The Rise of a Dragon Slayer
In a world filled with countless adventurers, young men and women set out to follow their dreams, hunting down evil monsters to protect the peace of their kingdoms. Yet the greatest calamity of all is the [Dragon]—an ancient, powerful creature of immense skill and strength. Few are brave or capable enough to face it, let alone defeat it. But eventually, he appeared.
A man driven by the fires of vengeance, clad in armor resistant to searing heat and any sharp blade. A master of both swordsmanship and spear combat. Armed with profound knowledge and a body of iron will. He carries weapons forged solely for slaying these creatures, ready to spill their blood and make them understand just who is truly stronger—humankind or the dragons.
作者 MisterMXM
Enjoyable read. Fo you have a set update schedule in mind?