12% DxD: ReKiba / Chapter 11: Train

章 11: Train

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There's a lot of fics and ideas there. There is no paywall. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

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Word Count 1011


"Well I guess this is goodbye" Rias along with her peerage was standing outside the mansion. Including me of course. But I had my earphones on listening to music. I could still hear their conversations but instead of wasting my time. I was listening to a new album that was just released.

And judging by the glares I was receiving. This was very rude.

Well, I don't give a shit.

Frankly, I can't wait to leave. I haven't made any progress for the mission I got in exchange for a new life. To be fair I was stuck in the underworld. The only way I know in or out is by this stupid train. Which will change soon. I have left tons of markers in the underworld.

And I will be leaving at least one in every major city in the world.

" We expect you to behave yourself. And act as a proper governor of Kuoh along with Sona. Everything you do reflects on the Gremory Family name." Zeoticus said in a commanding voice. One that the Head of House uses

"Rias we know how much you want to experience life as a human. But don't forget you are an Heiress. You need to start taking it more seriously and start training" Vanelana looked at her daughter hopefully. If she didn't clean up her act. Then she would have to face the consequences

Rias just scoffed slightly, ignoring their words "Father, Mother I understand my responsibilities very well. You don't have to worry"

Both Zeoticus and Valena looked at each other. They know she wasn't going to listen to them. But at least they tried.

Sirzechs and Greyfia were standing next to them. Sirzechs had a warm smile on his face while Grayfia had her cold look as usual

"Rias-chan, I hope you take things a bit more seriously. But other than that good luck. We will see each other again during the school break."

You know for a family that claims to care about their servants. They sure do ignore us a lot. I mean they have only been talking to Rias the entire time

We quickly get on the train

"Byeee!" Rias waves her hand

~Sirzechs office

Greyfia and Okita were standing in front of the desk with Sirzechs doing paperwork.

"Okita, your latest report on Kiba please"

Okita the old knight stood respectfully, before starting his report

"There is no other way to say this. So I will be blunt. Kiba is 'one step away from high class.' "

There was a one-minute pause for the people to register what that actually meant for them.

"That's impossible. There hasn't been a reincarnated devil that grew that fast. Especially one with such a mediocre sacred gear" Grayfia exclaimed

"I know. That's why it's so surprising. In just a few years he went from a newborn devil to a high-class one. And given his attitude toward us. It's a problem" Okita gruffed then continued

"I don't think the Obedience Seal has any effect on him at all, given his strength. Honestly, he should be pretty even with Rias." Sirzechs rubbed the bridge of his nose

"The blame lies with Rias, and don't you start Sirzechs. If she had trained even a little. The Obedience Seal would have had a greater effect. That and she just spoils her peerage instead of training them and sorting out their issues." Grayfia stated with a frown

Sirzechs just lets out a long sigh, clearly exhausted by the situation he has found himself in

"I know Fia. But both mother and me have tried and tried to convince her to start taking her training seriously. It's quite sad that Kiba is the only one who actually trains and look where that attitude got him. Knocking on the doors of a True High-Class Devil. Not like those pieces of shit in the council that take that 'Title' just because they were born into nobility. And Kiba is the one with the least potential among Rias's peerage."

Grayfia looked at him with her eyes narrowed"Sirzechs if she goes on like this she will be forced to marry Riser. You cant keep blocking them forever"

"I know. I know. But she is my little sister. I have to do what I can" Sirzechs sighed again. Grayfia and Okita kept quiet but both of them knew that it was because he was such a sis-con.

So much so that his and Grayfia's marriage was breaking apart.

~On the Train.

Everybody is excited. Sona and her peerage are here as well.

Koneko was with them but she was eating sweets. The only ones who were away from the group were me and Gasper who was wearing a Dio Brando mask. Courtesy of yours truly.

Why? Because I find it hilarious.

Frankly, the little dude is the only person I talk to in the entire house. And I severely underestimated him. He is not A hacker. He is THE Hacker.

The kid has more hacking talent in him than all the sacred gear and bloodline shit.

Ajuka would freak out if he knew half of what he could do.

The little bugger hacked into the Pentagon for fun. I know because I was there when he was trash-talking their firewalls. It was amusing not gonna lie. Especially since he is so shy. But the moment he gets behind a Laptop it's like his personality changes. It's very funny to watch.

I was laying on the very expensive and luxurious train bed. Relaxing from all the stress. I have been training a lot lately. Mostly Balance Breaker training.

And I unlocked a 'Drive.'

Yep. I unlocked a freaking equivalent of a 'Juggernaut Drive.'

The only problem is. It's still unstable and it takes a butt load of power to use. Even with my Ultimate Class Level of Strength. Low-Ultimate but still strong as hell.

Meh I'll fix it soon enough. I'm pretty happy with my current level of strength. Especially compared to other people. When I get to Kuoh I can finally start hunting the scum from the church.

But for now. Sleep.


Kiba has long passed high class. That's just what they know of his power.

I tried posting on FFN.(fanfic net). Corrupted text. It's really pissing me off.

Drop some stones if you like the fic.


Regular swords from Sword Birth will be TIer 1.

Basic Elemental Swords. With just one Concept. 'Like 'Fire' Sword. 'Acceleration' etcetera

Balance Breaker Swords are Tier 2. They are the special swords.

2 or more Concepts. Naturally, they take a lot more power to make and use.

Alcoholic_Panda Alcoholic_Panda

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C11
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


