96.55% Destroyer in Danmachi / Chapter 28: Far East.

章 28: Far East.

I removed the Part about Primordials and stuff.

I had a cool idea but after writing the next chapter I realised it won't work, I would have to change the entire story and it's tone.

So no primordial bullshit. I will just go with what I had planned since the start.


5 days later after the battle with black dragon.

Inside one of the bars which was located at the shibuya region of the far east near the coast. It was one of the major port city of the east.

The sudden disappearance of an entire island and a bright light in the same direction, was the new hot topic of discussion.

"hey-hey did you guys see that bright light five days ago?" a pink haired pallum girl asked energetically to a group of people people in the bar.

"yeah, looked like a second sunrise" one of them answered remembering the incident.

"alright, can you please point at which direction it was" Lyra asked.

The level 4 vanguard of Astraea Familia. A pink haired pallum, Lyra, alias <Thrail>.

Known for her mischievous and blunt personality and her weapon, "Aegis"

a magic item made by asfi Al Andromeda <Perseus> and Tsubaki Collbrande <Cyclops>. Which can copy any magic it gets in contact with.

Though it shattered when she used it on Alfia and had to be remade.

To get stronger to protect the city the familia needed experience fighting high level adventurers, hence astraea familia sought out hera familia in Atlanta for a training spar against the monstrous genius Alfia <Silence>,

Lyra in hopes of blocking Alfia biggest weapon, her magic. Used the item to copy the attack magic [Genos Angelus] which resulted in not only the weapon shattering but also almost destroyed the entire sparring field

After the group in the bar told her the approximate direction of the incident, she left the bar and ran down towards the most expensive Inn in the whole town.

she suddenly saw someone and halted

"Heya Lyon" she said while waving her hands and jumping getting the attention of the stoic elf along with half the street.

"you can be less noisy, Lyra" Ryuu sighed

The golden haired graceful elf, level 5 vanguard of astraea familia, Ryuu lion, alias <Gale Wind>. Born in the Ryumilua forest where she grew up caring for the scared tree with her family and other elves in the forest.

As time passed, she began to think that beautiful Elves were the ugliest of all people, due to seeing her fellow Elves behavior toward those of other races. And made the decision to leave the forest.

Upon arriving in Orario, she met many gods and goddesses who wanted to take her in their familia but all of them only wanted a beautiful elf in their familia nothing more like a trophy to show off. Their behaviour disgusted Ryuu who then refused to join any familia.

She was eventually discovered by Alize who introduced her to Astraea. Ryuu was amazed by astraea and her intent to spread justice in this lawless world and decided to join her familia.

"stop being so grumpy, this way you will never find a boyfriend" Lyra teased Ryuu who ignored her taunts

"did you find anything?" Ryuu asked

"Nope, the same thing about seeing a bright light at the horizon and then nothing. Nothing new to add" Lyra said disappointed. She wanted to solve this mystery but they had no information whatsoever.

"let's meet with others then" Ryuu said and both went inside the Inn.

"welcome back you two" Neze greeted them.

Neze, a grey haired werewolf, level 4 member of astraea familia. Alias <Lupa>. One of the first members of astraea familia.

"gee.. we are last" Lyra made a disappointed face.

"did you two find anything" a graceful lady with long brown hair asked. She was the goddess of the familia, Astraea.

"nope" Lyra said

"no, lady Astraea" Ryuu said

Astraea sighed and looked the guests in the room.

The only males in the room. 2 of them. Astraea looked the young adult with short sky blue hairs.

"it seems like there is not much we can gather here, poseidon"

The god of seas, hummed in thought.

"what do you think, Thomas" Poseidon looked at the young man who stood behind him,

Thomas, level 7 captain of Poseidon familia, alias <Knight of Knights>.

A young man with shining golden hairs and sky blue eyes, clad in silver armour made of mythril, made to imitate Alfia's [Silentium Eden] which negates all magic. Although not as effective as Alfia's skill, it still is one of the best full body armour on the continent.

"we cannot let this incident go easily, the island to the east disappeared and the last thing seen was the <living end> flying in that direction" Thomas exclaimed calmly.

"we still don't know if that's the dragon's doing, only locals nearby saw that. They could have been drunk for all we know" Alise pointed out.

Alise Lovell, level 5 captain of Astraea familia, alias <Scarlet Harnel>. A young women with bright red, flame like hairs and red eyes with an equal fierce and optimistic personality.

Alise is known for her magic [Agaris Alvesynth]. Which covers her limbs and weapon with flames.

"what about the scales?" Thomas ignored Alice's remark and asked.

"hey!!... " Alise shouted but Neze stopped her.

The reason why the dragon's presence was doubtful was not because it was reported by few locals but the fact that they said it looked injured.

It sounded absurd. The last person to ever injure the <Living End> was the <Mercenary King> Albert, a thousand years ago. Even the two great familias didn't amount to much against the monster.

Hence in order to confirm they traced it's path to some extent and tried to find clue, and in search they found some of it's scales.

The only proof of the black dragon being here. And injured.

"even if it is there, what will we do. It's not like we can fight something like that" Cecily, level 3 vanguard of Astraea familia, said.

"the people might be in danger here, hence we need to be on a look out." Astraea said.

"can't we just wait. After all guild did say that if Shiva familia registers in Orario. There first task will be to take down the black dragon." Lyra said.

"we can't leave the people's safety on the hands of a rumour" Thomas said.

Poseidon familia were in the oceans for quite some time now. Even though they know that <Destroyer> was strong they still didn't know for sure weather he can kill the black dragon or not.

Astraea familia who had first hand experienced him had already informed Poseidon familia, yet they don't seem to take there word for it.

"plus him being strong then you all doesn't mean much" Thomas scoffed .

At this statement, they all glared at the man.

"we should leave now" Poseidon said as he stood up.

The god stood up and started leaving with the young man trailing behind, when he suddenly stopped next to Ryuu.

"your talent is being wasted in this familia. Last chance miss Lion, join my familia" Thomas said as all the familia started taking out there weapons

"I rather not stay anywhere near filth like you" Ryuu glared at Thomas.

"You bitc.." Thomas shouted while taking out his sword but was stopped by Poseidon.

"Enough, Thomas. We will be leaving now" Poseidon exclaimed.

Thomas huffed and left.

Astraea familia let out a sigh of relief. They rather not pick a fight with a level 7. After all no matter how they felt about him, he was still someone who can fight on par against <King> Ottarl.

And without Kaguya they were already in an disadvantage.

Poseidon looked at the departing young man and sighed.

"Forgive the boy, he is still young. Due to the last incident he is very insecure." Poseidon bowed in front of Ryuu.

"It.. Its fine" Ryuu said. Even she heard about what happened during there stay in Atlanta. She can agree it would have been traumatising but he brought it upon himself

"what is the last incident you speak of, Poseidon?" Astraea asked. Even though she knew she need to look ignorant about it.

Because she doesn't want Poseidon to know that Hera is going around telling that incident as a warning for other idiots who have the same thought.

"I rather not say. The child might not like that" Poseidon gave a sleepish smile indicating that it was no small issue and he was very tired because of it.

"I understand." Astraea sighed. She felt bad for the young man whose reputation was practically non existent in Atlanta.

After that Poseidon left.

"who does that piece of shit think he is" Alise glared in the direction the duo left.

"what was the incident?" one of the member of Astraea familia asked.

Lyra looked behind to find some of the members with confused look,

"oh yah, some of you didn't hear about it" Lyra said as she recalled what she had heard,

During the subjugation of <Leviathan>. Zeus and Hera familia worked with Poseidon familia because they needed the experience of battling on the sea.

After Alfia killed the monster, Thomas declared the he will let Alfia become his wife.

Yes, this guy said he would LET ALFIA become His woman.

"how is he still alive?" asked one of the members, horrified by the boldness of the young man.

There is no adventurer in Orario who doesn't know how aggressive and dangerous, Alfia <Silence> can be.

"have patience" Lyra huffed as she sat down on the chair gracefully. She was enjoying the attention she was getting.

Needless to say, after that declaration Alfia was pissed enough to at least castrate the young man.

But since both Zeus and Hera familia publicly declared there cooperation with Poseidon familia, them killing off there captain after the job is done will look very bad.

Hence, Zeus familia saved his sorry ass.

It took both Zard and Maxim to stop Alfia from killing Thomas.

But that experience of being beaten half to death by the hands of another level 7 like him was nothing less than traumatising and crushing his pride.

"so he has a inferiority complex here, which makes him violent and tactless" one of the members said.

"Well I will admit, it takes a lot of courage and stupidity to say something like that to Alfia of all the people" Neze said.

"but Lyra, aren't you too confident about <Destroyer> being able to beat the black dragon" Ryuu asked.

The other members nodded in agreement, they have seen and heard him stomp his way through the dungeon and crush Juggernaut, Freya familia as well as the force led by <Braver>, but

The One Eyed Black Dragon is a different league all together.

A monster of legends, unrivalled through millennia, and one of the reason why Gods had to come down to help the mortals before the beast drove them to extinction.

Hence earning it's alias, <Living End>.

"Well well are you curious?" Lyra teased Ryuu, who ignored her antics.

Even though she acts like this, she is the best strategist in there familia alongside kaguya. Her wits and strategies are often compared to <Braver>.

And most importantly

"I used my skill on him when we were in Orario"

Her skill, [Astuteness] which can tell opponent's weaknesses.

"but you said you couldn't use it on him" Cecily added.

"yah I thought I couldn't, so tried again when they were leaving and in the dungeon, but both the results were the same. That's why I think he can" Lyra said

"so what was it" Alise asked curious about the assessment of the skill.

"nothing" Lyra said

" "huh?" " all of them exclaimed.

"wait you mean.." one of the members said as Lyra completed her report.

"I didn't see anything, usually I would see dots or spots on the person I am fighting against which shows that we can exploit that... But there was nothing on him. Nothing. That's why I thought the skill wasn't working"

Even someone like Zard and Alfia had weak spots and gaps in there defence which could have been exploited...

If it weren't for the fact that the duo already knew that and would beat the living snot out of anyone before the person could do anything about it.

Exactly what happened to there familia against Alfia who was level 8 when they spared with her.

But not having any weakness means there is no gap in his defence.

That's the same as saying No matter how fast or powerful the attack he wouldn't be harmed. (it was due to Limitless)

It just sounds ridiculous but then again, the person in question was anything but normal.

"Well if it comes down to it we can just live it to him" Alise sighed.

"wait. Can we?" Cecily questioned.

As the rest the members remembered what happened with juggernaut, and Lio saying he will be gentler 'next time'.

"we should run away when it comes down to it" Neze said shuddering remembering there near death battle against the Juggernaut.

"" Agreed "" everyone else said.

Astraea quietly sitting between her familia watching them bicker, had a soft smile on her face.

"lady Astraea is behaving like grandma again." one of the members laughed.

"I can't help it. I have such sweet children after all.. fu.. fu" Astraea cooed as she bear hugged the near by Ryuu.

Who struggled at first and then gave in to the truckload of affection from her goddess.

"that being said, has there been any message from kaguya" Alise asked in concern.

As the atmosphere suddenly changed.

Astraea released Ryuu who was finally able to breath.

"I am afraid not" Astraea sighed.

The very reason why they came here in the first place was because of Kaguya.

After a few days Shiva and Lionard left Orario. They received a letter from Kaguya's family.

The Gojouno family. One of 8 noble clan of Royal Court which rules over the far east islands.

Apparently a war was about to happen, and Kaguya was asked to meet with her father.

Kaguya had left the household at a very young age after witnessing the absolute brutality that her family is known for.

The assassins and mercenaries that work under the imperial family. The infamous Gojouno family or also referred as Amaterasu familia.

"I hope she is doing well" Astraea prayed for the wellbeing of her child.


"I see you are doing well, Lady Amaterasu" Kaguya said while kneeling.

"Kaguya, cold as ever huh" a childish voice said.

In a Open room, with a lavish garden outside. A room which as traditionally japanese as it could get, sat two occupants.

On one side, sitting on a generous amount of pillows. Was a little girl with dark black hair and red eyes.

Goddess Amaterasu. The goddess who ruled over The Royal Court, the entire Far East.

"why have you called me here" Kaguya asked bluntly.

She had ran away not just because of her family's work but also because of her fate as a sacrifice.

Even though small, far east was a exciting prospect for large nation.

With it's unique culture and weak military which only had a few level 4s

Comparing to nations like Raika which has multiple level 5s or Empire which even have a level 6 and connections with Poseidon familia.

It was a gold mine for many. But for centuries it had been able to maintain it's sovereignty because of it's "guardian".

The One Eyed Black Dragon.

Which resides near the Far East, it acted like a warning for the other nations to stay away.

But why hasn't the dragon attacked this place.

It's because of the goddess in front of me.

Amaterasu a few centuries ago descended right in front of the black dragon.

Right after coming down from tenkai. She briefly unsealed her arcanum and struck a deal with the intelligent monster.

Using the support from the legendary monster, she established herself as the leader of the entire nation.

The deal entails that the dragon will protect us, while mortals here will provide it with food and resources as well as,


Pure maidens carrying royal blood were offered as sacrifices, and the one of them was kaguya.

hence in order to save herself she did many weird and improper things,

Such as running around naked, clinging on to strangers, anything she could do to become Impure.

After a while, being fed up with her, her father disowned her.

After wondering around aimlessly she met the duo of Astraea and Alise who gave her a place in their newly formed familia.

Food for the black dragon, The fate that awaited her if she stayed here. That's the reason why she doesn't like talking about her family since she can't lie to Goddess Astraea.

Kaguya hand went for her katana since she has given her Kodachi Futaba to Ryuu.

"if it's about the sacrifice you cannot force a level 5 to..."

"the Guardian is dead" Amaterasu chimes in shocking Kaguya.

Amaterasu sighed as she continued,

"The news hasn't spread yet but soon you will hear it."

Kaguya calmed herself and thought about it, the bright light that was seen recently was in the same direction as the settlement of the dragon.

"the worshippers who followed the dragon, lost track of it in the North. The last thing they heard was <Destroyer> was chasing after it" Amaterasu said.

"what does it have to do with me" Kaguya said coldly.

Even though calm on the outside, she knew that if the dragon being injured and pushed to the point of having to run away, along with unnatural incident

It is highly likely that <Destroyer> has killed the One Eyed Black Dragon.

But if the news spread, it's only a matter of time when the ambition Empire or the war hungry Ares lead there army here.

"we need a new guardian or someone strong enough to keep the intruders away" Amaterasu said as she stood up.

Kaguya stiffen, she didn't like where this was going.

"Come in" Amaterasu called as the sliding door behind her opened,

As 7 other female entered,

"These are the daughters from other 7 noble clans. Since the guardian is gone we new support for our nation"

"this is Chiyoko Shimakura from Shimakura clan" Amaterasu pointed towards a blue eyed Hume Bunny whose eyes looked dead.

"She is Emi Takei from Takei clan" she pointed towards at the pink haired werewolf who was shaking,

After introducing 4 more of them,

Amaterasu pointed towards a Bright golden haired renard,

"and this is Sanjouno Haruhime. From Sanjouno clan" the said girl didn't even raise her head,

All of them looked very different and from different race but had two things in common,

They were all very beautiful and

Completely devoid of any hope.

Most of them weren't even aware of the deeds there family does to keep the nation under there control,

But now all of a sudden, they were told about the centuries old secret of their nation.

A secret severe enough to bring not only other nations but even the Two Legendary Familias and Orario itself at their doorstep.

All of them were most likely threatened by there families to behave as Amaterasu orders them to,

As she thought, Amaterasu is planning to use them as way to keep the person who killed the dragon to there side,

Kaguya glared at Amaterasu, contrary to her child like appearance she was extremely cruel and could go to extreme extent to have the Far East under her control.

"what do you want then?" kaguya glared at Amaterasu.


next chapter
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