80.64% Dragon ball V: Born again as a Saiyan! / Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Meeting the team!

章 25: Chapter 25: Meeting the team!

Vocada now stood face to face with his new teammates, unsure how he felt about having to go to another planet and conquer it with these two he had only just met.

"So, what we gonna do about rank?" The one called Parsnip asked, looking at both Vocada and the other Saiyan.

Vocada could see that he had multiple scars on his face, with long scruffy hair that went down past his shoulders. He had the standard Saiyan armour on with a pair of black spandex pants, armoured gauntlets and armoured boots, complete with a green scouter.

"Look, the name is Gorlick. I'm a medium-class Saiyan, so I think I'll be the one calling the shots, you got that." Gorlick said, blowing his own trumpet.

Gorlick was well built with a mohawk and a small moustache and goatee. He had shoulder-less Saiyan armour on, revealing his larger muscles and battle scares.

"Who said I would be taking orders from you?" Parsnap said, not liking how full of himself Gorlick sounded.

Vocada had left his scouter in scan mode, already seeing the numbers it was displaying for their power level.

Gorlick's power level was at 2300 while Parsnaps was sitting at 1900, making them pretty strong between them both. However, they were still far beneath Vocada's power level, something that they hadn't seemed to clock onto yet.

"The fact that you are both just kids gives me the right to be in charge regardless. I'm clearly the eldest and most experienced." Gorlick said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Let me guess. You both got sent off world as low-class warriors and only just got back, being drafted into the military?" Gorlick said, seeming to hit the nail on the head.

"And what about you?" Parsnap asked.

"Like I said, mid-class Saiyan. We don't get sent off world like you lower-class Saiyans." Gorlick said, looking down his nose at Parsnap and Vocada, thinking that he was better than them.

"Unlike you, I joined because I had a choice, not because it was all I was good for." Gorlick then said.

"I don't take orders from those weaker than me," Vocada suddenly said, turning his back on Gorlick and his ideas due to his lack of respect, deciding he couldn't be bothered putting up with his arrogance.

"W-What did you say, you punk!" Gorlick shouted, getting pissed at how Vocada had just disregarded him like that before he noticed the display his scouter suddenly showed.

"N-No way... A power level of 3400?" Gorlick said, knowing he was no match for Vocada, astouded that he was so strong.

"But you're just a kid..." Gorlick said, shocked by the display of his power.

"A lower class warrior..."

Parsnip could also see the display on his own scouter, smiling because of the reaction that appeared on Gorlick's face.

"I guess he's in charge," Parsnap said, shrugging his shoulders, knowing better than to argue with someone so much stronger than himself.

"Unless you would rather fight for it?" Vocada asked, seeing Gorlick flinch at the thought, showing a slight hint of fear.

"Why you..." Gorlick said, letting his Saiyan pride get the better of him, charging at Vocada without a second thought, trying to punch Vocada in the face and take him off guard.

However, Vocada was much too quick and stepped to the side before he smashed a quick body hook into Gorlick's liver, taking him by surprise and dropping him to his knees as he struggled to get his breath.

"F-Fuck..." Gorlick said clutching his stomach from the intense pain, gasping for air.

"Looks like he told you," Parsnip said, laughing out loud while he watched Gorlick struggle and try to pick himself up.

"Had enough?" Vocada asked, waiting to see what he wanted to do.

"F-Fine. Whatever, don't blame me when this kid gets us killed." He finally said, slowly standing back up, trying to play off the shot that Vocada had just hit him with.

Parsnap on the other hand laughed again, seeming to enjoy Gorlick's suffering as the older Saiyan walked away from them.

"Nice shot. The name's Parsnap good to meet ya, captain." He said, greeting Vocada with a proper introduction.

Vocada nodded.

"I'm Vocada, nice to meet you." He said, returning his introduction.

"I don't know about you, but I just got back home after being sent away as a kid. Took me a few weeks to get the hang of things." Parsnap said, sharing some of his back story with Vocada.

"I got back yesterday," Vocada said, keeping it short getting a surprised look from Parsnap.

"If you two are done, how about we get on with this, I for one would like to get a move on with the mission," Gorlick said, clearly not happy that the two of them were getting chummy.

"I agree. We should get a move on." Vocada then said, checking his scouter for the details of the mission before he floated into the air, causing the other two to follow suit.

"Lead the way," Parsnap said, following Vocada without complaint, while Gorlick flew behind them, staying silent the whole trip.

Vocada could see the space station coming into view before he touched down onto the workspace of the landing bay, seeing many other aliens and non-combat Saiyans making repairs and checks of different space crafts and pods.

"Let me handle this," Gorlick said, walking over to one of the Saiyan's to talk to him, flexing his status to Vocada and Parsnap.

"That guy is a jerk," Parsnap said, watching as Gorlick walked away.

Vocada didn't say anything, and instead crossed his arms, wondering what exactly he was trying to achieve with this façade.

"Hey, Vocada!" A voice shouted from across the landing bay, getting his and Parsnap's attention.

Vocada turned around to see the alien that had welcomed him upon his arrival to the planet, watching as he ran over to him.

"Wow, look at you, all suited and booted. Although, I didn't expect to see you back here so soon?" He asked, also looking at Parsnap.

"Yeah. Got a new mission." Vocada said, causing the alien to raise an eyebrow.

"Already? Boy, that sure was fast." He said, checking his datapad.

"I see... Well, I will make sure your pods are in tip-top order then." The alien said with a smile.

"Thanks," Vocada said, appreciating his kindness toward him, watching as the alien ran off to sort things out for him.

Not long passed and Gorlick came back over to Vocada and Parsnap wearing a smug look on his face.

"Don't worry, I pulled some strings and got us a good ride." He said, trying to show off.

"Shouldn't have to cramp into those pods when you know the right people," Gorlick said again, showing off with a smug grin.

"Your pods are ready whenever you guys are!" The Saiyan that Gorlick had spoken to shouted over not long after, causing Gorlick to give him a strange look.

"Pods? I thought I told you we wanted a craft, not a pod!" He yelled, looking embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, but we have been ordered to give you pods." The Saiyan said, showing that there was nothing he could do, standing next to the alien that had greeted Vocada.

"Why you bastard..." Gorlick said, not liking that it made him look bad in front of the others as he went to grip the Saiyan by his collar.

"It's fine. Pods will do." Vocada said, flashing a smile at the alien and the Saiyan mechanics, saving him from Gorlick's anger.

"So much for putting a word in," Parsnap said, laughing a little as he took the piss, striking a nerve.

"Shut it you," Gorlick said, getting angry again, ignoring the Saiyan mechanic as he headed over to his pod.

"Save it for the mission," Vocada said, having to stop them from fighting, knowing this was going to be a long mission.

"Good look, make sure to watch each other's backs out there." The small alien said, cheering for Vocada to make a safe return.

"Thanks," Vocada said, nodding at the alien with a smile.

With that the three of them climbed into their pods that were waiting for them on the launch pads, linking their scouters to their own communication line before doing so.

"Alright, let's get this over with. I hate these damn things." Gorlick said, climbing into his pod, and shutting his door right away.

Vocada and Parsnap did the same, with all three of them entering their space pods, seeing that their coordinates had been pre-set by the flight crew.

"Good luck with your mission, see you when you get back." The non-combat Saiyan said, giving Vocada and the others a thumbs up as their pod doors closed and the pod's engines started up.

"Not even on the planet for two days and I'm already being sent on a mission..." Vocada thought to himself, feeling the pod float into the air.

"Still, I guess I have no choice for now... And who knows, this could be fun." Vocada said to himself, watching as the pod blasted off into space, leaving the Planet Vegeta's atmosphere and the Saiyan's behind.

Vocada read the display information while the pod entered hyper speed, seeing that it was a week's journey to the planet Broria L15. Meaning they would have to go into hibernation mode or risk starving.

The computer also displayed some information about the inhabitants of the planet, showing the average power level was around 700, meaning these guys were no pushovers.

"Why send only three of us..." Vocada asked, biting at the nail on his thumb while deep in thought, reading the information about the deserter too.

"Escar... Captain of a low-class Saiyan squad sent to conquer the planet over 18 years ago..." Vocada read aloud, seeing the information on the screen.

"Something doesn't feel right about this mission." He said to himself, getting a bad feeling as the space pod blasted off into space, travelling at hyper speed.

"Alright, going into Hibernation mode, don't bother me until we get there," Gorlick said, being as blunt as a hammer.

"Me too," Parsnap then said, sounding more cheery than Parsnap did.

Vocada acknowledged their message before taking one last look at the 3D image of Escar, knowing that he would have to kill this Saiyan and the rest of the planet's inhabitants, not sure how he felt about it.

On one hand, his human side told him it wasn't right, however, his newer Saiyan cells couldn't wait for the chance to fight, willing him to battle and grow stronger, even if that meant killing an entire planet.

It certainly was a difficult mix of feelings to deal with emotionally for Vocada, causing him to become deep in thought, weighing up everything that had already happened to him and everything that was yet to come.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C25
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


