Adele couldn't believe her ears.
"What? Hell no!" she shouted before reigning in her shock "I can't stay at your place, I mean what do you even think about me? I barely know you! You could be a serial killer or a rapist or a-" he shot her a look that made her clamp her mouth shut.
"Must guys be classified under those vices? You could also be a serial killer or thief for all I know. It's my house and you're the stranger"
"I clearly said a hotel" she said as he turned and looked at her before finally sighing.
"My cards are currently frozen, plus I'm not sleeping at my place tonight. You can leave early tomorrow morning before I'm back" He said. He seemed to be telling the truth and though she was curious why his accounts would be frozen, where she would Ly her head for the night was more pressing to her.
"So much trust in a stranger not to cart away with your properties huh?" she asked as he chuckled and glance at her.