80% DXD:God of the new world / Chapter 4: Chapter 3

章 4: Chapter 3

The chestnut-haired guy in rectangular glasses looked at the student council president sitting in front of him with a questioning gaze. The girl slowly took off her glasses and set them aside, crossing her arms on the cracked tabletop and leaning slightly forward.

"Neo Mori, let's play a game," she said.

"Alright?" the guy replied with a questioning tone, swallowing thick saliva and glancing at the loudly slammed entrance door. "Miss Shinra?"

"Sorry, I accidentally slammed it," her cold gaze made it clear even to an idiot that she didn't slam it accidentally. "Don't mind me; I'll stand here."

"Alright..." the guy turned back to Sona. "Um, you suggested playing a game, Miss Sitori? Chess?"

"Chess," the girl agreed, promptly moving a chessboard with pre-arranged pieces to the center of the table. "Black or white?"

"Black," the guy replied, offering a timid smile and covering his eyes.

"May I ask why you always play as black?"

"It's not a secret," Neo shrugged and scratched the tip of his nose. "It's too early to use white."

"..?" The president looked questioningly at Tsubaki, who shook her head negatively, then turned her gaze back to her interlocutor.

Another check for magical energies yielded negative results, causing the girl to ponder once again. And why did he mention "white"? It was unclear...

"Your move, Miss Sitori," the guy reminded her, examining the deep violet eyes of his opponent.

"Let's make a bet," Sona slowly said, taking her time to carefully choose her words. "A bet. If you win, you can wish for anything. But if I win, you'll have to answer any of my questions. What do you say, Neo, interested?"

"No," the guy frowned even more, leaning back comfortably in his chair. "This is an unfair bet. You don't know me well, and you're proposing such an unequal contract? What if I'm a maniac pervert?" Mori winced at his words and brushed aside a lock of hair that had fallen onto his right lens. "I apologize, but I think I'll decline."

"Oh, so you're a 'maniac pervert' then?" Sona mockingly asked, deciding to press on her interlocutor's pride and lead him to the desired decision. The decision she needed. "Or are you so confident in your victory? Where does such determination come from? Perhaps you're a knight?"

"I'm not confident in my victory," Neo immediately countered, crossing his arms in front of his chest and ignoring the mocking words about a "maniac pervert." "And I'm not a knight. It's just the way I was raised, and I believe that girls shouldn't be offered such ambiguous promises. And, in the end, in chess, there's one factor that plays a significant role."

"A factor?"

"Luck," Neo replied easily, ending his frowning gaze at his interlocutor. "A lot depends on luck. Even though chess is considered a game of intellect, it's not entirely so. Your opponent might not get enough sleep before the game, get distracted by something, or get lost in their thoughts. Isn't that luck?"

"So you don't consider our meeting lucky, Miss Sitori?" the guy suggested with a gesture for Sona to make a move.

"What's lucky about it?" the demoness wondered, shifting a rook. "I summoned you here; you couldn't refuse."

"Well, let's think about it together..." the guy smiled and took off his glasses, starting to wipe them with a handkerchief he had discreetly pulled out. "Was it luck that I piqued your interest? By being a suitable candidate for the student council with a positive reputation in my class. Was there luck in my good test scores and my ability to catch your attention? Or was it luck that I have a positive reputation, unlike... certain individuals." Neo vaguely alluded to the trio of perverts known throughout the academy. "Was it luck that my parents decided to move to this city, giving me the opportunity to enroll in this academy... luck that I was born in Japan, in this world?"

Sona noted the last phrase from her interlocutor:

"All of this is a series of coincidences."

"Our entire life consists of these 'coincidences.' But few understand that it's luck," the guy smiled, moving another pawn and taking Sona's pawn, examining it closely. "I'm glad we became friends so quickly, Miss Sitori."

"Friends?" the demoness once again expressed her surprise, raising her left eyebrow. "We've known each other for two days. In total, less than two hours. And you still consider us friends?"

"Of course," the guy objected, placing a white pawn on the table with a muted thud. "You offered me this bet. So, in case of my loss, you're confident that I won't wish for anything bad. Or perhaps you're extremely confident in your victory?" He leaned forward slightly, meeting Sona's wide-open eyes. "But it doesn't matter, we're playing chess, right? And I hope that our... game brings you as much pleasure as it does for me."

Neo, slowly and deliberately, leaned back again, not taking his eyes off his opponent:

"Luck, isn't it?" the guy continued. "Luck that we became friends so quickly."

Sona didn't agree with her interlocutor, trying to understand what kind of game he was playing.

The hints, all the gathered information, and even her intuition screamed that she was slowly entering the cage with a beast, and she was doing it with her own feet, without resistance.

Maybe she should just forget everything, as she wanted to earlier, and hypnotize this Neo? Find out who sent him here, why, and what his plans were?

Or had the demoness wound herself up too much?

After all, he was just an ordinary person. Smart and all that, and these philosophical conversations made Sona come up with hundreds of theories. She was already beginning to think that her "beloved" sister deliberately found this guy, hypnotized him, and then sent her beloved sister to her. She could pull off worse things than that; what wouldn't run through her crazy head?

Or was there something wrong with him after all? And friends... well, what friends? She was a demon, and he was a human. It was impossible.

But playing and talking with him was so interesting.

"The bet is still on," the demoness said after several minutes of contemplation during the game. "Don't you want to agree?"

"Well..." the guy sighed wearily and nodded. "Alright, Miss Sitori. I agree... um, who do you think will be luckier?"

After an hour and six games, luck favored neither of them.

Sona stared in shock at yet another draw. The sixth one in a row... Somewhere around the fourth game, the girl's mind began to sound an alarm that something was wrong here.

Everything was going too smoothly. If the first four games had gone as expected, then... that was the reason for the strangeness. The game was proceeding as it should, as if everything was leading to a draw from the very beginning.

But was that even possible?

No, it was simply unreal! It was then that Sona decided to resort to a trick. For the first time in her life, she would let herself be defeated in chess, making it seem like she had been momentarily distracted and making a rather foolish move. Foolish, but at the same time, entirely logical and deliberate. Only a master would notice the incorrectness and deep mistake of this move.

And what a shock it was when, as if in mockery, the next game ended in a draw in an unimaginable way! Sona was ready to grant this mortal's wish, relying on his words about "friendship." He wouldn't wish for anything bad.

Well, the young girl had hoped for it, but to her greatest shock, the guy read that move and turned everything into a draw!

"Who... who are you?" Sona asked seriously, not taking her eyes off Neo, who appeared extremely calm. "Who. Are. You?"

"I'm... uh..." It seemed like the guy didn't understand why his opponent had suddenly changed so dramatically and for what reason her voice was sending chills down his spine. "I'm sorry, Miss Sitori, but I don't quite understand your question. My name is Neo Mori, and you already know that... or did I misunderstand a joke?"

Tsubaki understood everything without words and silently stood behind the startled guy.

"Don't pretend. You could have beaten me, but you turned it into a draw. Who are you? Who sent you? How are you connected to Toro Ando? You do know who I am, right?" Sona grew increasingly agitated. Her opponent's action, forcing her to concede and not even finish the game, had infuriated her. It was the ultimate sign of disrespect in her eyes. "Answer!"

"I already answered everything!" the guy erupted, jumping up from his seat, but he was immediately brought back down by the incredibly strong female hands. "Let go! And how do you know about my teacher? Were you watching me?! Are you from some kind of government or mafia group, huh?"

"How are you related to the kitsune society?" Sona asked bluntly, walking up to the boy and moving sharply closer to his face, smelling a rather strong magical scent. "You've been marked... that's where that smell came from, and I've been wondering for so long what that familiar scent of magic was."

"You..." the guy took off his glasses with a shaking hand and continued earnestly. "Please don't tell anyone about the master and his granddaughter. I don't want them to get into trouble with the people... You're from the government, right? There's no need, I'll keep quiet and I'll do anything, I swear!"

Sona exchanged bewildered glances with Tsubaki, who stood there with an equally shocked expression. She suddenly felt uncomfortable due to the guy's determined, anger-filled gaze, which just a minute ago had looked at his opponent with kindness and calmness.

"Wait, do you consider us..." Sona trailed off, drawing parallels. His actions themselves spoke of... mutual misunderstanding.

On the one hand, he knew about the Kitsune, which meant they had told him something. Did they know that Kyo was under demon control?

Well, demons hadn't announced it to others yet, but the necessary agreements had already been signed, so on one hand, they could have found out about it, but on the other...

"The government" or "mafia." Nonsense. Did he really think of us as the government or a mafia group? Although what else could a modern person think after watching all those fantasies like "Supernatural" or "Twilight"?

But he had been marked by a protectorate. The scent was strong, which meant either the head or... No, the scent was too delicate and sweet, like... feminine. He mentioned something about a granddaughter? Satan, please don't tell me she marked him in "that" sense?

Sona sighed heavily and rubbed her face with her hands, looking at Neo's stern gaze.

"We're demons," she needed to explain everything to him. "You didn't know that?"

"Demons?" He shook his head and looked questioningly behind him. "You? Don't talk nonsense; demons devour human souls and won't engage in dialogue with humans! You won't bewitch me—"

Sona silently released a pair of black leathery wings that resembled a bat's wings. Or, more precisely, she made them visible to humans.

"A nice... cosplay?" Neo gulped and glanced back at himself, meeting Tsubaki's mocking gaze as she shook her identical pair of wings. "Or not cosplay?"

"It's not cosplay, Neo."

"Now they're going to eat my soul, right?" he asked sadly, lowering his head dejectedly. "I've never prayed to God, but... Our Father, who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name... umph!"

The girls both winced at the sight of him crossing himself and reciting a prayer. Without waiting for orders, Tsubaki silenced the overly impressionable man by covering his mouth.

Although the fact that he didn't faint was already a relief. Perhaps the influence of modern movies and TV shows wasn't all that bad...

"Neo, no one is going to devour your soul. Demons... they're not quite what you imagine them to be. Stop praying aloud, okay? If you agree, blink your eyes twice." Neo blinked twice, and Tsubaki stopped covering Mori's mouth. "Perfect."

"Um, you... you're really not going to devour my soul?" Neo asked skeptically, examining Sona's wings. "And you won't do anything to Master or Mizuki?"

Sona understood that this was her chance. She could recruit him into her ranks, but she needed to press him, citing Kitusune's safety as the reason.

Even though one of the Kitsune had marked him with a magical mark, she could initiate him as one of her pieces. She needed him to give his consent, and then neither Toro nor the other Kitsune could do anything to her or accuse her...

But Sona dismissed these thoughts. He would be her servant, obeying her orders, but he wouldn't be her friend. He wouldn't be loyal to her. Were such servants even needed? Was such a life worth it for him?

It would be simple slavery, and Neo would lose his uniqueness.

"A friend..."

"I'm sorry, Neo. I didn't mean to scare you," Sona said, switching to "you," hiding her wings, and offering an apologetic smile. "I thought you were a spy and got carried away with nonsense. Not without reason, of course, but... um, I hope you understand."

"Not entirely," Neo grumbled, exhaling heavily.

"Have you never seen demons before? Hasn't your master told you about them?" Tsubaki spoke up from behind Neo. She was curious and decided not to hold back her interest.

"Well, he told me that demons are evil, like most Ayakashi that fell. So, I just..." Neo trailed off, slowly rubbing the fogged-up lenses of his glasses with trembling hands. "Are you really demons?"

"Yes, you saw us," Sona said wearily, slowly sitting back down at the table. "Why this question?"

"Well, it was fun playing with you, and you don't look like demons," Neo smiled encouragingly, making Sona look sadly into eyes that had, just a minute ago, radiated determination and malice.

"Neo, you said we were friends," Sona slowly uttered, surprised by her own words. She never had many friends. Except for Rias and her servants, she didn't really have any. Well, her sister and her family, but they didn't count. She had never had male friends. "Do you still consider me your friend, even after everything that's happened?"

"President..." Tsubaki sadly murmured, her fists clenched tightly.

Neo closed his eyes for a moment, calming his breathing, then nodded silently.

"Yes, you were concerned that I might bring harm to you, right? Or something like that... I didn't quite understand, but you thought I was a spy?" Neo opened his eyes and smiled at the corners of his lips. "I don't consider you bad people. I mean, demons... well, you know." Mori scratched his head and gave a goofy smile, making Sona sigh for the umpteenth time and return the smile. "So, you're still my friend. Um, just... could you explain to me the reason for everything that happened if it's not too much trouble? Or is it none of my business?"

"It's your business, Neo," the demoness nodded, turning her gaze to the vice-president. "Tsubaki, please make some tea for all of us. This is going to be a long conversation."


"Neo... in general, I shouldn't involve you in the 'secret world' because it can consume you. But you're an adult man, and you're already familiar with the Kitsune and two demonesses. Do you understand what I'm getting at? You can still stop before it's too late."

"No, I'm not going to abandon my friends," the young man replied seriously, causing his interlocutor to nod her head.

"Then listen. I don't know what you've heard about demons, but it's not entirely true. Or it's true, but not entirely..."

Neo was riding in a car, his eyes half-closed as he relaxed and listened to the delicate violin melody wafting through the car's interior.

"Son, where should I stop?"

The voice from the front seat made the young man slowly open his eyes and look at the brightly lit signs of various establishments along the road.

"Near that red sign with the bat." The car slowly pulled over next to an inconspicuous café, its soft light seeping through the wide windows of the two-story building. "Thank you, Father. I'll be back in an hour, will you pick me up?"

"Of course."

Neo opened the door and stepped out onto the night-freshened street. A drunk man lay near the "Gray Bat" café, and Neo calmly stepped over him before opening the door to the rather quiet establishment.

Mori scanned the few patrons in the café, who briefly glanced at the new arrival before confidently making his way to the bar counter.

"Hello. I'd like a 'Bloody Mary,' double portion."

"We don't serve that here," came the reply from the elderly bartender with silver hair tied in a ponytail. "You look young; aren't your parents worried?"

"They're not worried," Neo replied. For a moment, his eyes flashed with crimson sparks, meeting the stern gaze of the old man with similar crimson eyes. "A 'Bloody Mary,' double portion. I heard you make them here."

"Wait," the man grumbled, leaning under the bar counter.

A couple of minutes later, a full glass of crimson liquid stood in front of the brown-haired man. Neo took three sips from it, then licked the corners of his mouth and wiped a small red drop that threatened to fall on his white shirt with a white handkerchief.

The slightly salty liquid with a faint metallic taste burned refreshingly down his throat, and Neo smiled contentedly, addressing the tense bartender.

"I need to talk. There's information about a traitor." Neo pushed the glass aside, leaning his elbows on the counter. "Is your boss here?"

"Follow me, young one."

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


