Have you ever daydreamed of becoming the impossible ever since you were little. Maybe becoming an superhero or even the king of the world. But soon reality starts to shatter those dreams around you soon you see that world is mundane has no spark of life to it. No that is wrong … the world is incredible the thing that is lacks luster it is humanity. Humanity is the thing that is making society and the world look pathetic to the eyes of the god. The world was never been mundane it produced many extraordinary things even to the smallest of bugs and biggest of whales.
Nature has made every organism in its own intricate and unique way. It gave the most strength to one set of animals, it gave the most speed to another set of animals. However it gave the most potential to humanity where they soon flew with out the needs of wings where they outran a cheetah. But humanity soon grew stagnant the allowed technology to rule them they allowed logic and reality. The very things that we created to expand our horizons has dulled our senses.
My name Shakti Sundar I come from a low class family from Sri lanka life has never been kind to me.
It gave me a defective body that made it harder to mix in with society. My family couldn't afford treatment due to the service being highly expensive but with an farmers salary it was not only highly
expensive it was impossible. The only thing that was a saving grace to me was my intelligence at first I got noticed by the village teacher but soon I got an scholarship to study abroad in America at an well respected private school. My parents were ecstatic when they found out my father gave me two unique gifts before I left which were Scrolls of some kind. One scroll was pale yellow with golden dragons coiling around it and the other scroll was pure black with weird inscriptions on it. I don't why but the scrolls gave me a weird sensation. It felt like they belonged to me that they were a part of me. Soon I left this country to pursue a future in the US. I was only 13 at the time I was brimming with hope.
But soon reality reared it ugly head towards me as soon as got into the school the students looked at me with a sneer and looking down on me. The educators where bias and kept on talking down to me like I was a country bumpkin. Soon things got worse as insults starts flying at me and my disabillity. From worse it turn to turn to hell when I accidently spilled a drink at the most popular and richest boy in school Christopher Jacobs he then turned my life into an cruel nightmare. First thing he did was to bribe the teachers into giving me the worst grade possible and got me expelled. That was the beginning he delayed every flight so i would stay on the school campus to torture me but he forcibly bought all my parents land and starved them to death. When I found out this school was going to be cloaked in chaos and madness. Christopher was planning to send me back to Sri lank within 3 days possibly planning to kill me there. Before I die I wanted to see my family keepsake the scroll from what my father said these objects where found by my ancestors as it fell from the skies. I unraveled the scrolls soon a energ-- correct energies started flow through. A starry energy flow and felt my mind getting composed and clearer and a gold energy increased my body but soon it faded away.
As I was heading out of my domortory Christopher came infront of me with his gang of spoilt rich kids.
"Hey Shakti how are you? no more importantly how are your parents?" Christopher asked me
I threw a punch at him but one of his cronies shoved his fist at my stomach. I gasped and coughed up spit. Christopher just smirkerd and all of the students also smirked. I grow angry the golden energy starts to circulate through my body but it was about to dissapiate however my entire started to hurt the starry energy as well the pain increased I grabbed one of Christophers followers by the head and crushed it killing him instantly . Everybody gasped
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Everybody P.O.V
The school loser just grabbed one student by the head and crushed like an apple. His entire hand was covered in blood and brains. Then he stared at us his eyes where royal blue ringed with gold it caused them to freeze up. Those eyes made them feel like that stuck in front judgemental king no dragon something overpowering then he started to attack like crazy killed three of them in a single moment. some of us started to run some of us started to beg some even cried. But everyone killed by him swiftly. A prestigious academy become an bloody massacre.
"He is crazy"
"what is he?"
"Have mercy?"
Despite their pleas all of them were cut out of the realm of the living the limbs were ripped off. Some of them had their heart gouged out. But one guy had his lower jaw ripped off and had his face viciously beaten with his own lower jaw. The only one remaining was Christopher Jacobs he was crying and pissing himself.
"Please don't kill me I will give anything all of money and property even women"
He was scum even in death like situations but he grabbed Christopher's legs and started to tear him. He was relishing in Christopher's pain. Christopher's pain riddled and dread with eye full of tears. Even in death he was in misery.
Shakti P.O.V
My body was exploding my blood vessels were exploding my veins were exploding. Tears of blood leaked out my eye as well as every pore in my body.
'mom dad I am coming to you' I thought as my life left me
No one P.O.V
In the school of recently deceased students 2 beams of pure of light appeared amongst the sea of blood. The beams of light soon took the form of human bodies. The first light manifested an old oriental man with his back crouched. His face was littered with large amounts wrinkles and bleak black eyes where sunken in but they had an harshness and dominance. He wore a black gown with elaborate purple snakes. This was the god of Daoism Bei Fong He was the first person to use Dao and spiritual harmonisation for combat based purpose. The second person was a tall well muscled man with an with feminine face. His blonde hair were like strands of gold were placed perfectly on his scalp. He was beautiful being. This was the god of cultivation Ling Tian the first person to ever perceive the path of cultivation.
" WHAT IN THE HELL WAS THAT!?" shouted the old man in shock if he wasn't an god the man would have had an heart attack.
"Calm down lets check the person who has the Qi energy" Ling Tian said amusement but he himself was curious. There were many worlds which had people that had the ability to cultivate but this world was not one of them. This denizens of this world had no dantian which is necessary to gain access to the Qi energy. They searched the searched the various corpses and came across a body. The body has jet black hair and light brown skin much like copper from what he can see from the small parts of his body.
Bei Fong checked his body and was wide eyed when felt the bodies spiritual energy no energies but how. Bei Fong checked the body for any objects and found 2 scrolls and almost coughed up blood seeing them.
"Hey Blondie come here I want to show something" Shouted Bei Fong.
Ling Tian walked towards the old man and looked at the corpse that Bei Fong was near and could feel a light energy signatures.
" He circulated combat Qi through his blood vessels and Daoist Qi through his nerves" He said looking like he aged a lot which surprisingly considering he already looks like he is in 100 years for an human. But what he said shocked Ling Tian Combat Qi enhance a persons physique and gives them unique abilities and skills. Daoist Qi enhances a persons intelligence and changes temperament at some times but these two energies can never Co exist. There will cause the person to loose the ability to cultivate instantly
He then showed Ling Tian the scrolls shocking him immensely. The strongest Cultivation techniques they created was here and was finally used by somebody. Who in the world was this boy?
What do you guys think?
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