"GET THE FUCK OUTTA THE WAY!" Rebecca roars, firing one shot before jumping onto the stairs and sliding down the railing on her butt. The first shot had forced the officers into cover, but she was already on top of them when they attempted to return fire.
One guy's body literally evaporates, and she slams the next in the face with Guts as if it were a baseball bat. Another attempts to shoot her but screams when Sasha hacks his system, causing him to fire off his weapon randomly.
Ori sprints down, ignoring the discomfort of his injuries and the lead still in him, and slamming his shoulder into a female officer. She goes down, and he drops his foot on her face as she scrambles to point her gun at him. She struggles to force him off but that ends when he fires a burst from his weapon into her chest.
"Get off of her you fucking psycho!" her enraged colleague roars, firing off a flurry of bullets which all miss and strike the wall next to Ori.
Six decommissions the guy with two shots to his head, then destroys three police drones that attempt to intercept them.
"Quick!" Ori grunts, ramming through the nearby maintenance door which led down to the highway. The other follows as he steps out, spotting the Delamain cab that'd abruptly stopped in the middle of the road.
He almost falls into the backseat as Rebecca and Sasha follow, Six jumping into the passenger seat.
"Hello and welcome to Delamin services, if you would all put on your seatbel-" the AI in the car starts, only to stop as Rebecca shouts at it. "WILL YOU JUST DRIVE ALREADY!?"
"As you wish."
The tires squeal as Delamain races off, police drones and cameras had obviously tracked where they'd gone, and the sirens behind the car made the group well aware that the fight wasn't over quite yet.
"Ori! You alright!?" Rebecca hurriedly questions as she leans over him, ignoring the bombastic police chase around her as she tears open his jacket and shirt.
"I told you I'm good, just get us outta here." he says, feeling the wriggling sensation of bullets being pushed out of his skin, like maggots or tapeworms.
She forcefully turns his face to check his head, noticing a large patch of missing hair that'd been obscured by the coagulated blood. "Y-you got shot in the head!? With no armour! How the fuck are you still awake!?"
"Or alive..." Sasha mutters while feeling somewhat responsible for his injuries.
"I heal fast and I've got a thick skull, let's concentrate on not dying first, we can argue later!" he exclaims, and as if to emphasize his point a bullet smashes against the reinforced back window, cracking and splintering it.
[I'm cutting off comms, Corpo runners are trying to track my systems.] - Kiwi
[Kiwi Disconnected]
[Judy, we're headed down Peel's Street, how're we lookin'?] - Six
[There are two cars headed down that way, the rest are following you behind!] - Judy
Delamain speeds down the road, ducking and weaving through confused traffic as he approaches the intersection, sirens blaring behind them.
"Do try to hold on." the AI asks as it hits the handbrake and enters a drift, coasting past the intersection and barely missing an NCPD car that attempts to slam into them from the opposite side of the road.
Instead of headed south towards Little China and the main Police HQ, Delamain drives south through Downtown Central. Automatic turrets attempt to fire at them but the car's simply moving too quickly, and too close to civilians to get a clear shot. Any bullets that do make it through can't breach Delamain's armour.
[They're setting up spike strips at Market Street intersection!] - Judy
"Appreciate the candour, Miss." Delamain thanks as the wheel abruptly spins, sending the group down a side street as the police cars behind them accidentally speed past on the main road.
Delamain smashes straight through a lampost as it approaches a completely blocked right, driving onto the pavement and barely missing the people on it. They turn onto another road but encounter a police car, the officers stop in the middle of the road and get out to shoot them, but quickly realise what Delamain intended.
They throw themselves out of the way as Delamain slams into the car, its body warping against Delamain's seemingly impenetrable bumper. The whiplash of the impact almost sends Delamain's passengers through the windscreen, thankfully they managed to endure it without injury, aside from maybe a headache.
"This freaking AI is crazy!" Rebecca mutters with her legs forced against the front seats to keep her stable in the back, clutching Ori who'd headbutted Six's headrest...
Sasha just clutches her bloody nose and nods in agreement, "Wouldn't we be safer on foot? Let the police chase the car..."
"Not with all those drones tracking us." Six states, gesturing at the small fleet of NCPD drones that were hovering above the car nearby.
With the police cruiser handled, Delamain accelerates again, seventy MPH West down Palms View Way, then South towards Pacifica.
[You need to shoot the drones down if you wanna get away today, they've got a live feed on you!] Judy tells the group.
Six growls, opening the window and leaning out of the to start shooting. Bullets from the drones ping off of the car and his armour, but he grunts through it and steadily whittles down their numbers.
Sasha hacks the rest, disabling them and sending them skittering across the road behind them. They make it to Pacifica over the bridge and continue driving down central, then skidding into a car park where another vehicle was already there waiting for them.
"I hope you enjoyed Delamain services, if you could, please send us a good review. Five stars is always appreciated, and we will be willing to gift you a discount on your next pur-"
Ori gets out and vomits onto the floor, motion sickness, mixed with his concussion forcing him to void his stomach. Rebecca pats his back, "There, there Ori, better out than in..."
"Uughh... What does that saying even mean... I'd rather eat than vomit..." he says before spewing another load.
"I always thought it meant better to throw up vomit than to eat it..." she shrugs, "Now let's get you to a doc, you're paler than I am!"
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to : https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng
VidDav FerDeL
"Really Ori, how'd you get yourself in these situations..." Bats mutters as he checks Ori's blood pressure for the second time, not believing the first test due to how sporadic it was.
Ori just shrugs from the couch watching TV with Rebecca next to him while Bats did his work. The nanites had already healed all the external wounds, so all that was left was to check his internals. Sasha had stuck around for some reason and was standing in the corner, presumably going over the data she'd mined from Biotechnica. "A job's a job, none of us died so you should be celebrating..."
Bats just sighs, "That doesn't make me feel any better about this..."
He receives the results and sits on the arm of the sofa in relief, "Vitals all normal, you're lucky. Not many people can shrug off a bullet to the head and heart, even with Cyberware."
"Yeah, we're all surprised about it..." Rebecca remarks, resting her weight on Ori's arm, "Somethin' you're not telling us, Lampost?"
"I told you, I've got Cyberware that helps my healing." he shakes his head and turns to Sasha in an attempt to change the subject, "Things go down like you expected?"
She smiles slightly, looking rather vindicated for some reason, "I'd say." she looks at the TV and forces it to change the channel to 54News.
"I am Gillean Jordan and this is 54News, earlier tonight the city was shocked by a series of terrorist attacks around the City Center. Bombs were planted around various businesses and detonated. Upon the NCPD arriving at the scene firefights broke out between them and an infamous gang, but further investigation will need to be held before the instigators can be properly identified." she says, notably not mentioning the Tyger Claw's names.
"The Biotechnica building has also sustained damage from this chain of attacks, not serious damage was done to the building itself, but their reputation has taken a large hit. Not long after the attacks started, 54News and other outlets received damning information about their misconduct, specifically around their painkillers known as Securicine.
While everything still needs to be verified, we have discovered that not only was Biotechnica responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands over the years by ignoring side effects of the drug such as prolonged usage causing neurodegeneration. They have also knowingly committed fraud, perjury, and a litany of other crimes, including the Regional Food Safety Act. Thirteen people from Biotechnica have already been arrested in relation to this, including Selene Nells the Head of the company's Advertisement Department.
Among the arrests, a partner of Mayor Lucius Rhyne has also been named. Jacob Stawkes will be investigated for his hand in aiding and abetting this catastrophic breach of the public's trust. A class action lawsuit has also been opened, though, the sheer volume will likely cause it to take months to process.
The Mayor himself has commented on the situation, speaking against his former partner and decrying his negligence. He says he will be seeking maximum compensation from Biotechnica for the public. He also condemns the terroristic methods that were used to reveal these disturbing truths, I quote 'Utilising violence and harming innocent people is not justice, but vigilantism. Twelve civilians have been reported dead or injured so far, and while corruption has been outed, it will never be worth the lives it cost.', end of quote.
Biotechnica's stocks have also dropped upon this information going public, from seven hundred Eurodollars to a mere five hundred. There is no sign of this stopping either, so far the loss has equalled to four hundred million Eurodollars."
"Shit..." Rebecca utters, shocked, surprised, and somewhat prideful. After all, she and her friends had helped reveal a sickening truth about a corrupt corporation, costing them hundreds of millions while giving those affected a chance for compensation.
"You planned for this...?" Ori questions the smug, cat-like girl.
She nods, "I've been working towards this for years, all my learning, injuries, debt, stress... Everything had been for this." she smiles at them brilliantly, "Thank you for helping me... I wouldn't have been able to make it out alive without you all..."
Ori blushes slightly, glancing away embarrassedly, "Uh, don't mention it... It's not like we did it for free either..."
"It's pretty crazy to think about though, I've used and sold Securicine in the past..." Bats mutters.
"Don't you start feeling guilty about it now, no one but those Corpo dick heads even knew about it..." Ori retorts.
Rebecca glances at Sasha, "What're you gonna do now? Gonna kick Biotechnica while they're down?"
The woman folds her arms, "I'm... Not too sure... To be honest, I always thought I'd die before I got this far."
"I say sit back, relax and watch the Corpo dogs tear Biotechnica apart. That shitshow's only just gotten started, you've lit the fuse to a firework display of nuclear proportions." Bats adds.
Sasha rubs the back of her neck awkwardly, "Here's the thing... I'm kinda broke right now. Spent all my Eds hiring you guys and buying info from data brokers. I'm even behind on my rent payments, since, you know, I thought I'd be dead by now..." she admits.
"Well, that's depressing." Rebecca snickers at her plight. "Don't you have a sugar daddy you could turn to? You're pretty hot, I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to find one."
Sasha grimaces, "I think I'd rather bathe in acid..."
"If you need cash, why not join up with us? At least until you figure out what you wanna do." Ori asks, getting a jab in the side courtesy of Rebecca.
"Hey! Ain't that somethin' you should discuss with the crew first? Not springing it on us outta nowhere!?" she complains.
"We've been needing a dedicated Netrunner, and Sasha's the only one I've seen who's actually willing to get her hands dirty... You know anyone who can do what she can while slicing bots to pieces?" he questions.
"That ain't the point!"
"No, she's right. I've been a solo so long I doubt I'd make a good teammate." Sasha admits, only making Rebecca scowl harder.
"No, no, no! Don't you start that pity act! I won't buy it!"
"'Becca..." Ori mutters, locking her in a staring contest.
"Uuugh! Fine! We try her out but one screw-up and she's out!" she angrily exclaims, wrapping her arms around her knees and pouting like a petulant child.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng
VidDav FerDeL
Peter Evans