94.05% Danmachi: Divine Enemy / Chapter 95: Chapter 92: 4th Grand Quest

章 95: Chapter 92: 4th Grand Quest

"T-the Freya familia, they're all gathered." A resident gulped at the sight of the whole familia.

King, Ottar. The only level 7 in Orario. Vana Freya; Allen Fromel, level 6.

Dainsleif; Hogni Ragnar, level 6. Hildrsleif; Hedin Selland, level 6.

The Gulliver brothers, quadruplets that are all level 5.

And Heith Velvet, the golden witch. The only one who can be compared to the silver saintess.

"Hoh? You going somewhere, Freya?" Loki saw the whole squad of the Freya familia.

"Hmmm? It seems that you are going somewhere as well, Loki." Freya chuckled.

"Am I thinking what you're thinking?" Loki smirked at her and Freya looked at a particular direction.

"I guess we can team up, Loki. This chance doesn't come often." Freya smiled at her and Loki snorted.

"This will definitely lead to something interesting. Come on then." Loki nodded for now and the crowd that was forming split like how Moses split the red sea.

And Lars can feel it. They have been staying in the wheat manor to protect the familia in case some cheeky fucker wants to mess with them.

"They're coming... And they seem to want a scrap." Lars frowned.

"This is all my fault, sorry." Tiona was depressed for a few days now.

"It was bound to happen, don't worry about it." Lyra patted her back.

"We will support you, Lars." Ryuu nodded at him.

"I can also boost more people with my magic now." Haruhime was now sporting three tails.

She leveled up due to fighting valgang dragons fiercely.

"If it's a fight they want, then I'll give it to them." Lars huffed, he wasn't afraid of adventurers.

The whole gang stood in front of the wheat manor, waiting for them.

And Lars suited them in the finest gear he could make.

Even the amazoness were wearing armor. They were made of pure orichalum and was both resistant to magic and physical attacks.

It basically increased them a level. Airmid was also beginning to chant Empyrean judgement.

A sanctuary where their combatants can fight to their fullest without worry about damages.

She raised her sword in the sky and golden light fell on the domain of the wheat manor.

Airmid's hair was swaying in the air. Tione was crackling with lightning. Tiona was being donated blood by all the members to jumpstart her blood magic.

And Lars stood in front of them with Zenith on hand.

"Freya, Loki, what can I do for you?" Lars asked and Loki whistled.

"What a grand entrance for us, Lars. We ain't here to fight. Just in case if a fight breaks out." Loki shrugged.

Lars raised a brow at that. "Then what's with the parade?" He pointed at everyone.

And Ais looked like she was about to cry. "Oh? Just insurance. You have to understand though." Freya smiled at him as she licked her lips.

"If the rumors were true and monsters were on your side, then they might attack us." Freya giggled.

"I don't wanna agree with her, but that's pretty much about it." Loki opened her eyes as she looked at the other members of his team.

"You're awfully prepared yourself, say. Are the rumors true? That child over there hid a vouivre?" Loki pointed at Tione.

She didn't answer, making Freya smile. While Loki frowned. She did not want to deal with them at all, especially after what Finn and the others told her.

"Ottar, if they do not want to answer. We must apprehend them and interrogate them." Freya snapped her finger and the Freya familia started to draw their weapons.

'Fuck, gods and their hax.' Lars was sure that this wouldn't happen without their lie detectors.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Lars asked them as Zenith split into four.

Finn immediately winced and he grabbed his thumb. It was hurting like crazy at the thought of fighting the Demeter familia.

Clicks and clacks were heard behind them as the farmers of the Demeter familia locked onto their targets.

They were in their home turf. And the best home defense weapon is a heavy machinegun.

Lars already tested it. High caliber bullets can even draw blood from him. Meaning, 1st class adventurers can get killed by it.

His skin is like steel plates by now due to his endurance stat. And he is basically a level 9. The only one who can tank them here is Ottar, and that's still a hypothetical.

"I dunno where ya gits got the bright idea that Lars and the girls are criminals, but we won't letcha get em!" An aged farmer shouted and the others nodded.

They were a familia. And even if they were raising monsters, so what? It's not like they were attacking people with it.

Someone who helps farmers by creating expensive magical tools to help the elderly members would never hurt someone for nefarious reasons, is what they thought.

"Loki, Freya. It's not too late to back off." Demeter walked up next to Lars and Finn patted Loki's shoulder.

"He'll wipe us out Loki, Lars can raze Orario to the ground with just a word." Riveria furrowed her brows.

She felt betrayed that they were cultivating the enemies of mankind. She teared up, thinking that he trusted Ais more than her. Who is by all accounts, more responsible than Ais who is a clutz.

They were in a tense standoff. "If our goddess orders it, then it shall be completed." Ottar squared up with his large swords that looked like machetes.

"Keep it grounded! Don't let your attacks go towards Orario!" Lars shouted and rhythmic sounds of gunfire was heard.

"My name is Alf!" Riveria immediately raised up a barrier that she was already chanting under her breath and the Loki familia huddled up.

The more agile members could see that fast projectiles were being shot at them.

And the 2nd regiment couldn't quite see it. So they sweated, thinking that they'll be turned into swiss cheese by the attacks.

Allen Fromel who was lauded as the fastest adventurer charged at them, intent on taking out Lars for the glory.

He zipped around, dodging the gunfire. But he was suddenly met with an electrified fist.

"Hngh! You shall not pass!" Tione slugged him on the face and Allen flew back to Orario like a bullet.

"You come here, thinking you are above the law. If you think we will just come along willingly then you're delusional! WE WILL NOT YIELD!" Tione's lightning armor grew fiercer.

Plasma started to glass the pavement and the Freya familia grinned at the sight.

Drewn blood from the initial barrage of fire started to gather to Tiona and wings of blood formed on her back.

It was her reservoir and blades of hardened blood started to float around her. "If it's a fight you want, then it's a fight you will get!" Her green eyes turned crimson.

"I am my lord's sword and shield. Step forward if you dare." Airmid's sword burned in holy fire.

"Don't count us out!" Alise activated her magic and she burned a bright crimson. Her skills activating at the pinch they were in, boosting her stats to the maximum.

"Come and have it you pricks! Let's fight!" Lyra taunted them as she used mus mine to trap the area.

"We won't be coming politely, don't be arrogant, Freya. We will resist with everything we've got." Lars cracked his neck.

He then appeared right in front of Ottar and he swung his sword at him.

Ottar's eyes widened as he raised his blades above him with all his strength and speed.

A shockwave exploded originating from them as the ground cratered. Ottar was forced to kneel down and grit his teeth. Feeling his arms go numb at the overwhelming force.

Ottar started to swell, activating his beastification. Raising his stats another level.

The two groups stared at each other and total silence dominated the area.

Ottar and Lars then clashed in the middle of the battlefield, shaking Orario to the core.

The elf duo, Hedin and Hogni clashed with the Hiryute twins. Sending lightning, magic, and fire all over the place.

Allen was being dealt with Alise. Belnas, Elnea, Ryuu, and Kaguya were fighting the Gulliver brothers who were moving like one single unit.

The place immediately turned into a warzone and the Loki familia who was being peppered with suppresive fire backed off slowly.

"This is going to be a huge mess... Damn you Freya and your simps!" Loki just wanted to confirm if they really were raising monsters.

But now, they got roped in at the fight simply by being there with their members.

"Loki, we have to leave before MON appears." Ais furrowed her brows.

"MON? What is that, Ais?" Riveria had a bad feeling.

"I think that's them..." Finn could see Arachnes hanging on walls and they were armored from head to toe.

Their legs were outfitted with shoes made of pure orichalum and adamantite, basically giving them eight spears. And that's not including the weapons they had on hand.

The captains of MON then arrived. Gros was coated in magical metals. His stone body protected to the maximum.

Ray was flying in the air, ready to swoop in. And Lyd was decked in full-plate armor. The only thing that indicated he was a monster was his tail and claws.

Releasing a sonic screech, Ray shattered Riveria's magic shield and the familia was immediately vulnerable.

"Humans! We always knew you are arrogant. But to attack us when we live in peace, we will end you!" Gros flapped his metallic wings as he appeared in front of Gareth who was a strength type like him.

Raising his arms, he released a devastating hammerfist at Gareth who defended with his shield.

"Gah!" Gareth felt his body creak at the force of the blow and Finn was about to give some support, but he was stopped by Lyd.

"Your opponent is me." Finn clicked his tongue at Lyd who was equal in strength with him.

"Retreat! Don't try to be a hero! Anakitty! Raul! Protect Lefiya and Riveria with all you've got!" Finn cried out as he put his thumb on his forehead.

"Hel Finnegas!" Finn used his berserk magic and he fought Lyd fiercely.

"Guys..." Ais didn't know what to do. Her friends were fighting and she can't do anything.

MON was also starting to apprehend the 2nd regiment. The arachnes were too good at fighting.

And their webs were as strong as adamantite. The 2nd class adventurers were being apprehended one by one.

"Tch, we need to leave! Now!" Loki was starting to panic as their back lines were getting decimated.

Riveria and Lefiya, their strongest attackers were also useless. They can only use shields and buffs due to the close proximity of the battle.

They were wholly unprepared for a fight of this scale.

__52nd floor__

Ley who was sleeping at her cadmus spring suddenly awoke at the rising energy that she felt above.

"Lars..." She could still remember that energy. Overwhelming, but contained. He is in total control of it all the time, unless he used his skills.

"Miss. Lars... Must go." Violet wings appeared from her back. Her lone horn glowing a bright blue.

Ley's chest began to burn. Starting with a bright orange and it quickly changed into an azure blue.

She went even further and her throat released purple light as superheated fire escaped from her mouth, making the whole floor heat up like it was a desert.

Her wings spread sideways and she released a breath attack above her. Violent mana exploded all around her. Like a super typhoon of energy wrecking the whole dungeon floor.

The floors above gave in quickly as drops of molten lava started to flow.

Her wings flapped and she flew to the skies, escaping the dungeon.

She then appeared in the skies of Orario. Smelling the air, her pupils turned paper-thin as she saw Lars.

"Enemies... Fighting Lars, must eliminate." She flapped her wings and the wind around her ignited.

Ley dropped in the middle of the battlefield like a meteor and everyone stopped fighting.

A dust cloud was raised, but it was quickly taken out by a pair of dark violet wings.


"Enemies... Must, kill." Ley's flame sacs behind her chest burned and she was intent on blasting Orario to oblivion.

"T-that... That monster is stronger than Hera's captain... A level 10." Freya's chest was gripped with fear as a monster that could destroy the world appeared.

"Another legendary monster... The 4th grand quest appeared. This is all going to shit." Loki was sweating bullets.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C95
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


