Devil's Fairytale Devil's Fairytale original

Devil's Fairytale

作者: Siya_2230

© WebNovel

章 1: The eloped bride


Brighton's Victory palace was very beautifully decorated like a dream.

 inside the palace There was beautiful flower decoration and the lights were such that every corner was shining.


A big Spanish style crystal made chandelier  in the middle of the main hall of the palace was adding moon on the glory to palace


Preparations for the wedding to be held in the evening were going on everywhere in palace.


Every single person on the palace was busy in doing something or other to welcome groom Samuel Christopher


All mens from the palace was afraid of Christopher as at the same time all females present there was curious to have a look of Christopher


Mens were afraid because he was widely infamous for his cruel and harsh tactics to deal the business

Where as among the female she was very much famous for being the most handsome man they might have ever seen


 Christopher rules most of the land at that area  but not much people have access to him but whoever have met him they have given him a name extremely handsome devil


Although there was an atmosphere of happiness in the palace. Bride Elizabeth did not approve of this fast-paced business marriage.


Even Elizabeth head share her this approval and her grief with her prevents but on the name of their Kingdom and their people her fathers king George brighten could not help a lot


Firstly Elizabeth was not at all approving this marriage and on other hand she was even aware of christopher's actual intention


She has seen wale's Prince David with Christopher while having one of the meetings.

 And thus she was very much clear that Christopher was taking revenge for his friend because when David want to get married to elizabetg she abruptly disapproved the proposal by saying " he is incompetent in front of her "


Obviously David's pride was shattered to dust by Elizabeth and now Christopher wanted to take the revenge.


Christopher invaded Brighton Kingdom. Although he Didn't wanted Brighton  kingdom or a victory palace.


 He had a huge empire of his own, but the hunger to conquer and the desire, to have everything beautiful in the world was always in him, and this hunger and the desire to have Brighton's most beautiful princess Elizabeth did not stop him from doing so.


 Everyone inside Brighton knew Christopher is a very efficient but at the same time very cruel ruler.


Everyone knew that he would go to any extent to win and get what he wanted, and they had seen a glimpse of this in Christopher and Brighton's battle already.


 The soldiers of Britain had created such a ruckus that during the war Brighton had seen the blood rain and dead boby piles on the roads.


And to stop that bloodshed king George Brighton had to extend the hand of friendship with Christopher.


And Christopher was ready to leave the kingdom only on one condition that King George brighton haat to marry his elder daughter Elizabeth to him.


He did all that just to get a hold on their princess Elizabeth.

 because he had heard of her so highly he wanted to acquire her.

He just wanted to tarnish her pride and shatter her ego to the ground.


In deep down his conscious Christopher wanted Elizabeth's beauty to acquire.

 because her beauty was talk of the country since she was born.

Words about her beauty her brain her intelligence and her bravery were spread far and wide.

Everyone knew that  the Brighton's princeises are very beautiful.

whoever sees them He just want to keeps on watching. People even say about princess Elizabeth that if someone has a glimpse of her before, they will never forget her.


But the most amazing thing was that of The youngest princess, Melissa, had not been seen by anyone till date.


She lives like a mystery.

Apart from some special employees appointed on her duty, Melissa had not appeared in front of anyone till date.


And maybe that's why Christopher didn't know about Melissa and proposed marriage to Elizabeth.


Anyway king brighton just have received the news that The procession has left and will reach the palace in a few hours.


 King George Brighton was still inspecting the wedding preparations when his wife Mrs Diana brighton came near him.

Diana was looking distressed.


Seeing her in that dishevelled state king asked " what happened "


Diana was not at all in a state to say anything.

She was trying to say something but was stammering.

But any how she gathered her courage and said softly in King George's ear "Elizabeth is nowhere to be found in palace, neither is her car inside the palace, no one is aware of her whereabouts.

I am very much worried Where has she gone?


This news was like a lightning strike on King George.

He has once again wanted to save his empire and his people.

Had saved them from christopher's clutches and if Elizabeth doesn't come back before the procession arrives.

Then no one will be able to save Brighton from Christopher.


King George Brighton's condition was getting worse. They didn't understand now Where to find Elizabeth?


Because he knew very well that if Elizabeth has gone of her own  will, no one will be able to find her.


Elizabeth is determined in her intentions and along with beauty, she is very sensible in her intelligence.


She is beyond the thinking of ordinary people, so it is impossible to find him without his consent.

he knew this very well that Elizabeth was not at all happy with the marriage alliance.

she was keep on asking to just buy some more time so that they can make some strategy against Christopher.

but obviously king George brighton knew beforehand there is nothing they can do.

hits force battalion have already phased Christopher's blood thirsty battalion.

only one thing he can do to save his people is find Elizabeth and get a hold on her and finally make her understand and pursue her to get this alliance done.

in order to find Elizabeth king George brighton spread his whole personal employees.

But they didn't find her anywhere.

everyone from the royal family was living a nightmare.

on the other hands Elizabeth fue out of the country and even if brightons find her where about they won't be able to get her back on time.

hear this Chaos was keep on going at the same time one of the gatekeeper came and announce that christopher's convoy have arrived.

They are standing outside the city doors. now it's Brighton's turn to welcome them.

And Brighton's have to reach the city doors before their convoy stops there.

after hearing this news of their arrival king brighton immediately asked the whole royal family and royal employees to pack their bags and get all the important, very important stuff along with them and prepare to leave.

He made a plan that he will go and welcome the convoy of Christopher on his own and will try to stop them there and try to buy some time,

and in the meantime his whole palace will be evacuated and once he get the news that whole palace is evacuated and all the peoples are in the safe place he will let christopher know about Elizabeth elope.

in worst case scenario he has to face the christophers anger.

Even if we wants to kill, only he will be killed but not his whole royale family and royal employees.

He did not want to do Jeopardize his people's safety and their womens Pride.

as per the plan king George brighton leaves to welcome christopher's convoy.

it took him around 1 hour 40 minutes to reach the city gates.

when he reached the city gates, christopher's convoy was still 15 minutes away.

he was nervous he was petrified but still he has to face Christopher.

he was waiting there, in around 15 20 minutes christophers convoy reached city gates.

George met Christopher, welcomed him with royal rules and rituals.

Christopher was happy so far because all the arrangements done by brightons were extraordinary.

they had arranged all delicacies all the comfort and all the conveniences that a royal convoy needs everything was arranged for them.

Christopher was very much eager to see Elizabeth and thus he asked king brighton "where are we leaving for marriage.."

king George brighton: we will soon.....actually we have a ritual to perform before you reach to the royal palace.

we have to make you pious before entering our motherland.

Christopher: what the hell is this...???

do I look like an sinner so that you need to make me pious.

king Brighton: no no..... you just took it wrong. in our culture we make the bride and groom take the bath with Holy water just before presenting them in front of God.

it's just to clean there soul and aura.

Christopher found this logical and reasonable so he did not said anything. and he was ready to perform this ritual.

after sending Christopher to take a bath, king George brighton immediately ask Queen Diana about their whereabouts.

but he was startled by the answer given by Queen Diana.

she said "Melissa is not ready to leave, she is adamant to stay in her palace."

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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