A man could be seen exiting the Tower, deep in thoughts. In his hands, he was playing with what looked like a small black button. How much corruption could such a little thing hold? Well, a bit given it was called a breath of corruption.
He kept pondering about how to get stronger. His main flaw right now was the lack of skills. He couldn't control his mana one bit. Yet, he was able to make his weapon morph, which was very similar according to Dario.
What this needed was a brainstorm. He entered the Draconic general chat.
-Josh MF Malum: Anyone who's not busy, meet me at the guild in about 10 minutes. It will be a focus group on how one can become stronger, especially on the topic of skills.
Hopefully a few would show up, right? He slowly made his way there. As he arrived, he couldn't help but gasp as tons of members were gathered there. What was happening?
The power of overthinking is strong. Sometimes, a situation so banal is simply that, banal in the end. Don't try to look for a meaning where there is none. Either way, people tend to believe what they 'figure out themselves'.
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