33.33% Dragon Soul: Ryu Senko / Chapter 5: Maelstrom and the Flower

章 5: Maelstrom and the Flower

Author Kami style: Timeskip no Jutsu: 1 month!

The last month for Naruto has been both grueling and satisfying. He was now at least low to mid Chunnin in his taijutsu, something he was VERY proud of. He has read basically the entire shinobi library and could answer questions that would make Sakura feel like she knew nothing. Of course the biggest improvement was his chakra control. Since he rarely went to team meetings anymore, he simply sent his reinforced Kage Bunshin instead, He trained almost nonstop with clones on it. He has completed the tree and water walking exercises as well as putting 20 leaves on his body for both of those. He still had slight trouble with Senbon Balancing but had Kunai Balancing and rotation to an art form. Of course training for the Rasengan almost required him to be an expert in rotation. He currently had about high Chunnin nearing low Jounin Chakra Control. He didn't learn anymore Jutsu aside from Shunshin and summoning. Surprisingly, Naruto seemed to be more than adept at seals. Already, he could make modified explosive notes. However he needed better instruction to advance and unfortunatly seals were NOT in Sora's repetoire of abilites. O did I mention Naruto can use a one handed Rasengan in under 5 seconds? (Thats right no pansy ass shadow clone wastage!)

Sora had been RUTHLESS in his taijutsu training. Naruto had such a screwed up sense of the basic academy stance that he spent the first week and most of the second fixing his forms! Sora left Naruto by himself for most of his other training seeing as he didn't need a watchdog. Unfortunatly, with all this training Naruto hadn't seen his friends for awhile and this included Hana. Sora knew Naruto needed a break and Sora could use a few days to set his next step into motion. So he called Naruto over and had him sit down.

"Listen, Naruto, you have done REMARKABLY well in this past month. As a reward, I want you to treat yourself to ramen today and then spend the next two days relaxing before we continue again alright?"" Sora said. Naruto nodded and smiled brightly, "Good. Now when we start back up your taijutsu training will continue as planned but your chakra control will lessen slightly. Instead for 2 hours a day... O sorry here take this card and pump some chakra into it please?" Sora said kindly. Naruto simply took the card and pumped some chakra as he was asked and Sora's grin nearly split his face in half! Naruto's card crumpled so hard on itself it was only about as big as a grape. "HEHE well boy you have an INSANELY high lightning affinity!" Now luckily Naruto had read up on all the Elemental Compsitions so he didn't need an explanation. "We will be spending 2 hours a day on Lightning manipulation and another 2 on evasive techniques while your clones work on control understand?" Naruto nodded and Sora shooed him off. Naruto hopped up and bolted for Ichiraku's at a speed comparable to Sasuke's. 'He Kakkashi I don't know why you ignored this genuis but its your loss and my gain!' Sora thought smiling.

Ichiraku Ramen Stand: 12:00 PM

Naruto was busily slurping down his ramen when Team 8 walked into the stand. So first, we have the stoic Aburame Shino, he doesn't talk much but he was always a logical and loyal friend. Next, we have the loudmouthed Kiba Inuzuka, brother to Hana and an old prankster buddy of Naruto's. He was followed by Hinata Hyuuga. Now she used to have a MAMMOTH sized crush on Naruto but luckily, or unluckily depending on who you ask, Kurenai broke her crush and in doing so was able to drop her stuttering to only around her father. They all walked in and sat down before ordering.

Shino was staring at the man next to him. Naruto looked up and Shino and they nodded to each other before returning to their meals. "Hey who's that your nodding to Shino?" Kiba yelled.

Shino simply replied, "Naruto Uzumaki"

Now that the rest of Team 8 took a good look they noticed the bright orange wearing idiot was gone and they seemed to have a calm and collected shinobi in their presence. "No way! Naruto always wears orange and yells everything he says!" Kiba said.

"Ano, Shino is right Kiba. That is Naruto-kun, he just changed his clothes. Look at his whiskers." Hinata said softly.

Naruto looked up and said, "Ya Kiba its me! I've been training hard lately so I guess We haven't really seen each other much huh?"

Kiba nodded and said, "So you FINALLY got rid of that orange thing huh? What you been training in? Kurenai-sensei has us doing teamwork exercises and learning from our clans. Nee-san is teaching me a new move! I'll have it down in no time."

Kurenai smiled seeing her students mood seemed to have brightened at seeing Naruto. Even Shino was listening intently! "Yes Naruto, what has Kakkashi been teaching you?'

Naruto's visage darkened, "Kakkashi has taught me tree walking and leaf balancing while tree walking."

Kurenai frowned along with the rest of her team, "Surely he taught you more than that?"

Naruto's eyes flashed with anger, "Nope nothing else Kurenai-sensei. That is all I have been taught in the past 4 months on my team. Sakura is barely better but she doesn't really train she just claims exhaustion and watches the Uchiha who has been taught, from what I can tell, at least 5 more fire Jutsu along with advanced chakra control and taijutsu training. O and he didn't teach us tree walking until our C ranked mission a month ago where we faced Zabuza Momochi and his apprentice."

Kiba yelled, "What the Hell! Kurenai-sensei you taught us tree walking our first week together."

Kurenai looked disturbed, "Naruto? Tell me what have you really been doing this past month?"

Naruto looked at Kurenai and sighed, "I have been training in a taijutsu style called Kitsune-ken. I have also been working on advanced chakra control by making shadow clones and henging them into various people around town and having them read in the library. I am tired of being called stupid so I decided to change that." Team 8 was shocked. While they didn't get a full rundown of his abilities, it was obvious this was NOT the same Naruto everyone knew. "But enough about that, listen, I have the next few days off. What do you say we get a few of the Genin teams together and all go out for dinner? It'd be nice to know about other people we may run missions with in the future."

Kurenai nodded in acceptance, "Good idea Naruto why don't you let me invite some of the Jounin sensei and a few of my friends as well?"

Naruto smiled, "That'd be great Kurenai-sensei. I'll ask my team but I doubt they will come. Still I will bring a new friend I made if that is fine with you?"

Kurenai smiled, "Sounds good what do you think team? Tomorrow say 7 PM?"

They all nodded and said their goodbyes. Naruto decided to take Shiroi to Hana for a checkup. Not to mention he hadn't seen her in awhile and actually felt sad at that.

Hokage's office: 12:30 PM

A silver flash entered the office, "Yo Wyrm!" Sora said smiling.

The old Hokage nearly had a heart attack, "Dammit Sora! Your almost as bad as Naruto!" Of course Sora knew that the Hokage was reading his Icha Icha right before he entered.

Sora smirked, "I wish! Hatchling could sneak in here while you were reading and steal your book from under your nose!"

Sarutobi shook his head, "That he could. What do you need Sora? I haven't seen you since that council meeting."

Sora grew serious, "yes well, It seems Naruto is progressing faster than I thought. I need someone to train him in evasion."

Sarutobi thought for a minute but he was interupted by Sora, "I was going through the village and its outskirts when I came across a huge forest. I think the woman inside called it, 'The Forest of death'? I dunno"

Sarutobi paled and said, "She didn't..."

Sora smiled, "Of course she attacked me! Still that was some of the best evasion training of my life! Can you get her to help me with Naruto?"

Sarutobi sighed, "Are you sure? She may just kill him."

Sora shook his head, "Nah! She never aimed to outright maim or kill. Although she WAS trying to hurt me. In any case, is that ok with you?"

Sarutobi nodded and clicked a button, "Satsume? Could you please send for Anko Mitarashi? thank You."

Sora grew serious once more, "Why did I feel devil's youkai coming from her?"

Sarutobi's face looked grave, "If your want an explanation, wait for her it is a very private issue for her. I will assure you she is fully human and in control of her actions."

Sora nodded and the doors flew open, "Hey Old Man! Need me to kill someone?" Anko said as she walked in, not unlike a certain blonde-haired container. Suddenly she froze, "YOU!" she lunged at Sora who simply sidestepped her and watched her fly behind the desk.

Sarutobi glared at Anko, "Enough! I know he was in your forest but he is here for a reason."

Anko was not happy. The Forest of Death was HER home. The only place she could get away from the villagers. "FINE! What do you need and why is he here?" Anko said a little more harshly than intended. After a glare from the Hokage she bowed her head and apologized. As she did that Sora noticed the mark on her neck. 'What demon would mark her? Rather HOW did a demon get close enough to mark her and escape unnoticed?'

Sarutobi nodded and said, "Anko, I have a mission for you. You are to assist Sora here in training a young ninja who needs some help."

Anko was flabbergasted, "You know I don't work well with kids! Why would you assign me to help him?"

Sora cleared his throat, "I asked for you specifically. He needs evasion training and, as much as I enjoyed our little cat and mouse, I believe you are exceedingly proficient in thrown weapons and he would benefit greatly from this. Not to mention he heals incredibly fast so you can throw as close as you want with no lethal wounds."

Anko was actually considering it, "What do I get if I do this? My time isn't cheap and..."

Sora looked at her and replied, "I will pay you in one of two ways. Either monetary compensation, OR, if you tell me the story behind that mark on your neck... I may be inclined to remove it."

Both Anko and Sarutobi had their mouths agape. "You can remove the Curse Seal!" he asked incredibly.

"Curse Seal?" Sora asked confused.

Anko walked up to him and grabbed his shirt, "DON'T TOY WITH ME! WHO SENT YOU!" She started shaking him yelling obscenities and was obviously pissed. Through all this Sora was simply observing this so called , Curse Seal, 'hmmmm its not a mark in the true sense just a bastardized version. now I see why its a seal.'

Sarutobi grabbed Anko and pulled her back, "ANKO! calm down!" Anko was seething and glaring at Sora but Sarutobi said, "Enough Anko. This man has my full trust." He turned his gaze to Sora and Sora actually felt slightly scared, "And you! I told you it was personal! You should not have toyed with her."

Sora shook his head, "I meant what I said. What I meant by asking of the Curse Seal is that I believed it to be a demon's mating mark at first. Therefore I was confused when she referred to it in such a manner. To be honest, That seal is a bastardized Mating mark. I am no seal expert but you cannot remove that mark through sealing at least to my knowledge."

Anko crumbled, "So I can never be free of him?"

Sora sighed, "Did I not just say I can remove it? Well not so much remove as replace with something far more beneficial."

Anko stared at him with hopeful and suspicious eyes, "What do you mean replace?"

Sora looked at her and said, "Simple a stronger demon or dragon can overpower this seal and turn it into their own mate mark. This would free you from HIM, whoever he is, but you would be bonded to another until you die."

Sarutobi spoke up, "Now hold on a minute. Anko think this through carefully. Sora, you too, after all you would be her mate corect?"

Sora nodded and Anko looked deep in thought, "Yes I would. However, I have been alone for most of my life. I would not mind marking her and letting her do as she pleases. I can tell a mask when I see one Sarutobi. Naruto wears his still although his silliness has actually rubbed into his personality."

Anko looked at Sora, "What does being a mate entail?"

Sora looked at her slightly surprised, "Well bascially mates are husband and wife, Sexual partners, lovers, etc. etc."

Anko seemed a little wary. Contrary to popular belief she held onto her virginity for many years and she wasn't about to go giving it up to some guy she hardly knew. She only dressed this way because it helped distract her enemies. "I... I'll have to think about it." she replied.

"Fair enough." Sora said, "But will you help me train Naruto?"

She nodded, "Ya alright. But the gaki better not be like the rest of these villagers or he's gonna be a pincushion."

Sora chuckled,"You have no idea."

Sarutobi just sighed as they walked out. He looked at Anko's retreating form then at Sora's and smiled, "Maybe, just maybe, He can break that mask."

Inuzuka Clinic: 1 PM

Naruto walked in with Shiroi in his arms. She was now slightly larger than a new born kitten but not fully grown. Thankfully she could still fit in his side pocket but those days wouldn't last much longer. Hana looked up from behind the counter and smiled. While she wouldn't admit it to anyone but herself, she missed Naruto.

"Hey Hana-chan! Shiroi grew a little so I wanna make sure she's growing fine plus I haven't seen you in awhile." Naruto said vibrantly

"Hey Naruto-kun. Its good to see you too. Come to the back and we can get little Shiroi-chan a checkup." Hana said blushing lightly at the fact that he wanted to see her. They walked in the back and She began to run jutsu's on Shiroi who sat there quietly. "So Naruto, what have you been upto lately?" Hana said innocently.

"O just training and getting stronger Hana-chan." Naruto said smiling.

Hana smiled right back and said, "You must be pretty strong by now huh?"

Naruto seemed to shine at the praise, "Yep Aniki said I could probably take a Chuunin in taijutsu now."

Hana nodded, "If Sora-san said so then it must be true. He is a good fighter after all."

Naruto scratched the back of his head, "Ya, Its great to have him train me. His breakfasts are great but he never has time to make me anything for lunch."

Hana was done with Shiroi but she kept doing meaning less jutsu to keep Naruto there, "Hmmm? So you never have lunch?"

Naruto shook his head, "No I usually just make myself a sandwich or something because he won't let me have ramen." There was a slight pause in his voice but he continued, "But its fine after all I never had anyone to make me food anyways." He chuckled and scratched his head which Hana now noticed meant he was nervous. At the same time she felt sad, 'no one has ever made him lunch? At least when I went to school, Mom made my bento's and when she was busy she had taught me how to. Now that I think about it... He's really never had anyone huh? Well thats gonna change' she thought with conviction. 'And maybe we can turn this to our advantage!' Hana's feral side threw in, although Hana didn't seem to notice at that time.

"Hey Naruto-kun what do you say you join me on the Hokage Monument tomorrow for lunch?" Hana said with a smile

"Re-Really Hana-chan?" Naruto asked with a light in his eyes.

"Sure Naruto-kun, I would enjoy spending some time with you." Hana replied, 'Heh maybe we can do more than just "spend time" with him.' 'NO BAD FERAL SIDE! He is still only 13 right now!' Hana thought.

"Thanks Hana-chan! I'll be there. Say 11:30?" Naruto said while thinking, 'Could this be considered a date? I sure hope so. I've been trying to get her to notice me for almost two years now!'

Hana nodded and said, "Well, Shiroi is all fine. I'm glad to see your taking such good care of her."

Naruto beamed once again, "Ah well you know... O before I forget! Tomorrow evening a bunch of the Genins and Jounin sensei are gathering at a local Karaoke bar for dinner. Would you like to come?"

Hana thought for a second, "Sure why not? It'll be fun! Kurenai is a Jounin sensei, will she be there?"

Naruto nodded furiously, "Ya shes the one who suggested the bar and is asking the other senseis."

Hana smiled and said, "Good I'll see you tomorrow and don't bring anything! OK?"

Naruto nodded and picked up Shiroi. He bolted for the door but stopped right before he opened it, "Cya tomorrow Hana-chan!" and he disappeared. She smiled and then giggled. O she was gonna have fun tomorrow!

Naruto's House: 7 PM

Naruto walked in after wandering the streets for awhile. "Yo bro you home yet?" He asked

"Ya Naruto. I'm in the kitchen. Dinner'll be done in a minute!" Sora answered from the small kitchen.

Naruto nodded and proceeded to set the table for him and his brother before setting out some raw meat for Shiroi who eyed it hungrily before becoming a blur of white and claws. She suddenly stopped and her dish was spinning , anime style, while licking her paw. Not a drop of blood or piece of meat left anywhere! "I swear your worse than me Shiroi-chan!" Naruto said smiling.

She seemed to smile sheepishly before Sora called out, "Dinners ready Naruto!" Naruto chuckled and went over to the table. When he sat down, Shiroi jumped into his lap and curled into a ball and promptly took a nap. Dinner was nothing extravagant, just some curry with rice.

"Hey Aniki? tomorrow night me and the other gennin teams are going to a Karaoke Bar. You wanna come?" Naruto asked.

"Hmmmmmm sure should be fun right?" Sora said.

Naruto smiled, "Ya it should." His eyes seemed to take a distant look and Sora smiled, "Of course lunch is gonna be more fun right otouto?" Sora said cunningly.

Naruto sputtered red faced for a few seconds before answering nervously, "What could you mean Aniki?"

Sora chuckled, "You should really learn to destroy your scent even if you aren't training Naruto. I can smell Hana's scent all over you."

Naruto went red faced but sighed, "She asked me to join her for lunch tomorrow atop the monument. Thing is I don't know if its a date or just because she pities me. And I do not want to be pitied!"

Sora got serious, he knew Naruto didn't have any experiance and this wasn't the time for teasing him, "Listen, Just go with the flow. Do what comes naturally and whatever you do DON'T insult her cooking. That's the best advice I have for you. I think she doesn't pity you as much as she just wants you to be happy." Sora said

Naruto thought it over a bit and smiled, "Thanks Aniki. I'll do that."

Sora smiled, "Good. Relax and it'll be easier alright?"

Naruto nodded. "Good now get to bed. You can train LIGHTLY in the morning before taking a shower before lunch." Sora said and they both turned in for the night. One with dreams of a brown haired goddess and the other with hopes for the future.

Midnight: location unknown

"Report!" A shadowy figure said.

"Sir, The one known as Sora seems to be training the Kyuubi child." a monotone voice replied.

"I see. Continue observation until such time as I recall you. Do not get caught!" The figure said.

"Hai Shishou!" The monotone voice repliedand disappeared into the night.

The moon shifted and hit the figure. Danzo sat in his chair mulling over this information. 'I will find out what you are upto and claim the Kyuubi's power for myself!'

Next Day 11: 25 AM

Hana smiled. She had just finished setting up the blanket and assortment of sushi and several bowls of Ramen for Naruto all homemade. She had closed the clinic for the day with permission from her mother who and I quote told her to , "Mate with the dragon and give me grandpups to spoil already!" Needless to say Hana had blushed crimson and yelled at her mom for that. Although her feral side was becoming more active with each passing moment. It didn't help that last night she had dreamt of what he would look like when he came back. All those muscles, and that long hard... 'HOLD IT HANA! He's not there yet jeese am I really that horny?' she asked herself. 'Yes you silly girl! Your 17 nearing 18 and you have yet to claim a mate OF COURSE your horny!' her feral side replied. 'Alright alright so I'm horny I just have to wait three months!' She thought. 'Maybe for sex but that doesn't mean you can't satisfy your need for companionship.'

It was at this time Naruto had walked into the clearing and yelled to Hana, "HEY HANA-CHAN!"

Hana smiled and replied, "Good Naruto I'm glad you made it!"

Naruto beamed and took a whiff of the food as he sat down, "Of Course! I wouldn't miss this for the world. This ramen smells heavenly."

Hana blushed lightly, "Thank you. I worked hard on them. I hope you like them."

Naruto took a page from Hana and blushed as well, 'DAMN she's cute when she blushes'. He smiled and took a bite. His eyes widened and he almost dropped the bowl yelling, "Amazing! what did you do to this ramen? I've never tasted this before!"

She smiled with a light blush, "Nothing its just regular steak ramen with the Inuzuka spices in it."

He smiled brightly, "You gotta make me some more when we have lunch again!"

She was a little taken aback and quietly munched on her sushi. 'Did he really mean that? So he wants to have lunch again huh?'

Inwardly Naruto was a little freaked and thought, 'Uh Oh, I guess she didn't wanna have lunch with me again.'

"Ummmm I'm sorry Hana. I didn't mean to force you to cook for me again." Naruto said sadly.

"Huh?" she said, 'Whys he sad I thought he wanted me to do it again?'

"I mean you don't have to do this again Hana. I appreciate the thought but I don't like being pitied." Naruto replied

'hmmmmmm wait he wanted me to do it again and now hes saying I don't have to? Why would... O Crap! He thought the silence meant I didn't want to!' Hana looked right at Naruto, " Naruto. I'm sorry I forgot you haven't had much interaction ummmmmmm."

"Whats wrong Hana-chan?" Naruto asked.

She blushed and just decided to come out with it. He'd never figure it out anyway."Listen Naruto, I DO want to cook for you again. I was just embarassed you liked it so much. Also I'm not pitying you. You always bring a smile to my face just by being around me so I just wanted to return the favor." She blushed a deeper red, "Besides I'd like to spend more time with you."

Naruto was astonished. She WANTED to spend more time with him? No one ever told him that! about three minutes later Hana was a little annoyed.

"Yo earth to Naruto-kun!" She said snapping her fingers infront of his face.

"HUH! O yeah sorry Hana-chan. Its just... are you sure? I know the villagers don't treat people who associate with me well and ..." Naruto said

Hana cut him off, "Those people are fools! You are one of the kindest people I know Naruto. Nt to mention one of a VERY small portion of men who aren't perverted. And why wouldn't I want to be around someone who makes me smile?" she asked with a smile.

Naruto beamed, "Well then I'd be more than happy to have lunch with you anyday Hana-chan! But can we try and keep it low key? I don't want you being persecuted if I can help it."

Hana nodded but sighed, "Fine, if you want, but don't expect me to back down if someone insults you!"

Naruto nodded but inwardly he was doing a loony Bugs Bunny!(You know when he bounces off of every wall and that stuff? Ya that!)'She wants to spend more time with me! Maybe she likes me too?'

Hana smiled, "Why don't we go get ready for the Kaoroke tonight? Its already three."

Naruto nodded, "I'll see you there Hana-chan!"

Hana smirked, "Sure Naruto-kun see you there." She packed up the lunch and quickly walked home to get ready. She wanted to see what would happen tonight.

Karaoke Bar: 7 PM

Most everyone had come. Sasuke, Sakura and Kakkashi had, of course, skipped out and some guy named Neji hadn't come from Team 9. However, Choji, Shikamaru, Ino, Hinata, Kiba, Naruto, Lee, Tenten, Yugao, Hayate (Yugao's fiance), Hana, Kurenai, Gai, Asuma (because Kurenai dragged him), Sora, and, even, Anko had shown up. Surprisingly the place wasn't overly crowded but it did have quite a few people there. Theirs was the largest group by far though.

Kurenai tapped her glass after everyone had ordered and said, "Now that we are all here why don't we say a little about ourselves." Now everyone reintroduced themselves with the same basic idea as the Jounin exams. (I will not type all this out its a waste of my time and yours!) Hayate and Yugao were very into swords and each other. Anko, of course, liked snakes and torture although they were surprised when she mentioned she liked reptiles in general. And of course Gai and Lee had a rant about the FLAMES OF YOUTH! which surprisingly ended when Sora outwitted them with a FLAMES OF YOUTH speech about how unyouthful it was to scream indoors. Needless to say every Jonin and Tenten thanked him.

Teams mostly sat together with Naruto next to Hana and Anko actually sitting near Sora hoping to learn more about him. The entertainment was soon on and everyone watched as people sang along. Ino sang, "That's what girls do" of course. "Choji and Shikamaru both declined. Hayate couldn't sing because of his condition and yugao didn't sing out of respect for him. Kiba sang "Who let the dogs out." Hinata nearly fainted again when asked. Hana said she couldn't sing although she was encouraged by Naruto. Sora sang a song called, "Where Dragon's rule" by Dragonforce. Anko well... she sang, "My Humps" so ya. Tenten declined saying it wasn't her thing and Naruto... well lets just see shall we?

"Common Naruto, I know you can sing!" Sora said.

"O can he now? Well he better or no more lunches for you!" Hana said teasingly. This didn't go unnoticed by Kiba but he'd get him later.

Naruto sighed, "Fine Fine I'll sing but you owe me double my ramen count this week Sora!"

He made some shadow clones and told them to pick up the different instruments.

"Whats he doing?" Hana asked.

Sora chuckled, "He wanted to learn how to play so he sent Kage Bunshin's to learn when he was done in the library. He's pretty good if I remember correctly. Shhhhhh its starting."

Linkin park: Somewhere I Belong

(When this began)

I had nothing to say

And I get lost in the nothingness inside of me

(I was confused)

And I let it all out to find

That I'm not the only person with these things in mind

(Inside of me)

But all that they can see the words revealed

Is the only real thing that I've got left to feel

(Nothing to lose)

Just stuck, hollow and alone

And the fault is my own, and the fault is my own


I wanna heal, I wanna feel what I thought was never real

I wanna let go of the pain I've felt so long

(Erase all the pain till it's gone)

I wanna heal, I wanna feel like I'm close to something real

I wanna find something I've wanted all along

Somewhere I belong

And I've got nothing to say

I can't believe I didn't fall right down on my face

(I was confused)

Looking everywhere only to find

That it's not the way I had imagined it all in my mind

(So what am I)

What do I have but negativity

'Cause I can't justify the way, everyone is looking at me

(Nothing to lose)

Nothing to gain, hollow and alone

And the fault is my own, and the fault is my own

[Repeat Chorus]

I will never know myself until I do this on my own

And I will never feel anything else, until my wounds are healed

I will never be anything till I break away from me

I will break away, I'll find myself today

[Repeat Chorus]

I wanna heal, I wanna feel like I'm somewhere I belong

I wanna heal, I wanna feel like I'm somewhere I belong

Somewhere I belong

Silence reigned in the bar as the song finished. Everyone could see the emotion Naruto put into it. The adults there, which was a majority, knew what he meant by finding somewhere but only two knew what he meant when he said the fault was his own. Hana nearly cried but kept it in although she looked right at naruto letting him know she was watching. Sora on the other hand... He cried. For the second time in less than a year, Ryuujin had cried for his brother. Since no one but Hana knew why Sora was so emotional, they simply chalked it up to his own past.

Ino noticed and opened her big mouth (I won't bash her much, she just needs to shut her mouth sometimes!), "I don't get it. Why is Naruto singing about belonging somewhere? Doesn't he belong in Konoha?"

Sora very nearly glared before he remembered she was ignorant, instead he sighed and wiped his eyes, "He has NEVER belonged in Konoha Ino. None of you really bothered to notice him but if you had... you would notice the stares and hatred he gets for no reason at all. He can't even walk into 90% of the stores in Konoha and the other 9% that let him in sell him worthless goods at premuim prices."

Ino scoffed, "He probably just pranked all of them. So they don't want to serve him." By now Naruto had rejoined them but was sitting listening.

Hana growled, "He's not lieing Ino. While Naruto's pranks are rather grand, it never harms a business! However I have personally seen grocers sell him expired and outdated foods. The clinic is one of about three or four places in the city that he can walk into without being thrown out!"

Inwardly Naruto was crying with happiness. Ino however looked to her sensei, "Sensei we were taught in school that Konoha values teamwork over everything else why would we treat one of our own like this?"

Naruto spoke up, "Ino you have always had a roof over your head and parents to feed you haven't you?"

Ino looked back at Naruto, "Of course. But you were an orphan so you lived at the orphanage right?"

Naruto scoffed, "Sure for 5 years. I was kicked out on my birthday October 10th when I was five because and I quote, 'Demon's don't need a home' so tell me Ino if the orphanage didn't want me then why wpould Konoha want me?"

Ino was shocked along with the rest of the youngsters. The adults however had multiple reactions. Kurenai, Asuma, Hayate, and Yuugao were wondering how in the world the Hokage allowed that to happen. Anko was having flashbacks to when Orochimaru left her. Gai for once was serious and had a severly depressed look on his face. Sora was gritting his teeth and Hana was looking down sad that she hadn't helped sooner.

"I won't tell you why she called me a demon... yet. Maybe once I trust you more then I will tell you but just know the adults can't say anything." Naruto said sadly.

Shikamaru sighed , "Troublesome blonde."

That comment seemed to lighten the mood somewhat. "Well I'm tired so I'm gonna head home goodnight everyone!" Naruto said cheerfully. Everyone said their goodbyes but the same thought was running through most of their heads. 'Just what made Naruto so sad?'

Training Ground 8: Next Day

Naruto had just come back from his, now daily, lunch with Hana and was in very high spirits. That is until he saw Sora being chased around the training grounds by the 'crazy snake lady' as he now dubbed her cause she was firing snakes all over the place.

"Yo Naruto!" Sora yelled as he ran past him.

"YOU BASTARD GET BACK HERE!" Anko yelled and somehow she started to target Naruto as well who was now running alongside Sora.

"What the hell did you do to her Aniki?" Naruto asked as he dodged a kunai/snake combo.

"Ehhhhhh just said she was a beautiful snake princess. HEHE maybe I shouldn't have done that?" Sora said dodging eight snakes.

"YOU SAID IT AGAIN!" Anko roared and redoubled her efforts to turn them into pincushions.

"Man Aniki, next time keep your big trap shut!" Naruto said

2 hours later

Anko had finally calmed down and they all stopped. Sora eyed her warily but approached her. "Well thank you for your help today will you come back tomorrow?" He asked.

Anko smiled sweetly, and then decked Sora. As he sat on the ground a Kunai hit between his legs, "Call me that again and I'll kill you."

At first Sora seemed scared then Naruto bust out laughing. He was soon joined by Anko and then Sora while thinking, 'Man her laugh is cute!' (thats Sora)

It was gonna be the start of a beautiful, hellish, friendship.


Zetsu comes outta nowhere: Yes read and review! Or I will eat you! (Bunch of Bunnies appear by order of the author) They yell: FOOD FOR THE WEEK!


next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


