15.46% Douluo Dalu 2: Heavenly Eyed Douluo / Chapter 29: Chapter 29: Meeting the Phoenix Lady

章 29: Chapter 29: Meeting the Phoenix Lady

After Huo Yuhao finished up changing, still not noticing the gazes of the two, he then quickly left the room without saying anything and head towards the place Ning Tian wanted them to hang out.

It didn't take him long to find it. Hard not to when it was one of his training spots.

It was a small and secluded place in the middle of a forest area of the Academy, surrounded by tall trees and lush greenery. A small clearing had been created, with soft grass underfoot and a gentle breeze blowing through the leaves.

Ning Tian was already there, unexpectedly, Xiao Xiao was also there as well. Both girls are sitting on a fallen log and having a conversation. A high quality looking grill stood near them with a small table on the side with several meaty and vegetable ingredients sorted in bowls and plates.

Ning Tian noticed his arrival and she looked up as Huo Yuhao approached, a warm smile on her face.

"Yuhao, you made it," she said, standing up and walking towards him. "I hope you didn't have any trouble finding this place."

Huo Yuhao shook his head, returning her smile. "No, it was easy. This place is familiar to me." He then turned towards Xiao Xiao. "Hey Xiao Xiao. Joining us with our little barbecue party?"

Xiao Xiao shyly smiled, "Yes. Thanks for having me–" then she pouted, remembering this afternoon's incident. "Hmph. Don't you dare forget what you did during lunch time."

"Hm? You're angry? Why?" Huo Yuhao tilted his head at her question, an oblivious expression on his face.

"You–!" Xiao Xiao's words were cut off as Ning Tian stepped in. "Alright, alright, let's not dwell on that right now. We're here to have fun, remember?"

She then turned towards Huo Yuhao, pointing a finger at his chest, "But you still embarrassed her so get to cooking, Huo Yuhao~ That'll be enough as an apology for her. Oh, and here's your pay for the evening by the way."

"Oh thanks," Huo Yuhao nodded at her, accepting the 40 gold soul coins she paid him. This was one of the reasons as to why he agreed on hanging out with her this evening.

He was still in debt from the window he broke in their room and he was going to go on a long journey soon so he'll need to save up a lot of money.

Xiao Xiao let out a huff and nodded reluctantly. "F-Fine."

Huo Yuhao gave Xiao Xiao a sheepish smile. "Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. Let's just enjoy the barbecue, alright?"

"....Okay." Xiao Xiao softened a little and nodded, a small smile tugging at her lips.

Ning Tian blinked, looking over Huo Yuhao's shoulder to try and find a certain duo. "Hey, where's sister Feng and Wang Dong?"

"Hm? Who knows. Last thing I remember about them was their usual argument with each other."

"Huh. Oh well," Ning Tian shrugged as she cheerfully pulled Huo Yuhao's arm towards the grill. "that just means more barbecue for us."


Back in Huo Yuhao's dorm room.



"...Oi," Wang Dong's eye twitched, his hands cracking against each other. "what the hell are you doing?"

"Hm? What do you think I'm doing?" Wu Feng indifferently said, slowly reaching her hands out towards Huo Yuhao's bed, specifically, under his bed. "I'm looking for porn."

"A-And why are you looking for those under in Yuhao's bed?!" Wang Dong yelled, looking incredulous.

"Why? Well, I'm looking for some research specifically."

"Res–You know what, forget it. You either get the hell out of here now so we can head out or I'm kicking you out myself. We're wasting time here and missing out on some barbecue that Yuhao's making because of you!"

Wu Feng's eyes narrowed.

Wang Dong's fingers twitched.

Both boy and girl stared each other down, a tense silence hanging in the air.

Finally, Wu Feng rolled her eyes and pulled her hands back. "Fine, fine. Let's go then. I'm done here. I'm also getting hungry."

Wang Dong let out a sigh of relief as he grabbed his bag and headed towards the door with Wu Feng following suit.


Meanwhile, the trio settled around the grill. Both girls watched in fascination as Huo Yuhao expertly cooked the meat and vegetables, the sight and aroma making their mouths water.

Xiao Xiao periodically glanced at Huo Yuhao, her anger from earlier slowly dissipating as she observed his focused and skillful movements. She couldn't help but be impressed by his cooking abilities.

'There was so much more to Huo Yuhao than I first thought,' she said to herself, her impression of him changing for the better. The way he handled the grill with such precision and grace showed a side of him that she hadn't noticed before. 'he's more than just a hard working, talented and good looking boy.'

It made her wonder what other hidden talents he possessed.

Ning Tian, on the other hand, used this opportunity to strike up a conversation with Huo Yuhao. "So, Yuhao, I never asked, and this is a question you might've got often, but how did you get so good in cooking?"

Huo Yuhao paused for a moment, his brows furrowed. "I was from a poor family. There was only my mom and I, and she worked long hours just to make ends meet. So, I would often have to cook for myself and even help out with cooking for the family when my mom was too tired. I guess it just became a skill that I developed over time."

Ning Tian nodded, her expression understanding. She put her hand against his left arm, "I see. Well, your cooking skills are certainly impressive. You should consider opening a restaurant in the future."

Huo Yuhao chuckled, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "I never really thought about it, but who knows? Maybe it could be a possibility."

As they continued their conversation, the aroma of the cooking food intensified, making their mouths water even more. Finally, Huo Yuhao declared the meal ready, placing the cooked meat and vegetables onto plates and handing them to Ning Tian and Xiao Xiao.

"Well, dig in!" he said with a smile.

The three of them dug into the food, savoring the taste and enjoying the meal together. The atmosphere was relaxed and pleasant, with occasional laughter filling the air. It was a moment of camaraderie and friendship that they would remember for a long time.

'...I hope that this moment would last forever,' Huo Yuhao smiled in content as he flipped a piece of meat on the grill.

"Ah, there you are," The trio simultaneously turned their heads as they heard a voice behind them.

At first, Hup Yuhao thought it was Wang Dong and Wu Feng but their voice didn't sounded like that.

It was proven to be true as a youth wearing a black school uniform arrived. It was Xu Sanshi.

"Senior Sanshi, what are you doing here?" Huo Yuhao asked.

"I should be the one asking that." Xu Sanshi huffed, looking a bit flustered from sprinting around the school to try and find Huo Yuhao. It was only due to the delicious whiff of meat in the air that he managed to locate him. "Why aren't you selling your roasted fishes and ramen today?"

Xu Sanshi and Huo Yuhao's relationship were okay-ish. They weren't friends, but they weren't also enemies. The former was still angry with the illusion attack he received but that feeling slowly dissipated as time went by as he goes to his stall everyday to buy his roasted fish and ramen.

Huo Yuhao shrugged, "Sorry about that. But as you can see, I got reserved for tonight."

Xu Sanshi's eyes lit up, taking a step forward in excitement. "Wait, you take reservations? Quick, tell me how much to make a reservation. I'll pay you how much you want. A hundred? Thousand?"

'He's so troublesome...I shouldn't have joke about it.' Huo Yuhao's eye twitched. Sure he wanted the money but knowing the guy, he would reserve him almost everyday to try and rope in Jiang Nannan.

He wasn't that desperate.

'I'll just say a outrageous number to make him back off,' He inwardly let out a sigh and said, "100,000 gold soul coins, an hour for my services. Of course, you'll also be the one to prepare the ingredients."

Ning Tian and Xiao Xiao both turned towards him, dumbfounded at the amount Huo Yuhao had just mentioned. They couldn't believe what they were hearing.

Even with Ning Tian's background, she couldn't easily prepare that much amount of money in a short amount of time without her parents' permission.

But what was more unbelievable was Xu Sanshi's response.

"A hundred thousand gold coins? Sure. When are you available?" He said with a completely serious expression.

'Just how rich and desperate is this guy?!' Huo Yuhao was taken aback by Xu Sanshi's response. He hadn't actually expected him to agree to such an outrageous price.

Xu Sanshi continued, "I have some savings from my family before I severed ties with them, and I'm willing to pay whatever it takes to get a reservation with you. Plus, isn't this a fortunate opportunity for you? Count this as calling us even."

'Liar! You just wanna hire me to impress a girl that don't like you!'

Huo Yuhao couldn't believe his ears. He had only mentioned the high price to scare Xu Sanshi, but who would've thought that this guy would be such a simp!

He wants to refuse, out of sheer principle, but the money...! Imagine the amount of bombs he can make with that!

'Is this it? Will this finally be the day I finally succumb to the darkness of the world?' Huo Yuhao's fingers twitched.

Just as the temptation was about to sink in, they all heard another voice chime in between the two.

"Little Xu." When Xu Sanshi heard this voice, he immediately began to shiver. Huo Yuhao even saw a few hints of fear, but even more than that, helplessness, appear within his eyes.

The only time he'd ever saw that expression on him was when he casted that Genjutsu on him.

Also, he doesn't know why, but he suddenly feels a small sense of fear swell inside of him as the owner of that voice came closer.

A girl walked out from the bushes, making Huo Yuhao and company wide eyed as she was a incredibly hot girl that exceeded every girl that Huo Yuhao has ever met, she could even measure up to the women illusions Ancestor showed him. Even Ning Tian and Xiao Xiao was in disbelief at the girl's beauty, making them feel envious.

The newcomer was a red-clothed woman. Her body was slender and well-proportioned, with the first thing that most people would notice when looking at her being her slightly exaggerated peaks that were firm, towering, and lustful. Which the two girls were envious of the most.

Her waist was extremely slim, with that slimness continuing all the way down to her thighs, where it suddenly arced out. Her legs were perfectly straight and round. Unfortunately, she wore a red veil over the lower half of her body, showing only her blood red eyes that seemed to suck one's soul.

'That girl...she feels so familiar!' Huo Yuhao's eyes narrowed, feeling that sense of fear in him grow as she approached them. 'Where have I seen her before?'

With her looks, it was impossible for him to not remember her.

Xu Sanshi clearly seemed to recognise her. With an expression resembling someone being sent to war, he turned around. However, he didn't look directly into her eyes; he lowered his head and said, "Sister Xiaotao, good evening!"

"Hm." Xiaotao merely nodded at him before turning her gaze towards Huo Yuhao. "Little Xu, why have you come to bother these juniors' little get together?"

"Ah, well, there's a reasonable explanation for this...hahaha." Xu Sanshi nervously laughed, still not daring to look up at her.

Huo Yuhao was stunned. Of all the times he gotten to know his senior, he'd known him to be fearless and confident. To see him so intimidated by this red-clothed woman was surprising.

'This little guy is...'

Xiaotao turned her gaze to Huo Yuhao, her eyes narrowed as she observed him. "Is it really that delicious?"

Xu Sanshi hurriedly nodded like a pecking chicken, "Yes, yes! Huo Yuhao's cooking is of top quality! Even the chefs from back home couldn't compare to his skills. Though, I've only tasted his roasted fishes and ramen before."


"It's a type of noddle, but the most delicious you'll ever taste." Xu Sanshi confidently replied.

"I see. Huo Yuhao, can I sample one of your barbecue chicken leg?"

"Ah," Huo Yuhao was surprised by the sudden request that he subconsciously said, "Sorry, but this is all from my friend here. So, you have to ask her for permission."

Xiaotao glanced at Ning Tian, a playful smile curling her lips. "May I have a taste of your barbecue chicken leg?"

Ning Tian was momentarily taken aback by the sudden request, but she quickly regained her composure and nodded, gesturing towards the plate. "Of course, go ahead and try it."

Xiaotao hummed and said, "Hmm. I want a freshly roasted one, if I may. I have preference for freshly hot meals and spicy ones as well."

Huo Yuhao didn't find any problems with her request, since cooking one wouldn't take too long, he nodded. "Alright, but you have to wait for a bit."

"It's fine."

The red-clothed girl originally looked as if she'd come to find Xu Sanshi, but she didn't even seem to care about Xu Sanshi now. Instead, she was now focusing on Huo Yuhao as he roasted a chicken leg.

After a short period of time, she let out a soft cry of surprise. "Your fire-controlling technique is this perfect?! Do you have a fire-type martial soul?" Her voice sounded a mixed of shock and nervousness.

She herself was an expert in the field of fire, so she was naturally able to see that Huo Yuhao's fire-control while he was roasting the chicken leg had reached the apex of precision.

'Is he the one...? But he's just a mere one-ringed Soul Master!'

Huo Yuhao simply shook his head. "No, my martial soul is my eyes."

"Your eyes...?" Xiaotao was surprised.

Xu Sanshi grumbled, crossing his arms. "Yeah, his martial soul is called the Sharingan. I hate to admit it, but it's a fairly powerful martial soul. Trust me, sister Xiaotao. I saw it for myself when he used it on me."

Xiaotao's eyes widened in shock. "You were beaten up by him?! Someone two rings lower than you and only has a ten year soul ring?"

Xu Sanshi pouted, seemingly flustered. "I wasn't beaten up. I–" Huo Yuhao interrupted before Xu Sanshi could finish his sentence. "It wasn't a fight. I used a mental attack on him during a little... scuffle, that's all."

Xiaotao's eyes narrowed, her gaze piercing through Huo Yuhao. "A mental attack? You possess a mental-type soul skill?"

Huo Yuhao nodded, not revealing too much information. "Yes, I have some abilities in mental-type soul skills."

Xiaotao seemed satisfied yet disappointed with his answer and turned her attention back to the chicken leg being roasted. The aroma filled the air, making her mouth water in anticipation. Thankfully the veil covered her mouth.

As the chicken leg finished cooking, Huo Yuhao handed it to Xiaotao. She slightly lifted her veil and took a bite, in the view of the others it seemed as though the chicken leg slowly disappeared without her mouth getting anywhere near it.

Except for Huo Yuhao however, her movements were were all seen by his eyes.

'Geez, showing off much?'

Her eyes widening in surprise. "This... this is amazing! The flavor is so intense and the spiciness is just right."

Huo Yuhao smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

Xiaotao took a few more bites, savoring the taste before she finished the chicken leg. She then turned to Ning Tian, her eyes seemingly showing a smile. "Thank you for allowing me to taste this delicious food. You have an incredibly talented chef here."

Ning Tian smiled in response. "You're welcome, and I'm glad you enjoyed it. Huo Yuhao is indeed a talented cook."

Ning Tian then turned back to Huo Yuhao with a mischievous gleam in her eyes. "Hey, Yuhao. I think we just found another customer for your future restaurant."

Huo Yuhao rolled his eyes and said, "Yeah, yeah. So, you guys wanna more or are you all going to just stand around?"

"Wait," Xiaotao raised her voice, earning everyone's attention. "Can I see your martial soul?"

Huo Yuhao huffed and his deep blue eyes took a change, his irises turned red while his pupils shone with a golden light as three tomoes formed a circle around each of a middle golden pupil of his eyes. A white soul ring rose up from under his feet.

He then used Spiritual Detection Sharing on everyone around him and let everyone witnessed a godly vision range of 140 meters of diameter around the forest.

It was at this moment that a certain duo arrived to get the same treatment as the others.

"What the heck is going on here?" Wang Dong murmured, dropping his bag filled with drinks, feeling utterly bewildered.

Just what did he arrived to? Why is senior Xu Sanshi here? Moreover, who the hell is that serious hot girl?!

"Hmph. Ooh, Chicken Wings~." Wu Feng only gave a shrug before heading towards bowl of chicken wings.

"Oi! That's your reaction?!"

Yes. Her lady was safe, there was no danger, delicious food was there, so she naturally deviated towards what anybody would want in life.

"...If sister Tian doesn't marry him, I'll take him as my lover."

"Wait, what?!"


❄️Shout out to the one once more! The great Cultivator of my patreon, may you reach the peak of the heavens and conquer the earth!


❄️A bigger shout out to the ones who ascended to become a One Above All!!

•Orion Chung


Wanna read more chapters? Then head on over to my patreon to get the unreleased chapters!


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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C29
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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