"Zomboy, this baller fucked 'da MaxTac goons dey sent after 'im. Ya' really think you can touch this mon!?"
Ori shrugs, "I took the gig, I'll complete it. I just need you fine chooms to tell me where the egg-head is."
"Eh, if the kid wants ta die, let'em die. Who knows, might surprise us." Jamarr looks to the others.
"On it but, it'll probably take a while to find anything. I'll be watching the feeds but I'm not expecting our guy to jump out and dance for the cams anytime soon." Cohen says.
Xiaoyi nods, "We'll keep ours ears close to the ground, we'll probably hear about this guy going crazy before seeing it."
Ori walks over to the boarded-up window and peeks at the skyscraper on the other side of the street, "I'll start lookin' myself too then. You won't mind if I pay your neighbours a visit?"
Jamarr snorts, "Over deir? Not a single gang in 'dat buildin'. Each couple floors is owned by somebody else. Mainly it's the Bolo's though, guys control de' upper floors along wit' the elevator systems."
"While we'd appreciate you cleaning up for us, it's probably best you leave the status quo. You remove them and who knows who replaces them. Right now we've got a 'truce' going. 'Sides, gunning for them isn't gonna speed up the search for your target." Xiaoyi says, obviously sceptical that he could eliminate the rival gangs on his own, regardless of what he might claim.
"Where'd you recommend then?"
"Down the street, third skyscraper over where the skinned bodies are hangin'. If your guy got caught, he'll be there with the Mongols." she states.
"And they are?"
"One of the more dangerous groups around, they hunt down more psychos than anyone else and probably have more chrome, guns, and armour than anyone else. They like to do the messy work in the basement of the building."
Ori crooks a brow at that, "How'd you know that? Former member?"
Xiaoyi shakes her head, "The Ratboys and Mongols have a 'working' relationship. We occasionally smuggle their stuff outta the zone for a cut." she pauses, "Either way, I'd recommend asking 'em before anything... They don't usually shoot on sight, and I'd rather not antagonise them by sending you to cause trouble."
"I promise to not mention your names." he assures, "Ah, how will you contact me if my guy turns up?"
Cohen tosses a barebones device that looked thrown together in last few seconds, exposed wiring, plastic, and the screen buzzed shakily. "Tuned it up to synch with the jammers, won't work outside of their range obviously."
Ori presses the button on it, causing all three of the Ratboy's to squint at the incoming call, "Just checking it works, thanks." he grips Bore and heads for the door, "I'll see you guys later... Hopefully...?"
Out on the street, Ori slips out from the alleyway into the street behind the Ratboy's building and dips behind a large pile of concrete rubble. He wasn't entirely sure if he was safe or not given the many gunshots going off around him, from nearby streets and also within the buildings around him.
Regardless, he'd probably manage. He scans the area and quickly sprints for the next covered position, only to slow to a job as he notices a black figure above him, seemingly hanging onto the side of a skyscraper.
The guy was wearing a sleeveless hoody that displayed his completely Cybernetic arms, and his torso also looked far too wide for the body itself, not to mention the fact the guy's legs were massive and digitigrade-shaped.
Ori's eyes widen as the guy abruptly leaps from the side of the building straight towards him in an arc, a loud hum of short-circuiting Cybernetics blaring in his ears. (Imagine a L4D hunter leaping at him)
He immediately opens fire on the guy with Bore, hitting a few shots which alter his flight path a good amount. Unfortunately, some sort of thrusters opens from the guy's triceps, putting him back on target. Almost as he reaches Ori his hands fold backwards, allowing two huge blades to shoot forward from where his hand had been.
"What the fuck!?" Ori exclaims, firing another slug from Bore which nails the guy in the head... Somehow still not killing him despite missing one eye and a substantial portion of his brain.
The guy hits the ground hard, the suspension systems in the Cybernetic legs working overtime to limit the damage. He jams his wrist-mounted blades into the ground to alter his slide, pushing him towards Ori again like a crazed figure skater.
A blade deflects one shot, but the other hit him in the chest, sending him flailing on his side as he attempts to regain his balance. Ori kept up the assault however, rapidly reloading as he rammed slug after slut into the Cyberpsycho who screeched like a dying animal.
"Just die already you bucket of shit'n bolts!"
Ori lines up a shot on the guy's head when a gun rings out from a nearby building, a bullet hitting him in the side and throwing off his aim. This, of course, allows the psycho the opportunity to lunge at him.
A blade pierces right through Ori's shoulder as he fights to gain control of the other. He wrestles with the squirming madman for a second or two, grinding his teeth as the blade in his shoulder twisting and pulls in the wound. "Fucking gonk-fuck! Get off!"
The fucking Cyberpsycho sinks its teeth into Ori's collarbone, breaking it under the sheer force of his jaws.
Finally losing his temper, Ori backs up towards a wall and stabs the free wrist blade into the wall behind him, then jamming Bore into the fucker's neck as it continues biting him.
The psycho's head explodes into red mist, sending brain matter and bone fragments everywhere, some even getting in his mouth. Not to mention deafening himself with his own gun with how close he'd had to shoot it.
Scowling hard, he turns towards the building he'd gotten shot from, "I'M COMING FOR YOU NEXT, ASSHOLE!"
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to : https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng
Peter Evans
Ori steps over the fresh corpse he'd just created and growls under his breath after reaching for some more slugs, finding his pouch empty. He'd wiped out a smaller gang of 'almost-psychos' who'd thought it was funny to take potshots at him from the building, and they hadn't wanted to go quietly.
They didn't really have anything worth stealing, and he hadn't bothered going higher up the building since the larger gangs would probably be waiting for him there. Sighing under his breath, he steps back onto the street, only to pause at the faint sound of humming...
It was unfamiliar, not a sound he'd actually heard before, the only thing similar was a cartoon on TV... The protagonist road a hoverboard that sounded similar he recalled...
Squinting suspiciously, he scans his surroundings for something, half expecting some more ninjas to appear outta the blue. "Show yourself!"
Maybe it's just the wind?
He curses almost immediately after that thought however, it was already too late though. He'd jinxed himself. Sighing, he glances around, then up at the sky, his pupils shrinking to the size of a pin-tip as he spots something.
"You're fucking kidding m-" he utters, barely throwing himself behind some rubble as the missile slams into the ground next to him.
The explosion rocks the entire street, almost causing nearby buildings to collapse under its sheer force. Even a heavily armoured chrome jock would be unable to survive a ballistic missile. Ori gets knocked out immediately as pain rocks his body.
"Uuughhh..." Ori groans in a rictus of pain, blinking his eyes-, or eye as the nanites struggle to reform his body. Judging by the fact he could see his arm and leg meters away from him, he'd been completely mangled by the precision strike of whoever fired that fucking missile.
Worst of all, his fucking Monowire was that arm! He flops onto his side, ignoring the large crater he now found himself in and starts crawling towards his limbs, his single remaining arm and stump leg allowing him some degree of movement.
"C-CAN SOMEONE STOP THAT FUCKING HUMMING!" he angrily shouts through the pain, the humming now louder than ever.
[HOst iN Cri-ITical Co-n-on-ondition, woRKINg rePAirs:@"$%Esh AdMIns"$@]
God, even the fucking nanites got their asses kicked!
He lets out a tired yet relieved breath from his single working lung as he finally reaches his arm, placing it against his stump and hoping it'd connect... Thankfully, small tendrils of blood vessels and cartilage branch out to bring it back into the whole.
Ori lays back as the nanites work, idly reaching for his holsters and breathing another long sigh as he feels Six's Revolver still there, if damaged and likely unusable for now.
"I said FUCK OFF!" he shouts, throwing a rock across the crater towards where he'd narrowed down the humming. Unexpectedly, he actually hits something, the rock hitting something metallic and causing sparks to flicker as a camouflage cloak falls.
There, he's greeted by some sort of unmarked drone, one with a very obvious camera recording him for some reason. Well, he could guess the reason... Arasaka wants their tech back.
The drone flies away of course, delivering whatever information it'd garnered to its masters... Shit.
[LEft aRM FuNcTiON ResTorED: FleSH "*%$oR]
He flexes his arm and nods to himself, with that done he starts making his way to his leg... Only to pause when he spots some figures standing around the crater, looking down at him. He speeds up his crawl, reaching his leg and shoving it into what remained of his trousers so the nanites could work their magic. Then, he flops backwards and acts like he'd passed out.
His ears twitch as the people around him immediately begin moving, "Chto nam delat-with this guy?" his software which thankfully was still working immediately begins translating the Russian.
"Grab him, scrap him, sell him. What else?" another sniffs at the question.
"Whatever, just grab-" one starts, only for Ori to finally act. Throwing his Monowire out and cutting their legs from the knee down completely off. They all scream of course, but Ori continues flailing his Monowire around until all that's left are piles of dismembered bodies.
[LEft LEg RestOred... Left Leg Function Restored: F-F-F-Flesh Administrator-or-or]
He works his knee a couple times before finally standing, grimacing as the shattered pieces of his spine flow around like floaters in an eye. The nanites taut the muscles and pulls them back in however, using a thin layer of cartilage to keep everything working for now.
He swipes one of the dead gang member's Nokota Copperhead rifles after being unable to find where Bore had gone... Rebecca was gonna be pissed.
After clambering out of the crater, away from the gathering eyes to see what the missile was for, he dips into an alleyway and almost collapses against a wall. His eyes shoot open however as the humming makes itself known once more, this time however the drone unveils itself and floats in front of him...
Just as he'd about to shoot it, a holoscreen appears before it, displaying a shadowed figure with a modulated voice. "Zombie. I am an acquaintance that sees value in you, which is more than I can say for my friends, you may have already guessed that Arasaka has taken note of you... I managed to slip this drone into the fleet they sent to spy on you."
"So you're just another Arasaka-"
"This is a prerecorded message, so hopefully it will reach you before they complete their plan. They will send a missile to test how far your regenerative abilities extend, which is folly on their part as you will undoubtedly perish." the man remarks with finality.
"Jokes on you..." Ori chuckles to himself...
"To show that my aid is not a mere trick, have this." the drone shits out a little device, some kind of area monitor? "It will take you to your target, Leopold Hepner... Also, take this, I believe you will find some utility in it?"
Ori glances at the next object dropped, only to blink as he stares at it in shock. The familiar knife that'd started all this shit...
[Neural Management Nanites Injector detected, permission to Interface?: Flesh Administrator] the nanites ask, almost sounding eager to his ears.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng
Peter Evans