77.77% Demon slayer :Toji as Giyu Tomioka / Chapter 14: The Entertainment District (4)

章 14: The Entertainment District (4)

At Kirimise :-

The Kirimise are the seedist brothels . The courtesans end up here if they stop getting customers or they feel ill .

In one of house Tengen's wife Hinatsuru was staying after she left House Kyogoku . Tengen found her there in weakened state and gave her antidote for poison . Currently there was a demon lose outside , Daki was fighting Tanjiro at House Tokito . His wife said to him " Tengen don't bother with me ,please go . I know you heard that sound earlier , there's a Demon on lose ."

Tengen asked her if she was alright and said that Kyojuro was with him . He will halt the Demon till he goes back , so she don't have to worry . She said sorry for failing him , she found out that the Warabihime Oiran was the demon but her suspicion on Hinatsuru grew and she started watching him . It made difficult for her to send any news to Tengen .

So ,she faked illness by drinking poison to escape the grasp of demon .when she left , Warabihime Oiran gave her an Obi . As a spy this meant that Hinatsuru have to keep taking poison because Warabihime could finish her of easily if she noticed anything amiss.

She fought against demonic Obi by herself in weakened state and used Kunai's to stuck it on wall . Tengen said to her " you done everything you could . You did well , when antidote take hold. Get out of Yoshiwara , got it ?" He hugged her and went for the place where demon was .

Tengen was running on rooftops while thinking that he needed to find where fight was taking place and hoped that Kyojuro reached the place before him . He reached a place and heard the sound of demon . There was a large Carven underground . He could hear the echoes clearly , the paths leading to it were so narrow that only a small child could go through it .

Tengen took out his swords and used First form .

"Sound breathing : First form: Roar "

Tengen fights two handed , his blades contain extraordinary explosive power . No one they've ever hit survived so he never knows exactly what they do . He made an explosion to make path to the underground cavern . One after another swing of his sword caused explosion for making his way .

A little earlier at House Ogimoto :-

Kyojuro entered the establishment and found a woman shouting about a monster . She said that there was a wild boar monster going crazy and distroying floors and ceilings . After hearing this kyojuro understood it was Inosuke so he went towards nearest noise .

Inosuke was standing near a hole in floor and was laughing while saying " Ha Ha Ha , I found it , the hole leading to demon's nest . I can feel it's presence . Prepare yourself !!" With this jumped in hole but only his head was able to go through it . " Kyojuro went to him and asked Why he was causing trouble for establishment .

Inosuke said " Moichuro and I were going to investigate the demon here but he didn't came here and I got bored so, I am doing it alone . I found the hole that leads to demon's nest . Lord Inosuke is now going to there and kill the demon . " Kyojuro nodded in understanding , he was worried for Tanjiro since Zenitsu disappeared yesterday.

He asked Inosuke that was going to enter Demons lair because hole was too to small for him . Inosuke laughed and said " HaHaHa it can't stop lord Inosuke , I can dislocat every joint of my body. That means if my head can fit through it then my whole body can . " With that he dislocated the joints in his body and jumped in the hole and his whole body went in hole .

Kyojuro was impressed by Inosuke body but then he suddenly felt the presence of demon . It was like fight have already started so he decided to rush towards that direction . He used First form to get there fast .

"Flame breathing : First form: Unknowing Fire."

He rushed towards the House Tokito ,He hoped that Tanjiro was alright .

Near House Tokito :-

Daki heard the sound of explosion created by Tengen and tried to get information from her Obi about the situation there " What was that sound? What are you doing? Do you scum lack any subtlety . Near House Ogimoto is it? How many . There are Five of you, right ? Plus Hinatsuru. "

Tanjiro refused to give any information about his comrades . Daki said to him in mockery " listen little one , you fought me bravely . so, I am willing spare your life ,if you answer me . Look at your blade it's chipped . I suppose it was made by inferior swordsmith . "

This made Tanjiro and angry and he shouted back that person who made this blade is amazing swordsmith . She mocked and said that why is it chipped then and why was he starting to Shiver again. Tanjiro knew that it was his lack of skills that made his blade chipped .

Tanjiro body was not made for Water breathing . He can't use it like urokodaki and Giyu , for him power of single blow was always stronger while using Hinokami Kagura or sun breathing . His body was suited for it . That's why he was training under Rengoku and that's why Tomioka san said to him to Master Hinokami Kagura instead of Water breathing .

He couldn't use it before because of back lash but now things have changed now he can do it . Now he have to do it, there is no choice he have to do it . He have to burn and burn his heart blaze . With those thoughts Tanjiro unleashed his sun breathing against upcoming Obi attack of Daki .

"Hinokami Kagura : Raging Sun"

He unleashed two powerful slashes and cut through the Obi and rushed towards Daki .she was surprised by sudden change of fighting style , ' his attaks were much sharper than before . what that's sound ,is it his breathing ' while she was gathering her thoughts together ,Tanjiro appreared in front of her and used

"Hinokami Kagura: Flame Dance "

Flame dance is two slash attack and Tanjiro first vertical slash barely made touch with daki forehead but she dodged it and attacked him with her Obi from side but Tanjiro vainsed using

" Hinokami Kagura: Fake Rainbow "

And appreared behind her . Fake rainbow is high speed twist and spin, this move is designed to confuse the enemy and opponent with better vision see's afterimage more clearly . Tanjiro was seeing the thread that was leadin him towards Daki neck .

"Hinokami Kagura: Fire wheel "

His barely touched Daki neck when she disappeared and kick him away . She was angry because of her neck was almost cut . She said " How dare you to put a cut on my neck but still you are just a weak incest ." She rushed towards where Tanjiro dropped after taking her kick .

Tanjiro brased himself for the impact from fall far on ground . Tanjiro currently was trying to use recovery breathing to pull himself together . He stood up and defended himself from Obi attackes of Daki . The attack were faster than before and reason was because she was angry from Tanjiro putting a cut on her neck .

Tanjiro was defending himself from Obi slashes from all sides . Her Obi was as strong as blade and it was cloth which made cutting it hard . Tanjiro movement were slow and opening thread kept breaking . Tanjiro needed to raise the temperature of his body to use Hinokami Kagura more efficiently .

This fight went for little while when Tanjiro started to get exhausted ' hff hff , I'm holding my own against an Upper rank demon ! Hinokami Kagura is working ! hff hff but that not enough I least need to hold on till Rengoku or Uzui comes . I have to keep fighting till then to protect people . '

He rushed towards Daki while she mocked him saying " heh heh ... Ugly people can try hard but they still be ugly . "

Underground cavern :-

Inosuke went into the hole in house Ogimoto which led him to Underground cavern which was the base of Demon . Currently he was seeing many women trapped in Obi cloth, which was covering whole cavern .

Inosuke went towards while thinking ' Clothes with human pattern ? What is this . No! Those people are alive ! I can sense it .she traps people in her belly wrap! then she tales them out when she is ready to eat ." Then he saw Zenitsu inside the cloth , it looked like he was sleeping when she captured him . Inosuke called Zenitsu loser , this voice altered the Obi .

It said " What are you doing here ? What are you doing in my pantry ? Unclean ! You dirty , stinking pig !! " Inosuke was thinking that what was this worm thing when Obi attacked him but he jumped in air and cut the Obi cloth .

Inosuke cuts were precise , he avoided cutting humans skillfully while damage the Obi . He mocked the Obi saying " You Wriggle and Wriggle around ! You're just creepy worm thing ! HA HA HA HA you sluggish grub ! You got greedy and swallowed two many people !

The attacks of fat worm like you wouldn't hit Inosuke sama ! Get it together and try again . " Inosuke was freeing people in demon bind one after another while mocking it which made Obi more frustrated .

Obi could only watch people getting freed from it's grasp while trying to attack Inosuke . " TSK ! His cuts never hit my captives , I thought storing such fresh food would hinder my enemies ! And his instincts are sharp ! He is alert to all incoming danger ! His senses incoming attack from any direction and easily Dodge them ! I never expected a Demon slayer to enter my larder .

What should I do ? Capture him alive ? He's the Pretty one who interrupted when we captured Makio . Taking him will be harder then killing him outright ,so I'll eat few of them and gain Strength and I will save ten most beautiful ones! Beyond that I will eat as many I need ! " Daki was controlling the Obi from afar while giving it commands .

Inosuke went towards the end of Obi where it's face was and tried to cut it but the cloth simply went with blade and was not cut. ' why can't I cut it ? Is it because it's to Wriggly ?' Inosuke was thinking in mid of his attack .the Obi tried to attack him by following through blade but Inosuke released them to not get caught in Obi 's trap .

Then he kicked blade and they started to spin and Inosuke caught and unleashed his six fang at Obi .

" Beast breathing : Sixth fang : Palisade bite "

He was going to unleash a horizontal slashes from both blade but Obi said " there no point in slicing me up ,This isn't the main body . Besides, what about the people you stole from me ? Don't you care about there life. " This distracted Inosuke and Obi continued " While we fight , I can swallow them back up again ! "

Obi sent It's cloth ends towards them people who were unconscious on ground . Inosuke was thinking ' Uh-oh! I'm supposed to protect these people while I fight! but - ' he was just in his thoughts when some Kunai's went flying towards the Obi and stopped it from advancing .

The Kunai's were thrown by Uzui's wives Makio and Suma . Makio said " 'WORM-OBI' I like that! It's really is creepy , he's totally right! " They told Inosuke that they will back him up while he fights Obi . Inosuke asked who they were ? They introduced themselves as Uzui's wives and said they will do what they can .

Obi head said " that right! now who should I eat first ."

Inosuke was thinking that if this was not demons real body then this fight was never going to end . Suddenly Zenitsu was standing behind him and he used First form for thunder breathing to attack Obi .

" Thunder breathing: First Form :Thunderclap and Flash: sixfold "

He cut demon Obi quickly from many of places in one attack but Zenitsu was currently asleep in fight . Inosuke said that it would be better if he fight while sleeping always . Obi was impressed by Zenitsu speed but it heard two sound and Zenitsu's thunder was only one of them and other was from above .

Suddenly with loud explosion someone came down by making hole from above ground . After smoke cleared Uzui was standing there with his two swords in his hands .Obi understood quickly that it was a hashira but Tengen didn't waste a single second and quickly cut the Obi and freed the captured people inside it .

Tengen started to talk with his wives and Obi to took this opportunity to escape from the hole made by Uzui ans rushed back to Daki .

At Daki and Tanjiro's battle :-

Rengoku reached place where battle between Daki and Tanjiro was taking place . He was impressed that how Tanjiro was able to hold himself against a Uppermoon demon. But then again she was no where near the level of Uppermoon 3 he fought .

He waited to see Tanjiro fight because people grow inside the battle and it will be shame to interfere when he was holding himself against Uppermoon . Suddenly some Obi cloth came and absorbed into Daki .

Her hair turned white and she said while laughing" I knew it a hashira have came ! His lord will be pleased ." Kyojuro himself just came here but she didn't sensed him just ago this meant that she got memories from Obi clothes . kyojuro had a bad feeling about this ' Her strength increased , Tanjiro currently will not be able to win against her, I have to intervene . ' and he went towards Tanjiro .

A person came shouting towards Tanjiro saying don't fight infront of his shop . Tanjiro lost his focus because of that and Daki was displeased by that shouting man and unleashed a large attack . Tanjiro went in from man to protect him but the attack never left two inch space from daki and her neck felt a burning sensation and it fell down .

Not only did kyojuro used Fourth from to block her attack . Then used Sixth form to cut her head .

" Flame breathing: Fourth form : Blooming flame undulation"

" Flame breathing: Sixth form : Hell's Burning wheel ."

The sixth form is the most painful strike in which user spin in high speed and force that it leaves victims with feeling of their neck starting to burn and it don't go away till head turns into ash or wound heals but there always small sensation left .

Daki didn't understand what just happened in spit second and now her head was falling on ground . Kyojuro rushed towards Tanjiro to check if he was alright . " Tanjiro are you alright ? Any major injuries ?" Tanjiro said " No , Rengoku san you came on perfect time . J would not have been able to defend that attack . "

Rengoku cheered him by saying that he did good and no need to feel bad about it . He was talking with him when he heard voice of Daki , her head didn't turn into ash . Kyojuro didn't understand why was it still there since even Akaza had to struggle and his head first turned into ash .

His meant that there was more to it , this fight was not over yet . Daki said " hey ! Stop ignoring me , you cut my head . You wouldn't get away with that . " Kyojuro said " you are still not dead yet ? You are not a strong like uppermoon 3 but you are still alive , is this something Kibutusji done after Uppermoon was able to grow his head ? "

Kyojuro word looked like he was saying that she was not strong enough to be uppermoon ." Are you implying that I am not a upperranker . Are you calling me weak ? " Kyojuro stayed quiet but she said " Why are you just staring at me like that ? I am Uppermoon 6 , I earned this title , I am strong ! "

Kyojuro said " but you are not strong like Uppermoon 3 !" Kyojuro was at his guard but after his this blunt answer she started crying . It was very confusing for kyojuro because no demon have acted like this in from him before .

" I am strong ! I am Upperranker . Die , you should die ! He cut off my head ? Save me Gyutaro !!" Daki said this while crying . Kyojuro felt an ominous feeling, same that he got from Akaza when he first appeared . Another male Demon started to come out her body .

Kyojuro said to Tanjiro " Tanjiro go and make sure that this area get empty , we can't have casualties . This going to big Distructive fight , evacuate the civilians ! Uzui would have sensed his presence to so I will hold him till he comes , so hurry !!" Tanjiro understood the situation and gathered himself and started to evacuate the civilians .

Kyojuro needed to defend people if demon attacks , so for moment he waited to see what way the demon will attack but he picked her head and said " Crying wouldn't do ! You have gone and lost your head , you should pin it to your shoulders . " Her head started to reconnect with her neck .

Somewhere in Hanamachi :-

Uzui was rushing towards the place of battle , Zenitsu and Inosuke were also behind him . Suddenly they felt a strong presence of a demon , definitely a Uppermoon . Inosuke said " it's the same feeling from Mugen Train when that marking Demon came to fight Rengoku and half and half match haori " .

This confirmed that it was a Uppermoon , Tengen understood and hoped that Rengoku was there . He then used total concentration breathing constant and rushed towards the presence at full speed.

At battle sight :-

Kyojuro let uppermoon take his time , since it was not making any problem towards evacuation . She then said to him" that Hashira said that I am not strong to be Uppermoon " While crying . Gyutaro said " No need to cry Ume ! I will take care of him ." He looked at Kyojuro then and suddenly unleashed a attack to kill him but kyojuro blocked it .

Gyutaro said " You are good , I wanted to kill you but you survived . Yeah .. pretty good . " Kyojuro jumped back to assess the situation he was in . Now he was fighting two opponents , one was weaker of other one was definitely strong like Akaza .

Then a loud sound of came from his back with a fimilar voice " you're hogging all fun alone kyojuro , that not flashy at all ." "Tengen , it's good you came otherwise fighting two ends was going to be problematic . "

Uzui came here at his full speed after sense the presence of Uppermoon and currently he was seeing two one girl which quite weak and but stronger that lowermoon one and other one was a man with strange deformed body but that was not something new with demons but he was insanely strong , fitting the title of Uppermoon.

This was going to be a difficult fight for both of them .

(Sorry for any grammatical mistakes and battle of uppermoon 6 starts .)

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C14
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


