86.36% DxD: The King of Dragons / Chapter 57: Chapter 56: Balance Breaker

章 57: Chapter 56: Balance Breaker

"Let me use you! Himejima Tobio! To reforge the black blade born from the Himejima clan! Then die from that godslaying blade!" Hanezu shouted with determination.

A little metal cylinder then hit Jin as it tried to charge at Hanezu once again.

"I have always been good at manipulating ritual objects. Unnaturally so, but the Himejimas do not want that. They desire the flames of the Phoenix; Kagutsuchi." Hanezu closed his eyes as he lamented his situation.

"Here it is, the bad guy's backstory I'm why he turned evil!" Ise cheered and the flow of the battle got disrupted.

"Shhh, it was getting interesting you dolt." Vali smacked her.

"Come! Tobio Himejima! Kill me by using your dark blade!" Hanezu spread his arms.

"Isn't that really gay? He should've worded that better." Ise commented.

"Shut the fuck up! Doing all these things, kidnapping people. Experimenting on them... And you just want to die!? Miss me with that bullshit!" Tobio willed Jin to use his shadows.

Tendrils of darkness appeared, but the lion besides Sae moved and incinerated them with a roar of flames.

"Do you think a sane man would do all this!? You are a Himejima! You are already affiliated with this since you were born!" Hanezu controlled his metal objects and they hit Jin multiple times.

Tobio howled in pain as one of them broke his arm. "I want to defile! I want to defile you, Tobio Himejima! Turn you into a weapon to kill me! Then the five principal clans!" Hanezu laughed like a mad man.

"Definitely gay as fuck... What the hell?" Ise was disgusted at Hanezu's words. She is a cultured pervert. Not those fujoshis that want to see two hot guys go at each other.

"Yuck, this guy might also be using those ritual objects for something else." Vali's face scrunched up.

"W-what the hell? You could've just let that stay with you!" Everyone except Mordred who didn't smell any crap on the objects shouted at her.

"W-what? It's a valid concern! The guy is definitely gay and he has cylindrical objects that he could control with telekinesis! He'll definitely use them like that!" Vali tried to defend herself.

"Partner... I don't know about you. But you do know that your thoughts say a lot about you, right?" Albion reminded her and she paled.

"Just to be clear! I don't use telekinesis to do things like that alright!" She dug a deeper hole and they looked at her suspiciously.

"Change, Tobio. Even if you kill me here or escape. Things won't be easy from here on out. People will be hunting you down!" Hanezu launched an onslaught of attacks and Tobio couldn't dodge.

He got nailed by the fast moving objects and he got thrown to the ground. His leg broken, ribs fractured.

"J-Jin!" Tobio saw his puppy that intercepted some of the attacks. And Jin coughed up blood as it got hit by a lot of them.

"Hmph, if that's all you could do. Then I'm afraid that you will die out there pretty fast." Hanezu snorted.

Jin stood up on shaky legs and he howled, baring his teeth against the enemies.

Melting into the shadows, it tried to take out the lion that was standing in front of Hanezu.

Black spikes made of shadows attacking one of the four fiends. The cowardly Leo roared and a blast of flames escaped from it like a pulse.

Jin's shadow constructs were burned away and the lion blew a breath of fire at him.

The puppy didn't give up though, charging right through it while coating itself with shadows.

It tried to give the lion a slip due to the split second loss of vision by diving in the fire. But Jin went wide eyed as a tendril wrapped around his leg.

The lion formed a portal and it dived into it. Jin was then caught by its tail. Jin got slammed to the ground and it snarled, but he was suddenly mauled by the cowardly Leo's paw.

Jin's horn shattered and he bounced on the ground like a ragdoll, arriving right besides Tobio.

"J-Jin!" Tobio couldn't move and he could only look at his puppy with shock.

'S-sorry Jin... This is my fault. Because of my weakness, you turned like this.' Tobio gritted his teeth.

"Hmmm? How?" Hanezu saw something quite surprising.

"S-Sae?" Tobio looked at Sae who caressed his face gently.

"Sorry Tobio, but you need to live." Sae walked up to the injured Jin and hugged him for a bit. She then stabbed her chest with his broken horn, dropping on the ground after a few seconds of gasping.

"M-Mordred... Shouldn't we have stopped that? Or do you want to revive her with one of your pieces?" Ise was shocked that Mordred didn't help them.

"Just watch." Mordred gestured for them to do so and Tobio suddenly went quiet.

He slowly crawled towards his friend and his trembling hand landed on her face.

"What a shame, I guess your friends here will kill me now. What a disappointment, but it does have its merits. You will hate the principal clans and destroy them for roping you into this." Hanezu smirked.

"K-kill... I'll kill you! KILL! KILL!" Tobio started to emit shadows and Mordred nodded.

"It seems that Tobio is a bit special. He has unlocked his balance breaker since he was born. I can confirm it, now that his seal is broken." Mordred could feel his body emit a lot of mana.

And it seemed to be more comfortable in that form. Like it was something that was lost, then returned.

"Wha? So this guy is quite amazing huh?" Vali was pleasantly surprised.

Tobio then transformed into a black werewolf that was made up of shadows.

"That's right, I actually knew him from way back then. Grigori has been watching him. A wielder of the Canis Lycaon that was born in his balance breaker." Azazel appeared and Mordred squinted his eyes at him.

Vali and Ise hissed at him as Azazel was on their shit list. Hearing the story that he was about to kidnap Vali at her weakest. Or so they were told.

"Mah, can't you guys be less hostile? I was just really trying to help her." Azazel had a wry smile on his face and he was starting to get nervous.

"Hmph, it only made it more concrete inside of my mind Azazel. You filthy fallen angel, so even little boys are in your strike zone." Mordred glared at him and black arms appeared on his back.

The barrier started to shake as Mordred's power began to skyrocket.

'Insane... So this is how master feels when he wants to kill someone.' Mo-chan started fidgeting around as she got aroused by his might.

Portals opened up behind Mordred as he took hold of Arondight, Clarent, Excalibur, Merodach, Galatine, Gram, Caliburn, and Kusanagi appeared. Immediately turning the area into a divine sanctuary.

"W-what the fuck?" Azazel's jaw almost hit the ground.

'How the hell are you going to fight someone like that?' Azazel was contemplating just exiting the place instantly before he could be gutted.

They were interrupted by Hanezu who produced two staves on his hands.

"Wonderful, how about the cowardly Leo? Attack him!" Hanezu ordered and the lion teleported in its portals once again.

It appeared right above Tobio and Jin who is now a large wolf-like dog.

The lion released its most intense breath attack yet. A torrent of flames coming out from its mouth.

"Kill... Kill." Tobio who went unconscious by entering his balance breaker once again raised his hand and the fire was smothered by shadows.

Cowardly Leo tried to maneuver himself for close quarters combat. But when it reappeared behind Tobio, it suddenly got stabbed by a shadow.

Tobio then swung his arm that turned into a blade made up of shadows and it was decapitated instantly.

"Kill!" Tobio's eyes landed on Hanezu. "Excellent... Excellent! What a magnificent blade that will kill the five principal clans! Guhahahaha!" His arms flew as shadows sliced him.

Hanezu stood in place with an expression of ecstasy as Tobio sliced him up piece by piece.

And when his legs were cut, he kneeled down on the ground. Watching Tobio and Jin walk up to him.

'With that black blade of yours... Please, destroy the fire principal clans.' Hanezu thought one last time as Tobio's hand swung and lopped his head off.

"Kill! Kill!" Tobio turned towards the others who were still there. Spikes made of shadows formed around him like a domain.

"Shut up Tobio, Sae is still alive." Mordred let his will influence the world and everything went quiet.

Then it came, an overwhelming pressure was released from him and the air cracked. The teenagers went unconscious from the pressure immediately and Azazel shielded his face from the supreme will of a king.

Mordred reeled it in and he sighed. "I will allow you to explain Azazel, mom told me to be generous. So I will give you one chance." Mordred sealed back his weapons.

"O-okay." Azazel blinked dumbly and he thanked Tiamat graciously inside of his mind. He could escape, but Japan would have some serious damage if they fought.

And thankfully, Mordred understands that. "Ugh, what happened?" Sae woke up as the body on the ground disappeared and what replaced her was a bracelet made of beads.

"Woah, is that why you weren't worried?" Ise was amazed at the artifact.

"Umu, it creates a double to replace you when a fatal strike hits you." Mordred thought that Tobio's grandmother must be very skilled indeed if she was able to make that. As he felt the mana and will of a person dissapate as it finished its purpose.

"So, ahem... The matter with Vali, I was just wandering around at the area you know? Then I suddenly felt a weak presence." Azazel started to explain.

But before he could truly start with the important parts, the barrier on Kyoto got destroyed and thousands of magicians appeared through a large teleportation circle.

"Hmph, so Azazel is also here? Good, I can get rid of you as well while I am here." A tanned woman with brown hair appeared. (pic)

"Katerea Leviathan, why the hell are you here?" Azazel squinted his eyes.

"That's none of your business Azazel. What's important is you'll be dying right here." Katerea glared at him.

"Master, should we assist you?" Lavinia and Dulio contacted him and Mordred smirked.

"Not really, I have never fought a devil before. So I am interested to see how one of my swords will fare." Mordred took out Gram and thought that would be enough.

The sword then glowed a brilliant crimson as it emitted demonic power in waves.

"S-so that's the real Gram?" Siegfried looked at his Gram lite and thought that he won't be able to reach that kind of synergy with his sword.

"Gram, do you like demonic power? I assume you do, then how about I test you against that woman over there? I'll give you one chance to strike me without countering. Mom told me to be a gentleman after all." Mordred taunted Katerea.

"Brat... You're pushing your luck! Attack!" Katerea shouted and the mages she came with blasted them with lasers.

Katerea's demonic power raged and the orange magic circle of the Leviathan poured out a black serpent of energy that went for a beeline to Mordred.

Clouds of dust rose and Katerea waved her hand, dispersing it. "W-wha?" She was shocked as Mordred just held Gram right in front of him and it absorbed all of their magic deliciously.

"Weak." Mordred glared at them and the earth trembled as he imposed his will on them.

Trees were uprooted and the ground shattered. Like a hurricane, everything around him flew away from the pressure.

Nilrem's mages then dropped like flies as they lost consciousness.

"Dear sister, take care of them. They have no right to challenge a king." A throne made of shadows appeared behind Mordred and he sat on it with a bored look on his face.

A black crown with highlights of gold and holy fire appeared on his head and he propped his chin with his fist.

"Damn, this kid surely knows how to put someone down... That's gotta hurt." Azazel pitied Katerea. She didn't even know that he could kill her without getting a clean hit in.

"Y-you! You dare insult me!? The last Leviathan! I will kill you and then the fake Satans in the underworld! I am the Leviathan!" Katerea took out a black snake and it entered her chest.

"Hmph, then where's your sea serpent of the end? Laughable, Mo-chan. Prove yourself." Mordred ordered and she had a shit eating grin on her face.

"I was waiting for you to say that." Mo-chan was engulfed with red lightning. Far more intense than what she was capable of in the past. As her mana burst got replaced by the supreme magic of a dragon.

"Oi, oi. Don't you dare bore me you cow bitch." Mo-chan got resentful as she saw her big tits.

"You cretin! I'll kill all of you!" Katerea revealed her wings which were six pairs. Meaning that she shot up to Satan class due to her little power up.

"Kuahahaha! This is it! A nice fight!" Mo-chan's sword glowed red and she suddenly disappeared as she leaped towards Katerea.

Katerea blocked her strike with a surge of her orange demonic power that intensified.

"Kekeke, don't die too quickly now." Mo-chan blasted her with a burst of mana and Katerea fell to the ground like a bullet.

"I'll kill you! You dare!?" Katerea's aura exploded and the inside of the barrier shook due to her sudden increase in strength.

"I do, now come little bat." Mo-chan unfurled her crimson wings that had gold accents to it as she flapped them. Flying right towards Katerea.


Thanks for reading everyone, and to that guy that keeps saying that Sae would be gift wrapped for Mordred's devil friends to be their slave?

They are much, much softer than Mordred. He would run Sae to the ground with the amount of mind boggling training she would experience.

She would cry tears of blood as a normal human. He can't spare their pieces on a person that doesn't even like to fight. It's even doubtful that she would survive their most basic training session, which is to dodge deadly projectiles.

Mordred has been trained by Tiamat since he was months old. Scathach's training is either die or survive. Sae can't handle being in his inner circle.

You're completely missing the point of being handed over to one of his friends. They would nurture and protect Sae as their own. Mordred's a dragon, it's ingrained in his mind to reach the apex. And he expects his inner circle to do so as well.

Making her stay with him is like shackling a kid with weights and then throw them into a river so they could learn how to swim. And that's an understatement. They train everyday in live combat, with intent to maim and kill each other. To a normal high schooler, that would be pure torture.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C57
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


