71.42% Doctor in ASOIAF / Chapter 4: Doctor's rage

章 4: Doctor's rage

(3rd Person POV)

Visenya was cuddled up to Kisuke as they sat on the deck chair in the sun. They were basking in both the sun and their affection for one another. 

"What are you thinking about?", Visenya asked. 

"The day we first met."

"Oh? You were a brute back then."

"I was never a brute. I saved Vhagar after you almost killed her. I was the perfect gentleman."

"You were mysterious and ... looked so ridiculous.", Visenya says. 

"Yeah. I love my baggy clothes. I don't have to look so stunning. You don't have a problem with it."

"Hehe, I remember the first time, you took off those clothes. What did you say it was called? Sleeper build? To this day, I have no idea how you manage to hide your body underneath your clothes.", Visenya sighed and smiled. The first time, Kisuke took off his clothes, was when Visenya was sick and came to him for help. And as a greeting, she vomited on his clothes. 

Both of them hear footsteps. Neither one reacts though until the man clears his throat very lightly. 

"Master, Mistress. I apologize for the intrusion, but we appear to have guests.", the man said. It was a tall, but lithe man. He wore glasses and had white hair, with a moustache. He was dressed in a silver and white elegant attire. In his hand, he held a tray of fresh tee, that filled the garden with its aroma and lifted any spirit, no matter how sad he or she was. 


This was the butler of House Urahara, Ronald Livingston. Kisuke had created Ronald ... he was a homunculus. Kisuke had delved deep into this topic while keeping it morally acceptable. He may appear as a jovial, goofy and joky character but that was not all there was to him. It masks the potential for a truly sinister side of him, which he shows whenever his family or loved ones are concerned.

He is not really that way. But he can be when the situation requires him to. His more goofy and joky side is something of a mask he wears whenever he goes out into the treacherous world. But at home, when it's just him, Visenya and their family, he is a relaxed and jovial man, who enjoys the good things of life, he was gifted and worked for. 


"Who is it?", Kisuke asks Ronald.

"It appears to be an entourage of the Targaryen King, sir. They stopped before the entrance of the forest and told the guards about their business. They gave the guards this token, sir.", Ronald says and presents a coin with the Urahara emblem on it. 

"It seems like ... who is it that is giving birth?", Kisuke asks. 

"That would be Aemma Targaryen née Arryn, sir.", Ronald tells him. 

"So it seems that Aemma is having a rather troublesome pregnancy.", Kisuke finishes his sentence. 

"Aemma ... is that one of Rhaenys' or Saerra's?", Visenya asks. She was referring to her two sisters, who both married their brother Aegon. Aegon only truly loved Rhaenys but still wanted to take all three sisters as his wives. What a moron he was and it was also that, which resulted in a ... dispute between him and Kisuke. 

"I'm not sure. Does it matter?", Kisuke asked.

"You are correct, miss. Aemma Targaryen is Daella Targaryen's daughter and Alysanne Targaryen's granddaughter.", Ronald filled us in. 

"Oh! So my great nieces, granddaughter then.", Visenya said. 

"Something like that."

"So what are you going to do?", Visenya asks Kisuke. 

"You already know what I will do. You gave that 'favour' to ... someone. There is no way that I would ever make you look bad because I didn't keep a promise. There is only one problem..."


"How should we go there?", Kisuke asks, "The carriage is ... under reconstruction and we can't take Vhagar."

Visenya looks at him with a knowing look. 

"We are not going to take the Koi fish to fly to Kings Landing."

"But why?! I mean they need their exercise. Come one, love. Just imagine the big eyes everyone will make when we come flying with a fire-breathing, whale-sized, beautiful Koi fish. It would be glorious.", Kisuke spreads his hands the way he usually does, when he goes into his Mad Doctor persona. 

"There are hundreds of different coaches we can take. Blame yourself for making them. Now come on, I want to see how Kings Landing changed over the years. And what my great great great grand niece is like.", Visenya says and stands up. 

Kisuke watches her leave and then approaches the Koi pond. They come to him when they see him and he gives them some pieces of protein-rich, spicy meat. 

"You will get your chance. Trust me. As soon as the next incestuous lunatic comes, you will show the world that Koi Fish are not to be underestimated. You will rise up and-"

"Kisuke!! Stop talking to the fish and let's go!", Visenya shouted from inside the mansion. He sighed and then smiled at how well she knew him at this point. They were so close, that they didn't even need communication and could exchange intents by looking at each other. They also had telepathy, something Kisuke played around with, but they didn't use it at home. They didn't need it. 


Kisuke walked to a seemingly ordinary coach and saw Visenya already waiting for him. He had to stop and look at her. She looked at him as well and smiled tenderly. They embraced each other and just stayed like that for a while. 

"Why are you still surprised when you see me? We have known me for a century now.", Visenya says. 

"I will never not admire your beauty. I am in awe every time I see you. No matter the attire."

And what Kisuke said was true. She was definitely the pretty one in their relationship. At least when it came to the face and hair. Viseny had taken a few potions, which Kisuke gifted her for birthdays or ... whenever he felt like it. She was now similar to him, immortal and her beauty had made a giant leap, if you can imagine.


They entered the coach, which was being pulled by two 'slightly' modified horses. Kisuke had improved almost everything about the two beasts that used to be called horses. They had many different abilities, but for now, they would only pull the carriage. 


Inside the coach, Kisuke and Visenya enjoyed some nice warm tea and a few biscuits together, while they talked about various mundane things. Kisuke had long ago created a group of doctors, who didn't charge exorbitant prices and went around to help and heal people who were in need of it. 

But they never stayed in one place at a time. They were very elusive and a few decades ago, they went to Essos. But it was still known that House Urahara had the best healers. The only reason all the noble Houses in Westeros didn't have one of them act as their personal doctors, was that they simply didn't want that. They weren't a group for the rich, but for those who really needed it. 

Kisuke had named them, the Gotei 13. In truth, the Gotei 13 didn't only have the job of being doctors. They were also trained spies and deadly martial artists. They were but one of the forces, Kisuke could call, whenever he needed something to get done. But he didn't do that. He was more than capable of handling things without appearing in the open. 

So the two were escorted by the King's entourage to Kings Landing. 



- In the Queen's chambers -

The Heir's Tournament was in full swing, but the King wasn't present at this time. He was inside the Queen's chambers as the delivery had been going badly. 

"During a difficult delivery, it is sometimes necessary, that the father makes the impossible choice.", Grand Maester Mellos tells King Viserys. 

"What choice?"

"To make a sacrifice ... or to lose both.", the Grand Maester says, shocking Viserys. 

"There is hope, that we can save the child. At the Citadel, a technique is taught, where through a precise cut, the child can be taken from his mother's womb directly. But the resulting blood loss-"

"7 hells, Mellos!! ...", Viserys is appalled by the choice. His face loses the last colour it had and he looks at Aemma. She seems to be peaceful as she lies there with a small smile on her face. 

"You can save the child?", he asks.

"We either have to act immediately or leave it to the gods.", Mellos explains.

The situation nearly tears Viserys apart. He truly loves his wife, but his wish to finally get an heir is so powerful, that he grudgingly gives his consent for the Maesters to cut into Aemma's womb. Granted, the choice was a hard one. But during those times, without anaesthetics and painkillers... no chance. Give her something to drink for f*cks sake. 


At the gates to Kings Landing, the carriage of Kisuke and Visenya finally arrives. They were led to the Red Keep, by the leader of their entourage, but they were stopped by the King's guards from entering the personal quarters of the King and Queen.

"I don't think you understand young man, we were called here by ... what was his name again?", Kisuke asks Visenya. 

"Visibis, I think."

"Visibis? That's ridiculous. Are you sure? That doesn't even sound like a Targaryen name.", Kisuke says and the two fall into a discussion. The King's Guard meanwhile nearly unsheath their swords and cut these two down, for their disrespect. 

"Listen to me, good man. As I said we were asked to come here by ... him.", Kisuke points at the leader of the King's entourage, who escorted them to Kings Landing. 

"Ser Taning, is what this man says true?", one of the Kings Guards asks. 

"It is. This is Kisuke Urahara, head of House Urahara. He was told to come here by His Grace, because of Her Grace's health."

The King's Guard looks at Kisuke and Visenya.

"Well, we were asked to come. There is a difference.", Kisuke said with a smile.

"Li-", the Guard is interrupted by a pained scream. 

"AAAAAHHHH", the scream is not that loud, but loud enough to be heard from their position. Kisuke's expression suddenly stiffens and he becomes dead serious. 

He knows the reason for this scream. His millennia of being a doctor have taught him to accurately guess the reasons for pained screams. He has heard them all. And he understood what this scream meant.



Viserys approached his wife and grabbed her hand. 

"Viserys?", Aemma asks with a weak voice.

"They're going to bring the babe out now.", he tells her with a pained smile. Aemma smiles at him because she doesn't understand what he means. 

Viserys nods to everyone involved and they get to work. 

"I love you.", Viserys tells her as the Maester prepares her. They pull her down and hold her tight so that she won't move ... too much. 

"It's going to be alright.", he tells Aemma as she loses her smile and gets very nervous. She looks at her husband, looking for answers. 

"... wh-what is happening?", she asks in her weak voice. 


"No ... what are you doing? ... Viserys please ...", Aemma is scared. Very scared. She looks around and doesn't fully understand what they are planning. However, she has a feeling. 

Viserys tries to calm her down, while she looks around and sees the knife in the Maesters hand. 

"No ... please."

"Noo ... nooo nooooo"

"Viserys, no! Please, Viserys ... Please!!"


The Queen tries to move away, as everyone holds her tight and the Maester lowers his knife and cuts into her. 

Blood flows from the wound as the Maester cuts it deep into the womb. Great pain assaults Aemma Targaryen's body as the knife cuts from top to bottom.


Everyone is surprised as the door suddenly is smashed open and someone new stands there with a very angry expression on his face.

Kisuke Urahara has arrived and he is very unhappy about what he is seeing. His anger reaches a new peak and his bloodlust scares everyone in the room, except the Queen. Kisuke makes sure to not affect her. 

"What . Is . This?!"

He rushes into the room and violently grabs Grand Maester Millos' shoulder and throws him out of the room. Then he looks at everyone except the King. 

"OUT! NOW!!!", he shouts and everyone runs out of the room. 

"My name is Kisuke Urahara ... I'm here to save your wife, you stupid c*nt. Now, get out of this room and tell your guards to stand down, before I go on a killing spree.", Kisuke tells Viserys as he immediately gets to work. 

It is unknown what it was exactly. The boundless rage, the pressure which seemed to affect the mind, the powerful shouts, or the authority with which Kisuke held himself ... but the King walked out of the room and met with Visenya as she looked at him with ... disgust and contempt. 

Recognition flashed in Viserys' eyes but she only motioned with her head and then closed the door to the chamber. 



(Kisuke POV)

Rage ... unadulterated rage.

That's what I felt when I saw this scene. The audacity of the Maesters, the idiocy of this man, to go this far for an infant and the pained looks and cries of the woman lying on the bed, with half her stomach cut open. 

I have seen similar things over my long life. But it always manages to enrage me greatly. It is also why he founded the Gotei 13. One of the squads was the 'Birthing Squad', which dealt with helping women give birth safely and without pain. 

I am a doctor at heart, and no matter how powerful I become, I still explode when I see something as barbaric as this and for stupid reasons as well. 


I put my hand on Aemma's head and gave her some comfort. She looks so scared at me right now, but I transmit my intentions to her, emphatically. Another ability I managed to unlock. 

One hand holds her head and caresses her, trying to soothe her, while I feel her pulse with the other. There are marvellous things you can find out by simply feeling someone's pulse. 

I check the condition of the babe and then act fast. I look at Visenya, who has already begun to work. She takes the bloody linen and throws them away while replacing them with new ones. 

We are a perfect team. She places the wooden box she has on the table and then opens it. Systematically she takes one potion after the other and then applies them to the terrible wound. 

We have to deal with the damage those f*cks did to her. I take out a potion from my pockets and gently place it on Aemma's lips. 

"Please drink. This will help you. It will take away the pain. Trust me, Aemma. You can trust me.", I tell her. 

She manages to take a sip and then another one. That is all it takes really. I put the potion back and then take out another one. This one will make her fall asleep. The best thing in the current situation. 

"Here. This will help you as well. Try to sleep a bit, Aemma. When you wake up, everything will be over. I promise.", I say soothingly. 


After she falls asleep, I look at Visenya, who has prepared all the tools for the moment. She has already sterilised everything around the wound and is in perfect surgery clothing. 

She hands me the disinfectant and I get to work. With speeds, faster than the eye can see, I put on everything and then hold out my hand. 

Visenya gives me the scalpel and I get to work. 


The MC doesn't know much about ASOIAF. Otherwise, he would have come sooner.

I hoped to show you the pain and desperation Aemma felt here and a bit about Kisuke's character. I hope you enjoyed. 

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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