4.76% Douluo :: Tang San get ready for revenge / Chapter 1: 1: Awakening the wasteful spirit at the beginning
Douluo :: Tang San get ready for revenge Douluo :: Tang San get ready for revenge original

Douluo :: Tang San get ready for revenge

作者: Best_Movies

© WebNovel

章 1: 1: Awakening the wasteful spirit at the beginning

"Where is this??"

  Hell, I've turned into a six-year-old? ?

  Looking at the reduced version of his hands, Ye Feng was stunned.

  "Ye Feng, what are you still doing! Go and awaken your martial soul!"

  Only at this moment, an old man shouted at Ye Feng angrily.

  "Ah? Awakening Martial Spirit??"

  Ye Feng was stunned!

  What martial spirit awakened? ?

  A minute ago, I was watching Douluo Continent's newly updated anime with headphones on, and suddenly I stumbled over a stone and fell, how did I wake up and appear here? ?

  "I'm here, village chief."

  At this moment, a very familiar child ran past!

  "It's good that the little three is here, hurry up and focus on awakening the martial soul for the martial arts master."

  When Old Jack saw Tang San approaching, his slightly angry face just now burst into a smile.

  Although Tang San didn't get along well with children of the same age in the village, in front of adults, Tang San was a good kid, and Old Jack had always had a good impression of him.

  "Tang? Tang San???"

  What the hell! No wonder this kid looks so familiar.

  It turned out to be Tang San!

  It's almost like a model in the anime.

  Couldn't I have crossed into the world of Douluo? ?

  "Ye Feng, are you stunned to be the door god! Come here quickly!"

  Old Jack shouted at Ye Feng who was in a daze.


  Ye Feng ran to Old Jack's side.

  Now he finally understood, it turned out that he had really traveled to the world of Douluo and became a little kid in the Holy Soul Village! !

  And it seems to be a very low-ranking brat.

  To awaken the martial arts.

  According to the plot, the children of the Holy Soul Village have no soul power, and their martial souls are extremely poor!

  I won't wake up with a sickle, or a rolling pin in a while?


  People start with all kinds of god-level martial arts.

  What the fuck am I doing here?

  What about the system?

  Isn't it normal to have a system? ?

  "Children, this is Master Su Yuntao from Notting city. Next, he will lead you to open up your own martial arts. Grandpa hopes that there will be someone among you who will become a soul master."

  Just as Ye Feng was stunned, Old Jack's voice sounded.

  "Okay! You said the same thing last year, how can it be so easy to become a soul master. I have awakened so many villages, and even a person with soul power does not have a suitable martial soul."

  Su Yuntao glanced at Old Jack and said impatiently.

  "Okay, okay, then it's all up to you, Master Su Yuntao."

  Old Jack seemed to sense the impatience of the other party and immediately smiled.

  Master Battle Spirit ignored Old Jack and pushed the door directly into the auditorium.

  Everyone followed him in, and old Jack stayed outside.

  In the auditorium, Su Yuntao asked everyone to stand in a row.

  "My name is Su Yuntao, the twenty-sixth-level martial arts master, and I am your leader. I will awaken your martial souls to you one by one. Remember, no matter what happens, don't be afraid."

  Su Yuntao briefly introduced it.

  You come first, don't be afraid to close your eyes and feel it carefully.

  He pointed to the first child on the left.

  At the same time, Su Yuntao was possessed by a wolf alone.

  The spirit power at the scene actually set off a gust of wind, and everyone was stunned.

  The first child stretched out his left hand under his guidance.

  "It's actually a hoe. It belongs to the weapon spirit. If you have spirit power, you can become a spirit master."

  Su Yuntao took out a crystal ball.

  This is something specially designed to test soul power.

  "Put your hands up."

  Su Yuntao said.

  Soon, under the guidance of the other party, the child put his hand on the crystal ball again.

  "You can't become a soul master without soul power, go to the side."

  Su Yuntao saw that the crystal ball was dim, and his eyes suddenly turned cold.

  I've gotten used to it over the years.

  Where can the golden phoenix fly out of these pheasant nests.

  Next, Su Yuntao tested a few more.

  The result is either some useless plant spirits, or some agricultural implement spirits.

  In the entire auditorium, there are still two people left who have not been tested.

  One is Ye Feng, the other is Tang San.

  "You two hurry up, I'm in a hurry."

  Su Yuntao said impatiently.

  According to past experience, these two children are basically a lot of waste martial arts.

  But Wuhun Hall has rules to awaken them, so he has to complete the task like this.

  Otherwise, who would come to these remote places to awaken the martial arts to these poor children.


  Because Ye Feng was on the left, he stood up first.

  His heart was agitated.

  I saw that he closed his eyes slightly, and under the guidance of Su Yuntao, he really awakened a martial spirit with his mind.

  It was a small sickle.

  All black.

  The hilt is slender and the blade is curved and sharp.

  As a visitor from Earth, he discovered that he actually had an inexplicable blood connection with this little martial spirit, which was something that he had never experienced before, whether reading novels or watching anime.

  It's really amazing.

  "It's another sickle, let's test your soul power."

  Su Yuntao yawned.

  Although the shape of the sickle is a bit weird, it is still a sickle.

  There is a high probability of zero soul power.

  All in all, today was a waste of time again.

  "Master Su Yuntao, can you just put your hand on it?"

  Ye Feng asked.

  He was uneasy.

  If you don't have soul power, wouldn't you be the saddest transmigrator? But don't!

  "You put it on it, just like you are grabbing something and exerting a force."

  Su Yuntao replied.

  Just like that, Ye Feng put his hand on it.

  In an instant, he felt as if there was a force in his body slowly flowing towards the crystal ball.


  Ye Feng found that the crystal ball was bright!

  Suddenly he let out a long breath.

  "It's actually a two-level soul power, it's barely okay, let's go to the next one."

  Su Yuntao saw the crystal ball light up," said slightly calmly.

  The first two levels of soul power are neither good nor bad, just average.

  "Thank you, Master Su Yuntao."

  Ye Feng was quite happy to hear that he had a second-level soul power.

  At least you have the qualifications to become a soul master, right?

  If there is no system and no soul power, then this day will not pass!

  He stepped aside.

  Tang San walked by.

  There is an unprecedented sense of maturity hidden in the small body, especially the pair of eyes, as if there is a sense of contempt for all living beings, although it is hidden deeply.

  "Blue Silver Grass? Abandoned Martial Spirit, go back."

  Soon he awakened his martial soul, it was Blue Silver Grass.

  Su Yuntao lost interest immediately.

  Basically, from the moment it appeared, this kind of martial spirit was doomed to be a waste spirit, and nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine out of ten thousand had no spirit power.

  Even with soul power, what can the Blue Silver Grass do?

  feed the rabbit? ?

  Therefore, he also lost the idea of ​​testing his soul power for this child.

  "Lord Martial Soul Deacon, I haven't touched that crystal ball yet."

  Hearing that Su Yuntao directly told him to leave, Tang San was not reconciled!

  From the process just now, he basically knew the type of martial spirit, and his plant type, especially the blue silver grass that could be seen everywhere, belonged to the lowest level of existence.

  After all, he was considered a famous Tang Sect in his last life!

  He wanted to make another great achievement in this world, but he didn't want to die like this!

  "Okay, let's test it for you."

  Su Yuntao, who was just about to put away the crystal ball, saw the child chasing him, and immediately took out the crystal ball and let him put his hand on it.


Author. thoughts

I will not speak to you. dumb heads 🥱🥱🥱🥱

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


