72.34% Destiny Harem Remastered / Chapter 34: Staying with the Gamer Girl

章 34: Staying with the Gamer Girl

Day: Thursday

Location: My Bedroom

Time: Morning

I woke up slowly and looked around then sat up and grunted softly. I got out of bed and noticed Lustie walking into the room with a tray of food that she made for me.

"Shiro. No no, you should be rest-"

"Come here." I said.

Lustie set the tray down and walked to me. She squeaked when I grabbed her face and slammed her down on the bed. She looked up at me scared, holding my wrist.

"Tell me right now...what are your true intentions for me because I have no problem killing you right here.." I said as I towered over her.

"I-I swear I don't know anything she's talking about. The higher ups just told me the my job was to make you a walking babe magnet...Then I broke the code of conduct...by having sex with you to escape that line of work. Felola is the boss I took orders from and she never told me anything of her plans..! Please Shiro, I'm not lying..!" Lustie explained quickly and looked up at me.

I looked down in Lustie's eyes then lowered my head and sighed. I took my hand off her neck then got off of her. "Why? Just why Lustie? She's roaming around on Earth now waiting for me to fall to her commands."

"Believe me Shiro...I never wanted this. I just thought she would come and say nice things about you. I mean she's the Goddess of Love and you did something no man has ever done before. You're about to 100% Boyhood a feat no man has done before. I wasn't expecting her to say that you were just merely a sacrifice for her. I'm really sorry..." Lustie said then got up and held my hand.

I looked at Lustie then sighed and wrapped my arm around her. "I have many questions to ask, but I gotta pack my bag to spend the last days of the year with Faith so just...keep me informed alright? Can you at least to that?"

"Yeah.." Lustie nodded.

Lust-E had woken up from her sleep mode then looked at us. "Shiro! You're okay! Thank goodness because if you were harmed and possibly taken away, it wouldn't have ended to well.."

"Yeah, hey do me a favor Lust. Stay with Lustie for these last few days. Collect as much data on Felola as possible. If things go south I need a way to beat her." I said.

"As you wish." She nodded then watched me get my luggage.

I began to pack up my clothes and other items. After packing my bag, I grabbed my phone off the nightstand. I looked at Lustie and Lust-E then nodded.

"By the time the new years come, we will have all the information you need about my boss." Lustie nodded.

"Good. I'll see you all in a few days." I said then walked out of the room and went downstairs.

"Alright, Lust. Let's go find the boss and collect data." Lustie said.

"Right." Lust-E nodded.

Day: Thursday

Location: Faith's House

Time: Morning

I got out of my car with my luggage then walked over to Faith's door then rang the doorbell. I waited a few moments before ringing the doorbell again. I heard someone walking down the stairs.

"You better hope we don't lose this because of your poor aim! I'm gonna get the door!" Faith said.

Faith was either talking to someone on Discord, or she had company over. I didn't mind if she had company over, but I believed the first option more. She was probably getting in some warm up games before streaming since she does have more free time on her hands.

Faith opened the door and looked at me then smiled. "Hey!~ Come in, I'll show you the room you can stay in~"

I nodded and walked inside then she closed the door and led me upstairs then showed me the room across from hers. She watched me set down my bag then invited me over to her room. We walked into her room and she closed the door behind us then walked over to her gaming chair and sat down in it. She had another one beside hers and I sat in that one.

"Alright, I'm back. A friend is staying over with me for a few days and I let him in. Let's keep up with the streaks alright?" Faith said.

"He? Is he your boyfriend or something?" A woman said on the call and laughed.

"No he's not my boyfriend. He's a friend of mine and I actually asked him to stay over for a bit." Faith said as she was playing the game.

"Asked him huh? Tryna get you some good dick huh?~" Faith's friend teased.

Faith blushed and choked on her words. "Fuck you Sam! It's not even like that!"

I chuckled softly as I listened while scrolling through my socials on my phone.

Faith looked at me then back at her monitor. "What are you laughing at, you're supposed to be on my side here!" Faith whined.

"You just sound cute when you're all flustered." I chuckled and looked at her then watched the game on her monitor.

[Faith's Bond Percentage rose to 36%]

"Mmm...Shut up." Faith said then blushed.

I smiled and watched her play a few more rounds of what it seemed to look like Call of Duty. Once she got all of her warm up games going, she got the stream going and began to set up. Once she got ready, she turned on her webcam.

"Yo yo, hey everyone joining in." Faith said to her stream then began to type on her keyboard.

"Yo Faith, you heard the news that they are releasing a couple new characters on Twili Paradox? The devs out here with the bomb characters, we gotta cop the DLC when it comes out." Another one of Faith's friends said.

Faith cleared her throat and began typing on her phone. "Oh yeah I heard, let's just hope we don't get any cheesy sweaty tryhards online again. I swear to fucking god I get stream sniped by these little kids everytime I hop on to get a couple games in and chill."

I listened to their conversation and noticed the chat going crazy. They noticed me on the camera and I tapped Faith's shoulder. She looked at me and I pointed at her chat.

She looked at her chat then snickered. "Oh yeah, that is indeed THE Shiro Moji in my room. He's staying with me for a couple days so you'll be seeing him quite a lot."

"Shit I didn't know Faith was dating THE Shiro." Faith's friend teased and laughed.

"Why are you assholes doing this to me?" Faith whined.

I smiled and watched her. It was nice seeing her stream in real time than watching it behind a screen. She began to set up the first game of Call of Duty and I watched her. She was just casually chatting and thanking everyone for the followers, subs, and donations. She was really chill, laughing with her friends until she started to noticed people stream sniping her.

"Great. Yeah shoot my body you fucking degenerate." Faith sighed and left the lobby and started up a new game.

As the sniping kept happening, she began to get more and more annoyed. I lowered my phone and looked at the screen.

"Come on! You're not fucking good! Your aim is shit, kid!" Faith yelled and began to concentrate. She got a headshot on the stream sniper and celebrated. "Fucking finally! You're not good you motherfucker!"

"Goddamn Faith, about time you killed that guy." Her friend laughed.

"Shut up, Jacob!" Faith said then sighed and leaned back in her chair. "I'm gonna get a drink, I'll be right back-"

"Nah I'll go get it for you." I said then stood up. "I was gonna order us some lunch anyway so I'll just order some drinks with the lunch."

Faith looked at me and smiled. "Okay."

"What did you want?" I asked.

"Eh...it doesn't matter." Faith smiled.

"Red Panda?" I asked.

"Panda...panda...yeah that's sounds good." Faith said as she started up the next game.

"Anything you want in specific?" I asked.

"Hm? It doesn't really matter, order whatever you want." Faith said.

"Gotcha, be right back." I said then walked out of the room and closed the door.

"Shit and he's not your boyfriend?" Sam asked.

"Yeah sounded like a boyfriend to me, just saying." Jacob laughed.

"Fuck off you two. He's not my boyfriend for the last time." Faith rolled her eyes and smiled. She blushed even more now, embarrassed because of her friends.

After ordering the food and drinks, I walked back into the room with a bottle of mountain dew for Faith and set it on the desk away from her equipment. She thanked me and continued gaming. I sat back down and began scrolling again. Fifteen minutes went by and I went downstairs to get the lunch then came back upstairs. I gave her the bag with her lunch in it then sat back down in the chair.

We began to talk and watch videos while we ate. Faith was also talking with chat and her friends. Within an hour she went back to playing video games. I was talking to Faith's friends and we began to grow close with one another.

"Damn Faith, you're in one of those moods? What's that song you're listening to?" Sam asked and laughed.

Faith looked at the song that was playing. "What? Rihanna goes crazy. Skin is like one of my favorite songs." Faith laughed then went back to playing Twili Paradox to grind up levels for one of her characters.

"This song is pretty good." I chuckled.

"See? Shiro agrees." Faith giggled.

"Of course he would agree~ This song is a bedroom song~" Sam laughed softly.

"Wh- Sam!" Faith said in shock then looked at her other monitor.

"Am I lying?" Sam asked.

I chuckled and looked at Faith then noticed her look at me. I poked her cheek then looked back at my phone. She blushed and went back to playing her game.

A few hours went by and she ended her stream and sighed then leaned back on her chair. I stood up and rubbed her shoulders. She closed her eyes and smiled.

"You seem embarrassed at the idea of me being your boyfriend..~ Why..?~" I said as I messaged her shoulders.

"It's just...dating isn't easy for me. I don't know if you truly like me for who I am and if you like the real me. Most guys hate the real me and it's disheartening when it comes down to dating." Faith said.

"I like you for you.." I said.

[Faith's Bond Percentage rose to 43%]

"Yeah you're probably just saying that..~" Faith giggled.

"I wouldn't lie to you just to make you feel better..~ I actually do like you for you..~ You don't have to pretend around me." I said.

[Faith's Bond Percentage rose to 50%]

She began to feel even more comfortable around me and she smiled at my words. "Wanna play a few games with me?"

"Yeah..~ Let's do this..~" I smiled and sat back down.

Lustie and Lust-E found Felola and Lust-E began to scan her. Felola was just sitting outside and bathing in the moonlight. She stared at the moon and knew Lustie was there.

"I know you're there, Lustiella. You can't hide your energy from me." Felola said.

Lustie gulped and floated to Felola and watched her sit up. "What are you doing? Weren't you going to go back home?"

"Waiting until Shiro finishes with that mortal. And you honestly expected me to go all the way back to Heavenly Bay and go back home without getting what I want? In your dreams. Even if he does please me on this date, who's gonna stop me from getting what I want?" Felola asked.

"Well the deal was if he does please you, you leave us alone." Lustie said.

"Yeah, and I'll upkeep my end...but who's gonna stop me from coming back. To stop me from coming back you'd need to close the Gates linking this world from ours and we both know you lack the strength to close the gate. I will take Shiro. It doesn't matter how long it takes. He's the chosen and his Destiny Harem ends with me and I'll make sure of it." Felola said. "Do you even know why he does this? Do you know what having sex will do for him? His body is full of Lust. He will become a God of Lust. He will become a Transcended Sex Demon. His purpose is with me. You've served your purpose. Now it's time for me to serve mine and him to serve his."

Lustie glared at Felola and balled her fists. She wouldn't stand down. "That can be avoided. He was destined for this harem. Yes it makes him stronger, better, but this also means there has to be someone above you who chose him. My job couldn't have been that simple and I think I figured it out."

"Figured what out?" Felola asked.

"Shiro can become a Love Deity if he obtains all eight Marks meaning his purpose will no longer with with you because not only would he be married to me but with all my sisters as well. He can create the Mark of Love and become the God of not only Lust, but Passion, Empathy, Romance, Talent, Flirtation, Luck, and Charisma. He will transcend beyond your rule." Lustie said.

Felola laughed at Lustie and thought she was insane. "Obtain the Love Demon Markings?! Do you hear how ridiculous you sound, bitch? No mortal has EVER attempted something so dumb because their bodies aren't even made to contain such Markings. You hold him at too high of a standard and there is your biggest flaw. You let this mortal corrupt you when you're supposed to corrupt him. But that's fine, I own you...so I can just take your Marking for myself and power myself up to make sure no one on Earth can disobey me because I will induce the entire planet with Lust and have them follow my every command because they simply lust for me. I will use them to kidnap Shiro and once I do...I will win."

Felola summoned her scythe then went to strike Lustie, but a barrier protected her. Lust-E made herself known and grabbed Lustie's arm then flew away. Felola flew off and flew after them.

"Okay so this plan backfired! Your boss is batshit crazy!" Lust-E yelled. "How are we gonna stop her until Shiro finishes what he's doing? From the looks of it now, we might be in a heap of trouble!"

"We can't- I can't fight her but you certainly can hold your own since you are a System. You were able to stop her from attacking me back at the house, can you do that thing again?" Lustie said.

"On paper yes that sounds like something I can do but I'm Level 1! There's so much I can do before she overpowers me! Plus I only was able to do what I did because she wasn't aware of me, she's aware of me now and I can't just type in a Reality Altering code again!" Lust-E said then dodged a ball of dark energy. "We gotta find a hiding spot and fast because I can't take this chase! Conceal your energy!"

"Okay!" Lustie said then concealed her aura.

Lust-E stopped and blasted Felola in the face with an energy blast. Felola slashed at the smoke and cleared it then noticed Lust-E and Lustie gone. She glared then flew off.

I laid on the bed and looked at the ceiling. An interface appeared in front of me and I noticed it was Lust-E calling me. I answered it via my phone. "What's up?"

"Okay so we might be a little longer since we know Felola's true plan. She plans on killing Lustie for her marking and inducing the entire planet with Lust so she can use them to kidnap you. I'll try to gather more data on her. What her weaknesses are so you can use them against her." Lust-E said.

"I see...this Felola woman...Just stay safe and keep Lustie hidden alright?" I said.

"Will do." Lust-E said then hung up.

I looked at the ceiling and closed my eyes. I heard the room door open and opened my eyes. I noticed Faith walking in the room with her stuffed animal then she walked to the bed. I sat up and looked at her. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing...just didn't want to sleep alone. Can I join you in bed?" She asked.

I nodded and scooted over so she could get on the bed. She smiled and got in bed with me then laid down. I laid down as well and looked at her.

"It's been forever since I slept beside someone...I couldn't sleep because I was thinking about what Sam said. They always seemed so sure that I was dating you." Faith said.

"They were joking." I chuckled and stroked her hair.

"Do you mind dating someone like me?" Faith asked.

"I don't mind dating someone like you..~" I said then stroked her hair.

[Faith's Bond Percentage rose to 58%]

Faith smiled and closed her eyes. She seemed really tired, so I covered her with the covers and noticed she was fast asleep. I smiled and rubbed her hair gently. I couldn't sleep either as Felola was on my mind. Her intentions with me aren't good at all despite her very sexy appearance. She wants me dead basically but will keep me alive until we breed the perfect offspring. She's a Goddess on top of that so who knows how hard it would be to even impregnate her. I had to find a way out of this situation and quickly.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C34
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


