84% Dreamers Insanity - Pokemon Fanfic / Chapter 21: Will To Power

章 21: Will To Power

The last time Jared visited the Tapu Battlegrounds, he merely checked in at the reception desk and proceeded directly to the elevator, which offered only four floors. However, this time, he was taken aback by the grandeur of the elevator, which had more than thirty floors, indicating the massive size of the place. He had only now realized that he had grossly underestimated this place.

Beside each button was a label; the bottom one read General Trainer Support and Registration, while the ones above it were Copper, Bronze, Silver, and Gold. The other buttons were labelled differently, such as Training, Administration, Reserved, and Private. Several other people in the elevator had already started pushing buttons, prompting Jared to select the lowest one. The elevator doors then shut, and Jared could feel himself descending rapidly, prompting him to grasp the handrail tightly while eliciting amusement from some of the other passengers.

As Jared rode the elevator, the doors frequently opened to reveal fleeting glimpses of different floors. Each one seemed to follow a similar pattern: long reception desks, either crowded or sparse with people waiting, and guards bristling with two or more pokeballs at the ready.

The bottom floor was no exception, with elevators opening and closing sporadically as people came and went. After getting in line, no more than ten minutes passed when it was Jared's turn. Jared approached a friendly-looking receptionist who didn't seem to judge him by his appearance.

"Welcome to Tapu Battlegrounds general reception, sir. How may I assist you today?" she asked with a smile.

Jared explained his purpose for being there and asked some general questions, but he was disappointed by the answer to his most pressing inquiry.

As the receptionist finished explaining the pricing scheme to Jared, he couldn't help but feel a bit of heartache, "100 poke a month just to participate?" he asked, incredulous.

The receptionist nodded, her expression friendly but professional. "Yes sir, and 25 poke to participate in a copper rank match, while winning will award you 35 poke. If you don't like the monthly cost, you will be happy to know that this fee will be waived after moving up to bronze rank."

Jared considered this for a moment before posing another question. "What about anonymity, how should I go about that?"

"It's simple sir, if you wish to disguise yourself before or after a match, you can rent a private transporter to remove or add your disguise after the match to send you to a random unused space anywhere in the building. There are countless possible locations, from unused bathroom stalls to random small rooms spread across most floors made for just this purpose."

Already knowing about this feature from reading about it, but never seeing in practice, he asked, "Teleportation... What's the cost?"

The receptionist replied with a raised eyebrow, as if wondering if this is what he really wanted, "100 poke for two uses. You can purchase the access cards here, but after both uses are used up, you will need to buy more. However you can buy as many as you want to save the trip down here."

Jared's eye twitched at the mention of the price, and the receptionist seemed to notice, "This feature is usually used by more well known trainers to avoid their fans, so I wouldn't recommended it generally."

The elevator whirred to life and began ascending. After thanking the receptionist and asking a few more questions, Jared left the registration desk feeling disappointed. With less than ten poke to his name, he couldn't even afford to register, let alone compete in the battles.

As he walked through the bustling crowds, he suddenly stopped and realized he and overlooked a critical error! He had never been in a Pokemon battle before, and even if he had the funds and managed to disguise himself, his inexperience would give him away. There was no way he could pass as a disguised expert who just happened to have a Gastly!

The anonymity offered by the transporter was great, however his inexperience was the problem. People weren't stupid, any giveaways would greatly narrow down the list of suspects. Jared knew that people might not care enough to uncover his identity in the first two weeks, but once they realized that his Gastly wasn't going away, they would start digging. Unfortunately, he couldn't seek out a teacher to help him with Gastly because that would defeat the purpose of keeping Gastly hidden. But Even if he could find someone trustworthy, he was dead broke.

To make matters worse, Gastly's childish gloating was starting to grate on his nerves, making him decide to start hiding his thoughts. Jared had big plans, and he was growing increasingly annoyed that every little idea he had was immediately scrutinized.

Instead of heading home like Gastly had expected, he found his trainer had opted to wander around the slums, engaging with anyone who was willing to give him the time of day, and fortunately, many were. Due to his unassuming attire, the residents were more receptive and open to conversation. It was through these brief and sometimes lengthy exchanges that Jared eventually discovered what he had been searching for.

"I'm bored. How long are you going to keep walking around? What are you thinking about? I haven't heard you in a long time. Why do you hide things from me?" Gastly inquired.

"Stop nagging me, we're seeking a way to earn money discreetly. And how can this be boring for you? Weren't you the one who spent most of your time haunting your old house, and occasionally scaring passers-by who peered inside the windows during the day?" Jared retorted.

"But that was before..."

Disregarding Gastly's ceaseless antics, Jared pressed on until he stood before a sizable building called "The Rusty Rhyhorn," which looked like it had once been a residence turned bar.

From what he was told, officially, the "establishment" was a hub where the honourable denizens of the downtrodden district could find cheap drink and sometimes employment by accepting assignments that ranged from rare pokemon procurement to gathering information, performing odd jobs, and engaging in miscellaneous tasks of varying legality. Unofficially, however, they would do anything for money, and Jared had even received a couple of warnings about being swindled.

The reek of smoke wafted out from the outside, as Jared would expect for such a place. Jared quickly noted a sign that he took to mean that pokemon were not allowed in. Jared had learned to understand this after seeing many other businesses using it.

Despite his initial reservations, Jared's impression changed considerably once he crossed the threshold. The interior was warm and even cosy. Despite the pervasive stench of smoke and alcohol, the place was brightly illuminated, and the tables and bar area were far cleaner than he had expected. Although some of the patrons appeared rough, they seemed to know each other, laughing and conversing over drinks.

Jared had anticipated a dimly lit bar filled with armed and masked men, based on his experience watching crime dramas and documentaries about shady businesses on Earth. However, as he walked into the establishment, he was surprised to find that it was quite nice and welcoming. Jared reasoned that perhaps to most people, it was just a place where hardworking folks could drink inexpensive beer and shake off some of the outside gloom.)

Seated at the bar counter, a towering, burly man sporting a scar that ran down his left cheek greeted Jared with a warm smile and struck up a polite conversation while he wiped down a glass mug. "Greetings, sir. It's always refreshing to see a new face. Would you like to quench your thirst with our finest drink for just two poke tonight?"

With only a measly 5 poke left to his name, Jared declined the offer and got straight to business. "No, I'm not here to drink. I've heard that this is the place to come for business."

The bald man's frown distorted his scar as he scrutinized Jared from head to toe before gesturing with his thumb. "It's the next room over, but don't go wandering aimlessly ya hear?"

Following a narrow hallway, Jared arrived in a smaller room where four men were engrossed in a card game at the tables.

Jared cleared his throat to try and get their attention, but the three men continued to whisper amongst themselves, casting glances in his direction. The fourth man, however, stood up and beckoned Jared over to a nearby table. He cupped his hands together and asked, "Are you here to make a request?"

"No, I'm looking for work."

Suddenly, one of the three men clapped his hands on the table and burst into laughter. "Alright, pay up sucker."

The man's sudden outburst caught Jared off guard, and he turned back to the fourth man, who looked like had had lost a bet. "I should have known by looking at you. Why do I bother?"

Confused, Jared furrowed his brow. "I don't understand."

The man scowled. "Listen, mate. We don't have anything that's suitable for you, and we don't give handouts. Go back to the bar and don't waste my time."

"How do you know what I'm capable of?" Jared asked defensively.

The man who was previously laughing stood up and made his way over to Jared, then he draped his arm around his neck and addressed the other, "Listen, Hani, he may not look like much, but you can't judge a book by its cover. Who knows, he might be perfect for one of the jobs we got."

Hani shook his head in disapproval, "He's unarmed, we don't need any unnecessary attention that could ruin our reputation even further."

"What's the job?" Jared innocently asked, causing Hani to click his tongue. "Just forget this conversation and head back to the bar. You won't find easy money, only death. I'm serious, and Malo, take your arm off him and let him leave."

Malo stood up and held his hands up as if he were offended. "I was just being friendly with the bloke," he laughed and said. "But man, this job pays so well." Then he winked at Jared. "Even if there is a tiny risk, you can handle it, right guy?"

Hani's booming voice echoed in the small room as he shouted, "MALO ENOUGH."

Before Malo could respond, Jared spoke up, "Even if there is some risk, I still want to hear the job," which earned him a victorious laugh from Malo, who patted him on the back, while a deep sigh from Hani who adjusted his spectacles and stood up, only leaving curses under his breath as he fumed away, "Why do I bother when every day a new fool is born?"

Taking Hani's vacated seat, Malo patted the table and assured Jared, "Finally, someone with guts. Don't worry, it's not that bad. You can easily get in and out. Just gotta keep your eyes open a little, no biggie."

"Alright, so what do you need me to do?"


Walking through the clearing, Jared approached the dense forests a four miles outside of town, Gastly's voice echoed in Jared's mind, "You seem tired already. We should reconsider and search for an alternative? That nice ranger warned us too!"

"They only wanted to deter me because they didn't see a poke ball on my belt. Moreover, we need to engage in battles so that you and me can learn how to fight." replied Jared, resolute in his decision.

"But I have never been in a fight before. I don't want to." whined Gastly.

Overcome with frustration, Jared came to an abrupt halt and resolved to voice his thoughts before moving any further. "Gastly, do you want me to release you? Because I am willing to do so," he lied.

"Why would you say that? No, I don't want to!" replied Gastly, confused by Jared's sudden threat.

You have seen some of my memories, so you must know why I chose to become partners with you, right?"

Gastly responded, "No... I only saw a little... I enjoyed watching television shows the most, and I can't see more unless you give them to me."

Jared sighed, shaking his head, "Well, I need to become a proper trainer, which means I need to fight. If you don't fight, then you are of no use to me. I'll break our bond, and you can return to your old life."

Instead of a reply, indiscernible sounds filled his mind, then pleading, "Please, no. They'll consume me, and then I'll forget everything!"

"How important is your name to you?" Jared said, stone faced.

"I need it with everything I have..."

"Okay, then how do you expect to get it if you were on your own?" he asked.

"I... can't," Gastly replied, sounding defeated.

"Why was your name taken in the first place then?"

Gastly fell silent, so Jared treated it as a rhetorical question, and continued, "It's because you are weak," he stated bluntly. "Big fish eats little fish, that's how things work here. Do you want to be a small fish all your life?"

Gastly hesitated before replying in a small voice, "No..."

"Why do you think the haunters are so much bigger than you? Isn't it because they fought hard for it?" Jared pressed.


Hearing the half-hearted reply, Jared shook his head, while lowering his tone, "Listen, I'm just a human. I don't know how long ghosts live, but it's a lot longer than me. Even if I protect you until I die, what will you do after that? Will you be content being bullied by the haunters once again?"

"No, I hate them"

"Well then, what are you going to do about it?"

"I... understand now. I'll fight for you," Gastly pouted.

Jared shook his head, "That's not good enough. You shouldn't be doing it just because I want you to. We have a huge wall to climb, and a short time to do it. I don't need a half-hearted weakling. I want a strong warrior who fights for his name. I am confident you can do it."

"You are?" Gastly asked, surprised by the vote of confidence.

"Yes I am, but only if you can promise to me, and most importantly to yourself, that you will give it everything you've got, then and only then will I guarantee that you will get your name back," Jared declared.

"I swear I will give it my all and fight to get my name back!" Gastly responded with determination.

"Alright then!"

Jared couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction with Gastly's response, though he knew that it would take much more than a few pep talks to transform the timid ghost into the warrior he needed. Although Gastly may have once been the ghost of a small child, he was now a creature that thrived on pain and misery, and Jared believed that Gastly should start acting like it.

Unlike the tropical palm trees and spindly bushes that typically lined the coastline, the flora further inland was vastly different.

As Jared ventured deeper into the mountains, the elevation steadily increased, reminding him that he was now on the slopes of Mt. Lanakila. Sparse vegetation gave way to lush, verdant forests of towering trees, interspersed with gurgling creeks and streams that seemed to appear at every turn.

Jared had discovered from the map that the city had been constructed beside a river, and he was now reminded of it as he made his way through the forest. Despite the city's later expansion, the same river still supplied water to the entire city.

With a stone in hand, and bag on his back, Jared chipped little arrows into the tree bark, determined to use these markings to prevent himself from getting lost and as an easy way to find his way back. He knew that while the flowing creeks would lead to the ocean, the chance of it leading to civilization was small, so he wanted some insurance.

The tree canopy above him filtered most of the sunlight, casting the ground into a dimly-lit world of fallen leaves and twigs that crunched loudly underfoot. The only sounds were his footsteps and the occasional rustling of leaves as the wind blew through the trees, creating an eerie silence that enveloped him. Jared had been warned that there would be no rangers coming to rescue him once he set foot in this place. Thus, he couldn't help but be cautious as he listened to the strange sounds and calls in the distance and breathed in the unfamiliar smells.

Jared already knew about most of the fauna that lay beyond Tapu City, and read that one needed a team or a skilled trainer to insure their safety. Though most of the wild pokemon posed little threat for one very good reason. In this forest there was an apex predator highly specialized from ambush hunting. Weepinbell, could spell doom for the unwary. Despite their seemingly harmless appearance, with their bell-like bodies, lack of legs, and peculiar eyes, Weepinbell were notorious for being responsible for nearly all disappearances in the forest.

Therefore, as soon as Jared entered the dense treeline, he had released Gastly from his body and ordered him to hover overhead, alert and watchful for any signs of lurking Weepinbell. These fearsome creatures were known to wait in the canopy, ready to fall down on unsuspecting prey and dissolve them with their potent acid.

While there were plenty of Weedle and Cocoona everywhere, Jared wasn't worried about being assaulted by Beedrill. Once born, these fierce flying insects migrated to a different mountain far to the north on a mountain range named MT Hokulani, only returning just before winter to mate, but it was still summer now. Interestingly enough, the space between these mountain ranges was where the seat of power for all four of Alola's islands was located, the mountain fortress of Hakono'o.

A lone Weedle crawling by, while Jared stepped closer for a better look. Perhaps noticing him, the Weedle suddenly turned towards him, emitting a high-pitched squeal as it raised its head, daring him to come closer and feel the venom of the sharp point protruding from its head. Despite its attempt at intimidation, Jared wasn't concerned about the slow-moving creature; he knew its moves and could easily walk away.

Not seeing any other Pokémon around, he spoke in his mind, "Gastly, everything clear up there?"


"Good. Come down, I've got a little challenge for you."

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C21
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


