21.87% Demigod Records: The Chronicles of the Son of Aphrodite / Chapter 7: The Oracle, The Quest and the Turning Point

章 7: The Oracle, The Quest and the Turning Point

The next morning came like a dream for Camp Half-Blood.

After the end of the 'Capture the Flag' game nothing felt quite real the campers were mostly confused. Not only did Percy get claimed by Poseidon, one of the Big Three, and one who had made an oath and broke it, making Percy a source of anxiety for everyone else in camp, as well as the fact that someone summoned a monster inside the camp and nobody had a clue about who this traitor was. Nobody, but Albert of course. He knew everything and had to pretend he didn't.

Just as the commotion at the lake was finished, he escaped the crowds and ran to the Archery Grounds. The constant training was helpful to keep his mind off of things he shouldn't delve too deep into as well as make him little by little more powerful. Every bit of power brought him closer to the goal of protecting what he held dear, from both gods and monsters.

He heard from Drew that Percy had been moved to cabin three, where he lived all by himself. Not that he asked. Albert had informed Silena in private of his abilities, she was shocked to know that he was so good at Charmspeak, even if he didn't explain the limits. However, she knew that he had used it on Clarisse at the lake.

"I am planning on becoming the counselor soon," Albert stated as the two of them were alone at the stables again. "I hope you don't resent me, sister."

Silena was quiet as if she was absorbing the blow, "Why are you telling me this now?"

"Because you are a good person," He replied with a helpless expression, "I didn't want you to hate me..."

"I wouldn't hate you for this," The girl giggled in a complicated and relieved fashion, "Why are you interested in that position though? It's not like you don't already have a lot on your hands. People are talking about them, they said and I quote, 'The Killer Prince', who trains all day and killed the Hellhound." 

"That's a rather stupid nickname, I am no Prince, and with the monster... It was beginner's luck," He countered with a sigh, "I just want you to be freed from this position, you will be able to have more time for yourself... I heard you like the Hephaestus guy, if you don't mind me saying, you got great taste, sis."

"What?!" She gasped as her face turned red. 

"What was his name again? Huh, Charles Beckendorf? Charlie?" He teased her, "Don't worry, I don't think anyone else noticed. He is a bit dense though. It is almost painful to watch my beautiful sister casting dreamy looks to that muscular tall and oblivious guy."

"Ok, stop!" Silena glared at him her face blushing furiously in embarrassment, "Whatever! You better not take too long then! Also, shut up! You wouldn't understand anyways!"

Albert raised an eyebrow and asked, "What do you mean by that? What did I do?"

"You don't even know do you?!" She exclaimed in exasperation, "Clarisse told me that at least fifteen of her sisters and brothers are going to watch your training lessons and it's driving her crazy. There is also that Apollo kid, you better be careful, Will is a sweet boy. Don't even get me started on the ones from the other cabins! At this rate by the end of the year half of them cap will have a crush on you!"

"What?!" Albert asked in a squeak, before shaking his head in denial. "Nonsense! All bullshit! Will is just being friendly that's all and the Ares' boys... I am not going to the wrestling training anytime soon! It's all because of Mother's blessing. When it runs out they will grow out of it! I know it!" 

"You're hopeless, Albert!" Silena said before storming away.

The next few days went as normal as they could go. Training most of the day, making sure he doesn't fall to the rage baits to a wrestling match, and avoiding Percy and Annabeth like the plague. Life was good. He even met with his uncle and he taught him how to Iris message someone, which he did, finally seeing his dad and explaining that everything was fine and telling him to warn his grandparents for him.

Things took a weird turn when the new edition of the New York Daily News arrived with the front page article with the title BOY AND MOTHER STILL MISSING AFTER FREAK CAR ACCIDENT, by Eileen Smythe, describing the new of the current status of Percy and his mom. It even pointed out the fact that the boy hasn't been ruled out as a suspect!

It was during the night of that day that the fateful moment arrived, Grover showed up out of nowhere looking for him and told him to follow him to the Big House. Albert obliged his request without much thought.

"What is going on Grover?" He asked.

"Something big happened and they are calling you there, Percy wants to talk to you," The satyr explained clearly agitated.

"Why me?! We barely even talk!" Albert asked in surprise.

"I don't know, you should ask him that yourself, we are here!"

Grover lost no time and soon enough he was in the room with Chiron, Mr. D, Percy, and Grover. Albert felt a headache coming.

"I heard you've called for me?" He tentatively asked, not directed to anyone in particular. "Grover said something big happened."

"I did what you said!" Percy exclaimed. "I went to talk to the Oracle and it gave me a quest, I want to know what you have to say!"

Albert glanced off over the adults, then back to Percy, he asked, "What did the Oracle tell you, Jackson?"

"You will go west, and face the god who has turned. You shall find what was stolen, and see it safely returned..." Percy suddenly stopped abruptly, "That's what it said. We know what was stolen. Zeus' master bolt and he thinks I stole it!"

"Impossible." Albert stated calmly, "No offense, but you don't have the skills for a robbery. You didn't steal this bolt thing, Jackson."

"We believe that to be the case as well," Chiron commented, "By Zeus thinking otherwise and that's all that matters now. We believe Hades stole it. He is the only one who would benefit from a war between Zeus and Poseidon."

"Chiron says he harbors a grudge because he is unhappy with his lot since the world was divided eons ago or something. He grows powerful the more people die. He hates his brothers for forcing him into an oath to have no more children, an oath that both of them have now broken. Poseidon broke it when he had me," Percy explained as if he had just repeated something he had no idea what it meant.

"You suspect Lord Hades?" Albert asked barely able to conceal his disbelief. Not because of the reasons they might suspect. He was just bewildered by their narrow-minded logic, "That is a rather bold and dangerous accusation, sir. You are accusing the King of the Underworld of conspiracy, rebellion, and starting a war! "

"You don't know about it yet, but before Percy got here he was attacked by a Fury, Alecto," Grove said. "They only obey one god, you know? Hades."

"A hellhound got into the forest," Chiron continued gravely. "Those can only be summoned from the Fields of Punishment and it had to be summoned by someone within the camp. Hades must have a spy here. He must suspect Poseidon will try to use Percy to clear his name. Hades would very much like to kill this young half-blood before he can take on the quest."

"Why would he need a spy of all things? Last I know although he isn't exactly welcomed here, he is not a criminal or something," Albert looked over at his mentor with a contemplating look, before he shook his head. "This is very disappointing, sir."

"What do you mean by that?" Percy asked with curious eyes.

"It's just... how can I put this into words..." He paused before continuing, "It's a good theory sure. However, it's also a simple-minded one. There are way too many faults in the logic and it's overly simplified."

"Oh-ho, I knew I hate him less than the others," Mr. D laughed out loud, "Care to explain to the audience what you mean by that boy?"

Albert nodded thoughtfully, "I understand why you would jump to a conclusion, sir. However, I think you aren't considering some things. Lord Hades has no real motive to do that... this so-called plan is a terrible one that can turn both of his brothers against him if they suspect his role in it. Plus, I know that people here at Camp have a bias against him, as you just showed." He took a moment to breathe and continued, "He is the only one among of Three Kings who was denied a mere cabin here when even virginal goddesses have them for decoration," He hesitated before saying the last part, "According to you he is the only one who managed to keep his word in the end. The other two are both oathbreakers. Yet he is the one who was painted as a villain. What I am trying to say is that you should think more carefully before accusing him, sir." 

Mr. D looked at him in stunned surprise, "Oh... that's, huh, he is right. Still, the Prophecy sounds pretty obvious though."

Chiron was looking conflicted after being scolded by a child, "I will reflect on your words, Albert. I can see why I might sound so biased now, but I am sure you understand that he is a suspect given the circumstances. "

"But a quest to . . ." Grover swallowed. "I mean, couldn't the master bolt be in some place like Maine? Maine's very nice this time of year."

"Hades sent a minion to steal the master bolt," Chiron insisted stubbornly, like a mule. "He hid it in the Underworld, knowing full well that Zeus would blame Poseidon. I don't pretend to understand the Lord of the Dead's motives perfectly, or why he chose this time to start a war, but one thing is certain. Percy must go to the Underworld, find the master bolt, and reveal the truth."

"Look, if we know it's Hades," Percy asked Chiron, "why can't we just tell the other gods? Zeus or Poseidon could go down to the Underworld and bust some heads."

"This isn't so simple, Percy," Grover said munching on something.

"Is it ever?" Albert rolled his eyes.

"Suspecting and knowing are not the same, it is a dangerous accusation like Albert had pointed out, we only have a story in the end," Chiron said gloomily. "Besides, even if the other gods suspect Hades—and I imagine, your father, Poseidon, does—they couldn't retrieve the bolt themselves. Gods cannot cross each other's territories except by invitation. That is another ancient rule. Heroes, on the other hand, have certain privileges. They can go anywhere, and challenge anyone, as long as they're bold enough and strong enough to do it. No god can be held responsible for a hero's actions. Why do you think the gods always operate through humans?"

"Seriously? Breaking Ancient Rules?" Albert echoed in disbelief. "Didn't they already do that?"

"You're saying I'm being used?" Percy asked the centaur.

Chiron looked like he had aged a decade, he sighed tiredly, "What I'm saying is it's no accident Poseidon has claimed you now. It's a very risky gamble, but he's in a desperate situation, he wants to avoid a war. He needs you, Percy."

Albert watched as Percy's expression started to shift, and then he narrowed his eyes at the centaur. How dare this man play that card on a currently orphaned child who saw his mother basically die? Now his absent daddy needs him?

"I bet he didn't even pay child support," Albert blurted out. 

Grover gagged on whatever he was eating, and Mr. D looked shocked as well. Chiron looked mortified. Percy was stunned though.

"So let me get this straight," Percy said. "I'm supposed to go to the Underworld and confront the Lord of the Dead."

"Check," Chiron said.

"Find the most powerful weapon in the universe."


"And get it back to Olympus before the summer solstice, in ten days."

"That's about right."

He looked at Grover, who gulped down the ace of hearts he had just eaten.

"Did I mention that Maine is very nice this time of year?" The other boy asked weakly.

"You don't have to go, if it's dangerous" Percy suddenly stated. "I can't ask that of you."

"Oh . . ." The satyr shifted his hooves. "No . . . it's just that satyrs and underground places . . . well . . ." He took a deep breath, then stood, brushing the shredded cards and aluminum bits off his T-shirt. "You saved my life, Percy. If . . . if you're serious about wanting me along, I won't let you down."

"All the way, G-man." I turned to Chiron. "So where do we go? The Oracle just said to go west."

The centaur explained, "The entrance to the Underworld is always in the west. It moves from age to age, just like Olympus does. Right now, of course, it's also in America."

"Where exactly? America is like the second biggest country in the world," Percy asked.

"Third, actually," Albert corrected, "Russia and Canada are bigger."

Chiron looked at them as if they were stupid, "I thought that would be obvious enough. The entrance to the Underworld is in Los Angeles, of course."

"How was that supposed to be obvious?!" Percy exclaimed feeling wronged.

"Well, I guess my presence is not necessary anymore. If you excuse me..." Albert said shaking his head as he turned around, but he halted. He hated the anxiety in his heart. "Chiron, sir. Can I also pay a visit to the Oracle?"

He had to argue with the centaur for a few minutes, he didn't miss Percy's hesitant gaze, but before he made his decision he wanted to check something out with that spirit. Otherwise, he might have a panic attack or some stroke staying behind and putting all his hopes on that trio of fools.

The attic was filled with Greek hero junk that any museum would kill for: armor stands covered in cobwebs; once-bright shields pitted with rust; old leather steamer trunks plastered with stickers saying ITHAKA, CIRCE'S ISLE, and LAND OF THE AMAZONS. One long table was stacked with glass jars filled with pickled things—severed hairy claws, huge yellow eyes, and various other parts of monsters. A dusty mounted trophy on the wall looked like a giant snake's head but with horns and a full set of shark's teeth. The plaque read, HYDRA HEAD #1, WOODSTOCK, N.Y., 1969.

"This is so creepy, and for what?!"

By the window, sitting on a wooden tripod stool, was the most gruesome memento of all in this mausoleum: a mummy. Not the wrapped-in-cloth kind, but a human female body shriveled to a husk, one of the most tragic things he ever saw. She wore a tie-dyed sundress, lots of beaded necklaces, and a headband over long black hair, all moldy and old like she had been using those clothes for decades. The skin of her face was thin and leathery over her skull, and her eyes were glassy white slits as if the real eyes had been replaced by marbles; she'd been dead a long, long time.

No, she had been cursed for a long long time, he corrected himself.

Just looking at her sent chills up Albert's back. Humans had the instinct to avoid the idea of death and corpses were something most people would look away from. She sat up on her stool and opened her mouth, a luminous and eerie green mist poured from the mummy's mouth, coiling over the floor in thick tendrils, hissing like twenty thousand snakes. Albert felt the hair on his body stand up all at once. 

Inside his head, in his mind, he heard a voice. It was like it was slithering into one ear and coiling around his brain like a snake hissing: "I am the spirit of Delphi, speaker of the prophecies of Phoebus Apollo, slayer of the mighty Python. Approach, seeker, and ask."

Albert thought for a moment and gathered the courage to ask, "Hello, Esteemed Oracle. I have come seeking advice on the path I must take to protect what is precious to me."

The Mist shifted into the form of a snake, a huge monstrous three-headed snake, the hissing voices spoke in his mind: "I have no words for you, stranger! Fate cannot touch you! The one who can change things for better or for worse has been born to rewrite what was written in the beginning! The one I cannot see!"

Albert felt shivers at the terrified and angry cry of the spirit like it had been inflicted with insurmountable pain and despair when it tried to look into his future. It felt like a wave of electricity had run over his body. The green phantasmagorical mist returned to the mummy and the attic grew deathly quiet. Like none of it had happened at all. 

"Fate cannot touch me?" The boy repeated out loud. A million thoughts crossed his mind. He stood there in the dark for a long time, in the company of the relics of the past forgotten and forsaken in that tomb before he decided to go back, still numb from the revelation he got.

Annabeth became visible as soon as he got back, stuffing her Yankees cap into her back pocket. Albert stopped to watch what she was doing, a bit grateful that she had shown up too.

"I've been waiting a long time for a quest, seaweed brain," She said to Percy, "Athena is no fan of Poseidon, but if you're going to save the world, I'm the best person to keep you from messing up. You know that too."

"If you do say so yourself," He said back. "I suppose you have a plan, wise girl?"

Her cheeks colored. "Do you want my help or not?"

Albert made his presence known. He had made his decision. Looking over to Chiron and then to Percy, "I am going with you, Jackson."

"What did the Oracle say?" Chiron asked in a somber tone.

"That spirit is in pain," Albert commented absentmindedly, "Anyways, it is safe to say that I must go with them, sir. I know usually only trios go on quests, but this time four won't make a difference. "

 The truth was simple, Fate couldn't touch him, and The Oracle of Delphi itself couldn't glimpse into his future, maybe not even Apollo could. The truth was that he needed the opportunity to level up and change some things, it made no difference for Fate if he went as well. There were no more excuses for him to avoid the trio and stay behind anymore, if he stayed he would be no better than a coward.

Mr. D suddenly spoke, "When four people go on a quest one never comes back."

"I agree, it's too dangerous," His archery mentor stated. "Can't you disclose what the spirit had told you, Albert?"

"No, unfortunately, I cannot, sir. If this quest goes wrong won't most, if not all of us die anyway? The Sky against the Sea and maybe even the Underworld..." Albert shot them a smile, he turned to Percy, "I need to know if you agree, Jackson."

 Percy hesitated before smiling back, "Four is fine by me," he said. "That'll work just fine."

Albert had finally reached an important point on his journey. From now on, things might play differently from what he knew, he would have to be clever and use his talents to make things easier. He knew he could do it. He had been training tirelessly to become a decent warrior, to survive the war and protect what he cared about and the ones he loved from the destruction. 

next chapter
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