"Arasaka-sama, we must evacuate!" Takamura presses, already having ordered an AV to wait for them at the top of the tower. The nuke's failure against the Case 21 had cemented Night City as a loss, and it didn't take a genius to recognise that leaving as quickly as possible was the only real solution. Of course, this wasn't an option for most employees, fortunately, all the less valuable members had been informed of their dismissal... This included terminating transport privileges, which allowed vital workers to exit with haste.
Hanako thinks for a moment, takes one last glance at the feed granting her information, and nods. The loss of Mikoshi and all the other technologies and projects in the tower would be crippling to Arasaka, but so would the demise of the last 'true-born' member of the family. Michiko was safely in Japan, but she'd be challenged for the position of CEO, and it wouldn't be unusual for her to be ousted if opposing positions aligned.
"I see... Prepare to collapse the building, it should step it for some time, if it continues growing we must consider 'liquidating' Night City."
Takamura nods and leads Hanako with Oda towards the roof, but takes a moment to ask while moving, "Should we leave the prisoners? Perhaps the nanite swarm could be bargained with if it is so incensed with us...?"
She bites a finger knuckle and nods, "Have them brought to the AV, even if it's mindless the chance of even an ounce of leverage will serve us well." her eyes flash as she sends them the updated feed, displaying the giant mecha standing atop the ruins of Memorial Park. It would be upon the tower in moments.
The building trembles as something collides with it, apparently the feed had a few seconds delay...
"Hanako-sama, I will buy time for you to leave." Oda states, his visor clicking over his face as he turns to leave.
"Buy time!? What could you possibly do, Oda!?" Takamura asks in bafflement, pausing his steps.
Hanako nods, "Come, let security hold it off. This is an order, losing both you and the tower is unacceptable." she says and continues her stride to the roof, followed by a reluctant-looking Oda.
"As you wish... Arasaka-sama..."
Ori slams a giant metal arm into the side of the tower with reckless abandon. It'd been heavily fortified after the last Night City holocaust, providing a greater challenge than any other building so far. Even then, each strike splintered, bent, and fractured the wall, shattering reinforced glass like frozen plastic wrap...
He could hear thousands of screams coming from inside but ignored them as he injects nanites into the interior. They flow through newly created cracks in the walls and soon invade the ventilation systems, quickly revealing most of the tower to him.
Five office workers sprint through a hallway as a vent-cover bursts open and showers them with the 'black-sludge'. They pause and look at themselves for a moment, before howling in pain as the nanites begin devouring them, skin, flesh, blood and bone.
A face scared shitless Arasaka guards blitz around a corner but flee in the opposite direction when they catch sight of the horrific fate of their colleagues. Most deciding that the forgettable pay wasn't worth dealing with this shit any longer.
Soon enough the nanites reach the very bottom of the tower and find the complex known as Mikoshi. After devouring the scientists, he finds an unfortunate scene... V had been tied to chair and hooked up to a machine he presumed to be Soul Killer. With how riddled with bullets her body was, he doubted she'd have lived much longer regardless, but he wouldn't wish such a fate on anyone.
With that thought, he unleashes the collective on Mikoshi, allowing them to devour every server, machine, and any other tech they encounter...
"Wish I could say I was sorry, V. But I'm not." he mutters before turning his gaze 'upwards', particularly some cells near the roof that had the DNA of his friends present. It was fresh, meaning they'd been escorted away within ten minutes or so.
"Fucking Arsaka ICE." he grunts, if they'd just followed Biotechnica's lead in shitty security he could've found them by now.
He grits his teeth and looks to the sky with the many sensors covering the mecha, spotting ten to twenty smaller AVs quickly departing the roof. Shit, he was gonna miss them!
His Sandevistan actives and he forces the mecha into action, its many legs and arms gripping the building like a giant spider as it clambers up. It was a head(comparatively) shorter than the tower itself, but the thing walked more like a quadruped than bipedal, add the difficulty of moving so much mass at once and the mecha was slower than he'd like.
The giant reaches the top, looking over the side of the roof and spotting a landing centre with a larger, more luxurious AV that was about to take off... Given the heat signatures, one of which was smaller and squirming like a certain gun gremlin he knew, it became his highest priority.
"AAARRAASSSAAAKKKAAAAAAAA!" the mecha screams as the AV slams its engines to fly away, it almost escapes, if it weren't for the sheer flexibility the nanites granted him. The mecha's tongue shoots out like a large black whip, wrapping around the AV and stopping it from going anywhere.
"IT'S GOT US!" one of the pilots shouts over to the cabin where Hanako, her guards and the prisoners were sitting. The vehicle itself groaned as they tried to pry themselves out of its grasp.
"Shoot it!" Hanako exclaims.
"W-WE ARE! I-It's not doing anything!-..." the man pauses as a loud *clunk* sounds out, "I-it just ate our fucking weapons!"
Oda tears off his seatbelt and forces the door open before jumping out with sword drawn, going ahead with his earlier plan...
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to : https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng
Peter Evans
Oda leaps out of the AV and his feet stick to the metal exterior of the aircraft as it struggled in the giant's grasp. He swings over the side, landing atop the cockpit while slashing down on the black tongue holding them prisoner.
It cuts through it like butter, unfortunately, even with the tongue severed, Oda spots that parts of the AV had turned black... The nanites had already gotten in.
"BRING US DOWN!" he roars but the pilots pause, prompting him to stab his blade next to the window, forcing them to start descending. Obviously, they avoid the roof, hurriedly flying down to the ground floor at the back of the building.
Oda climbs back inside the AV and lifts Hanako into his arms, just as black tendrils spread to her seat. Takamura leaps up too but grimaces as the same blackness begins climbing up his leg.
He grunts and bites down on the inside of his cheek as Oda severs the leg, Takamura doesn't say anything and falls out of the AV just as it reaches the second story. Oda lands gracefully next to him, not dropping Hanako as Takamura nurses his missing limb.
"Go on without me! I will live, but you must leave!" he shouts, the AV hitting the ground nearby. The pilots kick open the cockpit and throw themselves out, but it was already too late for them as they start throwing their clothes off and clawing at themselves. Black tendrils were climbing up their torso and arms, recycled flesh falling to at the wayside as they scream their throats raw.
"Goodbye, Sensei." Oda mutters, sending one last glance at Takamura as he sprints away at top speeds.
Takamura blinks as something in the corner of his eye catches his attention, "WAIT!-"
A dozen swarm missiles hit Oda and Hanako as they leave the vicinity of the AV, much to Takamura's horror. A pale severed leg zips past his head and lands with a squelch nearby... Hanako's...
"N-no!..." he rasps, dropping to a knee and cradling his missing leg. "T-this can't be!..."
"Serves you right, fucking Corpo cunt! What's wrong, did your 'widdle master get mulched?" a feminine voice snickers at him. The pale prisoner steps to his front and pokes his nose almost playfully before spitefully spitting in his face... In his shock, he doesn't even acknowledge the wetness dribbling down his cheek, and with the mecha slowly crawling down Arasaka tower, he can only glance at the prisoners who'd somehow not been eaten by the nanites while trapped in the AV.
"All is lost."
"Drama queen. You assholes have done the same shit without battin' an eye, just because your family gets destroyed you wimp out. Fuckin' gonk pieces of shit." Rebecca sniffs, giving him a kick in the face for good measure before waving up at the giant robot approaching them. "HEYA OOOORRIIIIII! I KNEW YOU'D COME BACK, YOU BEAUTIFUL BASTARD!"
"Ah, Becca, you sure Ori's in there...? Not that I don't want that but-, I'd rather not get eaten, y'know..." David mutters.
"Shut up! That's him and that's how it is, Dimples! Keep talking and I'll throw you at him, 'least then you'll give 'Luce a running start."
"Shorty..." Kiwi sighs, touching her face mask and squinting at the black substance covering it. She REALLY hoped Ori was controlling these nanites, or she was screwed... At the very least though, the nanites had eaten through their restraints, and even removed the inhibitor chips that'd been planted in their necks, that meant something, right...? "He destroyed the city..." she murmurs, barely audible to the group.
"They deserved it." Rebecca uncaringly retorts.
As the mecha reaches the ground, it smashes the foundation of the tower and grips it, forcing it to fall onto what was left of Memorial Park... Arasaka was gone, and most of the Corpo Plaza was a giant mound of rubble, half covered in radiation and half covered in nanites.
"... Did the innocents whose homes he destroyed deserve it? The civilians he crushed and devoured?" Takamura sighs and shakes his head, "I should know by now, that the word of a merc is, ash in the wind." he reaches to his side, causing the crew to tense up in preparation for a fight, only for them to freeze as he draws a knife and points it at his belly.
"Watashi wa fumeiyo nashi ni shinudarou." he solemnly says, gritting his teeth before finally plunging the knife down, spilling his guts and committing seppuku.
"Huh..." David mutters, "Didn't think these guys still did this sorta thing..."
"Shame the rest of them don't follow his lead." Lucy shrugs, "Though, I doubt Arasaka will last much longer with everything that happened."
The group look over to the mecha, which stopped nearby and was lowering its large head to the ground. Black tendrils covered the ground from where it was standing, spreading across the concrete and eventually converging on Takamura.
The giant mouth opens up and stood upon its tongue is Ori, who was slowly being delivered to them, as if standing on a slow escalator.
His dramatic entrance is ruined however as Rebecca throws a rock at his head, "You asshole! Letting yourself die like that! What's fucking wrong with you!? You really thought you could waltz up here, acting all preem like you aren't about to get your butt beat!?"
The rest of the crew can only watch and sweat drop while Rebecca throws herself as the newly revived man...
Ori bats her hands away and wraps her up in a tight hug, kissing her senseless, ignoring her weakening protests, "I kill Adam fucking Smasher, Hanako Arasaka, and most of the damn city and you can't give me one win?" he leans in and whispers into her ear, "Fine, act all tough, but we'll see how you handle things now that I got tentacles."
Rebecca blinks at him, tongue tracing her lips to taste him, "N-no! This ain't some shitty hentai mister! I can do the back door fine but I'm crossing the line at octopussy-play!"
"Ori, it's great that your back but shouldn't we uh, delta?" David asks, trying to push their conversation out of his mind.
Ori and Rebecca glance up at the many helicopters surveying the scene, "No, you're right... Hop in." he says, gesturing for the group to follow him into the mecha's mouth, much to their chagrin.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to : https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng
Peter Evans