25% DC: Hunting for Beauty. / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - Waking up~♥️ (Barbara Gordon)

章 1: Chapter 1 - Waking up~♥️ (Barbara Gordon)

The first thing he noticed was the smell of pine and wood smoke. As he slowly opened his eyes, the rough-hewn ceiling of a log cabin came into focus. He was lying on a simple bed, covered with a thick, woolen blanket. The room was dimly lit by a few flickering candles placed around the room, casting dancing shadows on the walls.

His head throbbed with a dull pain, and as he tried to sit up, a wave of dizziness forced him back onto the pillow. He closed his eyes again, trying to piece together his last memories.

Who am I?

He remembered bits and pieces—his name was Ethan Adoil. He lived in a small apartment, worked at a tech company. He had friends, a family, a life... but how did he end up here?

Panic began to set in. He forced himself to take slow, deep breaths, fighting the rising tide of fear. After a few moments, he swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up, steadying himself against the wall. He needed to find answers.

The cabin was small but cozy. Besides the bed, there was a wooden table with a couple of chairs, a fireplace with a few logs burning low, and a small kitchen area with some basic utensils and food supplies. Everything seemed strangely familiar, yet entirely alien at the same time.

As he walked around, a sudden sharp pain shot through his head, causing him to clutch at his temples and fall to his knees. Images began to flood his mind—flashes of his previous life, jumbled and disjointed. He saw himself working late hours at the office, grabbing drinks with friends, visiting his parents during the holidays. And then, more recent memories: a blinding light, a voice echoing in the darkness, and a feeling of weightlessness.

The voice. He remembered the voice.

"Welcome, Ethan Adoil. You have been chosen. Enjoy your new life."

The words echoed in his mind, and suddenly everything clicked into place. He wasn't on Earth anymore. He had been transported... somewhere else. But why? And by whom?

"Enjoy your new life," the voice had said. But what did that mean?

As if in response to his thoughts, the voice spoke again, this time directly in his mind. It was deep, resonant, and oddly comforting.

"Welcome, Ethan. I see you are awake. I have given you a new life in a new world. You will find that you have been granted certain abilities to help you navigate this reality that you personally requested. Have fun."

The voice faded, leaving Ethan in stunned silence. He had been given abilities? What kind of abilities? And why was he here? Why can't I remember requesting those things?

The sudden flashes of memories hit him like a freight train. This was a world he recognized, not from his previous life, but from the stories and comics he loved. This was the DC Universe, a world of superheroes and villains, a world constantly on the brink of chaos and salvation.

He remembered how he was given five choices of Essence from CYOA essence selection where he chose "Mad Doctor", "Mirror", "Archmage", "Harem Protagonist" and finally "Ultimate Body and Weapon."

He sank back onto the bed, his mind racing. This was a lot to take in. If he truly was in the DC Universe, he needed to figure out his next steps carefully. He needed to understand his abilities and how to survive in this dangerous new world.

Fortunately, they are powerful abilities that instantly gave him mastery where he could feel the change happening at this very moment. He needed to test it but first he decide to relax and organize his thoughts. The cabin, though small, felt like a safe haven, a place where he could gather his strength and plan his next move. He took a deep breath, letting the warmth of the fire and the peace of the forest outside calm his nerves.

After a few moments of contemplation, Ethan stood up from the bed, determined to explore the cabin and uncover what the mysterious voice had provided him with.

He began by inspecting the kitchen area, where he found a stockpile of canned goods, dried fruits, and non-perishable items neatly arranged on the shelves. It seemed the voice had anticipated his needs, ensuring he had enough food to last for several months.

Next, he ventured into a small storage room at the back of the cabin. To his surprise, he found a well-stocked arsenal of camping gear—sleeping bags, a portable stove, cooking utensils, and even a first aid kit. It was as if the cabin had been prepared specifically for his arrival, equipped with everything he could possibly need to survive in this unfamiliar world.

As he continued to explore, Ethan discovered a hidden compartment beneath the floorboards of the cabin. Inside, he found a collection of books, each containing valuable information about the DC Universe—its history, its heroes and villains, and its many intricacies. It seemed the voice had also provided him with knowledge, giving him the tools he needed to navigate this new reality.

He is at least aware that the current events happening in the DC comic reality since there are numerous timelines and reality that it is hard to know which one he currently resides in.

Ethan decided to make the most of his situation. He would use the resources at his disposal to test his newfound abilities, explore the world around him, and perhaps even become a hero in his own right.

But for now, he would take things one step at a time, starting with a hearty meal cooked on the stove and a good night's sleep in the comfort of the cabin.

The next morning, Ethan awoke to the soft rays of sunlight filtering through the windows of the cabin. Stretching his limbs, he felt a sense of anticipation for the day ahead. After making his bed with the simple linens provided, he headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

With practiced efficiency, Ethan set about cooking a hearty meal. He rummaged through the provisions in the pantry, selecting ingredients for an omelet filled with vegetables he found in the cabin's small garden outside. As the eggs sizzled in the pan, filling the cabin with a mouthwatering aroma, Ethan couldn't help but marvel at how quickly he had adapted to his new surroundings.

Sitting down at the wooden table, Ethan savored each bite of his breakfast, relishing the flavors and textures of the food. It felt good to nourish his body after the events of the previous day, and he found himself feeling more energized and focused than ever before.

As he ate, Ethan thought about his plans for the day. He needed to explore the area surrounding the cabin, familiarize himself with the landscape, and perhaps gather more supplies for his journey ahead. He also wanted to spend some time practicing his newfound abilities, honing his skills and learning how to control them effectively.

But for now, he allowed himself to simply enjoy the moment—the taste of the food, the warmth of the fire crackling in the hearth, and the sense of peace and contentment that filled the cabin. In this moment, Ethan felt a deep gratitude for the mysterious voice that had brought him here, and a sense of excitement for the adventures that lay ahead.

Finishing his meal, Ethan cleaned up the dishes and tidied the kitchen, preparing for whatever the day may bring. With a sense of purpose and determination, he stepped outside into the crisp morning air, ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities of his new life in the DC Universe.

"Let's see, first I need to get strong fast." Ethan knows the insane level of absurd power within the reality that he was in with people like superman and Doomsday could send him straight to the heaven gates at how strong those two are. He sat down on the grass and began to remember his abilities.

Ethan opened his eyes with a wide grin as he took out his ultimate weapon that looked like a blood red double edge sword in his hands where he could feel a sense of connection where he simply did a couple of swings and the wind pressure produced a wind blade slicing through nearby trees.

He was overwhelmed with excitement knowing that he was going to be quite powerful and stored the weapon on his back before conjuring a new outfit testing his magic abilities.

'Hmmm, let's change my race first.' He began to conjure ingredients and began to make potion since it doesn't have any limits and decided to create even more CYOA essence for his entertainment.

[ Essence of Dragon ]

[ Essence of Demon Emperor ]

[ Essence of Home ]

[ Essence of Incubus Lord/Sex god ]

Ethan didn't even take any hesitation becoming even more powerful turning himself into practically the strongest being in the entire place without even so much change his appearance besides more domineering and noticeable where he opened his eyes showing a red eyes slit showing that he was now a new being.

'Hehehe~ now that I'm this strong, I can prepare to steal every hot woman in this reality like Barbara, Cassandra, Wonder Woman, Starfire, Blackfire and many more.' He laughed in his thoughts while he decided to head inside the [ Home ] he acquired to test his abilities.

With his abilities, he was able to warp reality to his bidding where he manipulated fate and time to his liking where he came outside his [ home ] back to the cabin.

As the evening descended, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Ethan stepped out of the cabin, taking in the tranquil beauty of the surrounding forest. However, his moment of serenity was interrupted when he stumbled upon a figure lying unconscious on the ground just a few feet from the cabin's entrance.

Rushing over, Ethan calmly knelt beside the fallen figure. It was a woman, dressed in a tattered costume that Ethan recognized from his readings—the iconic attire of Barbara Gordon, also known as Batgirl.

'Barbara Gordon…you'll be my first woman~.' Casting a shadow over her and quickly brought Barbara Gordon inside his home.

Calmness filled Ethan's chest as he assessed her condition. She was pale and battered, with cuts and bruises marring her once vibrant appearance. Without hesitation, Ethan scooped her up in his arms, cradling her gently as he hurried back inside the cabin.

Once inside, Ethan laid Barbara on the bed, carefully examining her injuries. With a sense of urgency, he set to work, using the knowledge and abilities granted to him by the mysterious voice to heal her wounds. He simply made a potion that healed and turned her loyal to him.

"Well, I guess it's time to finish what we started." He smirks while Barbara moans softly in her sleep.

He gently lifts the blanket and reveals Barbara's naked body. Her breasts heave with each breath as she sleeps peacefully. Ethan can't help but admire her beauty for a moment before leaning down to kiss her softly on the lips.

As he does so, his hand finds its way between her legs, teasing at the wetness that has already begun to form there. Barbara whimpers slightly in pleasure

His fingers slide effortlessly into her folds, finding her clit and beginning to stroke it gently. She moans again as she feels his touch awakening something deep within her slumbering body. Ethan smiles wickedly at this response and begins thrusting two fingers inside of Barbara while continuing to tease her clit with his thumb.

Barbara moaned and started to slowly opens her eyes, still feeling dazed from the drugs when she was born fighting a group of assassins that was chasing her.

"Who…are you?" she asks groggily. She saw a young man around her age, maybe young with deep red eyes with slit and black messy hair and a lean yet broad body frame. She had an imposing and dominating presence exuding from him.

"Don't worry, I'm here to help." He smirks as he continues his ministrations, now adding a third finger inside of her. Barbara gasping for air as she feels overwhelmed by pleasure and pain

"What are you doing? Stop!" She tries to push him away but finds herself too weak from the drugs and injuries sustained during the attack.

Ethan chuckles darkly at Barbara's attempt to resist him. He leans down once more and captures one of her nipples between his teeth, gently biting down on it while continuing to thrust his fingers in and out of her wetness. Barbara arches her back as she feels a wave of pleasure wash over her.

"Please... stop..." She whispers, her voice barely audible above the sound of their breathing.

Ethan pulls his fingers out of Barbara and positions himself at her entrance. He slowly pushed inside, feeling the tightness surrounding him as he began to thrust in and out. Barbara cries out in pain mixed with pleasure

"No... please..." She begs weakly, unable to do anything but lay there as he takes what he wants from her broken body.

"Just accept it. You know you want this." He says as he continues to thrust his fingers into her.Barbara whimpers and cries out in pain.

"N-No…mhmmhaah~♥️ Don't do this~..." She begs again, tears streaming down her face. But deep down she knows that Ethan is right - she does want this despite the pain and humiliation it brings her. Ethan's fingers continued to work their magic inside Barbara's pussy.

"Stop," she whispered weakly, trying to push Ethan away but finding herself unable to resist the pleasure coursing through her body.

"This isn't right." Ethan paused for a moment, looking into Barbara's eyes with regret etched on his face.

"I know it isn't," he said softly,

"but I can't help myself." He leaned down and kissed her passionately before resuming his ministrations once more.

Barbara tried again to stop him but found that each thrust of his fingers only intensified the sensations within her body until finally she could no longer hold back - screaming out in ecstasy.

Ethan couldn't resist any longer; he needed to be inside Barbara Gordon. With one swift movement, he pulled off his pants and positioned himself at her entrance.

'What is that!? Isn't that too big!' Her thoughts run wild seeing his massive slab of meat that can easily be the same size as a forearm.

"W-Wait! D-Don't do it!! That thing will kill me!" Barbara was scared, feeling extremely vulnerable and weak at the mercy of a man that she doesn't even know his name.

"We won't know if we don't try? Don't worry, after this you will also enjoy it." She saw a tooth grinned as he positioned himself rubbing his dick against her wet cunt.

"Mhmmhah~♥️" The simple stroke of his hot cock made her feel on edge almost lost her rationality but pulled back and looked up at him with pleading eyes but said nothing as he began pushing into her tight warmth.

"Please," she whispered hoarsely.

"Don't do this." But it was too late; Ethan was already buried deep inside of her. He started slowly at first, giving her time to adjust before picking up speed and intensity until they were both crying out in unison from the sheer pleasure coursing through their bodies.

"Please," she begged as he rammed his dick inside her pussy that clamped tightly.

"Stop! I don't know you!"

Ethan didn't listen; instead, he continue to fuck her enjoying her expression and pinned down her arms above her head with one hand while using the other to force himself inside of her in missionary position.

She cried out in pain as he began thrusting rapidly into her tightness causing tears to stream down from Barbara's eyes who kept pleading with him. Ethan grunted as he felt her tightness around his cock.

"You're so fucking tight," he growled, slapping her ass hard. Barbara whimpered, feeling humiliated and violated.

"Mhmmhah~♥️ Hgnhgh~♥️♥️ P-Please stop," she whispered hoarsely, trying to wriggle free from his grasp.

But Ethan only held her tighter, using his weight to keep her pinned down as he continued to thrust into her roughly. His hips slammed against hers in a rhythm that was both brutal and unrelenting. Barbara's pleas fell on deaf ears as Ethan continued to ravage her body.

"You like it, don't you?" he asked, his voice thick with lust.

"You want me inside of you." Ethan was enjoying the sound she was making even though she denies it. Barbara was enjoying every moment of it.

"No!" she cried out, tears streaming down her face.

"Please... let me go." But Ethan only laughed darkly and increased the pace of his thrusts, pushing deeper into her with each stroke.

"Tell me you want it." he demanded harshly, grabbing a fistful of her hair and pulling back her head so that she had no choice but to look into his eyes.

Ethan's dominating tone and racial trait of the dragon was affecting her mind with primal urges to please him. Barbara's eyes widened in fear as she felt him pushing deeper into her than ever before.

"I... I want it." She whispered, her voice trembling with terror and shame. Ethan growled low in his throat, taking that as a sign of submission.

He slammed his dick deep into her where Barbara could feel it hitting her cervix never before was reached by any man that she slept with.

"F-Fuck! You're splitting me in half!! Shit!! Mhmmhaah~♥️ hggnnaaah~♥️"

Barbara tried her best to resist the intense pleasure coursing through her body, but it was no use.

Ethan's rough hands and demanding thrusts were too much for her to handle. As he pushed deeper into her than ever before, she felt a wave of ecstasy wash over her.

"I can't... I can't take anymore," she cried out, but it was clear from the way she arched her back and met his every thrust that she wanted more.

Ethan smirked at the realization that he had completely taken control of this situation - both physically and emotionally.

Barbara was shocked when Ethan still hadn't cum after all that time. She couldn't believe how long he had been going at it, and yet he showed no signs of slowing down. As he continued to pound into her with unrelenting force, she screamed out in surprise and pleasure as another orgasm rocked through her body.

"S-Stop... I just came! Mhmmhaah~♥️ I-I'm seeeenssittiveeaaaah~♥️" she gasped between moans, but Ethan didn't seem to care. He simply grinned wickedly and picked up the pace even more, determined to make her his completely.

Ethan couldn't help but notice the way Barbara's breasts bounced with each thrust. They were bigger than he had expected, and he found himself unable to resist commenting on them.

"Wow, your tits are huge." he said, reaching out to fondle one of them before leaning in to suckle on the other. Barbara moaned loudly at the sensation, her body arching into his touch even more than before.

Barbara couldn't believe how good it felt as Ethan continued to pound into her. She was lost in a haze of pleasure, her mind melting away with each passing moment. Her screams echoed through the cabin as she begged him not to stop, even though she knew deep down that she never wanted this to end.

Ethan's breathing became heavier as he continued to thrust into Barbara, his hips slapping against her ass with each forceful stroke. He groaned in pleasure, feeling her tightness surround him like a glove.

"You're so fucking tight," he groaned, slamming into her harder.

Barbara gasped and whimpered beneath him, trying desperately to push him away but finding herself unable to move with his weight on top of her. She felt the head of his cock brush against something deep inside her and knew that he was close to cumming.

"Fuck, I'm almost there." Ethan felt it was too much and was close into exploding.

"Don't... don't cum inside me," she managed to say between gasps for air.

"It isn't...my safe day." Ethan smirked down at her, wiping the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand.

"Oh really?" he said mockingly.

"And what are you going to do about it?"

He chuckled darkly as he saw the fear in Barbara's eyes; she knew that there was nothing she could do to stop him now that he had taken what he wanted from her.

"Why don't I make you a mommy?" He growled. He positioned himself into a matting press and pushed his cock against her wet entrance once more.

"Mhmmhaanh~♥️Noooo!! Please!! I beg you!!!" Barbara doesn't want to get impregnated by a man who she doesn't know the name of.

"You're going to take my seed whether you like it or not," He said cruelly as he began to thrust into her deeper ramming it that was going to make sure no semen was wasted. Barbara cried out in pain and desperation as Ethan's cock pounded into her.

"Please... stop," she whimpered, feeling the familiar sensation of his thick member stretching her insides.

"I don't want to get pregnant... especially not with someone I don't even know the name of!!" Ethan laughed darkly, his hips slamming against Barbara's pelvis harder than ever before.

"Oh, but you will," he said menacingly.

"And when you do have my baby inside you, maybe then you'll learn to appreciate what a real man can do for a woman like you."

Ethan's rough hands gripped Barbara's hips tightly as he continued to thrust into her from behind. Suddenly, he leaned forward and captured her lips in a brutal kiss.

She tried to pull away but found herself unable to resist the intense pleasure coursing through her body. His tongue forced its way into her mouth, tasting of sweat as he ravaged her lips.

Barbara moaned against Ethan's lips, feeling the heat of his body pressing against her back.

"It's wrong," she whispered, her voice muffled by his kiss.

"We shouldn't be doing this." Ethan pulled back slightly, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

"I don't care," he growled. With one final thrust, he buried himself deep inside Barbara and let out a primal roar as hot semen filled her womb once more.

"Nooooooo!!!" Barbara screamed as she felt Ethan's hot seed filling her up, knowing that she was now pregnant with his child. Tears streamed down her face as she sobbed violently, the pain and humiliation of what had just happened overwhelming her.

Ethan pulled out of Barbara with a satisfied groan, wiping the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand.

"There," He said coldly.

"Now you're mine." Ethan grabbed Barbara roughly by the hair and flipped her over onto her stomach, positioning her in a doggy style. He grunted as he felt his cock harden once more, amazed at how quickly it had recovered after impregnating her.

Barbara cried out in pain and desperation as Ethan's cock pushed against her tight entrance from behind.

"Please," she whimpered weakly.

"At least let me rest for a moment." Barbara was still exhausted while Ethan gave her simple words.


next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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