6.25% DxD - Son of Gabriel / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: New Life
DxD - Son of Gabriel DxD - Son of Gabriel original

DxD - Son of Gabriel

作者: TheRandomMe

© WebNovel

章 1: Chapter 1: New Life

I saw the light. I never believed in the whole light at the end of the tunnel, having gone through multiple near-death situations but never saw it until now.

So my luck has run out after all this time, huh? Those hundred times, I escaped death even when my teammates died.

The light was getting closer with each second that passed.

Am I going to heaven, or is it hell?

Knowing that bastard, he is dragging my soul into hell to torture me even more.

I entered the light, and instead of the fiery pits of hell I expected to see, I didn't see much, as my vision was blurry.


I'm alive!?

But how?

I could clearly remember those monsters eating me alive. There is no way I could have survived that.

But what surprised me the most was how quiet it was. The voices were gone!

I didn't care if I survived or was in the afterlife anymore as I began to cry. I was finally free! I couldn't believe it. After all those years, I'm finally free from them.

It felt so light!

After a while, my eyelids became heavy, and exhaustion hit me, so I fell asleep.


Gabriel POV:

I couldn't stop smiling as my little Elijah fell asleep in my arms.

"I still think the whole father knocking you up is weird," Azazel said after he was allowed to enter.

"Brother! Father didn't do such a thing!" Michael said.

"Oh, then how could you explain it better? He did something to her, and then magically, after hundreds of years, she became pregnant."

"It doesn't sound good when you say it like that..." Said Penemune awkwardly.

She and Shuri, the wife of Baraqiel, helped me give birth to Elijah.

"But hey, I never expected to see Gabriel becoming a mother," Azazel then looked at my little sleeping boy, "Lucky bastard..."

"But why this place? You could have given birth closer to the Vatican, where you would be safer. Or even in Heaven," Michael asked.

I thought about it, but I couldn't find why.

"I just felt like we should live here." I answered, "Besides, he could become friends with Akeno."

Azazel continued to observe my little Elijah, and I instinctively pulled him away from him. It's not like I think he will try to hurt him, but I don't want Azazel to influence my little boy, making him fall!

I remember when I was in a meeting with Azazel and Baraqiel due to an incident between the two factions when I suddenly fainted.

I was confused, scared, and many other things at the same time when they told me I was pregnant.

At first, we decided to keep it a secret, with only Michael, Azazel, Baraqiel, and Penemune knowing, but that didn't last long when my stomach started growing.

I still remember the reaction of the other Seraphs found out.

"Interesting, somehow he is a Half-Angel, and I think he possesses a sacred gear."


Sacred Gear!?

It could be dangerous for him!

It doesn't matter what he is, but I'm sure he will have an important role to play in the future. Otherwise, Father wouldn't have done anything like this.

I just hope he can live a happy and safe life.

My little Elijah Heart.


Elijah Heart POV:

A few weeks passed by since I woke up, and I actually died.

Yes, I died and was reborn as the son of Gabriel.

I'm guessing my father either went to get milk or somehow died during the eight months she was pregnant.

But forgetting about my non-existent father. I would like to talk about my family, starting with my mother. She is always caring and protective towards me, which is typical of a mother's love.

However, my mother's family seems fascinated with angelic names. My aunts and uncles are named after angels such as Michael, Azazel, and Penemune, Baraqiel. Even my mother's name is Gabriel.

Only Aunt Shuri, her daughter Akeno, and myself aren't named after angels. They are also the ones that visit most often.

It wouldn't surprise me if I found out that my grandfather's name is Yahweh or that I have an uncle named Lucifer, whom no one likes to talk about.

But that's enough about my family and their weird naming sense.

Based on the limited information I have gathered in the few weeks since being born, I believe I have been reincarnated in the past, although I am uncertain of the specific date.

I have not encountered any mention of gates, hunters, or monsters. Judging from the style of the house interior and the technology present, I suspect that I may be in the late 1980s or early 1990s.

That would mean that I have around 29 years before the gates open, and the world will be filled with mana.

But wait, considering I was born to another parent, would that mean there would be two of me in this world?

I don't know how to feel about it. I'll need to deal with that in the future, so I shouldn't think about it for now.

I'll enjoy a few years of peace without the voices in my head.


Two months passed since that day, and I can now say that I'm not in the same world!

How could I know that?


"Look, my little Elijah can already fly!" My mother squeaked as I was in the air with two wings that sprouted from my back and a halo above my head.

I had no idea how to control these things!

HELP! I tried to yell, but I came out as "Abwu awuuu uuwuu! UMU!"

I did one flip, a second flip, and a third flip, and it continued, but unfortunately, I just ate, and my stomach didn't enjoy my uncontrolled flying.

I felt sick for the rest of the day, but I found something important about my new life.

About my family, having an obsession with angel names wasn't an obsession. They were angels!

That would mean I'm not in my old world and that in this world, angels and fallen angels exist. That would also mean that devils or demons exist!

Having already had some bad experiences with demons in my previous life, I don't like to think that they could be common if my mother casually lived in Japan.

I think this world is even more dangerous than my previous one. If angels and fallen angels exist, then what stops gods, mythical creatures, and other crazy things from existing?

Not only that, but they can roam the world freely. What if an angry god just barges in and tries to attack us!?

Then there is also the new question on my mind. I didn't know much about religion in my previous life, but shouldn't angels fall after having sex? Considering my mother birthed me, why hasn't she fallen?

Can I fall?

What if I sleep too much?

What if I eat too much or if I act too smug for too long?

Would it consider it Pride and make me fall?

My new objective is to find out as much as I can about it, but I'm facing an obstacle as I am unable to crawl or speak.

I thought of using my newly found wings, but when I tried to flap my right wing, the left one moved instead. I attempted it again, but the same thing happened. Despite this, I kept trying, and eventually, every fifth try, I was able to get it right.

"Awwwwwww! Look at my little Elijah flapping his wings!" Mom picked me up and hugged me.

Mom, I'm trying to learn how to fly! I tried to say, but it came out as, "Umu wuwu mu..."


Uncle Azazel, or as I like to call him, Uncle Pervert, came by and told my mother that I had something called a Sacred Gear, and it was a new one.

He got quickly kicked out after asking for permission to do some tests on me.

A perverted mad scientist? Yeah, I can understand why he is a Fallen Angel.

But what are Sacred Gears? Is it something like a relic? But how do I know how to activate it or what it is?

'Activate? Sacred Gear start?' I tried different things again, but nothing happened, just like I tried to bring forth my status screen.

I sighed, knowing this world differed from my previous one, and I needed to learn how it operated first.


Having learned how to crawl, I went toward the mirror to see myself.

I have blonde hair like my mother, but what always catches my attention are my golden eyes.

I will surely be a lady killer in the future!


Considering my mental age, it would be weird.

"Kids, look, it's ready!" Aunt Shuri said, showing what looked like a mini running race.

Aunt Shuri helps to babysit me when Mom needs to do her work in heaven. It's still weird to think about my mother and I being angels and Akeno here being a fallen angel.

But there is something I find weird. If fallen angels are angels that fell due to sinning, they are still angels, so why are their children also fallen angels?

They don't get a choice to choose their own path because of their parents. If I ever get to talk with Grandpa, I'll ask him that.

Maybe their genetics also change when they fall?

At least they don't seem to have bad relations with each other, even if some of them fall.

"Umu?" Akeno tilted her head, and I turned to look at her. She looked like a mini version of Aunt Shuri.

"Wuhu?" I asked.

Aunt Shuri placed Akeno and me on our tracks and counted us down.

While talking this seriously against a real toddler would be stupid, this is a competition, and I will give my all here!

Both mine and Akeno's competitive spirit awoke at this moment. Knowing that it is a battle both of us want to win and losing isn't an option.

"Now then in... 3... 2... 1... Go!" She then let us go, and we started our crawling race. It was only a five-meter race, so a single mistake could cost.

We were tied during the first meter of the race, but by the third meter, I gained the lead by about fifteen centimeters, and it only got bigger as I approached the finish line.

Just as I was about to cross the finish line, I faceplanted right into the carpet. My wings unfurled and ended up under my feet, making me stumble and fall.

Akeno didn't have a problem as she crossed the finish line, winning the race.

Damn you, new limbs I can't control yet!

"Awa awa!" Akeno celebrated, giving me the smugest look a baby could give while I sat there trying to get away my wings.

I had some progress learning how to use them, but it's much more complicated than learning how to crawl or walk.

"wewac!" I said, wanting a rematch because I only lost due to my wings.

Shuri understood what I wanted, and the second race began, but this time, it wasn't my wings that stopped me from winning but Akeno's.

Luck isn't on my side today...


A whole year has passed since I reincarnated in this world.

During this time, not only did I learn how to walk but also how to control my wings properly.

Well, I haven't mastered using them yet, but when I concentrate, I won't do any flips or fly into a wall again.

"Mwom mwagic!" I said with an excited voice as I wanted to see the magic of angels, or as she calls it, Light Power.

I still couldn't speak properly because I didn't have all my teeth, but at least I could speak now.

Is there a difference between the Light Manipulation skill or Light Magic in my previous life and this one?

In my previous life, Light Manipulation skills and Light Magic spells were common, especially for people going to the Demonic-Type gates.

Unfortunately, magic wasn't anything I could do well.

Besides skills, I gained magic that required me to have my mana leave my body, which didn't work for me—leaving me only with spells that circulated inside or around my body.

Anything that would be considered a conjuring type of spell would take around ten times more mana than normal, and considering my low levels of mana, it wasn't anything I could do.

There was a workaround I found after some time, but it was expensive.

Specially created artifacts that allowed me to channel spells through them.

It still used more mana than any other would need, but it was manageable.

This made the only spell I could use normally: Augmenting Magic.

It's the basic and most common spell used by anyone fighting close range.

I also used two other spells after getting my hands on a specific type of artifact.

Reinforment and Alteration.

Reinformanet Magic and Augmenting Magic, as it sounds, helped to reinforce my body and my specifically made artifacts. Then, Alteration Magic allowed me to change the form of objects.

I observed as my mother created a small, dull sword out of light and gave it to me.

Maybe in this life, I could use magic properly.

I started swinging the sword while running around the living room until the light sword dispersed.

"Awww..." I said in a disappointed tone.

"You can play after dinner." She said, ruffling my hair.

"Yes, mom..."

As I sat down at the table, I started eating, and I remembered the first time Mom tried to cook food, and the kitchen somehow ended up catching on holy fire.

Yeah... Don't ask me how it happened.

Thankfully, Aunt Shuri helped her learn how to cook edible food.

Over the months, I learned more about the world, learning that other religions are real, not just the Christian.

Japanese, Hindu, Norse, Greek, and the others are also real!

I need to keep my mother safe from the Greek gods! They may be even worse than Uncle Azazel!

Speaking of Uncle Azazel, I learned more about the Sacred Gear things he mentioned. They are artifacts made by Grandpa, and every human or half-human can be born with one.

He also said that my Sacred Gear wasn't a Longinus but was a new recovery type Sacred Gear.

At first, I thought they meant the Holy Spear, but that's the True Longinus, and a group of 13 Sacred Gear is called Longinus Type. They have the power to slay Gods.

To think God would make something that can kill gods! I have killed many things in my previous life, but I never thought of something like killing gods.

I have also met more angels but still haven't seen Grandpa. He must be too busy working in heaven to visit, and if I'm honest, it would be scary to meet God.

What if he can read my mind and find out I'm reincarnated?

I kept myself from shivering as my mind thought of the worst possible outcomes and continued eating.


Gabriel POV:

A year passed since the birth of Elijah, and it has been the best year of my life.

Is that how Father felt?

My little Elijah is a curious child, constantly observing everything. He likes learning new things and won't stop until he finds them out.

That was the case when he first saw his wings and me using my light powers. He has already asked me to teach him, but I said he should wait until he is six.

While saddened that I wouldn't teach him, he quickly got over it and didn't cry. Elijah wasn't a child who cried often; I could even count the time he cried on one hand.

When I told Shuri, she called him a real angel child and mentioned her sleepless nights after Akeno was born.

As a mother, I'm happy, but as an angel, I'm scared this could lead him to fall. I would want him to stay as an angel, but even if someday he would fall, I would love him as a mother nonetheless.

I appreciate Shuri's help the whole time, even when angels are stationed around here to protect him. Not only is she helping me with Elijah when I need to return to Heaven, but Elijah has also gotten a friend his age, with Akeno being a few months older.

I don't know what Father had planned for him, but I know my little Elijah will bring changes to the supernatural world.

But what should I do when he asks me about Father or even his Father?

I worried about the day he would ask. But I knew the day would come when he did find out.


Elijah Heart POV:

"Happy Birthday, Elijah!" The adults and Akeno shouted as multiple party poppers exploded, sending confetti everywhere.

My mother and Aunt Shuri entered the living room with a cake with four lit candles.

"Now then, think of a wish and blow out the candles," They said.

I thought about it. The four years have been the best years of my life.

In my previous life, I lived as an orphan because my family's body couldn't adjust to mana, and they died, leaving a two-year-old boy alone without any memories of them.

But maybe the worst part was the voices I needed to deal with after being cursed.

But now I had people I could call a family.

I wanted this to last forever, so I made my wish before blowing out the candles, getting all four in one blow.




"Here is a present from us," Akeno said, giving me a present wrapped in purple wrapping paper.

"Thank you, Akeno." I thanked her with a smile, and she shyly turned away and went to her parents.

I started unwrapping the present and saw two wooden swords perfect for my height.

"You always asked your mother to make you light swords, so we thought you would like having your own," Shuri said.

I thanked them for it, and Uncle Azazel was the next one who came forward with a gift, "Haha, you may have given him swords, but it won't beat my present." He said with a laugh before all the adults in the room stopped him.

"Azazel, you didn't give him something inappropriate, right?" Uncle Michael asked.

"Come on, who do you take me for, Odin? I wouldn't dare do something like that knowing the consequences." He replied before they let him go.

With an awkward cough, he approached me and gave me his present.

Not trusting Azazel fully, the adults stood beside me, ready to snatch it away from me, depending on what was inside.

I slowly opened the package, revealing a book titled Light Manipulation for Beginners.

The adults all sighed, seeing as it wasn't anything perverted.

"I told you..." Azazel grumbled.

"Isn't he a bit too young for this?" My mother asked, hesitant since she said I would start training when I was six.

"Dad has already started teaching me, Aunt Gabriel!" Akeno said in a cheery voice.

"B-But it's dangerous!"

"Gabriel, calm down. Elijah is mature enough to start learning the basics." Uncle Michael tried to calm my mother down.

My birthday party continued until Akeno and I became tired, so the adults decided it was time to go to bed for us, meaning the party ended.

As I fell asleep, I heard them discussing a peace treaty and devils.

"Devils..." I muttered to myself, remembering not-so-pleasant memories of my past life.


I swung my twin swords at the demonic beast.

'Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill,' The hundred different voices in my head continued chanting in their demonic voices.

I continued slaughtering beast after beast, but the voices didn't stop. No, they got even worse.

'Rip out their spines! Burn them alive! Kill more, more, MORE!'

I started to lose control; instead of killing the monsters to clear the gate, I started killing them for enjoyment.

I augmented both my body and sword. I was running low on mana, but I didn't care.

My armor was broken, and my bloodied body was covered with wounds.

I stopped hearing my surroundings as the only thing I was hearing was the voices in my head and my insane laughter.


"HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!" I laughed wildly as my vision started to turn crimson like all the blood around me.

My augmented fists drove straight through the demonic wolf's neck and grabbed onto its spine.

I didn't even hear the howls of pain as I dragged it out.

The other demonic beast stopped in their tracks before trying to run away from me, but I wouldn't let them!

They all must die!





"HAAAHHH!" I woke up from my nightmare covered in sweat.

I had difficulty breathing as the nightmare was still fresh in my mind.

'Kill, kill...' I heard some whispers before the lights in my room turned on, and Mom walked in.

"El, are you alright? Did you have a nightmare again?" She came and sat on the side of my bed.

"Yeah, mom..." I said in a low voice.

That wasn't just a nightmare; that was one of the hunts in my previous life.

I sometimes get nightmares, but this one was one of the worst, as it was the hunt where I not only killed all the beasts but also my team.

"C-Can you stay with me today?" I asked. I always got a calming effect when she was near, and I needed that now.

"Of course."

As much as I hate the curse and the demon that gave me it, the curse was the thing that helped me survive many scenarios.


Gabriel POV:

After Elijah fell asleep, I stayed and ran my hand through his blonde hair.

This nightmare he had was worse than the previous ones. He may not know this, but I felt he was close to falling.

What could a four-year-old child have dreamt about to make him about to fall?

I wanted to know and ask him, but seeing his state when I entered the room, it would be best not to bring it up so he could forget it.

"I don't know what you had a nightmare about, but your mother will always protect you," I said, kissing him on the forehead.


Elijah Heart POV:

After that night's nightmare, I wasn't in the right state of mind. The memories that nightmare brought back were something I wanted to forget but couldn't.

So, that's why I decided to focus on learning magic.

I took out the book Azazel gave me and started reading it.

"The power of Light, also known as Light Power, is mainly used by Angels and Fallen Angels. All Angels possess the ability to control this power. They can create weapons using light and even combine it with another element to create a light-infused variant. Humans and Magicians can also replicate Light Powers using Light Magic or Sacred Gears." I paused and thought through it.

I tried to sense the power inside of me, and I could feel it swirling inside of my body.

It had a slight calming effect.

Could I be able to make a light weapon, or would it be like in my previous life?

I flipped to the next page and started reading, "Abilities that use light can deal serious harm to creatures of darkness like Devils and Vampires. Angels and Fallen Angels have their own unique forms of Light Weapons, which can vary in shape and color. Spears are the most commonly created form. A user with average skill can only create one at a time, but highly skilled users can create and handle multiple weapons simultaneously. Extremely powerful users can even create Light Weapons as large as buildings."

I shivered thinking about it. A weapon the size of a building! I gulped and looked at my hand, clenching and opening it.

Could I do that?

Another thing that caught my attention was Light Weapons. Sword with a blade made of solidified condensed light. If this life is like my other one, something like that will be my only choice.




It's time to try it for myself.

I remembered the time when I attempted to learn different types of magic and tried to recall that sensation.

With my eyes shut, I focused on creating my first light weapon. The Light Power within me started flowing through my body to my right hand, where it began to condense.

I felt the drops of sweat running down my forehead as more and more of my Light Power left my body to make the Light Weapon.

After some time, I opened my eyes and saw it. I couldn't help but have a wry smile at what I held, for it was not a light sword or even a dagger but rather a light weapon the size of a table knife.

Despite using up most of my light power, it appeared weak and fragile, as if it would shatter upon slight pressure.

It's better than what I could have done in my last life.

I wanted to chuckle, seeing as something like this would be considered extraordinary compared to what I would have done then.

To be clear, my reserves are not small.

My mother informed me that I have above-average reserves for a one-winged angel, and according to the book Azazel gave me, I should be able to produce at least one spear.

"I don't think that will work," I muttered under my breath, clenching my right fist and causing the light weapon to shatter into tiny particles before vanishing.

Waiting for my reserves to refill, I searched for an alternative solution and turned my attention towards the wooden swords. After picking them up, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

With a quiet chant of "Reinforcement," I felt a familiar surge of power as my weapons were imbued with strength.

When I opened my eyes again, the wooden swords were now covered in white with a distinctive black outline.

"Yeah, artifacts will be the way to go..." I muttered as the door to my room opened.

It still took more out of me than necessary but less than fully creating a Light Sword.

"El, I have cookies for you," Mom said as she entered and saw my Light Infused sword. "Oh, you are doing it like that..." She looked at me, confused.

Seeing as I was trying to learn how to use my Light Power, she stayed and started giving me pointers, never telling me how to do it so I could find my own way.

She also seemed confused at the fact I couldn't even make a proper Light Weapon, but unfortunately, I couldn't show her as I passed out trying due to running out of Light Power.


A week passed, and I started calling Light Power 'Mana' because it didn't feel right. It just feels awkward to always say Light Power when I can use mana or light-type mana.

It isn't like I hate them naming their power Light Power, Holy Power, or Magic Power, but Mana sits right with me. It has a better ring to it.

Now then, the progress I made was my [Light Reinforcement]. It's normal reinforcement but with the Light Element, making it highly effective for demonic beings.

I also tried to augment my body, and like in my previous life, it went perfectly without me losing most of my reserves.

That means I will need to make artifacts in order to use everyday spells. I found out that rings and bracelets do the best job, but the problem is how I will make them and if they could be made in this world.

Augmenting and reinforcing was something so easy that it was normal for it to work, but creating artifacts could be different here.

Maybe Uncle Azazel could help me...




I sat down, writing down my ideas in my notepad, where I wrote down everything about this world.

After asking everyone and from everything I heard over the years, I managed to get down some useful information.

The first thing was the power system.

An angel's strength is determined by the number of wings it possesses, with one pair of wings being low-class and six pairs of wings being the highest an angel can go, the Seraph-Class.

From that, I mixed it with the ranking system of my previous world, and this is what I got.

F-Rank = Normal Human

E-Rank = Low-class.

D-Rank = Middle-Class.

C-Rank = High-Class

B-Rank = Ultimate-Class

A-Rank = Satan/Seraph/Cadre

S-Rank = Gods/Super Devils

SS-Rank = ???

I also divided all the classes into five stages:

Lowest Level (1-2)

Low Level (3-4)

Mid Level (5-6)

High Level (7-8)

Peak Level (9-10)

The ranking is basic and could change when I get more information about the world.

Then, I also like to add two different modifiers that can be applied to ranks, + and -.

The "+" modifier represents the capacity of a temporary boost in power while. The "-" modifier indicates a rank that has a number that is not reliably stable, technically qualifying for that rank but not quite reaching the rank in terms of power or ability and possibly being even closer to the next rank down.

For example, if I had the strength of E+ Rank, then I could temporarily reach the strength of the D Rank.

But for now, I would rank myself around Low-Level Low-Class due to my higher amount of Light Power and my augmentation spell.

But the biggest problem I have is my inability to do most magic, and that will hold me back.

I flipped to an empty page in my notepad and started designing the artifacts I would later ask Uncle Azazel for.

I began designing an artifact with the ability of dimensional storage, resembling a ring I had previously owned. I sketched the design and noted its functions and mechanisms.

I became engrossed in the process and began documenting ideas for other artifacts, including those for healing and spell-release purposes.

Now that I think about it, isn't that something similar to how the Sacred Gears work in this world?

"Sacred Gears..." I mumbled to myself.

God's Artifacts...

They are almost the same thing as I need to make, so I could study them and make something like an Artificial Sacred Gear.

I started writing more notes about what I know about Sacred Gears and possible methods to make them.




I spent several hours engrossed in my designs, with particular attention given to the twin swords. These swords were crucial as they would enable me to channel my Mana without any wastage.

To achieve this, I needed to find a material that would be highly conductive, durable, and easily altered using Alteration. I pondered over the possible materials and wrote down the word 'Material?' on my notepad as my white wings fluttered behind me.

"Hahh..." I sighed, closing my notepad and going to sleep.


Author's Note:

Thank you for reading this chapter.

If you enjoy this story, remember to vote and leave a review if you haven't.

Just to make some things clear.

Elijah doesn't know anything about DxD as it didn't exist in his world.

He will have a harem, but a small one. The exact number isn't decided, but I'm thinking about 3-4.

I plan to upload only one chapter a week, as I don't have much time to write. I would rather have more time to write one longer chapter than think of random filler stuff just to have more chapters.

(Today will be the three chapters.)

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


