95.23% Degenerate Reborn In House Of The Dragon / Chapter 39: Ch 38 Battle Of The Gullet

章 39: Ch 38 Battle Of The Gullet

The winds blew ominously through the cold air as each fleet of thousands of men prepared their ships for battle.

Their armors were donned and helmets tightened as stones were used to sharpen axes and sabers just before battle began.

The archers inspected their bows and the scorpions were oiled and loaded with huge shafts 

The Velaryon Fleet had been drilling and training for war and they knew they'd win against these blue bearded silk wearing sissy pirate cunts from the Triarchy.

They were little better than bed slaves compared to the Velaryon Fleet....but the numbers were immense.

The Dragon Gray Ghost and Draghul had ascended to the skies after speaking with Corlys on his Flagship...

Slowly word and shouts spread from ship to ship.


Soldiers and Sailors shouted from deck to deck and slowly word spread throughout the entire fleet.

A great cheer rang out as the sailors imagined Cannibal scorching those Pirates when he got here....Gray Ghost was smaller than Sunfyre or even Syrax so the sailors didn't have much confidence in it alone being able to burn the Rebels.....But all sailors in the fleet had seen Cannibal.

The Sargents on each ship raised morale by letting all sailors know....All they had to do was hold out until their King Arrived.....

The two navies approached each other fearlessly as the choppy waves bounced the ships around and salty mists sprayed when waves hit the hard wood of the ships.

The Velaryon and much Larger Rebel fleets began the attacks with scorpion shots at a distance.







Lond scorpion bolts flew through the air and heavily smashed into ships and men, most dropped into the ocean but those that managed to hit were devastating as sometimes more than one man was impaled at once.

Their bodies were dragged away and new men took their places.

Corlys from his Flagship relayed orders to his trumpeteer and the massive bugle sounded out orders.

The blaring if the horn signaled the formation of ship chains.

Lined Hooks were thrown between four or five ships and they were pulled together by sailors as the waves splashed and scorpion bolt flew overhead nearly impaling them.

Chains and ropes were brought and used to lash both of them together.

The two fleets came closer and closer as the archers and crossbowmen began firing arrows and bolts at each other with terrible precision as screams of dying men Resounded.

The Velaryon Fleet had good scale armor so most shots deflected off but a few made it into their throats and men fell while gurgling blood.

On the Triarchy ships their thin silk clothes and cheaply made chainmail was easily peirced and men died by the Score as they rushed to engage.

The scorpions of both sides aimed and fired repeatedly as men were impaled and launched flying a few feet away with the huge bolts in their chests.

Overhead screeching was heard from more than one Dragon.

All eyes looked up and spotted Gray Ghost turnfighting against Two Dragons....one was definitely Vermax, the Dragon belonging to the Whores first son, the other was Dark Blue, Addam of Hull on Morghul

The Speedy Gray Ghost seemed to be outmaneuvering the two other inexperienced flyers but their clumsy streams of dragonflame still hit the Gray Dragon a few times.

Then all eyes turned back as hooked ropes were tossed at enemy ships and dragged in as the sailors on both sides frothed at the mouth to start the killing.

The Myrish fleet was at the head of the column and blue bearded cunts who wore colorful sloth and Wielded razor sharp sabers jumped into The Velaryon ships.

Both sides clashed fiercely as arms and legs were cut off and men screamed for their mothers...the well armored Velaryon Soldiers hacked apart the Pirate scum with terrible proficiency and when the Invaders were all dashed to pieces the counter boarding began.

The clash of battle on the ocean and the screeching of Dragons fighting overhead was heard as more and more Rebel ships began to engage the Velaryon forces.

Corlys himself now old but still powerful moved with his honor guard as they slaughterd their way through ships upon ships of men.

After thirty minutes of bloody fighting a terrible roar was heard and time seemed to freeze as all eyes turned to see the flying colossus Cannibal overhead as it flew beside Vermithor the Bronze Fury.

A great cheer Resounded throughout the Velaryon ships as they began to fight with even more ferocity as they chopped apart Myrish and Certigar Forces who were at the front of the enemy fleet 






I ordered Visenya to protect Draghul as I took care of the ships.

She urged the snarling Vermithor towards the dragon fight that was occuring overhead.

When Jace and Addam of Hull saw Vermithor heading their way both stopped Pursuing Gray Ghost and began to fly away, their Dragons were swift but only time would tell if they'd get away.

I descended on Cannibal as he let out a terrible Roar and the Rebel sailors fired their measly Scorpions up at us but seemed to have no effect.

Cannibal opened his huge Maw as a sinister Green glow began to emanate from his mouth full of razor sharp sword like teeth.

The whole world seemed to come to a standstill as a Huge stream of Green Flames washed over the rear of the Rebel fleet.

Hundreds of ships were drowned in magic dragonflame as thousands were soaked in beautiful Green Flames while the Velaryon sailors all cheered and fought harder to kill the Rebel scum.

Before long cries of surrender began to resound throughout the Fleet and scores of Sailors and Triarchy pirates threw their weapons down and we're seized by the Velaryon Men.

All were stripped naked and dragged to the brigs of the ships while sailors cheered their glorious King who began to fly towards the Dragons who were making an escape.






The sailors all cheered as I flew off.

I saw Gray Ghost injured with tears in it's wing membranes as it descended down to land on some ships while Vermithor was firing flames at the two smaller Dragons who were just too fast to catch.

I connected with Visenya and sent her a message.

'forget about the blue Dragon, I only want Jace' she sent the okay and began to chase the green dragon after Jace and Addam of Hull split and were flying in different directions.

Visenya chased Vermax but the Dragon was just too fast and she couldn't catch up but I was quickly gaining on both of them.

The Bastard Prince panicked as he looked back to spot Cannibal steadily gaining on him.

His heart pumped full of adrenaline as he urged Vermax to go faster and faster.


{"DONT STOP!!!!"}

He looked back and saw Cannibal pass Vermithor as the Bronze Fury slowed down since it couldn't catch the swift Vermax.

Jace knew he couldn't escape but tried his best.

When I was very close I yelled out.

"STOP YOUR DRAGON NEPHEW!!! I ONLY WISH TO TALK A BIT!!!" I yelled out with a sinister smile on my face as Cannibal snarled exitedly.

As soon as Cannibal was close enough his huge jaws snapped on the Green Dragon but Vermax turned last minute and avoided certain death.

Jace continued to avoid me as every time Cannibals bites got closer and closer, the Green Dragon shot blasts of flames at Cannibal when It turned but they seemed to have no effect.

Jace Cried and screamed in fear as I toyed around with him in the air.

When I grew bored I had Cannibal chomp down on its tail and legs as the pained screeching Resounded for miles around.

I looked in the distance and saw Addam of Hull flying as fast as he could over the horizon on his Blue Dragon.

Vermax tried in vain to snap at the huge Cannibal as it was being held in it's jaws but it's bites barely did any damage, the huge coal black Dragon squeezed harder as blood rained down from the sky as the Young Green Dragon bled profusely until it lost strength and went limp.

I could hear the screams and cries of Jace as his beloved Dragon was viciously killed.

I began to slowly fly back towards the fleet while carrying Vermax and Jace.

When the sailors saw the Bastard Prince still strapped to the saddle they all cheered loudly at my victory.




They all cheered and I flew low and called out to the fleet.


I yelled out at Corlys with my empowered voice then I flew off with Visenya as Draghul let the wounded Gray Ghost rest on one of the Larger Ships.

The sailors continued to tie up and strip the Rebels before moving them all aboard.

Whatever ships were salvageable were taken in to the Velaryon Fleet and the ones that weren't were scuttled and sunk to the Sea bottom after their supplies were scavenged.

All enemy corpses were thrown overboard to be feasted on by sharks and friendly injured were treated as best they could.

I flew off with the Bastard Prince still strapped to his saddle.

I cast a spell to immobilize him so he wouldn't try to drop to his death or kill himself before we got there.

I sent a message to everyone with a protection Amulet.

'Ive captured the Bastard Crown Prince' 

And all were happy at the victory, Laecon most of all since he couldn't wait to get his hands on Jace, Aemond since he wanted his pound of flesh, and Mother since she wanted vengance for Aemond losing an Eye.

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(40 min later)

I flew over Kingslanding slowly as all eyes cheered the King, when they saw Vermax being held in Cannibals mouth with The Brown Haired Bastard still strapped on it was like a wave of celebration spread throughout the City.

"Hooray!!! The King Caught the Bastard Traitor!!!" 

I heard the cheers for a while as I paraded around the city.

Then I landed in the Castle courtyard as my entire Family waited there with smiles....except for jasmine since she was at the library but that was fine.

I had Cannibal land and gently lower Vermax so Jace wouldn't be crushed.

Vermithor landed beside me and Visenya dismounted.

I unstrapped and dismounted as my entire family surrounded the frozen Bastard boy.

I Moved in and unstrapped him before taking all his weapons then I bound his hands and undid the spell.

When he saw all me smiling down at him he let out a terrible scream after looking into my Blood Red Eyes...

 . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. 

(Later, Elsewhere)

Rhaenyra, Daemon, Nettles, Hugh Hammer, Viserys the Younger and Aegon lll were all at Harrenhal while surrounded by Rebel Lords.....the army they had amassed was massive and they all waited for word of Jace Crushing the Velaryon Fleet and Killing Draghul on his Gray Dragon.

All expected good news since the odds were so good.

They had a Westerlander army approaching from the West but would be a week out, they outnumbered them by three times so they really weren't worried.

The Stormlords we're just now marching to join Maegor in Kingslanding and The Reach Armies were still looting and burning the Lords who supported Rhaenyra but at least they were still divided.

Soon after a single screech was heard outside and all walked out of the Castle to see who it was.

When Rhaenyra spotted the lone Blue dragon flying sluggishly towards the landing area her heart sank and was filled with dread.

She already knew what must've happened and she broke down sobbing.

Her young sons Viserys the Younger and Aegon the third ran to their mommy and hugged her....

She only cried harder.

Addam landed and unstrapped, half his face and body was burned crispy and Shrykos had burn marks on much of his body along with a few deep scratches.

He dismounted and immediately collapsed from exhaustion and his wounds.

Daemon ran up and pulled off his flame blackened helmet to reveal many burns on his face....half of the man's armor was burned black as well.

"Addam, what happened....tell me now." Daemon asked while looking into his eyes.

"I....I....It was...Horrible...." He trembled as he spoke.

"Details Addam. Now!!!" Daemon yelled and slapped the man on his non burned cheek.

"W...We....were winning.....on sea....and in the Air....we almost had Draghul and his Gray Dragon...." Addam said and his burned lips formed into a smile.

Then his smile faded as he continued speaking.

"Then....Th...Then came the Stranger....He Rode on Black Wings....Gr....Green Flames.....Oh Gods.....the screams.....they didn't stop....." He trembled as he spoke.

Daemon slapped him again and the man focused.

"Prince Jacaerys....he urged us to flee...the Bronze Dragon chased us but....we were too fast.....B...But then the Stranger set his eyes on us..." He spoke and his whole body shivered as Nettles ran off to get the Maester.

Daemon slapped the man again and yelled.

"Where is your Prince!!! Answer Me Damnit!!!"

And Addam closed his eyes as tears fell profusely.

"He was too fast.....we couldn't fly fast enough....we s...we split.... But the monster followed The Prince instead of....M...Me.....I heard the screams of Vermax....w..when I looked back.....The Black Dragon was flying away with t...the....Prince's Dragon in it's mouth....." He muttered out as tears fell from his face.

Rhaenyra who was nearby heard all of it and began to weep uncontrollably.

 .. . .. . . . . . ... .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 

(The Next Day)

A Raven came into the Rookery at Harrenhal with the seal of King Maegor.


When the old Maester finally came up the steps after treating Addams burns he walked over to the Ravens and began to read the messages on their legs until he grabbed one and saw the Black and Green seal on the little scroll.

He nearly jumped out of his chair as his huge chain of links rattled loudly and the ravens squawked angrily at being disturbed.

The Old Maester clattered his way down the twisting stairwell as fast as he could to reach the Queen who was currently in the war room.

When the Guards spotted the Maester rushing towards them they immediately opened the doors and let him in.

All eyes turned towards the old panting man as he hobbled into the room while holding a scroll in his hands.

"FROM....THE.... FALSE KING!!!" He spoke with his old shaky voice through heavy breaths as he held out the message for the Queen.

She took it from his wrinkly hands then the Man bowed deeply before scurrying back beside the other Lords Present.

She broke the seal and unrolled it as she held her breath.

Daemon looked over her shoulder as they both read it.

[ How I longed to visit my nephew Jace....thank you for delivering him to me dear Rhaenyra....I'll take good care of him here in the Capitol....the faster you bend the knee the more parts he will have when I return him to you, don't dawdle because Laecon has little patience when someone screams so sweetly....Sincerely, from Maegor The Good Uncle ]

Her face turned into a heavy scowl as her hands trembled in rage.

"ILL KILL YOU MAEGOR!!!! AND ALL YOUR DEMON SPAWN!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!"" Rhaenyra screamed in anger as her Lords looked at her In shock....

 .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Meanwhile in Kingslanding I was awaiting my Stormlander reinforcements so we could march on Harrenhall.

I sent a message to Jason Lannister to hold off on attacking the Rebels but he said everything would be fine.....stupid cunt, perhaps it's good to let them die to teach them some humility.

I walked to my room as I heard the cheers of the crowd outside the castle Gates.

I looked down and spotted the raised platform surrounded by goldcloaks as they allowed any scum of Kingslanding to line up and wait their turn with the Bastard Prince.

We still hadn't cut off any parts from Jace, we were lending him out graciously to the dirty men of Kingslanding since he needed to....attone....for his sins a bit, and it made me all the more popular.

Cannibal had munched on Vermax but I had it's head caked In salt and sent off towards Harrenhall on a cart by enslaved Goldcloaks as an early present for Rhaenyra.

I moved into my office and sat down as I did paperwork for an hour until my Kingsguard knocked on the door and spoke.

"My King....Mary the um....'Demented Maid' wishes to enter...." He spoke a bit hesitantly.

All knew the crazy maid that the King enjoyed from time to time.

Everyone avoided the cute girl like the plague as she skipped through the halls of the Red Keep while singing cute but gruesome songs.

Her title was maid but no one ever saw her clean anything.

she would wander into the dungeons from time to time and come back spattered in blood and sometimes carried around fingers or ears to show the other maids as they screamed and ran in disgust while she giggled in joy.

She was the one who tortured my twin for so long and I still enjoyed her company from time to time.

"Let Her In." I ordered and the door opened.

The Little Red Headed and Freckled maid stood there with wide crazy eyes.


She ran inside and jumped over my desk as she brought me into a hug.

The Kingsguard drew their swords but I just shooed them away....this bitch was crazy but harmless against me.

She began attacking me with sloppy kisses as she lifted her dress and rubbed her bare pussy against my bulge.

"I missed you too. Have you been behaving?" I asked the crazt maid.

"YES MY KING~ MARY HAS BEEN A GOOD GIRL LIKE ALWAYS~ HEHEHE~" She spoke while rubbing hard against my bulge through my pants.

I began to kiss her as I undid my pants and brought my hard throbbing cock out....

It would be a long day...it always is with her.

next chapter
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