You all know what happened at age beginning of DxD anime. Where Issei got saved by Rias or to be exact he was all along planned, Rias set him up to use him, thpigh later on she unknowingly developed feelings for him.
But that is the story of alternate timeline. So, what would happen if Issei got to know the whole truth of the incident where he got killed, why Rias saved him, and all the otger tgings that he didn't know.
So, if you wanna know what will happen what will he do and how he will react when he got to know the truth of it, want to know then you have only one choice which is to read the story.
レビューを書くit's hard to understand what's going on in the story tbh, the writing is incomprehensible and illegible in my opinion, I Find myself guessing from paragraph to paragraph as to what is going on because the structure is so poor that the author cannot get his point across. I hope you rewrite your story when your writing abilities improve, thanks.
First why is this in the female lead section? Second I mean what is the point of revealing something like Rias actions if so little changes besides Asia dying. Which has implications I don’t like because of a certain someone. Third is this AU because if this is then it a pointless one because the changes that have happened so far are meaningless because the character growth is spotty.
Eyy i don't care about the grammar being not good as long as their is progress on that area I'm all good. Also hope you can continue this story.
FanFiction a lire avec le cerveau déconnecte - le mec est dans un état qui ressemble à une boucle sans qu’il n’évolue vraiment ou ne prenne de sérieuse décision / alors que l’histoire tourne au tours de certains drama qui ne devrait en aucun cas avoir des répercussions décrites dans l’histoire - pourtant l’histoire pourrait être sympas si l’auteur décidé à tous réécrire avec des pensées claires
ネタバレを明かすCan you start answering our questions about why your repeating chapters there has been 14 repeats in a row no one will read this if you can’t do your job properly
it was pretty good for a while but the last few chapters have just been rewrites so read if you want but the author definitely doesn't care because they aren't changing anything and just keep promoting their pa.treon super disappointed with how it went
holy shit reading the synopsis gave me an aneurism, I don't even know what the story is supposed to be from reading it. All the synopsis has told me is that the story will be illegible
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This is my real review after reading 69 Chapters of this novel. Spoilers Below I won't go into grammar errors and just say that if you can stomach the terrible typos, there is an actual fanfic with an alright story. It's not exactly good but it's not too too terrible. (I wrote too twice on purpose) I'm going to assume the average person who stumbles upon novel this knows High School DxD. So, to simplify it the best way possible it's a What If Issei held a big grudge for being turned into a Devil by Rias Gremory. I can't exactly say it's the best idea ever but it certainly feels like the underlining factor making the MC try harder. Considering this is more of an alternate universe kind of scenario Rias is pretty much an obsessed clingy lover compared to the original and the rest of the gang is just...there? It's been a very long time since I read High School DxD but reading this just made them feel like they are just existing. Four notable characters are instead introduced. Two Kendo Girls, a Sacred Gear girl I can't recall at all and Lucy Luciferage. (Pretty sure I spelled the last name wrong.) I'll just say that the first three girls are just random harem members that could have been replaced with Akeno, Koneko and that one chick who replaced Asia that was supposed to die. Issei's first date gone wrong girl. The fourth girl, Lucy on the other hand is a whole other matter entirely. Let me just say that the romance between her and Issei is so weird and quick that I wondered if 30 chapters were missing. What they currently have isn't love it's infatuation at best and it was so jarring to see them a thing so fast. I understand this is basically a fanfic of a light novel but dang does it feel light. It's like if you were given a chicken leg and all you got was a bone for the character interactions. I know barely anything about this chick other than she has some sort of trauma that feels like PTSD but isn't. Honestly I can't recall her in the original work. I will say she's probably the most fleshed out side character so far but that's really stretching it... I can't exactly say this is a good novel but it's alright. It's trying. I give an A for effort but if you want my real opinion personally with my opinion plus the grammar problem I wouldn't bother with this at all. Being able to read the work matters a ton. When there is so much errors that it's to the point it's 1/3 of the chapter everytime it gets frustrating. If you can bother liking reviews I suggest the Author make some time to clean up simple noticeable typos. Especially in the synopsis. (No one will try your work if you have some random words like fhdhfjdjed that in there.) Score 5 out of 10 Personal Score 4 out of 10. I only recommend this for people who have nothing to read and really enjoy High School DxD to the point they'd try something weird.
I'm going to be a nice person and say this work needs to be edited if it wants to stand out as a fanfic. Normally I wouldn't bother with fanfics but I've been curious lately so here I am. Does it do it justice? Maybe but the grammar mistakes will bug a ton of people. I'll give a more honest review once I read more chapters. For now it's basically a rough draft
I know this one its on wattpad i have read it a long time ago its was not getting a update i want to know are you the actual writer are a copy cat writer if my guess is correct next chapter is issei vs some norse gods
ネタバレを明かす作者 Franklin237
I would recommend you learning better grammar if you want to write an ff. If you struggle to spell correctly for a synopsis then I don’t have high hopes for your story.