82.6% Danmachi: Goliath / Chapter 19: Chapter 19: Renowned Smith

章 19: Chapter 19: Renowned Smith

After leaving the Loki Familia, instead of going to my home, I had gone to the guild to sell my magic stones, however they had redirected me to Babel's first floor. It turns out they don't do transactions in the guild, which kind of makes sense since you won't have to walk many miles with a drop just to check them in.

Well, after returning to the tower and dropping my bag off, I was given a paper with a number and told to return in about two hours when everything had settled. 

So, in that downtime, I decided on doing some investigating. Investigate what? Well, this worlds' weapon, of course. And where is the best place to do it but in the best weapon shop in this city.

"I would say Hephaestus is the best smith," A dogman spoke after I gave him one-thousand valis. A total waste of money and I will probably cause inflation if I keep giving money out like this, but that didn't really matter to me. "Though, I think it would be really difficult to meet her with Evilus running around. Tsubaki would be a better choice if you want to find a good smith."

"No, I didn't ask for the best smith, I just asked where I could find a shop with a—" Wait, "Hephaestus is a 'her' and not a 'him?'"

"Yeah?" The man looked at me like I was some dumbass who was supposed to know this.

"Hephaistos, the god of fire, metallurgy, and crafts?" He must have heard wrong.

"Yes, that one." He nodded, breaking the ash from his cigar. "But it's just 'Hephaestus, the goddess of smiting,' not those other bullshits."

'...' Ah! Makes sense! Hephaestus was crippled, had a smashed nose, and had a shoulder higher than the other, so I guess when descending he decided to become a cute girl to get laid? 

No, that makes no fucking sense!

"Ok, forget it," I instead asked, "Just tell me the location of the shop with the highest quality material. Is it..." I started listing off names of weapons shops I saw in the map, and after about three minutes, I asked the man, "Which is it?"

He stared at me with a surprised expression, asking, "You sure you just came to this city, because most of those shops I've never heard of, and I have been here my whole life."

"Which one would you recommend?" Bro didn't want to answer my question, and in hindsight I should have asked someone that worked in the Guild's exchange shop in Babel, but I feel more comfortable talking to people in the back alley.

"If you want the best weapon then I would recommend the Hephaestus Familia shops in floors four to eight of babel," You can't be serious. I just came from there and ain't no way I am going back there.

Haah, I should have definitely asked the worker, and they would have just pointed me upwards. What a dumb man I am. "Good looks." I began to walk away.

"Babel is not in that direction," The man called after me, but I just waved. I am just going to go to the closest shop with the description of 'Hephaestus Familia Shop' on the map.

The path they followed was a northeast main street that bordered the Industrial district, named the city's number two ward and the heart of the magic-stone manufacturing and production industry on the map. This ward was filled the most with workshops and stores belonging to freelancers, businesses, the guild, and craft-based Familia. 

Being an area so focused on manufacturing, the majority of passersby were laborers in work attire, 99% of them being men. I only saw one woman, and it looked like she was just walking through.

But, this does not look like a place any sane person would set up a shop. This doesn't look like a place where a random adventure will come just to buy a weapon. But my map isn't wrong.

'Well, since I'm here, might as well check it out.' With that, I arrived at a bungalow of a shop that looked a bit abandoned with overgrown grass and moss. 'This can't be the place.' I looked at the map, 'It is.' So, does the game still show abandoned workshops...

Oh, I hear something inside. Leaning closer, I could hear the clanging of metal and I barely even touched the door and it opened. Oh? I will take that as an invitation. 

"Pardon me—woah." Immediately upon opening the door, a powerful heat mixed with the smell of iron slammed onto me that forced me to take a few steps back. I didn't step back due to the heat being too hot, but just the shock of the sudden change in temperature.

Ignoring the heat, I stepped into the building, closing the door behind me. Lacking sufficient 'magic-stone lamps' or whatever they call it, the space was shrouded in dim shadow, the main source of light coming from the gap in the closed doors and windows. However, that wasn't a problem as I could see quite fine. Not clearly, but enough to distinguish the weapons lining the walls and placed on the tables.

Arranged on the two walls on each side of the room were the lighter weapons like swords, daggers, spears made completely out of metal, daggers, and many other 'bladed' weapons. While on the tables around the area were the larger, heavier weapons.

Now that I have entered the building, the mad clang, clang of metal on metal I'd been able to hear through the besieged eardrums all the more, but it wasn't loud enough to be uncomfortable. However, I knew that going to the back would lead to increased heat and noise, but I didn't need to go there. I am here just to look at the weapons and be on my way.

'But these weapons…' 90% of them are swords. I guess we know the smith's favorite weapon.

At least all these weapons look different from each other, so the maker might have actually hand-forged all of them instead of pouring the hot iron into a mold. Yep, I know a bit about smiting. You got to do some research for your game, after all.

'Or maybe the blacksmith just has multiple unique molds.' I walked to a two-meter-long double-edged great-ax on a table and simply touched it. 'Status.' A second later, it appeared.


Unnamed Great Ax

Rank 5

Uncommon Ax

Requirements: None


A first-class weapon forged from mid-floor Adamantite by one of the best mortal blacksmiths, Tsubaki Collbrande.

+0 Strength

Enhancement: 0/9 [Sealed]*Unlockable

Durandal (I): A passive that increases the base durability of an item that's at least ranked 5 by +3 ranks, while granting it acid and corrosive resistance. It greatly reduces the weight of the item while reducing the sharpness of bladed weapons by 2 ranks.


'Durandal.' An interesting attribute, but it doesn't seem like it should be applied to weapons. Armors would be a better choice, but I guess it doesn't matter. 'How much is it?'

I tried to look for its price, however I couldn't find it. 'Eh?' Now that I think about it, none of the weapons have a price tag. 'Negotiable price?' Well, I would like to buy this weapon for free!

Imagine if I sent it into my inventory and stole this. Shit, I am so tempted. Should I? It's uncommon, so I will be able to smith it to get upgrade materials. '... Ok, let's stay true to my nature and take it—' 

Suddenly, the door opened, ruining my chance to take it, and in stepped a person draped in a cloak. They closed the door behind them before noticing me, causing them to freeze.

"Sup." I calmly placed the ax down and then ignored the weirdo that's walking around on a sunny day with a black cloak and went to another weapon. This one was a long sword that looked like a Katana, but comically long. I think it's about 170 cm long? 

As for its stats? Well, it's a rank 4 common weapon, or a second-class weapon, and it was also forged by Tsubaki. The next weapon was a rank 5 gladius sword that was so shiny and reflective that it could be used as a mirror. Too bad it was also common.

And I continued looking. Rank 4, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4, 4, 5, 5, 3, 5, 5, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6... 42 weapons, averaging rank 4, all forged by 'one of the best mortals blacksmith, Tsubaki Collbrande,' and 33 of them are common weapons.

Are uncommon weapons THAT rare? Jesus. Now I have come to appreciate Magna Alfs even more. I guess a rare weapon would be considered the world's best if most of the weapons forged by a 'word renowned' blacksmith are common. As for the nine that were uncommon, 4 had the Durandal attribute. 

2 had the Lightweight attributes that makes a weapon feel lightweight to the holder but still retaining its real weight. This is similar to Knuckle Duster hidden ability, but I guess it is such an ass ability that the game didn't even bother to show it on Knuckle Duster status.

2 had the Sharp Edge attribute which, unlike Durandal, increases the sharpness of a bladed weapon at least ranked four by 2+ but at the cost of their durability reducing by 3+ rank. Cool, I guess.

The last one, however, stood out immediately. It was a crimson two-pronged spear, glowing with a subtle brightness that resembled flames and at about 240 cm in length, it was nearly as tall as me. The shaft was slim and smooth, almost pencil-thin in my grip, though still sturdy, making it feel slightly too 'small' for someone of my build. The prongs at the head were sharp and evenly spaced, tapering to fine points that looked sharp enough to pierce through anything, and the moment I held it, I felt a gentle warmth radiating from within.

That was due to its status.



Rank 6

Uncommon Spear

Requirements: None


A named masterpiece forged from Hihi'irokane. It is a magic weapon that had been attempted to be given the Durandal attribute by Tsubaki Collbrande, and though it failed, it became more durable than other spears of its kind and gained a higher storage of heat.

+0 Agility

Enhancement: 0/9 [Sealed]*Unlockable

Fire Attack: The spear is able to turn the heat stored within it into a blast of fire. It can also all be combined into a ball and then fired. Once all the heat has been expended, the spear shatters. Remaining Heat [73%] If the remaining heat is turned into a fireball and then fired, it has the capability to instantly incinerate most rank 4 adventure.


It was a weapon that I could actually consider an 'uncommon' weapon. I mean, just by holding this thing, a normal human can beat a 'second-class' adventure. I would have named it the strongest uncommon I have seen if not for the fact it can't be charged with heat. 

What a disappointment this shop was, but I guess this Tsubaki man—or woman—will store their best weapon in another shop. I returned the spear to its place on the wall and then sighed. I have to go looking again.

"Don't tell me you found nothing you fancy," A voice of a woman drew my attention, and I turned to the clocked person that was now sitting behind the counter in the room. Still wearing the cloak.

'A woman?' I thought it was a man, and has she been watching me? Did she think I would steal because I'm black? Racist! 

"This spear," I gestured at the flame spear, on the wall behind me.

"Oh, you have good eyes." The woman said, "That's one of the best 'damage-based' magic weapons that has been forged in this city. You must have felt the heat, right?" She asked, and I nodded. "It is able to..." She paused, "I guess a man with your eyes already knows what it does."

'Eyes?' Did my eyes glow when using 'inspect' or something? Need to check that out. "Yes, I do." I looked at it, "I see no price tag on it nor on any weapon in the store, but I assume it isn't free." Ah, I could have used this chance to crack a joke like 'so I will be taking them' or something. But with my abysmal low charisma stats, she might think I am actually a thief. 

Which I'm definitely not.

"Tsubaki was too lazy to put up their price but that," She removed her hand from her cloak. They were heavy dark gloves that extended up her forearms, and I could see a hint of her white shirt as she pointed at the only other rank six item in this store.

It was a simple dagger that would be a kitchen knife in my hand, and it was a common weapon. I guess Tsubaki didn't want to give it something like Sharp Edge to increase its already good cutting power. Yes, it will cost its durability, but getting a cutting power of rank 8 was a good choice. 

"It will cost you about forty-five million." She finished, which was less than he expected. 

'I was thinking sixty to seventy.' The reason? Because the dwarf had said that thirty million was the average for a first class weapon, but the best of the best sell for around two-hundred million. This dagger was obviously 'above average,' being a rank 6 instead of 5, 'But I guess less people would use a dagger in the lower floor of the dungeon so it's cheaper, than... let's say,'

"How much is this?" I walked and picked up the common rank 5 mirror gladius.

"Fifty." She gave a short reply, returning her hand to her cloak. "Though, that's just my estimation. Tsubaki might sell it for more just because."

'That's good enough.' I returned the mirror sword. But It was to be expected, "What of all the weapons with Durandal?"

"You add a solid forty million to their base price." A simple addition. "That's the common rule of thumb amongst most, if not all, high smiths."

'So, would all uncommon be 40 million more than their base?' How do you calculate their 'base' in the first place? By rating the weapon without its ability? 'Huh.' That sounds about right. 

"And the spear?" I returned to the flame spear, and I could almost feel the woman smile.

"That would be one-hundred and thirty million." For a one use item!? As if she heard my thought, she replied, "Even without using its magic, the spear itself is much better than the average high-class weapon." She stood, and walked towards the spear, her brown boot visible below her cloak.

"Though it's light, it has durability compared to first-class shields." She picked up the spear from the hold, "And if you ever find yourself in a situation where your life would be in danger," she held the spear with her left pointed its two prongs at me, their tip glinting in the light coming through the window. "As long as the monster is not above level 5 or a monster with flame resistance, even if it is a monster party, you should be able to come out unscathed."

'I guess a life-saving item would be expensive.' And to be honest, in terms of overall worth, I don't have any weapon that can compare to this.

We are not counting the Tsar Bomba or the Kilometer Great Bow. Those are just weapons of mass destruction that I can't even use.

"And you can't deny its beauty." She spun the spear above her with both hands, almost hitting a sword off the wall, before lightly tapping the bottom of the spear to the ground, "This can be considered Tsubaki's Greatest work." She sounded proud, like a mother talking about her child's first word. Don't ask me how I know that. Just using analogy or whatever it is.

I guess this woman must be Tsubaki's mother.

"One-thirty sounds cheap for the greatest work of a world rewound smith." That's just the opinion of a random man.

"It is unstable, that's why." She explained, returning the spear, "If you aren't careful while using the spear, you can mistakenly activate its magic."


"Now," she turned to me, "Are you going to buy anything, or you're just here to look around?"

"The latter," I replied, glancing around once more. I have gotten what I came here for. Time to go to another store to compare the prices, since I have nothing to do for the two hours I am waiting for my check-out.

I already completed all today's daily mission after using my 50 common summon from yesterday for today's summoning mission. Though I haven't used my 30 premium, I am planning on using it the day after tomorrow when I have 90 and just do a ninety pull and hope for a rare. 

It's tempting to use them right now, but we got to pull through for that higher luck chance when pulling consecutively.

"Do you know any store that sells higher quality weapons?" I asked.

"Higher quality?" I can hear her confusion, "Than these?" She gestured to the weapons around with one hand.

"No," I already kind of understood how bad this world's weapon quality is. "A store that sells quality that's equal to these."

"Ah," She nodded. "Then you will have to go to babel floor eight."

'I will check that out when I go and get my money,' But not now. "Anywhere else?"

She thought for a second, "You could check out Hephaestus' private gallery." Ah, yes! I can do that. Wherever the fuck that is. It isn't even on my map! "However, the store only allows in High Smith from the Hephaestus Familia."

"Hmm," It suddenly makes sense, "I guess none of the items are for sale."

"Nope." She exaggeratedly popped the P. "Those weapons, armor, and other creations from the goddess are only meant to inspire the High Smiths of the Familia. Show them what they should work towards. Maybe one day they will make a work that will surpass hers."

"Ha," Almost made me laugh, "Mortal making weapons to surpass a god? The god of smith, no less?" What a funny dream. Especially for these people that can never hope to even prestige once in their lifetime.

I, for example, can dream of surpassing the gods. I have the capability to reach prestige 12. But these people?


They should just keep their dream in the mortal realm.

That might sound hella cocky, but I am just being for real.

"The items in there are made without the use of arcanum." The woman clarified.

I guess arcanum is divinity, but, "I already suspected that," I looked at a sword, "But the god of smith has eons of years of experience in smiting. Even without arcanum," Hard to pronounce that word, "No mortal will be able to create a weapon that even reaches a blade the god will call a failure."

"You shouldn't underestimate mortals." She sounded serious, her tone taking on a more 'authoritative' tone. Like she wasn't telling me to not underestimate mortals but 'commanding' me. "This spear," She gestured at the crimson spear, "Is already close to Hephaestus' creation."

"That?" Yeah, that's cap. "If that is close to the god's creation, then I guess I overestimated Hephaestus' creation." I was not lying.

"What?" She sounded surprised, but that's the truth.

"If you said a shit is valued as much as gold, would you increase the value of the shit or reduce the value of the gold?" 

"The answer depends on perspective." The woman replied matter-of-factly. "If the goal is to elevate something previously considered worthless, the value of 'shit' increases. However, if the comparison is meant to suggest that gold has lost its value, then the value of gold is reduced."

"Indeed," I agreed with that fact, but, "That spear," I pointed, so she would know what I was talking about. "Would reduce the value of Hephaestus' work if you compare them."

I mean, it only makes sense. Eons of experience versus, what, forty years of mortal life? "It is not to be compared to the work of a god." Even without the use of Divinity, all Hephaestus' failed work should at least be a rare, not that 'shit.' "It will only mock the god's work."

"Have you ever seen Hephaestus' work?" She asked, her tone unreadable.

"No," I admitted. "But you don't have to see a storm to know it's powerful." I dropped my hand, and turned around, "You might be her mother, but it's best you don't mock any god's work. You might get smithed."

She is a proud mother, but I hope she wouldn't go say that in front of the god's face. I'm just looking out for her, truly. "Take care, miss Collbrande." With that, I left the store.

Opening my map, I just clicked on the biggest looking store in the business sector and started my work there. 'Come to think of it, the hammering noise stopped when the woman asked me if I was here to look around.' I guess the smith in the back was tempering or something.

~~~~~3rd person POV~~~~~

The woman stood silent after Noah left, staring at the door, before calling out, "Tsubaki..."

"I heard everything," A woman's voice came from the back as the door was pushed open and walked out.

She stood 170 cm tall, with rich brown skin with an athletic and muscular build, especially notable in her forearms, biceps, and triceps. She wears a white sarashi tightly wrapped around her well-endowed chest, providing both support and coverage, but it leaves a portion of her cleavage visible at the top. The sarashi stops just beneath her breasts, exposing the toned skin of her midriff with notable abs and her long black hair flows down her back, tied with a white cloth in a ponytail while her bangs are cut asymmetrically to frame her face.

She wore a black eyepatch over her left eye, and her one visible eye is a vivid red, well-defined eyebrows, a straight nose, and full lips. While her disciplined features lacked the feminine allure of a woman, there was a different sort of beauty about her—ferocious, like a blazing pyre: the epitome of a craftsman. She wears a traditional red hakama that flows down her legs, secured by a cloth belt tied at her waist, and black saddles on her feet.

Before the woman could say anything, Tsubaki spoke, "But he's right, Hephaestus." She looked at her spear on the wall. "That is shit, and it would only reduce your work's value if we compare them."

"Don't say that..." Hephaestus' voice was low, but Tsubaki scowled with fire in her eyes.

"But how dare that bastard speak to you like that!" She gritted her teeth, "I only held back because he didn't know who you were, and you were trying to hide your identity. If not for that,"

She clenched her fist, the force from just clenching her fist sending out a powerful gust of air through the room. "I would have knocked some senses into him."

The falling hood revealed a beauty. light-skinned woman with crimson-red hair, cut to just below her neck, styled in loose waves that frame her sharp, angular face. An eyepatch covered her right eye, with her left eye being a piercing crimson, with delicate eyebrows, and a slender nose.

"Haah~" Hephaestus sighed, "But you shouldn't really underestimate yourselves."

Tsubaki scoffed, "Unlike that giant, I don't underestimate 'us.'" She referred to all mortal smiths. "I will definitely create a weapon that surpasses those created by her Goddess."

Hephaestus simply smiled. 

"You were going to invite him to the familia, weren't you?" Tsubaki asked, "You wouldn't have told him about your private gallery."

"I was," She admitted with a nod, her arm folded across her chest. "I could sense he hasn't forged a day in his life, but his eyes are better than most mortal smiths. I could tell." She sighed, "He would have made a good high-smith under my care if not for his personality."

He has already set a limit for himself, and that isn't a good thing for inventors. With that mindset, he would have never made a work she would consider a 'masterpiece.'

"Hahaha!" Tsubaki laughed, "He just missed an opportunity to be a student of a goddess!" She laughed, her ample-chest shaking. "I wonder what he would feel when he learns about this!"

~~~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~~~

Long Chapter. Longest I have written. 4089 without Author's note.

Wanted to split it into 2 separate chapter since I know people have the 'too long won't read' syndrome, but just decided to post it. Hope people don't get frustrated with the length. I would split it if a lot of people comment that it was 'tedious' to read.

Well, I am sorry those that wanted the protagonist to join Hephaestus, but it seems like his personality and ideology won't work for the familia. Do you think he is right? About the mortals of this world not setting their goal that high? About Tsubaki's work not to be compared to Hephaestus? About what he said?

I feel like he was right, and there isn't a chance that Hephaestus with millions to billions of years of experience won't be able to create a legendary grade weapon without using divinity or falna(Like she did for Hestia Knife, which was forged with the loll goddess falna).

Also, with the post of this chapter, I will hit 50k words for this book with sub-twenty chapter(or 20 if I end up splitting this one). Quite good for my first book, I would say. Maybe not?

IdontHaveaName IdontHaveaName

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C19
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


