When she asked him why he didn't invite her to the wedding, he laughed and said she was shy and afraid of rich people. Qian Meng understood that Xiao Chen didn't want his girlfriend to meet his father and dismissed the whole issue, never asking again.
"He would kill me," Li Li Hua giggled.
"What do you think of his girlfriend, by the way?" Qian Meng asked. "I haven't had a chance to ask you."
"She is a really sweet girl. I know Xiao Chen is taken with her." Qian Meng nodded. "I hope she feels the same way about him. I hate seeing my children hurt and I know he will be devastated if they don't work out."
"I agree with that." But she believed that it would work out.
"Xiao Chen is my passionate baby. When he loves, he loves hard." Li Li Hua paused. "Oh, look at this one!" she yelped as she came across a picture of a little messy-haired boy. "This is Qingchen."
YQM and MQC separately want kids. YQM because in the last life she struggled with it and MQC because he doesn't want YQM to struggle. But that is not a reason to bring new life into this world. It's a commitment and a promise of unconditional love. They haven't spoken about this, though.
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