12.5% DEMON INVASION / Chapter 2: Part 2 – Run All You Want

章 2: Part 2 – Run All You Want


A Large city. Mega story buildings were everywhere. The glass windows of the buildings reflected the noon sun light with an extraordinary glory. Suddenly, all of a sudden, the ground began to shake and the mega story buildings vibrated. Quickly scream of people filled the very air. The ground continued to shake and the vehicles parked on the parking lot swayed sideways. A moment later, large cracks appeared on the dark roads.

Vehicles on the road crashed one another and smoke rose from most crashed vehicles. The cracks on the road continued to get widen, and the earthquake was still not ready to stop its play. Not far from the center of the town, in a town square, a TV reporter and her camera man were recording everything. The ground near the town square shook violently. Suddenly the camera man dropped his camera and looked at a place beyond the reporter.

“What the heck is wrong with you? Why did you drop the camera?” The reporter asked.

“Charlotte, look.” The camera man said. Something was really spooking the camera man. Then Charlotte, the reporter, looked at where the camera man was looking.

Then she too saw it. On the road near them, a wide crack had formed and this crack was gigantic. All the nearby vehicles fell into the wide crack. The sound of car alarm lingered in the air, but those alarm sound was nothing compared to the sound of destruction the earthquake was leaving in the city.

Glass windows broke and a rain of glass shards dropped from the nearby mega story buildings. Suddenly with a violent quake, the earthquake stopped. Quickly silence filled the very air. There were not even people’s sounds. Everything was extremely quiet. Then the quietness ended by a sound of sudden flow of air. Charlotte and the camera man looked around them in horror. There were of course a lot of people nearby Charlotte, but nobody was making any sound. Everyone was in fact listening to the sound of the flow of air or whatever it was.


Suddenly a loud noise came from the nearby crack on the road and that loud sound immediately got followed by a rain of soil. In fact the raining soil was thrown up from the crack when that loud sound came. Suddenly through the crack a black smoke rushed outside like a jet of water. At the instant the black smoke reached near the people in the town square, it split into tiny jets and the smoke rushed inside the people’s body through their nose and mouth.

Charlotte and the camera man ducked and they witnessed the horror happening around them. Most people, on who the smoke was entering, wriggled violently as the smoke rushed inside their bodies.

Tears of fear uncontrollably oozed down from Charlotte’s eyes. She looked at the camera man who was lying on the ground with his eyes closed. The swoosh sound of smoke was everywhere. In fact no other sound could be heard.

The flow of smoke lasted barely five minutes, but to Charlotte, it was an eternity. At the moment the smoke died out, all the people, inside whom the smoke entered, all at once dropped to the ground. Charlotte and the camera man stood up and they examined the limp bodies of people all around them.

Charlotte was too shocked to do anything. She just stood there and stared at the bodies, like her mind was blank. In fact she doesn’t know what to do.

Suddenly a fallen woman slowly stood up and she looked at Charlotte. Charlotte looked at the women and she saw the deep dark eyes of the women. The women’s eyes were in fact completely dark, as night. Then with a sharp moan, the woman rushed at Charlotte. Before Charlotte could make out what was happening, the woman jumped on top of Charlotte and she sunk her teeth on Charlotte’s neck.

“Ahh ...” Charlotte’s scream ended quickly. The camera man stood there watching Charlotte and the woman with horror, without knowing what to do. Blood steadily oozed down from Charlotte’s neck. Then all of a sudden all the fallen people slowly stood up and they looked at the camera man and Charlotte with their deep dark eyes. Before the camera man could run, most of the people rushed at him. Some of the people rushed at Charlotte’s body.

“Ahh ...” The camera man made a short yelp, and that was it. Sound of a hurried eating lingered in the air, followed by a series of moans.

Chapter 1

I Was playing on my smart phone when all of a sudden the ground began to shake. An earthquake. I rushed toward the front door. Sound of plates clashing with the floor came from the kitchen. Books from the shelf fell down and furniture began to shake uncontrollably. I looked outside and saw people outside. Everyone must be discussing about the quake. All people seemed to be in worry. The quake continued.

I rushed outside and saw Kevin and Tom near the street.

“Gavin.” Kevin called me when he saw me.

“Kevin, what’s happening, man?” I asked.

“Can’t you guess? It’s the fucking earthquake, man.”

I looked around me. Trees on my house yard swayed slowly and cars on the side of the street shook violently.

“Look, man.” Tom said.

I looked and saw wide cracks forming on the ground. Suddenly the telephone in my house began to ring.

“It must be my dad. I need to get it. See you, man.” I said.

“We will be right outside. Come when you’re done, okay? And remember that, staying inside house during an earthquake is dangerous.” Kevin said.

“Okay, man. I will be careful.” I ran towards my house. Then the earthquake slowly faded away.

I rushed inside and closed the door. Then I quickly took the phone receiver.

“Hello.” I said.

“Gavin, this is dad.”

“Hai, dad. When are you coming back? Is the meeting over? There was a violent earthquake here, just a moment ago.”

“Gavin, listen to me, carefully. We are coming to get you. And meanwhile, you have to stay inside the house and don’t go out. Don’t you dare go out. Do you hear me?”

“Yeah, I hear you, what is it, dad?”

“I can’t tell you that right now. Just don’t go outside, no matter what happens. We will be there soon. Be safe, okay?”


The call ended. That was creepy. What’s wrong with going outside?

“Ahh ...” Suddenly a scream cut through the air. I quickly went near the window and peered outside. Then I saw it. My stomach began to churn with the sight of it. People were running everywhere and some people were on top of others, and these people were ... Eating others ... I closed my eyes and I opened them again. Then I saw Kevin on top of Tom. What the? Kevin was biting Tom in his neck. What is happening, god? Suddenly a man walked through our porch. He was just outside, and blood steadily oozed down from his head.

I quickly covered the window with the curtain. I made sure the door was dead bolted. God, is this the zombie apocalypse I have been waiting for?

Chapter 2

IT was true that I wanted a zombie apocalypse. I had spent hours of time researching about Zombies and reading zombie novels. But, now, I don’t want this. God, are you testing me? I am sorry that I wished for a zombie apocalypse. Please take it away from me.

It had been hours since I sat on the floor with my back on the front door. Tom was dead and Kevin was a zombie. Maybe, now Tom also had changed to a zombie. Anyway I don’t want to research on that. Even though I wished for an apocalypse, I actually don’t know what to do. I have to wait for dad and mom, of course. Would they reach safely here? They certainly know more about this, otherwise he would never have warned me.

Then I noticed that it had been too long since I heard the moans from outside. Did they all leave my house’s perimeter? I slowly stood up and went near the window. I slowly pushed away the curtain a little and I peered outside. Outside was really quiet and I saw nothing peculiar. Then my eyes caught something on the street. I carefully looked and found a large crack just outside my house, on the street. And some of the vehicles partly fell into the crack. I could see the hood of some vehicles.

This zombie disease had something to do with the earthquake. Something unusual happened at the moment I entered inside my house, when dad’s call came. If dad hadn’t called, I would have most definitely ended up dead or at worse turned into a zombie.

Are they really zombies? No doubt, they eat flesh. I spent some more time standing in front of that window.

A few minutes passed. Suddenly sound of some metal clashing with another metal came from the back of the house. Were they still here? I rushed towards the back side of the house. From the kitchen I peered outside through the window. The sound was coming from our neighbor’s house. There were two windows, each on both sides of the back door. I shifted from left window to right window. Then I saw it. There was someone trapped inside a car in the neighbor’s porch. And one of the infected or zombie was ... Appeared to be striking at the car door with a metal rod. What the? They know how to use tools? Whoever inside the car was screaming something, but his words barely reached here through the closed doors.

His fate was with him and with god. I covered the window with the curtain and I slowly backed away from the kitchen. I don’t want to witness one more killing. Suddenly knocks came from the front door.


I rushed towards the front door.

“Ahh ...” At the time I reached the front door what I heard was the scream of my dad and mom. I hesitated. Should I open the door?

“Ahh ...” Mom screamed.

I slowly went near the window and peered outside, and I saw the horror. Two infected were dragging mom and dad through the yard to the street. I watched everything like a kid who don’t know what to do. Anyway, what could I do? At the moment I step outside, they would kill me. I covered the window with curtain and I sat down on the floor with my back on the wall. Then I did the most childish thing. I cried. I cried uncontrollably. Tears oozed down through my cheek to the sleeves of my shirt. I buried my head in my lap and I continue to cry. God, is this how you test me?

Mom and dad were dead, no doubt. Where was the government? Where was the clean-up crew? Where was the quarantine shelter?

This was the apocalypse, certainly. I hate to know that world was ending like someone’s imagination, like a zombie novel. I am alone in this fucking world. There was no one left in this world who I know. God, I am alone.

Chapter 3

Sun began to set in the horizon and my stomach began to growl. I stood up and peered outside through the window. Fortunately no one was outside.

Shit. I could have called 911. Well if it was some virus, got outside from any research facilities, 911 would have the answer, provided they were still there. I quickly ran towards the telephone. I took the receiver and dialed 911. Unfortunately the call didn’t went through. Telephone lines may be down after that earthquake. I quickly ran towards my bedroom. I found my smart phone on the bed. I took the phone in my hand and I dialed 911 again. This time it went through. But, no one was picking up the phone from the other side.

I spent several minutes dialing again and again, but none got picked up. I dropped the phone on the bed and I lie down, and I cried. What should I do? My stomach began to growl loudly. I haven’t eaten anything since morning. I slowly stood up and strolled towards the kitchen. From the refrigerator I took a bottle of orange juice and I drank it completely.

“Mom ... Mom ...” Suddenly sound of someone calling someone else came from outside. I quickly walked towards the front window and I peered outside. Surprisingly, I saw a young girl holding a teddy bear walking through the side walk. She was calling her mom out loud. The infected probably have heard her. I could not leave her like this. I took the risk and I slowly opened the door.

“Hey, kid. Over here.” I called.

She saw me and she stared at me.

“I am looking for my mom. Did you saw her?”

Oh shit. She doesn’t know anything about this. I have to help her.

“Come here, quickly. I will show you your mom.” I called.

The girl’s mouth widened. She wiped away her tears and she ran towards me. As soon as she was inside I closed the door. Then I hurriedly examined outside through the window. Then I saw two oddly looking zombies, or whatever they were, walking through the side walk. They must have come hearing this girl’s cry.

“Hey, where is my mom, and what are you looking at?”

I covered the window with the curtain and I looked at her. Now comes the hard job.

“Were you sleeping?” I asked.

“Yeah.” Her blue eyes were cloudy with tears. What should I tell her? I know nothing about children and she looks like a baby doll. Her mother probably had turned. “Where is my mom?”

“Well, technically, I saw your mom earlier today. And ... And …”


“And, she said she will be back tomorrow. She told me to look after you.”

“She told you, to baby sit me? She could have told this to that old lady?”

“Well, people in this entire city went for something. Government guys called everyone. I was sick and they told me to stay here. They also told me ... If you come looking for your mom, I have to look after you for some time.”

“That’s nice of you. Can I play here?”

“Well, the problem is, you can’t make noise. If you want to talk, just whisper.”

“Oh, that’s a little rude … Okay.” She smiled at me.

Thank god. The difficult part was over. But, she needs to know the truth, one day, of course, not today.

Chapter 4

Pop! Pop! Pop!

I Woke up hearing the sound of a gun fire. I quickly stood up.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

The gunfire continued, and now I could hear moans and growls. I went to my parent’s bedroom where Lizzy was sleeping. When I reached there, what I saw was an empty bed.

“Where did she went to?”

I quickly walked towards the front door, and fortunately she was in the living room. She was looking outside through the window.

“Who is outside?” I asked.


What? I quickly went near the window and I peered outside. Excitement jolted through me. Soldiers were fighting against the monster horde.

“Why are they killing people?” Lizzy asked.

“Because, those are not people.” I said.

“It’s morning. When will my mom come?”

“Soon.” I looked at the soldiers.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

“Ahh ...” Suddenly a few soldiers screamed. Then I saw it. From the top of a nearby building, infected were jumping at the soldiers. There could be at least a hundred infected on the building alone. Then a military truck came out of nowhere and it punched through the soldiers.

“What the?” The truck driver was killing the soldiers. Soldiers were now concentrating on the truck. There was a long line of soldiers on the street, now nothing but a bunch of people who were running for their lives. Who is this truck driver? Why is he killing soldiers?

Then I got all the answers. The truck stopped and an infected man with bloody face got outside. What peculiar about this infected driver was that, he gave commands to the other infected by motioning his hands. He was an infected who had brain power, unlike others. This was getting better and better. What chance do we have against these things? Surviving soldiers were running in different directions. Then I saw two soldiers running towards my house. The infected haven’t set their eyes on them, yet. I quickly opened the door a little and waved at the approaching soldiers. Lizzy was watching everything without knowing what the hell was happening around. Her mind was supposedly a mature one. Normally kids would cry when they see killing in front of them, right? She was totally different.

The two soldiers rushed inside my house and I closed the door and I dead bolted it. The soldiers were panting heavily and they were so focused on breathing air. Then one soldier stood up and he came near the window and he peeked outside.

“What happened? What is happening here? Is this a terrorist attack? Is this some virus got outside from a research facility?” I asked.

“No, kid, this is none of that. They are demons coming from hell.” The soldier near the window said.

“What?” I broke into a laugh. “Are you being serious?”

“Do I look like I am joking?” The soldier looks very serious about this.

“How do you know?” I asked. Lizzy went to kitchen and she came with a bottle of juice and she gave it to the second soldier.

The soldier near me without answering my question went near the other soldier for drinking. Both the soldiers quickly emptied that bottle. Now I am feeling a little courageous. These soldiers have guns with them, even though those monsters have a leader who could think.

“What are your names?” The tallest soldier asked.

“I am Lizzy.”

“I am Gavin.” I said.

“I am Cooper and this is Martin.” The tallest soldier said.

“What are those things?” I asked.

“As I said before, they are demons, if you believe it or not. Anyway, I don’t care that you believe this or not.” Cooper said. “They came from a tunnel deep underground. They are infecting everyone. And like in the movies, their eyes are fully dark, and surprisingly, some of them can talk and think like us. So, in most of our opinion, they are demons. And I believe that, because, only demon could do things like this.”

I digested the information hardly.

“Mister, when will my mom come back? Gavin said government people called her for something.” Lizzy asked.

Cooper looked at me. I tilted down my head.

“She is probably on an important mission. You don’t have to worry about it.” Cooper said.

Lizzy nodded, but she looked at Cooper with a questioning eye.

Cooper and Martin quickly began to examine outside through the windows.

Now, together, we may have a chance here even if it is the fucking demons.

Chapter 5

Later that day we saw a few infected soldiers on the streets. They just sniffed the air and moved away from my house’s perimeter. In the night a whole pack of infected was on the street. I think they were active during the night. As we were already in panic, we didn’t try to switch on the light. As morning broke in the horizon, all the infected disappeared to somewhere.

I slowly walked towards the kitchen. My stomach frequently growled. As I reached the kitchen I found the refrigerator empty. Cooper and Martin were very good at eating.

I held back my hunger and I walked towards the living room. I found Cooper and Martin by the window. Lizzy was playing with her teddy bear by the couch.

“Cooper, we need to go for a supply run.” I said.

He looked at me. “Is your refrigerator empty?” Cooper asked.

“You know that.”

“Okay. I see none of those things outside. That supermarket at the end of this street must be enough, right?”

“Yeah.” I said.

Martin then worriedly looked at Cooper. I think he was afraid about going out.

“It is okay, Martin. We have guns.” Cooper patted Martin’s shoulder.

I looked at our nervous soldiers. Anyway I could not hold back my hunger for too long. We quickly took a bag and we exited the house. We told Lizzy to stay inside the house. We also instructed her to not to open the door until we come back. She courageously nodded at us.

In a moderate pace we walked through the street looking for the super market at the end of the block. We saw the gigantic crack on the road. I saw some vehicles in the newly formed deep trench. We passed many crashed vehicles and finally we set our eyes on the supermarket. The surrounding was extremely quiet. We quickly ran rest of the way and we rushed inside through the rotating glass door. Suddenly an alarm beeped for a short time indicating that we got inside through the doorway. Even though the alarm was short, relative to this quiet atmosphere, it was very loud. Any nearby infected must have heard it.

We quickly began our job of filling the back pack with food materials, such as canned goods and chips. Martin and Cooper found a carry bag and they filled it with bottles of water and other canned goods. When we finished everything, we slowly walked towards the front door. Suddenly we froze. An infected was just outside the glass door, and he already set his eyes on us. Then he took a deep moan and he rushed at us thinking that nothing was stopping him. Fortunately this one was one of the dumb infected. He collided with the side glass wall, and he started pounding on the glass wall with his head.

“Quick, the back door.” I said.

We quickly ran towards the back door and we found it just at the end of aisle. We quickly rushed outside. Suddenly two infected came from the back of the supermarket.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

Without further thought Cooper opened fire and the infected went down. We ran through the road. And I saw the infected who smashed on the glass wall earlier. He ran towards the back of the supermarket where Cooper had fired a few shots. As we neared my house, we saw a group of infected running towards the supermarket, probably on hearing the gunshot. We quickly hid behind a building, and when all of the infected moved away, we ran toward my house. As soon as we were on the doorsteps, Lizzy opened the door for us. We rushed inside and then, all of us took a deep breath.

“Oh, man, that was close.” Cooper said.


A Week was gone. We never left the house since our last super market visit. Cooper and Martin were of course courageous, but, when discussing about going out, their courage slowly drains away. I can’t blame them. There were lot of infected outside and their moan was very horror inducing. They were mostly active in the night time, and usually we see only a few infected in the day time.

These infected were definitely very advanced beings. They walk and hunt in groups, in a coordinated manner. And one thing I noticed about them was, when they get hungry, or so I think, they kill each other and eat the flesh of their comrades. Cooper still believes that they were demons. And I guess that too. I have watched the movie paranormal activity a dozen times and like in the movie, these things’ eyes were pretty dark. Of course you could not judge things in terms of a movie, but, their coordinated behavior was very horror inducing to us.

Then, it was today that I am noticing the dust accumulated in the living room. Once my whole family went to a trip to Hawaii, and when we came back to the house, we hardly saw any accumulation of dust. But, now, even though we were inside the house, the dust accumulated uncontrollably. And one thing pretty horrific was that, the trees around my house were withering. The garden was the first to wither and dry, but we hardly gave attention to that. Now we could not discard the fact that plants were dying around us. This had something to do with this plague, certainly.

The next thing was birds. We usually see a pack of birds in the mornings, but now, birds hardly visit here. And by our neighbor’s house we saw a whole bunch of dead birds. Yeah, we visit our neighbors’ houses when sun was highest in the sky, although, we don’t venture far away from my house. In one of the house we found a whole cartoon of soft drinks. But, our supply of food was running out, and soon we need to go for a supply run again. In the noon time, I was standing in the living room, watching the outside view, when all of a sudden a sand storm hit our house. It lasted about an hour, after which a few inches of sand got deposited on our doorsteps.

Something definitely was going on. And something inside me was telling me that this was the end of everything. And that something was also telling me that staying inside this house was not a good idea. Whatever this was, the real end was not here, yet. This was only a harbinger of what was left to come. And whatever was coming at us, it could not be anything good for mankind.

During the first days we saw a few military fighter jets, but that also disappeared as the days passed by. Everything was dead around us.

Certainly, I am not ready to give up. And neither does Martin and Cooper. Lizzy was still waiting for her mom. Can I tell her that everything have begun to end? Can I tell her the truth? She was giving hope for all of us, but, hope was dwindling in us as the days pass by.

next chapter
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    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

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    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


