Mia avoided Ford for the next several days, as much as she was able to. He'd avoided her for a long time, and turnabout was fair play, wasn't it?
There was a bit of resentment in her for it, though she knew she couldn't really justify her feelings. At least, not entirely. She would have avoided her father as well, if she were in Ford's shoes.
Seth glared at Ford almost every waking moment. Mia had overheard Grandpa talking to her father about how invaluable Ford would be for the rescue, and Seth had somewhat belligerently agreed that it was in their best interests to have him help, but that didn't mean the man had to like it.
Grandpa had seemed amused, but let the matter drop.
Mia was still mulling over Anaisa's words about love and guarding her heart. What did that mean, exactly? How did one go about it?
If guarding meant 'keeping safe from harm,' then the only way Mia knew to keep her heart safe from harm was to keep it away from Ford!
Eh, what you doing? Sneaking?