70.37% Cobra Kai: A Great Fighter / Chapter 19: Kai the destroyer?

章 19: Kai the destroyer?

Other than the house being bigger than he expected, it had everything he asked for.

Kai then left the house to park his car in the garage and get his bags that were in the car.

And then he went upstairs to the master bedroom to store his bags.

And he went down to the kitchen, one of the things Kai liked to do the most was cooking, well actually he likes to eat delicious things.

So he decided to learn how to cook, and as expected he learned quickly, or rather he learned with just one look he only needs to see the recipe once and he does everything perfectly.

Kai was deciding what to do, his pantry was full of different items, so he had many options.

He decided to make something that was quick to make, but that didn't narrow down the options too much.

After thinking about it for a while, he remembered that he had neighbors who live very close by, and he decided to do something for them too.

But choosing something to offer was easier, what kind of food do new neighbors usually offer, well, old neighbors tend to do that.

But the answer is pretty easy, an apple pie.

Kai then went to get the ingredients while he was still undecided on what to eat.

And finally decided to make a lasagna.

But first he was going to make the apple pie, which was easy, plus he learned just by looking at the recipe, or someone making it, he had already made one.

So it was enough time for him to change the recipe a little bit and improve there.

Kai went to the kitchen counter to place the ingredients and everything else he would need.

And in less than 10 minutes he already had the pie on the stove.

And then Kai went to make the lasagna while he waited for the pie to be ready.

Thirty minutes later, Kai took the pie out, changed it, and covered it.

Seeing that it was a little far from the lasagna to be ready, he went to the neighbor's house to deliver the pie.

Of course, after waiting for it to cool down considerably, looking at the pie, Kai was slightly tempted to try a piece.

But knowing his cooking and his love of sweet things, he forced himself not to taste it, because if he did he couldn't guarantee that the pie would reach the neighbors.

Kai then left the house with the pie in his hands, his neighbors' house wasn't too far away, it was possible for a normal person to see in the distance.

It didn't take long for him to reach his destination.


(Amanda LaRusso POV)

Everything was running normally, today I was taking care of my youngest son Anthony.

Or rather, looking at him being lazy and spending the whole afternoon playing without caring about the rest.

Honestly, I don't know where we went wrong, Samantha was so cute at that age following her dad in karate gear.

Although nowadays she is almost never at home anymore, I think my husband and I really spoil them too much.

But can we blame ourselves, we just gave our kids what we couldn't have in our childhood.

But it seems that contrary to what we expected, they are growing up without understanding the difficulties of life, which was exactly what we wanted.

But I can't help thinking we've done something wrong.

'Don't worry Amanda, this is normal, he is still a child and she is just going through adolescence.' I comfort myself by thinking that these days will pass.

The worst part is having to sort of lie to my husband that I'm sure this is normal.

I snap out of my daydreams when I hear the doorbell, which my son pretends not to hear.

Sighing, I walk to the door and give her a happy smile before opening the door.


(3rd person POV)

Kai waited patiently after pressing the bell, hearing the light footsteps approaching the door, he realized it was a woman.

Amanda opened the door and looked at Kai wondering who he was.

"Hello, nice to meet you, I'm your new neighbor." Kai gestured towards her house, so that she could see "My name is Kai Kresse, but can you call me Kai, and are you Miss?"

Amanda listened to everything attentively, and smiled politely when she heard that he was the new neighbor, and gave an even stronger smile when she heard the compliment when she was called Miss.

"Ah, you're very kind, I'm already a lady actually." She said with a smile and saw that Kai made a slightly shocked expression as if she said "Really? It doesn't look like it."

"My name is Amanda LaRusso and it's nice to meet you too, would you like to come in?" Amanda asked with a smile.

Kai guessed that this woman must be Daniel LaRusso's wife.

Kai smiled and apologized "Sorry I can't come in, I'm a little busy, I just came to meet my neighbors and brought you this pie."

Kai delivered the pie and said goodbye, before leaving and heading towards his house.

Amanda looked at the pie in her hands, even covered she could smell the delicious smell it gave off.

She walked in and went to the kitchen.

Once there, she placed the pie on the table before finally doing something she had wanted so much since she smelled it.

Finally the long-awaited moment arrived, she was finding it a little funny to be so excited for a pie, but the smell that followed made her think that there was nothing wrong with her excitement.

As soon as she took the lid off, the smell was gone completely and in just a few seconds it had spread to every room it could before dissipating.

But it was enough for the only two people in the house to appreciate.

Amanda then heard the sound of footsteps, and her son appeared in the kitchen doorway.

She was happy to see him leave the games, but she didn't forget the pie.

And he got two plates and forks and a knife to cut the pie.

Amanda finally focused on the pie, and it looked pretty good, it was simple but not at all.

Actually she didn't see anything else, it was just like any normal pie, but something looked amazing and beautiful.

And that was the perfect symmetry, and the perfection with which it was made, it was like a sculpture that was measured and left no irregularity.

This shows Kai's dedication to perfection, even though he is "perfect" there's no way he can make everything he touches also perfect, making such a perfect pie is only possible with a lot of experience.

She looked at the pie in wonder, almost wanting to not eat it and simply using it as a decoration was what she wanted in her heart.

But her stomach spoke louder with her protests, she was looking forward to the taste, seeing such an appetizing appearance.

Sometimes food doesn't need to be decorated, just presented in an amazing and memorable way.

And she felt that the smell and appearance of this pie was certainly unforgettable.

She without waiting any longer cut two pieces and placed them on the plates.

Handing one to her son, she thought he was just going to pick it up and take it to eat while he played, but quite the opposite.

But he was also seduced by the pie, he sat down at the table and ate.

Seeing his happy and surprised face as he ate, Amanda came out of her daydreams and also tasted the apple pie.

It was simply divine it was so good, it was the first time she had eaten something so terribly delicious like this.

Eating this delicious stuff, Amanda forgot about her previous problems as if they weren't even there.

She was happy and continued to eat.

Before, she was worried about being left out by her husband, even though he always says they are a team.

But when she thought about what happened she couldn't help but feel insecure.

A few hours ago, she learned from her husband that the biggest shareholder, the man who ended a crisis they were suffering and basically ended all the vampires (referring to the other shareholders) that inhabited the company, who only cared about the blood(profit) of your loan.

She wanted to meet the person and thank them for everything, but her husband said it wasn't necessary, but she insisted.

And so he gave up, but when she arrived at the company he wasn't there.

Amanda didn't know what to do, she felt a little betrayed, not wanting to spend another second there being silly, she turned around and went back to the house.

Usually she wouldn't be at home but working at the company.

She simply dismissed the nanny and decided to give the children a little affection.

But the older one left as soon as he heard she was leaving, leaving the message to hang out with her friends, and the younger one didn't leave his games, and she didn't want to fight with him.

So we've come to this moment.

Amanda opened the door and accepted a gift from her new neighbor, which she didn't regret one bit.

If she had been more sane, she would have realized that she was a little strange and would have felt a little embarrassed, normally it was the oldest neighbor who gave the new neighbor a welcome gift, and she just sent it away empty-handed.

But she was more entertained by the delicious pie.

So time passed, she and her son enjoying the pie and during that time they started talking a little.

They were taking their time enjoying every second of the sweetness in their mouths.

"Honey, how was your day?" Daniel LaRusso walked into the kitchen seeing his son and his wife eating and talking he smiled happily.

He heard his wife went to the company but didn't talk to him and went back home, he knew her well enough to know she was a little mad.

What was worse was that he couldn't explain himself, that Kai the new shareholder had other things to do, and they only exchanged a few words.

"Did everything go well, and how was it at the dealership?" Amanda smiled and asked, she even looked like a completely different person.

"It was okay, about the new shareholder I-" Daniel was about to explain.

"Don't worry about that." Amanda showed that she didn't want to talk about it and Daniel knows that insisting won't lead to anything, insisting could even be worse.

He then smelled it, and just like the two members of his family, he fell in love with the incredible taste.

After a while, they made the decision to visit the neighbor, but they didn't know what to take and they couldn't go empty-handed.

Until Daniel decided to take a beautiful bonsai tree, even then they thought it was a rather bland gift, which it really was.

But in the end, that's all they took.

What surprised the couple was that their son also showed interest in going to visit the new neighbor.


Kai was in the kitchen ready to eat the lasagna. 'I think I overdid it a bit.' He looked at the big stuffed lasagna and thought.

Well, even though it's a bit over the top Kai didn't care about it, anyway, even if he made a full-size lasagna, he wouldn't eat it completely.

And he'd end up leaving it for dinner, which he wasn't sure he'd be having at home, and he remembered he had to call Johnny to make an appointment for drinks that night.

Which he did quickly, as expected, Johnny had nothing to do that night.

And just as Kai was cutting a piece of lasagna, he stopped, having felt something.

But not knowing what it was he walked towards the place that was catching his attention, the front door.

Once there, Kai didn't have to wait a second before the doorbell rang.

Opening the door, he was mildly surprised to see the LaRusso family at his door.

But Daniel was completely surprised, he would never have guessed that Kai was his new neighbor.

He was speechless about it and Kai decided to speak.

"It's a pleasure to see you, Mr. LaRusso and Miss Amanda." Kai the lengths.

Hearing Kai's voice, Daniel came to.

"I was very surprised, I didn't expect you to be our neighbor."

"Amanda, this is Kai Kresse, the new shareholder of the dealership, and this is my Wife Amanda..." Daniel introduced Kai.

"I was a little surprised too, but I became suspicious when I met your wife." Kai talked to them.

Daniel remembered something, and made room to show his son who was behind them.

"This is my youngest son Anthony, and Anthony is a friend of his father Kai-." He introduced his son to Kai, and spoke kindly to his son as he introduced Kai.

Anthony kept looking intently at Kai, and his eyes almost sparkled as he looked at him and in awe said a little loudly excitedly "You are Kai the destroyer!"

"Kai the destroyer?" The LaRusso couple were in doubt.

"Well, come in and I'll explain to you." Kai said with an unsurprised smile upon being recognized by the boy.


Kai the destroyer is an army nickname, which ended up with people using it in games for the character of Kai.

The history of this nickname is a little funny.

When the whole war was over, Kai finally asked himself something that had been on his mind since he heard about this war: Why the fuck did this small country declare war on humanity's number one power.

So he went to research about it, basically they didn't want to submit and because of the greed of their leader who basically wanted to dominate the world.

They declared war, but that wasn't all, they weren't idiots, their plan was something much worse.

They knew they would never be able to win... without help.

But they didn't know what to do, they couldn't just ask for help because they knew it would come to nothing.

But they also knew that other countries would never miss an opportunity to attack if they could be sure of victory.

So they created a plan to weaken their enemy.

A war against such a great power would lead to nothing but defeat, after all there are thousands of soldiers and each year that number only increases.

And so the war would not weaken the country, and they also knew that they would never be in too much danger because the other countries would not allow the United States to use the really heavy weapons.

And the United States wouldn't do that either, after all that way it would end up being "weak" and could be affected in the same way by others, and also wanted to train its soldiers and what better way than a battle for its own life and the honor of its country.

And so it went.

The small country finally had an idea of ​​how to weaken its enemy, and that was with terrorist attacks but not totally random ones.

After all, this would affect the common people more and would have the opposite effect against public opinion, so the best way to weaken him would be with planned attacks aimed at his main cities.

And that was their plan, they knew they couldn't complete 100% but they were confident they could complete at least 50% of it all.

But there was something they didn't tell, or rather someone: Kai.

He already showed himself to be a perfect soldier the moment he stepped onto that battlefield.

When they were about to start their plan they realized that it was no longer viable because of Kai.

They were losing men and needed to keep supplying so they didn't lose everything.

So in a way Kai ended their plans, and among the people who knew about all of this he was called Kai the destroyer.

And when some soldiers also found out about it, with pride and admiration they called Kai that.

And so that nickname stuck, Kai cared no better than being called the Terminator.

As for the games, they didn't use this nickname at first, not all of them.

And the ones they used were from anti-war people who didn't like Kai calling him a murderer and stuff like that.

Many protests were made against Kai which did not last long as he simply overpowered them with his words and made them change their minds.

And so this nickname, which for a while was called a priority, was once again used with pride by people.


Kai explained that this was what he was called in the game characters that were based on him.

But he underestimated the boy as he was a huge fan who knew almost everything about Kai, or rather about what he released as public information.

And so the LaRusso family knew he was a soldier, and they looked up to him with admiration and respect.

Kai talked to them about other things, and after they heard that Kai was interested in going to a school, they suggested their daughter's school.

They assured him that they could help him in, and then they ate the lasagna Kai had made and chatted happily.


This was certainly one of the most difficult chapters to make, that's because it was revised several times by me and I removed several "useless" things and even so it was big.

I had decided to make it just 1500 words, which would allow me to post faster.

But with 1500 words it was a little incomplete because I had a lot of ideas, it's even possible to see that it got a little rushed.

So I'd like to let you know that from now on it's going to be 1500 words in most of the chapters I release.

I should have posted this a few days ago, but every time I thought I was done, some ideas came and when I read I saw that some parts weren't necessary.

For example, I had made a description of him making the pie (which in this case I know how to make.) but I realized that many would not like to see that and so I removed it.

I even thought the part with the LaRusso family alone was a little big, and it added a few touches, that's all it was.

Oh right, if it's possible can you please subscribe to this YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@DarKKnight0000. Not to be confused, it's a Gacha channel.

next chapter
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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C19
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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