Hi everyone, author here. I've realised that writing two novels whilst working full time is simply too much. I've decided to put Demonic Shaman on hiatus until I finish my other novel, 'A Desolate Life'. I didn't plan to do this, but it really is too time consuming and I feel that both of my novels will turn out better in the end if I focus on one at a time.
I estimate that A Desolate Life will be finished in 1-2 years. I know that's a long time to wait and I might lose some readers, but I hope you all decide to pick Demonic Shaman back up when it starts being released again!
Until then, you can read A Desolate Life if you want to continue supporting me and reading my work. It's very different than Demonic Shaman in that the main character is not 'evil' from beginning to end, rather, he is undergoing continual changes throughout the novel. But in my opinion, it is no worse than Demonic Shaman.
Thank you to everyone for sticking around until now!
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