22.22% DxD: Gorou Hyoudou Reborn / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

章 2: Chapter 2

"What's happened, honey? Why are you acting like this?" Miki said softly as she approached Gorou from behind.

"I just woke up and appreciated life," Gorou responded with a shrug, lying through his teeth.

Miki could feel that he was lying, so she wrapped her arms around Gorou's back before asking him.

As Miki did this, she didn't know where this intimacy came from, she and Gorou haven't been like this in a while, but she enjoyed it.

"Don't lie to me, mister, what is the reason." She demanded playfully.

Gorou, who was doing the dishes, stopped to think about his answer. He couldn't answer with complete truth, but he could answer as truthfully as he could.

Gorou turned around. Miki moved her arms around his neck and Gorou moved his hands around her waist.

"The reason is that I get to fall asleep next to the love of my life and wake up to see your lovely face in the morning. I woke up this morning and it felt like I had gone back in time, and as I opened the curtains and the sun shined through, I turned to see the rays envelop your face like an angel, reminding me of how lucky I am." Gorou said this with all his heart, meaning every word. He looked into Miki's eyes to show his love for her.

Miki was left mesmerized by Gorou's words, she looked into his eyes, trying to find any hint of a lie, but she couldn't find a lie and only saw his love for her.

Miki hung her head as she smiled, slightly embarrassed at his words, heat rising in her chest and making her cheeks rosy, but she was delighted at his words, she hadn't felt this way ever since she was still a teen.

"You old man, what are you doing to me? Making me feel young again." Miki muttered as she drew closer to Gorou subconsciously.

Gorou leaned forward, tangling his lips with Miki's.

The kiss was filled with passion, though not sexual, it did show how much Gorou loved Miki, she could feel it in the kiss, the tingling In her chest, the heat that rose to her cheeks.

After a few seconds, Miki was out of breath, and though she didn't want to leave his embrace, Gorou pulled away first, leaving Miki dishevelled.

Gorou took in his wife's face, he's only seen his wife this dishevelled during their younger years, so he was enjoying the view.

Miki froze on the spot, her feelings in her body, the heat in her cheeks, her heavy breathing, she hasn't felt like this in a long time. She looked at Gorou's smile, and she couldn't help but fall in love with him all over again.

Realizing the face she was making, Miki dug her head into Gorou's chest, trying to hide her red face.

None of them said anything, they just enjoyed the silence in each other's company.

"Alright, I gotta go," Gorou said softly as he rapidly smacked Miki's butt lightly.

"Go where?" Miki asked, her voice muffled as her head was still buried in Gorou's chest.

"Exercise," Gorou started joyfully.

Miki lifted her head out of Gorou's chest, looking up at him with a raised eyebrow of curiosity.

"Exercise?" Miki repeated.

"Yep," Gorou responded with joy again.

"Why? We're old Gorou, we can't keep up with these teenagers anymore." Miki said as she laid her head in Gorou's chest again.

"Hey-" Gorou lifted Miki's head off his chest and lightly grabbed her chin. "- My love for you is unmatched, who cares about the younger generation. The moment we compare ourselves, we lose. So I want you to do me a favour-" Gorou pecked Miki's lips, capturing all of her attention. "-I want you to never put yourself down, okay." Gorou stated.

Miki grabbed Gorou's hand and placed it on her cheek, letting him feel her burning cheek. Miki snuggled up against his hand and smiled at the love Gorou is showing her.

"Okay, I will." Miki declared, a pleased smile on her face as she stared into Gorou's eyes.

Gorou leaned forward and engaged with Miki's lips, filled again with passion and love like when they were first dating.

Neither couldn't help but smile as they felt giddy sensations running up their bodies.

"Now, I'm off to exercise, I'll be back this afternoon," Gorou said as he separated the kiss before walking toward the door.

Miki watched him leave with doe eyes, love-struck by their interaction.

'That old man, making me fall in love all over again, fufu.'

Gorou walked out of the house, waving goodbye at Miki and began walking down the street.

'I should work on callisthenics, build up my body before I try to find out how to get some supernatural power.' As Gorou was formulating a plan in his head, his eyes were pulled to the park nearby where he saw a hooded figure doing workouts.

'Perfect! I'll ask him to teach me.' Gorou's plan was flawless.

Gorou walked over to the figure and see as they were in the middle of a set, Gorou sat down next to them, waiting for them to finish.

Out of the corner of their eye, the figure could see the old man sitting and watching like a toddler.

The figure groaned in annoyance as they'd had this happen before, some old perv will walk up on them and get all creepy.

Wanting to confront the situation, the figure stopped their set and took off their hood, revealing a short black-haired girl.

Gorou was quite shocked at this discovery, he was expecting a man from how buff she looked with the good on, he couldn't help but appreciate the view though, her plump red lips, her cute nose, light honey skin glistening in the sun rays, her yellow eyes, her black hair that flowed off her effortlessly, she could easily be mistaken as an Egyptian pharaoh.

"What do you want!?" The girl demanded, her voice carrying a hint of irritation.

Gorou, not wanting to come off as completely creepy, stood up and asked his question with no hesitation.

"Can you train me?" Gorou said with a straight face.

It took a second but the girl scrunched up her face in confusion.

"What?" She whispered to herself.

"Umm... No." The girl responded still shaking off the surprised question.

Gorou bowed to the girl and asked again with determination in his voice.

"Can you please train me, or at least tell me what I need to do to grow stronger!" Gorou wasn't worried about bowing to someone who has more knowledge, only the strong can care about pride.

The girl was thrown off, she was expecting him to be a creep, and now the old man is bowing before her like she was a master or something.

"Hey hey, no need for that, get up please or people that walk by will think I'm bullying you." The girl looked around, trying to see if anyone was looking at their situation.

Gorou straightened himself up again and faced the girl with seriousness in his eyes.

The girl rubbed her face.

'I could just give him some impossible tasks and then he'll probably leave right? I mean he's old so I don't think that he'd want to spend his time working out.'

"Okay, fine. I want you to do 100 pull-ups, 100 pull-ups, 100 squat jumps, 100 burpees, and then run up and down this street 10 times, Okay!?" The girl ordered, trying to act serious about what she was saying.

'even I can't do this constantly, but at least it'll get rid of this old guy. Though I do feel kinda bad, for giving him an impossible task.'

Gorou took a deep breath and without a single word, he walked away to the pull-up bar and began to do pull-ups.

The girl didn't expect him to last long or anything, so she continued to do her workout.

Gorou knew this was going to be hard, he knew that the girl was fucking with him, but this was a challenge he needed to overcome.

Although Gorou could only do five pull-ups and dropped, he got back up and did at least one more, he did this for all of his workout requirements.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


