Cobra Kai - The Anomaly Cobra Kai - The Anomaly original

Cobra Kai - The Anomaly

作者: DaOisT_

© WebNovel


"Be good and try to stay out of trouble, will you?.." Mr.Walker said in his parent's voice as he grabbed Myles' shoulder and shook him a bit.

"Yes, sir..." Myles said in a groggy voice, as it was still early in the morning, at least for him..

As Myles was opening the door and going out, Mr.Walker grabbed his arm and said in a serious voice,

"And... uh..If you get... angry.. just try to count to ten and don't let it get to you aight?.."

Mr.Walker said in an encouraging voice as he let go of his arm.

Myles got out of the car, wawed, and started walking into the school not looking back. Mr.Walker smiled, shook his head, and drove off.

When Myles walked into the school the first thing he saw was just kids going about their day. Some were looking at him, especially girls, some were ignoring him and some seemed to be scared of him, reason unknown.

He looked around and saw stairs leading to the first floor, some hallway to the left. So he went left, he was trying to find a reception and thought that it should here, the main floor. Going through the school trying to find the reception he found out that the school is actually a lot bigger on the inside than the outside. Finally, after finding out where are the lockers, classes, the cafeteria, etc. he finally found the reception.

There he found some teacher, almost bald, a little bit on the heavy side but seemed fine. After answering simple questions like his name, class, etc. Myles got his schedule, a number of his locker, and a key to the locker. The reason he didn't have the schedule or the key beforehand was that he transferred here at the last minute.

Holding the schedule in his hand, the key in the other, he was reading through the schedule and familiarizing with it. He got to his locker, opened it, and started to put his books in. In the middle of organizing his books, a girl walked right next to him and opened her locker, which was right next to his. He looked at her, and... Oh, boy was she beautiful. The girl, apparently sensing his gaze, looked at him too. Their eyes met as Myles looked into her stunning and sweet brown eyes that had a strange sparkle to them. Her sharp features, full lips, shiny, strong, and even soft-looking brown hair. She completely mesmerized him as he was staring at her for a few seconds like an idiot, she giggled at his staring and smiled at him sweetly before walking away, Myles still looking at her until her figure disappeared.

'What the fuck?..'

He thought as he was looking at the place where the girl disappeared, this was the first time he felt like he was being pulled to a girl and not the other way around.

'What the hell is wrong with me?..'

'Nah I am imagining things, that was the first hot girl I saw here so I was just a little bit surprised.. Yeah.. All the girls I was seeing the last 15 minutes were below average so she just surprised me a little.'

'Yeah.. That's it. Like I was just seeing rocks the whole way here and suddenly I found a diamond.. Surprised me a little bit there but she is nothing special.' [READ THE PARAGRAPH PLEASE]

Myles smiled after he came to that conclusion, finally finishing the locker he went to his classes.

'But.. she might be worthwhile to checkout'


Walking into the cafeteria and immediately going in the line for the launch Myles mostly paid attention to his phone, where he was checking out cars as he just got his driver's license, occasionally glancing up from the phone to look at the other kids. As he was getting in the final minutes of actually getting his launch he hid the phone in his pocket, looking from table to table to find a seat, only to find a familiar face.

The brunette from this morning. Who was right now sitting with another brunette and a blond laughing about something, if Myles was, to be honest, that blond looked like anything but a good person.

He laughed at his own assumption only to get weird looks from the kids around him, which he ignored and laughed nonetheless.

Well, the girls shared one thing and that was that every one of them was hot, the original brunette being the hottest of course.

Finally getting the launch, picking up his tray, and moving past the line to look for a seat.

"-I kill both of you just to get her to spit in my face.."

Myles hearing this looked at the owner of the voice who was actually right next to him, a black-haired boy.

Couldn't see his face as Myles was behind him. Then looked at the direction the black hair was glancing at and of course, it was the girl's table.

"If you don't make a move you are never gonna have a shot with her?.." Said a scrawny Mexican kid sitting across him.

"True, but I also never suffer a humiliating rejection... I am at peace with my depression, the least I need is to be suicidal.." The last few words were almost a whisper.

Myles just thought he was an idiot, he looked around but sighed and sat at their table. This got him looks from the three boys sitting there.

"Just drool over them for the rest of high school, I am sure they are gonna come running after you," Myles said and then snickered right after.

The black-haired kid looked at him in disbelief, ignored his remark, and was scanning him from head to toe.

"Why the hell are you sitting here? You don't look like you belong on this table?"

Myles smiled at that, he certainly wasn't really looking like he belonged there. Myles was tall around 6'1, athletic build, with blond hair, electric blue eyes, sharp features, sharp jawline, high cheekbones, and just a really handsome guy.

"Nowhere else is space, got problem?.."

Myles asked with a cold tone and meeting the black-haired kid's gaze, who in response immediately looked at his food and just whispered under his breath.

Myles just laughed at his reaction and started eating his food. The guy beside the black-haired kid looked like he was ready to cry and the Mexican kid just shook his head and got up and walked over to the table with the girls. Which piqued Myles's interest as he looked at the scene that was going to unfold.

The Mexican kid continued while he smiled at the other brunette, the brunette actually smiled at him sweetly which surprised Myles. When the Mexican kid was about to say something an Asian kid walked behind the brunette and put an arm around her as he wawed at the Mexican kid while showing him a full smile of mockery. The Mexican kid then frowned and just went back to his table and sighed, and then some fatass took a chair and sat at the girl's table, and started talking to girls, especially to the brunette Myles was actually interested in.

At that Myles clicked his tongue as he was looking at the fatass who was feeling like a hot shit from how he was talking.

Myles looked at the brunette who was laughing and that actually pissed him off even more. How could she talk with such an ass? He gritted his teeth at which the boys at his table frowned and looked in the direction he was glancing at, which was of course the girl's table. Especially at the brunette, he was interested in.

"You have something going for Moon?.."

The black-haired kid asked carefully, not wanting to piss him off even more. At which the kid with the lip flinched, Myles noted both her name and the flinch. As he was thinking he started to listen to what the fatass was saying,

"So Moon, would you wanna hang out with me, this Friday or something like that? I will make it worth your beautiful time... Huh?" He tried to seem cool but it just turned out weird, especially coming from him. Moon frowned and said something which smacked of the smile from his face but alas at that point, Myles didn't hear it nor did he saw as he completely lost his reasoning.

Myles stood up and walked over to the table where Moon was sitting, her face lighted up when she saw him but Myles didn't see that as well. He tapped the back of the asshole that was hitting on Moon, as the fatass turned around Myles didn't even let him speak a word as he smashed a right hook right across his jaw, knocking him off the chair. Everyone gasped at that, especially Moon who immediately shot a face at Myles which just said 'What the hell is your problem?!'. But Myles just didn't see it, the fatass seemed to be dizzy as he kept shaking his head but Myles didn't care as with a little bit of momentum he kicked him right in the jaw, again, knocking him out cold.

The whole cafeteria was quiet as Myles just spitted on him at which the Asian kid just rushed him trying to tackle him, actually grabbing Myles, but didn't go as expected as Myles just grabbed him back and leaned against him, both of them now stood in a standstill.

From which Myles grip got stronger to the extent where the Asian kid couldn't move and paid the price for it as in the next second Myles kneeled him right into the stomach.

Then grabbing his head to knee him again right into the nose. Grabbing him again to pick him up for a second before slamming him into the table where the 3 kids sat, breaking the table in half. The 3 just quickly stood up from the table with the trays in their hands.

After that other 2 kids got up at which Myles picked up a chair and slammed the chair into the guy closest to him who in return just fell to the ground with a grunt, next second throwing the chair at the other kid who actually caught the chair before Myles tackled the guy to the ground before punching him a few times, hard in the face. There could be heard a few crunches so everyone was sure that he at least broke his nose.

However, Myles got suddenly grabbed from behind by the guy who went down a few seconds ago, getting Myles on his feet before Myles caught his right hand, put his leg before his leg to pick him up in the air for a few seconds before ultimately slamming him on the ground.

Myles looked around him to see the 4 guys on the floor grunting and cursing, and the 3 girls looking at him with surprise at what just went down. Now out of the adrenalin he actually started to notice his surroundings as the entire cafeteria was looking at him, some in shock, some actually seemed happy and some were looking at him as if they saw a thug.

As the original surprise fell of the people the other brunette got up with and quickly went to the Asian kid with a panic in her eyes. When she got to him she knelt right next to him and touched his face slowly, at which he yelped with pain.

"Kyler, are you okay?!.."

She spoke up with panic in her voice and a look of anger when she looked at Myles who in response just grinned at her,

"He should have stayed down if he was just a fucking barking bitch.." He barked at her, 3 guys just jumped me and this bitch is having a problem with me? He thought. He started the fight but he just wasn't having it. He wouldn't say anything if they were scared or some shit but they went for him. And from the looks of things, this wasn't their first fight.

"Fucking psycho, what did they do to you?!.." Said the girl with blond hair.

The girl was just throwing wood into a fire, as Myles was just at the line where he might just punch her too, he looks into her eyes,

"Shut.The.Fuck.Up." He responds in a cold tone as he narrowed his eyes at her.

The blond-haired girl doesn't dodge his gaze but tenses a bit, Myles seeing that she was still looking him in the eyes, an evil grin showed on his face,

"You are brave... BUT I-" He wanted to continue but at that moment Moon had enough as she spoke up.

"What's wrong with you?!.." She said in an angry voice.

Almost all her friends were lying on the ground in pain because of him and he was even disrespectful to her best friend. Right now she was only angry at him, she didn't care if he was hot or not.

When he heard the words she said, he got even angrier and met her gaze for the second time today, when he met her gaze, especially her brown sweet but now angry eyes, it was like someone poured cold water on him. Immediately losing all the anger that was in him, he got nervous all of a sudden, and couldn't find any words as he opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it. He was like a child in front of her, and that didn't go unnoticed by her and other people as well.

The handsome, confident guy who was really scary a few seconds ago now completely lost the 'aura' he had. Everyone just expected him to get even angrier than before because of her lecturing but who knew that she would actually calm him down and even make him nervous?

".. I-I...-" Myles didn't finish as the door to the cafeteria suddenly opened...

The door to the cafeteria opened with a screech as a woman walked in. Probably in her late 30s with brown hair and black glasses, she wasn't very attractive and seemed annoying.

As Myles saw the women and the attention shifting from them to her he regained his composure and put his hands into his pockets.

"Counselor Blatt.." Someone mumbled, but in this silence loud enough for the whole cafeteria to hear. Including Myles.

"Launch is almost done so you should be going back to the class as-" She didn't finish the sentence as she suddenly saw 4 boys on the ground, grunting and cursing, and a certain blond-haired boy in the center of it.

"What the hell happened here?!.."

After that, almost everyone looked in Myles' direction. He was just smiling at her.

Seeing everyone else's reaction Counselor Blatt confirmed that her suspicion was correct, looked at Myles, and questioned him,

"Did you do this?!.." She screamed at him, her angry voice now suddenly got only more vicious.

"No?..." He said as he tilted his head at her.

She grabbed Myles' shoulder and started to drag him away, well more like Myles let her drag him away, he didn't want to be here anymore. The girl he was interested in, actually now didn't like him at all and he even made an idiot out of himself in front of her.. and the stares of the other kids were getting annoying.

"Get them to the infirmary and they are to be questioned in the principal's office! And you young man, we are going to talk, this isn't some kind of ring where you can just beat people and walk away with it! How are you going to take care of your problems when you are an adult?! HUH?!" She said in a very pitchy and annoying voice, making the other students shiver... Myles smiled at her lecturing. He didn't want to be here but that didn't mean that he was going to let her lecture him as if he was her son or something. And he got angry, again...

"Shut up bitch.." He barked at her as his smile changed into a cold look in her direction.

Almost everyone started to get uncomfortable at this point, he called a teacher a 'bitch'... Some thought that they didn't hear him correctly...

As the Counselor Blatt was just staring dumbfounded unable to find words...

"They jumped me first, it was only self-defense, nothing less nothing more," Myles said in a voice where he seemed like he was correcting her.

As he said that he looked straight at the black-haired boy, as he got a closer look at him he saw blue eyes looking all over the room, he was looking very uncomfortable and smiling nervously like an idiot, Myles continued

"Right?.." Myles said in a gentle voice,

But because he looked back Counselor Blatt couldn't see his face. As he was looking at the black-haired boy he narrowed his eyes into a threatening look in his direction. When the black-haired boy saw that he immediately looked away and didn't meet Myles' gaze, coughing nervously into his hand and in thought for a few seconds, where he looked at Myles who in return smiled at him and then at Kyler and his band who were right now on the ground in pain. After that, he finally spoke up,

"Y-Yes.. uh they just.. hah... they just ran at him.. out of nowhere?.. Yeah... Uhm... I mean like the.. uh... Brucks just attacked him.. yes..?" He paused for a second and then continued, "And.. uh... the.. others... hah.. just.. went.. after.. him?..and.. hah.. yeah.."

After that, Myles just smiled at Counselor Blatt and continued the thought of the others attacking first,

"See? It was in self-defense as-" He was just getting started when someone almost screamed at them, interrupting him, and of course it was the other brunette who was still looking at him in anger,

"He is lying! He just went to Brucks only to punch him and-" This time someone interrupted Her, and who else then Counselor Blatt...

"ENOUGH!.. It doesn't matter if it was in self-defense you have just insulted your teacher... YOU HAVE DISRESPECTED MY AUTHORITY AS YOUR TEACHER! YOU ARE GOING TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE RIGHT NOW!!" She screamed the latter half of her speech, at which Myles just smiled, put his hands in his pockets, and started walking away from the cafeteria.

"Lead the way... Hah.." He spoke in a leisurely voice with a hint of anger, as he sighed at the end.

Still with an angry expression on her face but she passed him and motioned with her hand to follow after her.

Before he walked out of the cafeteria he looked one final time at Moon who was still looking angry at him,

"Tch.." He clicked his tongue as he followed Counselor Blatt.

DaOisT_ DaOisT_

So, first of all, I want to say that the length of this chapter won't be a normal occurrence, there were some difficulties so don't expect this kind of chapter-length next time, thx.

Second of all, I want to thanks everybody who will comment, vote, etc. I am open to suggestions so if you have something in mind don't be scared to let me know through comments.

Third of all, an update schedule will be something along the lines of at least 1chapter a week. Don't want to make some promises but there may be 2 chapters etc. And some week there doesn't have to be anything. To be honest I am pretty much shooting into the dark so we see where it will take us.

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次の章はもうすぐ掲載する レビューを書く


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


