
Chapter 54: Tyranny

Words: 2,285

[3rd POV]

"Hey, Mika, Are you sure you don't need help? This fiery one looks strong,"

Ferid asked while looking at the blue-eyed blond in vampire attire.

"I'd be curious to see the strength of the darling of the Third Progenitor Krul Tepes... care to show me, huh?"

Ferid said it with a light smile, and his voice was filled with childishness.

"Or shall we kill this nuisance together?"

Ferid suggested.

"I can handle it myself."

Mika said it in a tone that seemed apathetic or even uncaring as he took a small step forward.

There was also arrogance in his actions no matter what face they put on or what tone they spoke in.

"Wow, now that's what I'm talking about."

Ferid said this while jumping onto a lamppost with a slight hop.

"I'll make him regret provoking me."

Mika said without changing his expression.

"My sword..."

Mika said, and reddish vines emerged from the hilt of his sword while intertwining around his wrist.

"Ooh, this gives me goosebumps."

Ferid whispered and glanced towards where the two sides were fighting.

He could see the elite human troops, and there was one with a sword who had just killed three vampires with one strike and intended to reach him.

"Funny fool..."

In their first clash a couple of seconds later, they ended up in a draw, and neither opponent managed to touch the other.

"Oh, you're strong."

Colonel Guren said it with a strained smile.

"And you're not,"

Mika replied while trying to step back abruptly, but Guren swiftly leaped forward and attached a small spell written in special ink on paper to his forehead.

"Explosion spell..."

Guren smiled, and a loud explosion forced Mika to quickly step aside.

The explosion happened near a building, and the building began to crumble like a house of cards.

"And you're fast too. Restless,"

Guren noted the seemingly unharmed Mika.

"Did you really think such an old spell would work on vampires?"

Mika asked without much interest in his voice.

"As expected of you, Mika. Overwhelming strength and pride, oozing with pride."

Ferid said while landing nearby.

"But that pride is dragging you right into the trap... need a hand?"

"What help? I can't lose to him; I haven't even fought with all my strength yet."

Mika said.

"Sigh, as I said... Pay attention to the ground beneath your feet."

Ferid said with a toothy grin, and Mika realized that all this time he had been dancing and he had lured him into a trap as he could see strings tied to Shigure.

"Shigure, kill him!"

Guren exclaimed swiftly, dodging Mika's sudden lunge.


Mika didn't expect such speed, and as he dodged the sword strike, he exposed himself to a kick.

At that same moment, Shigure tightened the cursed strings tied to kunai causing them to swiftly emerge from the ground and fly towards Mika.

"Alright, we've played enough."

Ferid's voice spoke up, and Guren opened his eyes in surprise as Ferid appeared before him when he was about to stab Mika who had been distracted by the kunai.

Ferid was slow, but Guren couldn't dodge in time.

Ferid struck Guren with the back of his palm to the face sending him flying like a doll.

"Mika, time to finish this. Or are you not done playing yet?"


Mika responded as he tightened his grip on his sword's hilt and approached the now-recovered Guren after the blow.

"Oh, are you not gonna let me catch my breath for a moment? I need to take my stimulant..."

Guren said swiftly defending himself with his sword.

At the same moment, he felt a powerful strike, but he managed to withstand it and remained standing.

"Apparently not, and he seemed like such a polite lad... have you gotten faster?"

"I'm not holding back anymore."

Mika said while pressing harder on his sword and pushing Guren back.

"Don't you dare take any more stimulants! Your body won't handle it!"

Sayuri shouted.


Another cry rang out, and Mika's eyes widened.

He immediately jumped aside, and a greenish arrow crashed into the spot where he had been standing.

"Oh, the kids have arrived... not sure if that's a good thing or not."

Guren tensely smirked.

"Maybe they'll give me a couple of sec—ah..."

Guren began but felt his sword knocked out of his hand, and a sword pierced his shoulder.


Yuichiro burst into the fight at high speed but missed his target with the first strike and froze like a statue while lifting the sword above Mika's head.


Guren twisted and kicked his recently dropped sword, then immediately tried to behead Mika with a horizontal strike.

It was about to pierce Mika's shoulder when Ferid suddenly reappeared and stopped the sword.

There was a blast of dark energy from the sword in all directions. Ferid and Mika were forced to jump back ten meters.

"Mika, Mika, is this the same Yuu?"

Ferid asked with a smile. Mika didn't respond but stared in shock and hope in Hyakuya's direction.

"Why did you freeze? You could've killed him!"

Yuichiro heard Guren's voice and felt a burning sensation from the blow to his cheek, but his gaze was still fixed on Mika's face... who he thought was dead.

"M-Mika? Is that you? How is this possible..."

"Oh, he recognized you. You know such a touching reunion. But now the humans have filled his head with nonsense. What are you going to do? Save him?"

Ferid asked Mika with interest.


Mika answered with some hesitation while holding his hand to his shoulder where Guren had pierced him.

"We need to kill them all and tell Yuichiro the truth."

"Right, right."

Ferid nodded importantly.

"But I have a vague feeling..."

Ferid furrowed his brow while looking around.

"Hmm, maybe it's just my imagination. Let's turn them all into livestock. We'll slaughter them all, and you can take your precious princess yourself. How's that for an idea? Let's call it... Operation 'Domestication.'"

Ferid proposed.


Yuichiro yelled.

"You... you're that vampire..."

Yuichiro clearly remembered him.


Guren shouted.

"There are too many of them,"

Guren ordered.

"Oh, no-no, you're not going anywhere,"

Ferid sang.

"Hmm, where's the Thirteenth?"

Meanwhile, the vampires were attacking a group of Exterminators or Moon Demons and clearly gaining the upper hand.

"Things are going south."

Norito Goshi said.

"You heard the order, retreat."

Mito Jūjō said.

"Oh, if only it were that easy."

Norito sighed.

Meanwhile, Shinoa and her squad were killing another group of vampires and with their enhanced physical strength.

But Yuichiro had left their squad, disrupting their formation, and headed towards the Ferid fighting Guren.

"You stupid!"

Mitsuba yelled at his back as another vampire squeezed through the gap.

Yuichiro left and immediately tried to kill her.

But Mitsuba managed to kill him with some difficulty and deal with him with Yoichi's arrow.


Yuichiro shouted as he attacked Ferid.

"Oh, you're fast. I might not have been able to catch up... in such a relaxed state."

Ferid smirked.

"But you're not my prey; your buddy Mika is."

Ferid smirked, and Yuichiro felt someone grab him and lift him up.

"M-Mika? Why are you with the vampires?"

Yuichiro couldn't understand being frozen in a "princess" position.

"You're being deceived, Yuu, but I'll show you the truth... that humans are using you!"

Mika declared.

"Looks like you're having fun."

An unfamiliar voice spoke behind Mika, causing him to sharply turn at the sound and notice a tall, dark-haired guy... and he didn't even feel someone approaching him from behind.


[Anthony's POV]

"Hey, Yuichiro, did you finally meet your friend?"

I asked him.

"Human... don't you dare touch..."

Mika tried to say something, but I raised my hand and immobilized him with a magical seal.

"Alright, let him stand here so he doesn't cause any trouble."

I shook my head and glanced at Shinoa's squad dealing with the vampires.

But my gaze caught another vampire that Crowley had just approached.

"Oh, finally you're here too. So they don't stand a chance now."

Ferid smirked and briefly glanced at Crowley when he noticed something strange.

"What's with your expression?"

Ferid asked with curiosity.

"Here's the deal... in short, surrender."

Crowley simply said, drawing his sword, and his two companions also unsheathed their weapons.

"Hey, drop your weapons. All of you. If you want to survive."

Crowley said.

"Oh, betrayal?"

Ferid clearly didn't expect such a turn of events, but he only smiled wider.

"This is why I live in situations like these give my life meaning. Why do you want to betray the vampires? Tell me, tell me."

"I don't want all of you to die."

Crowley honestly admitted, and Ferid froze while trying to understand the reason behind those words.

Who could put someone who was as capable as him in such a position?

Other vampires stopped and quickly retreated from the humans to get closer to Ferid.

"What's going on?"

Guren was puzzled, but vampire disputes were in his favor, and he once again ordered all fighters to retreat.

"You... you're showing too many emotions on your face."

Ferid uttered while continuing to scrutinize his "comrade."

"What hasn't been there for the last eight hundred years... Oh, what happened? You don't want to tell me? I'm very, very curious. And yes, of course, we won't surrender... We need to drive away this livestock. Crowley, you know what the council will do to you for betrayal?"

"Loud words from a traitor."

Ferid heard someone behind him and turned around while inspecting me with childlike curiosity.


Ferid raised an eyebrow and sniffed.

"No... You smell different but still like a human."

"Surrender, and those who won't surrender will die right now."

I simply said this while standing relaxed surrounded by vampires.

"Ha-ha, it looks like the livestock have gotten bolder lately."

A vampire smirked.

"René, look, he really believes in his words."

He looked at another dark-haired vampire.

"I'm not joking, guys. I advise you to surrender."

Crowley said, but it was evident that even he knew no one would believe him.


Ferid stretched out and raised his hand to say something, but he abruptly fell silent as I literally appeared in front of him and grabbed him by the throat, lifting him up.

"Then you'll be an example."

I said while stomping on the ground.

Suddenly, sharp spikes started bursting out of the ground, piercing through the hearts and heads of some vampires with the darkest aura.

"Bloodsucking cowards, afraid of the sun,"

I simply said, and Ferid in my hands ignited as I used alchemy to destroy any protection from the sun that he had.


I added it when feeling the twitching sensation of Ferid in my hand.

"Tony, I'll help!"

Shinoa exclaimed, and a dark tattoo appeared on her face that indicated that she was tapping into the power of her demon.

She became several times stronger and started cutting through vampires as if they were made of tofu.

"What the hell..."

Guren said, watching the events happen.

"Who is that?"

"I've seen him, he was with Shinoa's squad."

Shigure said.

"Who did these kids run into? Oh... he easily dealt with a Progenitor. I don't even know whether to applaud or start worrying."

Guren remarked.

"He seems to be human."

Norito said it somewhat uncertainly.

"Alright, that's enough from him."

I replicated a similar spell to the one that recently protected him from the sun and stopped torturing him with Crucio.

"He's still conscious,"

I noticed.


Ferid tried to break free in every possible way, but he simply couldn't break through my defenses.

I even strengthened my aura with magic just in case, but I still felt his blows.

He just didn't expect such agility from me. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been so easy to grab.

"God, now that's what I call pain."

Ferid strained for a smile when I released his neck, and he fell to his knees.


I focused a bit and a huge magical seal appeared above our heads.

One hundred meters in diameter, the nearest buildings began to collapse as if being pulled towards the seal and the earth beneath them.

In a couple of seconds, a gigantic twenty-meter stone giant formed.

"Tony-kun, I didn't know you could do that."

Shinoa said while already running up to me, and behind her were several piles of dust and clothing where the vampires had been.


I said to them, and all the remaining vampires knelt down.

Hopefully, I won't get into the habit of putting everyone in such a position...

"Hey, again?"

Crowley exclaimed in annoyance while also kneeling as did his girls.

"It's for preventive measures."

I smiled, and the giant's fist landed near the vampires while creating a huge crater and demolishing another building with the impact.

"I'll just destroy anyone who resists."

I looked at Ferid.

"And where do these monsters come from... Oh, I'm delicate as a flower, and you treat me like this."

Ferid still whined.

"But I told you to surrender. We could have done without this... but this giant is impressive."

Crowley remarked.

"Shinoa, how's your demon not bothering you?"

I glanced at the girl from head to toe.

"Hmm, he tried to influence me a couple of times, but because of the potion, he couldn't do anything. Why?"

Shinoa hugged me seeming to have hearts in her eyes...


I averted my gaze from her and looked at Ferid.

"Ferid, vampire traitor, loving sadists who kill children, manipulating bastards."

I stated.

"Not a very good name, I prefer... ugh."

A spike pierced his chest.

"Ahem, okay, I'll shut up."



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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C54
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


