Chosen One in the Wizarding World:(Anakin Skywalker as Cedric Diggory) Chosen One in the Wizarding World:(Anakin Skywalker as Cedric Diggory) original

Chosen One in the Wizarding World:(Anakin Skywalker as Cedric Diggory)

作者: Shadow7Blue

© WebNovel

章 1: Prologue 1: Symbiosis

-Mid Rim, Chommell sector, Naboo system

-32 BBY

"Obi-Wan...promise me...promise me you will train the boy," Qui Gon Jinn said weakly while dying.

"Yes, master," Obi-Wan replied through tears.

"He is the chosen one, he will bring balance... train him," was the last thing Qui Gon said before he died.

As Obi-Wan lamented his death.

Qui-Gon Jinn died at the hands of Darth Moul.

But his soul and essence remained in the force.

This is because he had practiced a very special method, by which a Jedi after death could retain their individuality and return as voices, dreams, or apparitions of their own free will, so that they could help those who needed their guidance.

Qui-Gon had achieved this state and now after his physical body died, he remained in the Force as a ghost who saw the events around him.

He watched as his apprentice still cried his death, but Qui Gon Jinn knew that Obi-Wan was strong and wise, so he knew that he could keep going and stay strong.

Then he saw the conflict on Naboo come to an end, as it seemed they had somehow managed to defeat the Trade Federation.

Qui Gon Jinn then looked for Anakin, but the boy was nowhere to be found.

Since he did not see him on Naboo, Qui-Gon used the force to sense Anakin and was surprised to find that his presence was slowly dissipating in the force, but still remained.

He could not understand how this was happening or what had caused it, but Anakin Skywalker, the chosen one, was dying.

Quickly, Qui Gon Jinn searched through the force for the young man to find out what had happened.

The Force led him to the remains of the Trade Confederacy's Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship that had been destroyed.

He could only assume that the pilots had somehow managed to destroy it, he was a little surprised by this as it was almost impossible to penetrate the shields of this ship with the armament the N-1 starfighters had, but he didn't think about it much more.

Moments later he found the place where he sensed Anakin.

'How is it that his presence in the force is here, he should be on Naboo' Qui-Gon Jinn thought to himself.

Once he approached the place where he felt Anakin's presence, Jinn did not see Anakin's body, nor the skeleton or any trace of him, no..., all that was there was a small orb of uncolored light that was composed of an immaterial substance and filled with force energy.

'Could that be his soul?' wondered Qui-Gon as he looked at the orb in astonishment.

He knew from his studies and research that a soul couldn't remain in the force unless the person had studied some method in their life that would allow it, as he had done by becoming one with the force.

But Anakin had never studied such a thing, as far as Qui Gon Jinn knew he was the only one in many many years who had managed to become one with the force.

"Anakin!" Qui Gon tried to communicate with the orb but got no response.

'Perhaps Anakin is not capable of interacting with others in this state, he seems to be completely unconscious' Jinn said to himself as he saw the quietness in the orb, the only thing he could feel coming from it was the great concentrated energy of the force that seemed to be slowly slipping away.

'Hmmm, his state... it must have something to do with that. Yes, how could I not have thought of it before? Being conceived by midi-chlorians must have given Anakin a unique connection to the force, and that's why his soul, essence, and spirit still prevail' Qui Gon began to understand the current situation a little.

'But this means the boy died... this..., no... this shouldn't be possible, he was the chosen one, how could that happen?' Jinn wondered in shock.

He was still convinced that it was the will of the Force that he found him on the planet Tatooine, but Jinn didn't understand why the boy died, he could still feel that the Force was in the boy and unlike him who was now just a ghost in the force, Anakin in his current state as an orb was still present and interacting in the living world.

'But it is strange..., Anakin is still part of the living world even though he died, though I slowly feel his presence in the living world dissipating and joining the force underworld...'

It was at this moment that Qui Gon remembers something he had researched about the Sith and their ways of accessing similar technologies to allow their souls and essence to persist after death as spirits.

He recalled that the spirits of the Sith Lords used to persist bound to the world of the living through an object, place, or simply due to the strength of their malice and anger.

But unlike the Jedi, the Sith found no peace with this state and instead it could last forever, eventually causing them to go mad.

These techniques differed from what Qui Gon had learned and studied, as well as being against the teachings of the Jedi, mainly because they left the user with a limited ability to interact with their environment.

'Anakin's situation is very similar to these, but I can't sense any fluctuations of the Dark side of the force in him, he is completely neutral and his time in this state is limited, I can feel it...'

'Now... If I remember correctly, the Sith could possess other people with their spirits since they are still part of the world of the living... maybe Anakin could do something similar, he could merge with a soul and live again'...

'Yes, two souls in one body, that should be possible through a symbiosis between the souls, just as it happens with midi-chlorians and the living beings'

'But the problem is that Anakin is completely unconscious and it seems that he is not able to do anything on his own in that state...'

'It was the will of the Force that brought me to be here at this precise moment with Anakin, and I could sense that it is the will of the Force that now expects me to help this boy to survive.'

'All right, I will guide Anakin to his destiny.' After finally making up his mind, Qui Gon connected with the Force again to find some soul in the Force that would resonate with Anakin's soul.

He knew that only if the two souls had a very strong resonance was symbiosis possible.

Qui Gon searched the vast galaxy but failed to find anyone who met the necessary conditions.

Yet he did not give up and continued to search the vast universe, the force was everywhere and now he was part of the Force, so he could use his consciousness to extend and travel through the Force.


Finally, Qui Gon Jinn felt it.

He felt a small echo within the body of a living being, the spirit and soul of this being was still weak and young, but it had a strong resonance with Anakin's soul.

Qui Gon had found the soul of the being that Anakin could integrate with, but this soul was still too young, he guessed it was only 3 to 4 years old, while Anakin's soul was already 9 years old along with a great Force energy, something that would completely overshadow the young soul of this being.

Qui Gon Jinn hesitated to integrate Anakin's soul with this being's soul to make symbiosis because the young soul of only 3-4 years old had not fully developed its consciousness and memories, so if Anakin of 9 years old was integrated with this being, it is very likely that there would not be many singularities of his being and only Anakin's being would predominate.

Qui Gon didn't know what to do, he knew Anakin was the chosen one and he couldn't let him die, but it was against his beliefs to prevent a being from living his own life.

Although he knew that the symbiosis of souls was not to replace one soul with another, but to unite the two to merge and form one, and that was not contrary to his beliefs, since all life coexisted in symbiosis with the midi-chlorians.

But this case would drastically affect the future and life of this living being.

'If only it were a more mature soul...' Qui Gon thought as he shook his head.

'Finding another soul that resonates with Anakin would take too long, and the boy doesn't have the time'

If he didn't do something fast, Anakin, the chosen one, would die.

Just right then, as if the Force itself wanted to guide him and help him decide, Qui Gon Jinn caught a flash of the young soul's future.

It was not much that was shown to him, but it was enough to convince him.

Qui Gon Jinn saw how in the future the poor young soul died at the age of only 17 by some kind of evil Sith magic.

In his search for knowledge, Qui Gon had found information about the Sith wizards and witches of antiquity.

He knew that the ancient dark Jedi had adopted the name "Sith" from these wizards and witches.

A Sith wizard or sorcerer was someone who mastered the arts of Sith magic, using incantations, talismans, or chants to concentrate the power of the dark side of the Force.

Sith magic, also known as Sith sorcery, was the Force skill first developed and practised by the original Sith species through which they manipulated the power of the dark side of the Force.

The Sith in the past had done all sorts of experiments with the power of the dark side to create strange rituals and alchemical sciences.

'To think that there are still practitioners of such sinister methods, this world seems to be more complex and darker than I thought' thought Jinn a little stunned.

Qui Gon Jinn could see how atrocious this magic was as in the future the young soul of the being he intended to bond Anakin with, was going to be ripped from his body by this dark magic.

Qui Gon Jinn was aware of many ways the Sith had used to corrupt the soul but he had never heard of a method that allowed them to separate the soul from a person's body, it was so sinister, dark, and horrible that he felt pity for the souls condemned to suffer such a fate.

While from the outside this magic appeared to be painless because it caused no physical damage to the body, Qui Gon Jinn knew that this magic was ripping the soul from the physical body, so the pain must be beyond his imagination.

'At least, the tragic future of this young soul would be different when fused with Anakin's soul...' Qui Gon thought and he seemed to finally decide what to do.

Without wasting any more time, he carried and guided the orb containing Anakin's soul, spirit, and essence to the young soul with which it resonated.

After doing so, the orb itself began to merge with the other soul.

Only a few moments passed and the two souls seemed to have completely merged into one soul composed of the two.

But Qui Gon Jinn who saw all the process could not help but stare in amazement at the strong presence this new soul now had in the Force.

next chapter
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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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