60% Dimensional Chaos / Chapter 2: 2

章 2: 2

The chamber was in utter silence after Batman asked his question. The rest of the Justice League and the Avengers looked equally horrified and angry at Dark Heart and Genocide.

The Unofficial Sin of Wrath was looking at the dark knight in confusion. "What are you-" suddenly he finally realized that most of their glared were directed at him, and remembered their 'no killing' rule. "You think I did this?!" he asked.

"You have been killing people left and right ever since you appeared, Genocide," Batman said, his glare only getting harder. "But, now, you've really crossed the line. You're both coming with us, one way or another," the caped crusader hasn't felt the urge to beat up someone this much since Joker kidnapped Jason Todd.

"I didn't do this!" Genocide cried out in his defense, glaring back at the heroes.

Dark Heart took a step forward, standing beside his partner. "He didn't do this, Batman. He is innocent," the Winged Phantom knew that the most heroes in the world don't have a good opinion of Genocide, mainly because of his brutal ways, so he knew the chances of them believing what he or his partner were saying are low.

"You're idea of 'innocent' is messed up if you approve of this," Dark Heart's thoughts were proven right at Tony Stark's reply. "Seriously, how can you let this happen?" this question was directed at Dark Heart.

"I'm telling you, it was like that when we got here!" Dark Heart felt a colossal urge to face-palm at Genocide's words, knowing what they would only make things worse.

"Really?" Black Widow looked somewhat insulted. "You're going with that? That excuse is so old that even Captain America wouldn't fall for it," Steven thought that he should be offended, but he had to agree with Natasha that even before he was frozen that excuse was outdated.

"Listen to me," Dark Heart started as everyone can almost feel his intense gaze under his helmet. "We did NOT do this. We were set up. Someone wanted to make it look like this was done by us," he tried to explain.

Batman narrowed his eyes even more, if that was actually possible. Despite his personal opinion on Dark Heart and Genocide, he also wanted to give them the benefit of doubt in case they were telling the truth. "If that's the case, then come with us, and we'll investigate this to find out what happened."

Suddenly, Hulk smashed his fist into his palm. "Enough talking! Are we going to fight or not?!" the green giant was obviously getting impatient.

The Winged Phantom sighed under his helmet while the Unofficial Sin of Wrath prepared his shotgun and looked at his partner for a plan. They didn't have many options. Dark Heart knew that Batman might keep his word about finding out the truth, but he didn't believe that they wouldn't be arrested if that happened. And, with Hulk getting ready for a throwdown, they were pretty much trapped.

So, in a sudden change of events, Dark Heart swiftly raised his hand and threw something at the ground. Whatever he threw caused a flash of light to cover the entire room in light, blinding its occupants. The clinging of metal was heard and the light died down to reveal that the two partners have vanished.

"They're gone! How-" Ironman stopped himself from asking when he saw a vent cover on the floor, looking as if it has been ripped off.

Looking above them, they saw a vent conveniently big enough for someone as big as Genocide to go through. "The vents? Really?" the Flash asked, not expecting someone to use that old tactic.

"It doesn't matter! They're getting away!" Captain America exclaimed as he turned around and immediately went to go outside to find them.

"Spread out! Cover more ground!" Batman ordered following the super-soldier. "Don't try to take them on alone! You find them, call for help!" the Dark Knight knew that those two combined were very dangerous, and should only be taken on as a group.

With that, the Justice League and the Avengers immediately left the place. Captain America, Hawkeye, and Black Widow were in the Quinjet. Batman and Green Arrow took the Batwing. Cyborg, Hulk, and the Flash were on foot. The rest flew away since they can.

However, when they were gone, an area inside the chamber started to glitch, as if it was a computer screen before it disappeared to reveal Dark Heart and Genocide, standing exactly where they used to.

"That just happened," Genocide joked looking at where the heroes left. "So, why didn't we run away when we had the chance?" he asked his partner.

Dark Heart knelt down and picked up a mechanical cube, not unlike the one he used to stall the Justice League. "They have several people with super speed, we couldn't have outrun them even if we tried," truthfully, the Winged Phantom was glad that this trick managed work. He wasn't sure that the hologram would be able to work against Superman's super senses, or the scanners in Ironman's helmet. But, he supposed them being hasty was a good thing. "We need to get out of here. They won't stop until they get us."

"They're not going to listen to what we say, are they?" Genocide knew that the moral code of most heroes got the better of them, and he wanted to know for sure if that was the case. Dark Heart's silence was all the answer he needed. "F*cking great," he mumbled sarcastically.

Walking through the gates that they came from. The Winged Phantom pressed a button on his gauntlet, causing his bike to turn off its cloaking and become visible again. Mounting his bike, Dark Heart told his partner, "Get on."

The Unofficial Sin of Wrath sighed in annoyance before complying. Once they were both on, Dark Heart twisted the handle, bringing the wheels to life as they dug into the sand before he turned around and immediately started driving away.

"How are we getting away?" Genocide asked remembering that his partner said they have members with super speed.

"We're not," Dark Heart replied causing the Demon slayer to look at him confused. "Them catching us is inevitable. All I did is give us time to get a plan. Fighting them is too risky right now without preparations," he explained.

"Then what are we going to do?" his partner asked. They couldn't exactly hide anywhere in the middle of the desert, especially with Superman around.

"I already called for a ride to pick us up," Dark Heart's response only caused Genocide to be more confused. "Get ready," the Winged Phantom suddenly said urgently. "According to my calculations, they should find us… now."

Just as Dark Heart said, a red line covered in yellow electricity abruptly appeared beside them. The Flash looked at them before pressing the communicator in his ear. "I found them! Sending you their location!"

"Do not engage until you have back up!" Batman was heard saying from the other side of the line.

Just as the Dark knight said that, Dark Heart quickly reached into his belt and pushed one of the buttons. The nanotechnology activated and created a small, tube-shaped bomb in his hand with a blue glow. Throwing it at the Flash's course, the bomb exploded covering the speedster in blue mist that stopped his movement.

When the mist cleared, it revealed Flash, from his feet to his neck, being stuck in a chunk of ice. The scarlet speedster realized that it was a nitrogen-bomb, which meant that he couldn't use his super-speed now that his cells were colder than zero degree.

"Oh, come on!" Berry Allen complained as he currently can't do anything but stare as the vehicle moved further and further away.

Just as it seemed like he would have to wait for the desert sun to melt the ice, two red beams shot at the ice destroying it. It didn't take Flash long to realize what happened when a blue and red blur passed by him. Now, all he had to do is wait a few seconds for his cells to get warmer before catching up with Superman.

The man of steel easily caught up with the motorcycle and immediately caught the back of it with his hands, causing it to simply stay still while the back wheel kept moving, digging on the ground.

"You can't get away," Superman said in a matter of fact manner. "Just give up and-"

"Genocide, get his hands off my bike," Dark Heart requested, ignoring and cutting off Superman.

"With pleasure," the Unofficial Sin of Wrath materialized his shotgun in his hands before aiming it at the signature S of the house of El before pulling the trigger.

The burst of Crimson Nova energy managed to knock away Superman on his back while Dark Heart's bike shot forward. The man of steel groaned as he rolled to be on all four, rubbing the now burned part of his suit.

"Superman, what happened?" Captain America asked through the communicator.

"I kind of forgot how Crimson Nova energy affects me," Superman's attempt at joking to lighten the mood only caused him to groan harder from speaking.

A few months ago, the man of steel had a fight with the Unofficial Sin of Wrath, and it was rather one-sided. It wasn't that Genocide was that strong, it was just that Superman kept getting weaker during the fight.

After a few scans through a footage taken from the battle, Batman was able to deduct that the Crimson Nova energy that Genocide produces from his body somewhat works like red solar radiations, which means that Kryptonians lose their power around him.

Why Genocide spared him that day is beyond Clark Kent, but he did hear the Unofficial Sin of Wrath say something about a favor from one farm boy to another.

"Was I not clear when I said 'Do not engage'?" Batman sternly asked through the communicator causing the man of steel to groan again. He just knew Batman was giving a lecture about following orders after this.

Meanwhile, Genocide and Dark Heart were getting further and further away. "Think we lost them?" the Demon slayer asked.

Before he can receive an answer, the skies started getting darker with clouds as thunder was heard cracking through the air. "That answered your question?" Dark Heart sarcastically remarked knowing the incoming storm wasn't natural.

The Unofficial Sin of Wrath also knew who made the storm and braced himself. Just as they predicted, Thor the thunderer appeared from the sky, his trusty hammer in his hand. Raising Mjolnir, the Asgardian prince swung down, sending a bolt of lightning in order to intercept the two.

Seeing the trajectory that Thor swung the hammer in, Dark Heart immediately turned to the left, evading the lightning bolt that left a smoldering spot in the desert. Seeing his first try didn't work, the thunderer followed them through the air ready to send another attack.

The Winged Phantom immediately started running calculations in his head, predicting where Thor would strike next. Finished with cracking the numbers, Dark Heart waited for the right moment to turn, avoiding another lightning bolt in the process, which proved that his calculations were correct.

Dark Heart dodged a couple more lightning bolts before, in the distance, something crashed in the direction they were going. The dust cleared to reveal the Hulk, who let out a roar upon seeing them.

Pressing a few buttons on his bike, Dark Heart looked over his shoulder at his partner. "Get ready to jump on my signal!"

Before Genocide can ask why he heard a synthetic voice come from the bike's screen. (Self destruct sequence activated) What the voice said gave the Unofficial Sin of Wrath a good idea on what his partner was planning to do.

Getting closer and closer to the Hulk while simultaneously having to dodge Thor's attacks would normally give most people a traumatic breakdown, but these two have dealt with so much that this isn't even a joke to them.

When there was a certain distance from the Hulk, Dark Heart immediately exclaimed, "Now!" before jumping off the bike to the right where his partner jumped to the left.

The Gama powered man was almost insulted that they just left a bike to crash into him. After all, he ripped tanks apart with his bare hands. However, just as the Hulk was about to simply smack the incoming vehicle away, a timer on the bike's screen went from 1 to 0, and an explosion enveloped his form.

Rolling to their feet, both Dark Heart and Genocide took a battle stance. They didn't know where Thor's current location is, and they knew for a fact that the explosion would not have taken down the Hulk.

And so, just as they predicted, the green giant jumped out of the smoke without any visible damage and headed towards Genocide. The Hulk grabbed the Demon slayer's head, raised it in the air and smashed it on the ground.

"You're not so tough-" Hulk's statement was cut off as Genocide's gauntlet, Crusher, smashed on his face with enough force to send him back while letting him go.

When the Unofficial Sin of Wrath managed to stand up again, he saw Thor coming in from the sky with Mjolnir raised. putting away his shotgun, Genocide summoned rampage and used the blade to block the strike.

The godly hammer and the demonic sword clashed into each other, causing an outburst of blue and red energy to cover the area. Thor was impressed. He heard legends about the Demonic blade, Rampage, and how it is the same sword that Genocide used to finish off Satan, so it was no surprise that it is rivaling Mjolnir.

Dark Heart watched as his partner was currently in a lockdown with the God of thunder while the Hulk was recovering fast. Just as he was about to go to help, he had to jump back to avoid the Flash passing by him, almost punching him.

"Surprise!" the Flash said as he started circling his opponent, cornering all his sides.

The speedster whizzed by Dark Heart, attempting to punch him again but was dodged. If it wasn't for his brain enhancements, the Winged Phantom doubted that he would be able to dodge the Flash's attacks.

Memorizing the pattern of the Flash's movement, Dark Heart calculated for where the speedster's next attack was going to be, and now he had to time it correctly. The Flash this time attacked from the back, hoping to finally get a hit on his opponent.

However, unexpectedly, the Winged Phantom swiftly turned around with great speed for a normal human and held up his hand straight to his side, causing the Flash to collide with the arm and be sent hurling forward.

After rolling off the sand for a few moments, Flash stopped on his back. "Ow," he groaned.

Just as he thought about going to help his partner now that Flash was out for a few seconds at most, Dark Heart heard the engine of a jet and jumped away as Batman landed on the spot where he used to be in an attempt to attack him by surprise.

The Dark knight charged at the Winged Phantom, who immediately went off the defensive. Batman started with a flurry of punches, which Dark Heart evaded. The protector of Gotham then did a faint of a left jab and delivered a kick to his opponent's stomach.

However, much to Batman's surprise, Dark Heart saw through his faint and managed to block the kick with his forearms. Batman immediately pulled his leg back as Dark Heart attempted to grab it.

This time, it was the Winged Phantom who started the attack, and Batman was on the defensive to get an idea of how his opponent fights. Dodging a few punches, Batman had to admit that his current opponent was a skilled one.

Realizing that he has to do something unpredictable, Dark Heart swiftly raised his leg causing Batman to cover his midsection, expecting a kick. But, unexpectedly, the Winged Phantom quickly spun around on his remaining leg and managed to strike the Dark Knight's side of his already raised foot.

Skidding back a few feet, Batman swiftly sidestepped to dodge another punch before grabbing Dark Heart's outstretched arm and threw him over his shoulder to the air. The Winged Phantom flipped mid-air and made sure he lands on his feet.

Just as he stood back up, Dark Heart swiftly raised his hand and grabbed an arrow that was heading towards his head and threw it away before it exploded. The shooter of the arrow was Green Arrow, who just landed from the Batwing himself.

As if the situation wasn't bad enough, the Quinjet came in with Ironman, Green Lantern, and Wonder Woman flying beside it. Hovering in the air, Captain America, Hawkeye, and Black Widow landed from the jet and looked at Dark Heart.

Meanwhile, Genocide broke from his lockdown with Thor and swung from the side. The Asgardian prince bent down, dodging the swing. The Unofficial Sin of Wrath continued going in a full circle before raising his blade upwards and brought down his sword.

This time, it was Thor who had to block, and he grunted slightly from the faint pain in his arms from the strength that Genocide put in the attack. Pushing his opponent back, the Thunderer and Demon slayer started clashing weapons against each other. Crimson and Blue energy would burst with every strike, thunder roared in the sky as Thor attempted to overpower Genocide.

But, the Unofficial Sin of Wrath caught the Thunderer off guard when they got into another lockdown and Genocide gave Thor a powerful headbutt, the demonic helmet and the strength behind it was enough to cause Thor to take a few steps back.

That's when the Hulk came in swinging his fist at Genocide's chest, sending him skidding backward through the sand, and end up conveniently standing back to back with Dark Heart.

The two partners were once again facing the heroes. But, this time, they were surrounded. "There's nowhere left to run," Captain America said, trying to give the two partners the peaceful way out. "Just surrender, and don't make this harder on yourselves."

"Did you surrender when Hydra said it's the easier way to take?" Dark Heart's question was met with Steven Rogers raising his shield. "I didn't think so."

"Please tell me you have a plan?" Genocide whispered to his partner. He knew for a fact that he can take down some of the people here before he's captured, but he didn't want to kill them over a misunderstanding.

The Winged Phantom smirked under his helmet. "Green Lantern, I wouldn't float there if I were you," he said all of a sudden.

Before Hal Jordan can even ask what that was about, a gunshot was heard throughout the area as a bullet struck his shoulder, causing him to scream in pain and fall on the ground because he lost concentration on his ring.

"Lantern!" Flash yelled as he immediately went beside his fallen ally.

The others immediately started trying to spot where the shot came from but saw nothing. That is, until something started to reveal itself. Floating in the air, was a jet that was as big as a plane.

The jet had sharp wings near the back while the body remained wide. It was covered in black armor with three rocket engines at the back, with the one at the center being bigger than the other two. The cockpit was covered in purple glass. Thrusters at the bottom kept it floating in its place.

The one who shot Green Lantern was the man on the jet. He wasn't inside it, but actually was standing on one of the wings. It was a man of average height and slightly above than average built.

He was wearing a dark green trench coat over a black turtleneck that was tucked in a pair of green jeans. He was wearing black combat boots with silver buckles. He was also wearing black gloves.

His face was hidden behind an opera jester mask. The mask had a red smile, a blue right eye, and a red star in place for the left eye. On top of his head was a wide hat with a bushy feather.

In his hand, was a rather peculiar gun. It was a big, green pistol that had a black, leather handle and the crest of a rose on the side. The barrel was smoking, implying recent use.

Batman was the first to recognize the man. "Jade Rose."

"The assassin?" Black Widow asked in shock. The Jade Rose was a legend in S.H.I.E.L.D, with a big bounty to whoever gets him for how elusive and dangerous he was. But since she never saw him herself or talked to anyone who saw him, she considered him a myth.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen," the jester-masked said sounding like a well-mannered person, but they can detect a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "I'll be taking my friends now, and before you come up with some cliché remark, I'll tell you now that I'm neither asking nor requesting."

"He's our ride?" Genocide's question was answered by Dark Heart immediately darting towards where the plain was hovering, so the Unofficial Sin of Wrath did the same.

"They're getting away!" Superman yelled out as he immediately went to capture them.

However, Jade Rose saw that coming and aimed his gun at the man of steel. The barrel seemed to glow for a second before the assassin pulled the trigger. Superman didn't think much on the bullet, but that proved to be a grave mistake as it seemed to pierce his knee.

Superman suddenly felt weak and immediately fell on the ground holding his wounded knee. Looking at the bullet wound, the Kryptonian saw a green glow from the bullet hole, which helped him realize that it was a Kryptonite bullet.

The Hulk immediately jumped at the two running partners, with Thor and Wonder Woman following suit. Seeing them coming, Genocide stopped for a second ready to intercept them.

Waiting for the right moment, Genocide immediately went for the Hulk's leg while he was mid-air. After grabbing it, the Unofficial Sin of Wrath spun the Hulk around with great strength and threw him at the two heroes following him, causing them to smash into each other. The Hulk's large frame and the strength behind the throw made sure that Wonder Woman and Thor are both sent flying.

Steven Rogers threw his shield at the two partners. But, much to his shock, Dark Heart turned around, caught the shield, used its momentum to spin around, and threw it back at them.

The shield managed to strike Ironman right in the face-plate, causing him to fall backward from the sky. The indestructible object was then sent towards Batman, who had to jump back so that the shield doesn't take his head off, causing it to land on the desert sand.

Hawkeye, Green Arrow, and Black Widow tried to move in but stopped as a few bullets struck the ground in front of their feet. "Ah, Ah, Ah," they saw Jade Rose wagging a finger on his free hand. "It's not really nice to interrupt a getaway now, is it?" he asked sarcastically.

"I hate that guy," both archers said at the same time glaring at the assassin.

Meanwhile, the only ones left to attack were Flash and Cyborg who got pretty close to the two partners. But, Dark Heart then suddenly pulled out two nitrogen bombs and threw one at each of them, trapping the half-machine man and speedster in a chunk of ice that left their heads free.

"Are you kidding me!?" Cyborg cried out, struggling against the ice.

"This is what I have to deal with," Flash commented with a deadpan look. Ever since his first public fight with Captain Cold, many people knew that zero degree works well against him, and he's been getting trapped in ice more times than fish on the market.

The Winged Phantom looked at his gauntlet and pushed a few buttons. Lines descended from the jet that Dark Heart and Genocide wasted no time in grabbing. The lines started pulling them upwards in a swift pace.

One of the first to recover was Ironman. "They're getting away!" just as Tony was about to activate the thrusters in his suit, a bullet suddenly pierced the shoulder of his armor. "What the hell!" Ironman held his wounded shoulder, shocked that a bullet managed to pierce his armor. "Jarvis! What happened!?"

"Scanning now," Ironman's robotic butler replied. He immediately viewed the schematics of the wounded shoulder to Tony, and started seeing how that bullet got through the supposedly bullet-proof armor. "Sir, it seems the bullet is made of Vibraniom," Jarvis said showing a holographic figure of the bullet.

"What!?" Tony couldn't hide his shock. As far as he knew, the only people that had access to Vibraniom built weaponry were Wakanda. Captain America and Dr. Doom being the only exceptions.

Meanwhile, the lines managed to get Dark Heart and Genocide inside the plain, and they wasted no time going to the cockpit. The cockpit was rather wide with four seats, two at the front and two in the back, with both seats on the fronts having a steering wheel made of two bent handles.

Jumping towards one of the pilot seats, the Winged Phantom grabbed the steering wheel and flipped a few swinging. "Rose, we're leaving!" he said through a communicator on his helmet.

"Well, it seems our time is up," Jade Rose said as he put his gun away inside his coat. "We'll meet again, ladies and gentlemen," with that, the assassin went towards one of the windows of the cockpit, which opened for him to get inside.

When they were all in, the Hulk managed to return looking angry… well, angrier than before. Dark Heart saw that and immediately turned the plane to get away. The Hulk jumped towards the plane, fully intending on smashing it.

Just as the Hulk was about to grab into the back of the vehicle, Dark Heart pushed the button to the engines, causing them to immediately activate and explode on the Hulk sending him back.

The jet shot forward in the sky, getting further and further away. Batman was about to call for the Batwing while Thor and Wonder Woman were about to follow the running trio. However, the jet suddenly vanished, causing them to lose their chances of following it.

Batman couldn't help but let out a long, LONG, breath of frustration. Dark Heart and Genocide were already dangerous enough each alone, let alone together, and now they had Jade Rose with them. And, the worst part, they got away on the Dark knight's watch. But, that was the least of his worries now, he had teammates, and coworkers considering the Avengers, to help heal… and a Kryptonian to yell at.

Meanwhile, Dark Heart let out a breath of relief after activating the cloaking system. He was glad that the ones that could follow them were now occupied, this escape attempt had a 60% chance of going well, according to his calculations. The other 40% included someone dying.

"Why do you only call me when you need something?" Jade Rose asked with a sarcastic offended tone after taking one of the back seats.

Genocide ignored the assassin and looked at Dark Heart with his own question. "Dark Heart, what the hell is going on? You said we were set up?" he asked remembering what his partner said before the fighting began.

The Winged Phantom nodded. "That's right. Someone obviously wanted us, or at least you, to be at the wrong place and time, making it look like you went out of control and killed those people," he explained as he stirred the jet.

The Unofficial Sin of Wrath slumped back on his seat with a loud groan. "F*cking fantastic."

"So you're Genocide, huh?" Jade Rose asked causing the Demon slayer to look at him. "I heard a lot about you. Your reputation is… astounding, to say the least," the assassin stood up from his seat and gave a bow like a performer. "I am Jade Rose, at your service."

"Genocide," the Unofficial Sin of Wrath introduced himself before looking at the driver of the jet. "How do you know this guy?"

The jester masked man looked at the Winged Phantom. "I was about to ask the same thing," he added.

"Same way I know you," Dark Heart quickly replied causing both his passengers to nod, knowing that he met them during a mission and ended up being friends.

Truthfully, Dark Heart had met Genocide during a mission to stop a Hydra attempt at bombing the Empire State building using some sort of demonic relic, seeing that they worked together well, they attempted working together again and they managed to make a very good team. Dark Heart was brain, and Genocide was brawn.

As for Jade Rose, Dark Heart met him when they ended up hunting the same target, which was another project X facility. It was safe to say that Wolverine was happy to not only let them go but also offer them a beer for stopping the people that experimented on him. In all honesty, Dark Heart can sympathize with the mutant, since he was used as a test subject once himself.

Looking out the window, the Unofficial Sin of Wrath noticed that they had long left the desert ground, and were now traveling above the ocean. "Where are we going?" he asked.

"To my base," the black-clad man replied, causing both his passengers to gain a glint of interest in their eyes.

For as long as they've known him, neither Genocide nor Jade Rose has ever seen Dark Heart's base of operations, and as far as they knew no one else has. So, they both sat down patiently, waiting for the ride to be over.

After some time, they passed through the ocean and were now flying over a forest filled with nothing but plant life. Making their way towards one of the mountains that were covered in trees, Dark Heart slowed down the jet and started hovering above the mountain peak.

The tip of the mountain suddenly split into three parts before opening up to be big enough for the jet. Once it was the appropriate size, the Winged Phantom started slowly lowering the vehicle before it entered through, with the tip closing up afterward.

Once the mountain peak was closed, only then did Dark Heart turn off the cloaking device, causing the jet to become visible again. The jet kept lowering itself with four legs coming out of the bottom until it safely landed.

Turning off a few switches, Dark Heart stood up from his seat. "Alright, follow me," he instructed as he started walking towards the back of the cockpit.

Genocide and Jade Rose did as they were told and followed the Winged Phantom to the back of the jet, where a door descended, giving them the chance to walk down. When they were off the vehicle, the two guests got to see a look at where they are.

It was a large hanger, obviously made for vehicles. It looked like a large dome made of metal. The lights were made of fluorescent tubes that went in a circle around the hanger. Despite the large place, there were only three vehicles in it currently. The jet that they just got off, and two more that were covered in cloth, concealing their look. There were also many pieces of what seems to be other vehicles that were taken apart in the corner.

"Come on," Dark Heart said as he walked towards a metal door that was in the back of the hanger.

Both his guests followed him, with Jade Rose asking, "So, what is stopping them from tracking the jet to this place?" the assassin knew that Tony Stark and Batman had access to very useful technology.

Dark Heart did not seem troubled in the slightest. "The jet's cloaking system is equipped with an EMP system that is specifically designed to make sure that it cannot be tracked by normal means," he explained to them as they reached the door, which automatically opened when they got close, allowing them to enter a metal hallway, their feet being the only sound heard throughout the entire place. "The base is also equipped with a similar system, along with a generator that works on a river close by, which means it can't be traced as well."

Both Genocide and Jade Rose were rather surprised and impressed. The Unofficial Sin of Wrath then looked at him. "So, what's the occasion of you bringing us to your secret base?" he knew that running away from the heroes wouldn't be easy, but he still didn't expect Dark Heart to bring them here.

The Winged Phantom looked at the Demon slayer over his shoulder. "Someone is up to something big. Big enough to get both the Justice League and the Avengers involved at the same time, and it does not sit well with me," Genocide couldn't argue with that.

Reaching the end of the hallway, they came to a pair of mechanical doors with a screen on their side, only for Dark Heart to suddenly stop before reaching them. "What's wrong?" Jade Rose asked.

"Something isn't right," Dark Heart stated causing both his allies to get cautious. The Winged Phantom looked at the screen beside the doors and tapped them with his finger. "This clock here has stopped," he pointed out showing them that the time on the screen was blinking 03:00 again and again.

The Demon Slayer and the Assassin were confused since they didn't think it was such an important detail. That is, until Dark Heart pressed a button on the screen which opened the doors.

Inside was a rather large laboratory, filled with machines, computers, chemicals, and tools of all kinds. It was dimly lit by some lights, the rest being off for some reason. However, what drew their attention was the current state of the lab.

The chemicals were flowing through the air as if gravity had no effect on them. Some of the machines were acting odd, like a mechanical arm that was moving up and down like it was dancing.

Walking inside, the three looked around in confusion at what's happening. "Well, I knew that not everyone cleans their room, but seriously, Dark Heart, this is beyond being a mess," Jade Rose joked which caused Genocide to smirk under his helmet.

The Winged Phantom ignored the joke and looked at the far end of the lab. "I know you're here, and you know that you can't hide, so why try in the first place?" he asked.

Suddenly, all of the lights turned on in the lab. With the room being fully lit, it revealed a new person in the room. Genocide pulled out his shotgun while Jade Rose pulled out his pistol, Hope, and aimed their weapons at the person.

The person they were aiming at was a beautiful yet odd woman. She has long, multi-colored hair with a pair of cat ears and a bushy tail. The left side of her hair is light pink while the right side is dark purple. Her cat ears are in the same colors but switched, her left ear is dark purple and right ear is light pink. Her tail is dark purple with a light pink tip. Her eyes have slit pupils and her irises constantly change color. She wears a furry, light pink, sleeveless top, and dark purple short shorts. Her hands are covered in long gloves and her legs are covered in long socks, both striped pink and dark purple

The woman was currently laying on her side with her arm supporting her head. She had an amused grin on her face and her tail was lazily swaying back and forth behind her. She didn't really seem to care about the weapons that were aimed at her.

Genocide and Jade Rose did not recognize the woman, but Dark Heart did. "Paradox," the woman's grin seemed to have gotten bigger when the Winged Phantom said her name.

(A/N: Thank you for reading this.

First, about Dark Heart and Genocide running away. That happened because, while they are MY OCs, I don't want to make them sound OP. Dark Heart admitted that they can't take on the Avengers and the Justice League without preparations, which is why he switched into escaping.

Second, Jade Rose and Paradox appeared.

Again, thank you for reading this. Please comment, review, and give me your thoughts on my story.)

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








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  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


