49.39% Different Royal Pony. / Chapter 81: Assistant Who? Yes...

章 81: Assistant Who? Yes...


Nothing to say I guess... ENJOY!!!


*Knock Knock*

"*Crash* Ow! *Break* Ugh..C-Come in!" A voice responded to the sound of knocking and Starfall couldn't help but cringe hearing the sound coming from the house.

His hoof stepped inside, revealing to him a very interesting but disorderly interior full of technomagical experiments and blueprints.

A handsome brown coated Stallion with an hourglass Cutie Mark tried to collect a bunch of items that apparently fell from a shelf, while massaging his head.

"Hey Whooves...Are you busy?..." Asked Starfall awkwardly while helping him collect the items.

"Ah! Starfall! Good to see you....Well, Yes, I was...But now I'm not, haha...umm...What do you need?" Replied the Stallion sheepishly in an English accent, seeing that it was Starfall who came to visit him.

"Ah...well, I was wondering...I recently started this project, only to realize that I'm not very good when it comes to technology...I was hoping you would be interested. And I know that you have your own projects but..."

"Are you barmy?! Of course I'm interested! Ever since you showed me your 'secret' basement I was waiting for you to invite me pal!" Said Dr Whooves in an overenthusiastic tone.

Starfall was very surprised with that reaction, sometimes he would forget how social the ponies of Equestria actually were.

Starfall quickly recovered from his surprise smiled at Whooves.

They soon fell into conversation with tea about their projects and Starfall found out that his friends recent project also stagnated and he was looking for a fresh idea.

When the unicorn explained what he wanted to achieve, Whooves instantly became interested.

Starfall described a machine to store and process information and All its basic functions which Whooves found to be a fascinating idea which would be more than helpful in many if not all future projects of theirs.

He instantly agreed to join him in his endeavour, and they spend the rest of the day talking about anything and everything, having a fun time as two egghead friends...

When it was finally time for Starfall to leave to prepare for a date with Rainbow Dash and AppleJack whom he invited after Twilight yesterday, Dr Whooves stopped him to asked him a last question.

"Blimey! Wait Starfall! We didn't discuss the most important thing!" he exclaimed making Starfall look at him funny.

"What is it?" Asked the unicorn to which Whooves grinned in amusement.

"What are we gonna call this invention?" He asked, making Starfall smile.

"I was thinking about...a 'computer', because it's supposed to compute data." Replied Starfall before leaving the house.

// To any confused, it's the next day and he already had a date with Twilight.//


"The crown...The boots...The hair...Where are my hair?! Ah right...Silly me..." Celestia paced in front of the mirror while looking herself over while a maid looked at the Princess from the side with a bit of worry.

"My Princess...The Brunch in Ponyville is still a few days off...There's no need to-"

"Do you think he would like it? Or maybe I should try something different... I'm always wearing the same accessories..." Celestia talked to herself while continuing to pace around.

"Princess. I really don't think that-"

"Maybe a bow to strap my mane? would he like it? It's not that much of a change but it might make me look cuter...no... I think I look even older with a ponytail..." She muttered as her eye twitched. Neither she nor the maid realized that another crimson spark jumped over her Cutie Mark, causing It to lightly redden...


It was a few days since Starfall recruited Whooves to help him in his project. At first, the unicorn had to make a few adjustments to the basement so that the other Stallion didn't stumble upon a room or container with a dangerous item, so he constructed an enchanted system of locks that would only open to a pony with a high enough clearance card.

Each card was also constructed as an Artifact which would recognize its owner and work only for him.

This way Whooves wouldn't accidentally stumble upon the Chaos Magic Containment Chamber, or open a cage with a monster...

Now with the help of his friend, Starfall's project finally progressed in a way that satisfied him, and he wouldn't be surprised if the first magical computer of Equestria would be created in the span of a few weeks!

But that was not what was on Starfall's mind at the moment as he was getting ready for the Brunch with Princess Celestia.

The last few days, other than working on the computer project, Starfall had been inviting each of his mares on dates, trying to appease their emotions after his stunt with Little Strongheart. He felt like he mostly succeeded as the girls were clearly much more warm towards him afterwards and implied that today evening would be the time to compensate for this weak of abstinence...Starfall was very much looking forward to it as the girls apparently already organised a sleepover...

And speaking of Little Strongheart, Starfall kept in contact with her. He would often exchange letters with the young buffalo whom he slowly started to consider a member of his herd, even if they were separated by such a large distance.

Little Strongheart was clearly very happy to be able to contact him judging by the long pieces of parchment she would send back to him every time he wrote, telling all about her life in her camp and about how the buffalos were welcomed by the Ponies of Appleloosa, slowly merging the two communities together.

Of course, so far it were only two letters that he send and received, seeing as it was only around a week since the adventure in the West but he could already expect more of them to come, and he felt like his research on magical portals should really advance soon because he was finding it infuriating to be so far from The girl...

Funny how originally he didn't think it was such a big deal, but it was clear to him that Strongheart's feelings for him affected him as well...

But let's focus back on the topic! Brunch with Aunty Celestia! Starfall looked at himself in the mirror and smiled.

He looked good...His Obsidian black hair with a golden strand, Those sparkling purple irises. The pure white coat and a glowing Cutie Mark...


Glowing Cutie Mark?!

Starfall Instantly turned towards his Cutie Mark and didn't find anything weird with it. It was just like it always was. Unmoving and mysterious.

He once again looked at his reflection and didn't see the glow anymore which made him confused. Did he imagine it?

Starfall decided to activate his Mage Sight. In moments like this, he knew that he could rely on his favourite ability.

As soon as his Mage Sight was activated though, Starfall squinted his eyes. He forgot how strong he was magically...

It was still not at the level of an Alicorn, but he was getting there...

When his eyesight adjusted to the light, Starfall examined his Cutie Mark and came to a startling realization...

Fragments of his Cutie Mark were 'covered' in magic!

He didn't realize it before, but now...It was clear as a day because a certain element. The piece which housed the symbol of the moon on the outer rim of the magical circle, was currently sparkling with runes of the magical language forming different words which were related to stuff like 'love' 'moon' 'dream' and other topics which were suspiciously related to Luna...

It was mostly thanks to said symbol being slightly larger than the others that he even noticed that, but he also recognized a few other symbols which were currently sparkling with magic.

Symbols of Nature, Happiness, Animals, Sky, Earth, Stone, Crystals, and even the large center Star, and eye were emitting a sparkling light of magic, and he didn't notice the large star before because of it being right above the point where the Cutie Mark connected with his magic core or whatever that mass of magic would be called right now.

Starfall instantly connected the Symbols with his Marefriends, but the idea of his Cutie Mark acting as some kind of Waifu catalogue didn't sit well with him. He knew that there had to be some other reason why the symbols would light up and another idea struck him after he analysed the cutie Mark for another few minutes.

Maybe The Cutie Mark depicted his connection to different elements or something? He knew that he wouldn't be able to fill the entire Cutie Mark by collecting Marefriends because there were hundred of symbols on his Cutie Mark, but what if that wasn't what was really needed? maybe he was just lucky to unlock a part of his Cutie Mark's power by being close to girls who were closely connected to those few elements.

Starfall was excited with the prospect of a new mystery. Maybe he would be able to finally understand his Cutie Mark better! He always knew that there was more to it than just telling him his talent in understanding and wielding magic. And now he finally had a direction for a research, and he knew exactly what to-

"Starfall! Are you ready yet!? We need to go or we'll be late for the Brunch with the Princess!" Called out Twilight from behind the doors.

"Oh give him some slack Twilight. I'm sure Tia wouldn't mind us being late by a few minutes. She's not like that." Luna chided Twilight as Starfall pushed the door open, finding the two lovely mares standing side by side.

"You two look gorgeous girls. Shall we?" He asked, making the two girls giggle.

"We shall." Twilight said amused as the two joined him in going towards the entrance...


next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C81
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


