaomi huffed.

Kuroka was surprised about that, but they needed to go.

Using youjutsu, Kuroka made illusions that they were still there. Then the trio left the place as fast as they can.

Arriving at a blind spot behind some trees, they were greeted by the waiting team.

"Yo, so it's a success? Hi Kuroka, Shirone told me that you are acting weird. And I noticed you were exhausted. So I got suspicious and investigated you." Mordred raised his hand for a greeting.

"He told me nya, thank you for letting us out of that stuffy place." Kuroka nodded at him, looking at Shirone with a soft smile.

"Then, it's my time to shine? Masaomi, did you find anything of interest there?" The exorcist shook his head.

"I guess I should limit test? I'm going mom, thanks for your help. I love you." He jumped to Tiamat and kissed her cheek.

"Aww, you're welcome sweetie. Now go get em my young dragon." Tiamat sicced him on them.

Walking leisurely, Mordred was beginning to make plans how to do this. He then took out Caliburn from his dimensional space.

"Let's go Caliburn, it is time to use you against filthy devils that need purging." Mordred's eyes turned silver and he sprouted scales, horns, and wings that were jet black.

He reached a bottleneck in fusing with Grendel. Mordred didn't know how to do so completely. He put it in the back burner for now.

Mordred got filled with power and bloodlust that would prickle the skin of enemies. It was a looming aura that promised slaughter.

He calmed his mind, though his personality changes whenever he does this.

"Oi, shitty devils. Come out and get skewered peacefully. I want to see your guts spill out of your stomachs." Mordred gave a toothy grin, his dagger-like teeth shining in the moonlight.

Quickly, devils went out of the estate and surrounded him. "What? An arrogant dragon that thinks you can do whatever you want?" The Naberius devil snorted.

Perfect, he thought. He could get the body of a dragon and field test Kuroka. His other creations can also be tested.

"Coward, come out and fight. It is a good day to die today!" Mordred grinned. He won't use Caliburn yet, sheathing it so the divine aura wouldn't alarm the whole underworld.

Naberius snorted and ordered Kuroka to fight him. But when the illusion nodded at his orders, she disappeared.

"What!? What's happening here?" The devil was perplexed.

Mordred already put up a barrier over the place and boxed them in.

The devil gritted his teeth and sent out his abominations. A mish mash of races who are high class in power.

"Go and tear that dragon apart!" He raged and the zombies went out from the lab.

"Disgusting garbage, as expected of a shitty devil." Mordred grinned and he started his assault.

Reaching an unsuspecting low class devil who guarded the place, he cocked his fist back and launched it on his chest with everything he's got.

The devil's torso exploded and he was showered with blood and guts. "Ahhh, garbage will be garbage after all."

He shook his head in disappointment. And now that he was in close range. The devils froze in place due to fear. His aura creeping onto them and gripping their hearts like chains.

"Fight! I won't be satisfied with this!" Mordred started a killing spree and made the devils explode with one hit.

Painting the ground with red, he was dripping with blood. "Ohhh? Your toys finally arrived." Mordred looked at the experiments and they were grotesque.

One groaned and casted fire magic at him. Mordred raised his hands to his side and bathed in it.

After it ended, he was pristine. All the blood was gone and his jet black scales were good as new.

"Thanks for the clean up." He flapped his wings and arrived at the top of the abomination's head. He spun and gave an axe kick, filled with momentum and strength.

A sickening crunch made the peanut gallery wince except Tiamat.

"Wow, he's strong..." Kuroka blinked and thought that he would kick her ass sideways.

"Hmph, of course he is. Mordred's my son after all." Tiamat huffed, proud of his advancement in strength.

"Oh? It regenerates? So it's a punching bag?" Mordred looked at it in interest.

He then suddenly felt blades hit his scales. The other abominations that had blades for arms tried to stab him.

Their organic blades snapped and he ripped one out. "You use it like this!" He swung it around rapidly. Chopping them up into tiny little pieces.

The chunks started to form again though, impressing him a bit.

"Your little toys do have some merit. Though they are glorified zombies." He flew to the skies with a flap of his wings and breathed in.

"Ohh? Is my baby using his first destructive breath?" Tiamat clapped in excitement.

Condensing magic energy in his mouth, Mordred released a black beam and the abominations got incinerated to oblivion.

The Naberius estate also exploded, revealing a shivering devil inside the underground lab.

"P-please, I'll do anything! Just spare me!" Naberius pleaded immediately.

"Heh, you can't even accept your death. Sword of selection, cleave the wicked." Mordred drew Caliburn from its sheathe and it vibrated with divine energy.

He filled it up with his mana. His reserves tanking rapidly. "A shame that you have no surprises for me. Now, burn to ashes like the garbage you are."

Mordred raised the sword above his head and it sung. A holy sanctuary began to burn the devil's very being.

A large blade of light fell down to the ground as he swung it. Creating a large rift that consumed the Naberius estate, leaving nothing but rubble.

He quickly cut off his magic that was entering Caliburn and absorbed the holy remnants around the area.

Tiamat appeared besides him and helped him. The whole underworld must have felt that. "Geez, I don't think I can come out of that unharmed."

She ruffled his hair and began to lead the holy magic into Caliburn so they won't start a war with the church and heaven.

They then teleported back to the gobsmacked observers. Cleria even received some burns even when they were far away.

"Come on, I feel the devils swarming this place already. Let's go!" Tiamat teleported them away and returned to the familiar forest.

"Wow... Just, wow." Kuroka couldn't believe how much power he packed in his pint sized body.

"It leave me exhausted though, thanks for the assist mom. We would have caused a war with heaven if they found traces of holy magic there." Mordred hugged Tiamat.

"Well, they would feel the spine tingling holiness when you attacked. But they won't get any traces of it. So they can't implicate heaven. And that kind of attack can only come from Seraphs at their full power. And they're all doing angel stuff back at heaven." Tiamat grinned.

All was accounted for, it was a traceless operation. Except for the Naberius house disappearing off the face of the underworld that is.

"Boss, you're insane you know?" Masaomi laughed as he started healing Cleria with Phenex tears. A specialty of the Phenex clan.

"That was pretty fun, can we do it again mom?" Mordred had a beaming smile on his face.

"I don't think so, maybe later?" Tiamat chuckled. "So... He's a Mama's boy?" Kuroka whispered to the couple.

"Oh, he loves her very much. You can't even illicit a reaction from him. Only she can do that." Cleria replied and Kuroka went into deep thought.

Then, right after they began relaxing. Ajuka appeared, evil pieces has tracking systems as a precaution. Some reincarnated devils would definitely rebel after all.

Sometimes, from being abused due to devils thinking low class devils are trash. Or them succumbing to the rush of demonic power.

"Oops, Ajuka. Meet my protege?" Tiamat cursed inside her mind. She hoped that he won't get interested in Mordred.

"Hello." He quickly made his aura as inconspicuous as possible. Good thing he already hid Caliburn.

"I thought that they'd be here Tiamat. You could have at least told us that Cleria is here. Diehauser has been searching for her." Ajuka sighed.

"And the wielder of the Kusanagi is here too." Ajuka raised a brow.

Tiamat started sweating, but fortunately. Mordred killed all the devils in Kuoh and a report of a pint sized god unleashing the Kusanagi didn't spread in the underworld.

Tiamat and Mordred invoked the fifth, so they won't spill anything. Ajuka is extremely intelligent, he'd be on to them in minutes.

He was the one who created the evil pieces centuries ago after all.

Tiamat then had an idea. "Hey Ajuka, I want to cash in on my favor." The green haired Satan raised a brow, but he nodded.

"Give me two sets of evil pieces. But it won't turn the reincarnated into devils. I want them to turn into dragons." She grinned.

"Ahhh, for you and your protege?" He thought about the implications of it and how the great king faction would bitch and moan.

"Ugh, but you have to be in an alliance with the underworld though? The great king faction would be on our asses." Ajuka rubbed his temples.

"Satan Beelzebub, it is true that reincarnated people feel different. But that's only for devils, isn't it? We can just tell people that they're half dragons." Mordred shrugged.

"Hmmm, that's true." Ajuka thought about how to engineer new evil pieces that would be for dragons.

"Wait, we'll accept. You want to join in the rating games right?" Tiamat asked Mordred and he nodded.

"It's a temporary one though, once devils wrong us in a major way. It's definitely cancelled and we will keep the pieces." Tiamat laid out some ground rules.

"That is appropriate. It's not like the great king faction can do much against you anyways. You're much stronger than Falbium and Serafall." Ajuka could feel Tiamat's strength increasing.

"Thank you." Mordred bowed to Tiamat and she ruffled his hair. Hiding the fact that she was his mom.

"Okay, that's settled. I need to bring Kuroka and Shirone here as witnesses though. Also to check in on Kuroka if there are any side effects to what happened to her." Ajuka pointed at the nekoshous.

Kuroka immediately got paranoid. Thinking that they'll be blamed because they got to live.

"It's fine Kuroka, there's already evidence of illegal activities there. And Sirzechs will be shouldering the blame for destroying the house for desecrating devilkind." Ajuka glared at Tiamat a bit for their fireworks.

"The Satans have more leeway now. And we have evidence, they can suck it up. Thanks for that again by the way." Ajuka waved his hand lazily at Tiamat.

They now have more political power against the great king faction. The old coots would definitely scheme something again. But they have the upper hand for now.

Releasing the news of the king pieces in public would tank their popularity to the ground. The new Satans are especially well liked by the underworld. After they gave them peace.

Ajuka left with Kuroka and Shirone, making the dragons sigh in relief.

"Thanks mom, you even gave me the chance to have a peerage." He hugged her tightly and rubbed his face on her chest softly.

"You're welcome." She smiled and patted his head. "So, who are you going to reincarnate? Why the sudden interest in peerages too?" Mordred tilted his head.

"So that I can have more guards for you!" She chuckled and he shrugged. "Thanks, you're the best."

"Damn right I am." Tiamat snorted and he had an idea pop into his head.

"Mom, I know what I'm gonna do with my peerage." He beamed and Tiamat raised a brow.

"I'll call them my kin, peerage is a devil thing. And I will collect the best treasures on the world. Longinus wielders." He was determined to do so.

It will wound his pride to reincarnate people with low potential. They should be able to kill gods like Ddraig and Albion. And he already knew a prospective member.


Thanks for reading everyone, a peerage fit for a dragon is his next goal.

He would have a couple, not everyone. With the hero faction being a thing and all.

His kin is all ready to go, I just have to get them in it. The knights, you can already guess it perhaps. There would be a mix of fate characters and heavy hitters of DxD in it.

The Longinus users would be the two bishops and pawns. The queen and knights will be from fate. Anyways, ciao.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


