This is a story about a small and unknown talent agent navigating the entertainment industry...
In the dazzling world of entertainment, Shen Tong is a force to be reckoned with. As the top talent agent at Fengxing Entertainment, she navigates the glamorous yet cutthroat industry with an unmatched fervor for success—and a notorious love for money.
But Shen Tong's life is more than just deals and stars. Behind her fierce facade, three men vie for her heart, each offering a unique kind of love. Which will she choose, if any?
Join Shen Tong on a whirlwind journey through fame, fortune, and the ultimate search for true love in a story where the agent behind the scenes shines just as bright as the stars themselves.
レビューを書くI feel like the story could go down any path and I'd enjoy it regardless; it's that well-written. Every character, encounter, and problem is realistic. The author manages the pace flawlessly, keeps exactly the right amount of tension to leave you breathless and eager for another chapter
Based on the synopsis it's inspired by Japanese stories with the MC managing an idol or superstars etc. There are a few differences though: the main character does not seem like the typical dense MC or justice-defending ima go throw punches and be angry and do things that would usually ruin any chance to promote the idol. Instead she's witty, sarcastic, smart and shameless. Absolutely shameless, anything for the money!
This has been a really fun read. The characters are interesting and distinct. The humor is top-notch without being over the top. I've been enjoying it so far.
This web-novel did not catch my attention, but I wanted to read something different for a bit. As I was reading, I felt like dropping it, but before I knew it, I was immersed with some of the characters, especially the MC.
A very entertaining novel which has interesting characters interacting with each other to produce drama, humour and intrigue. Didn't expect a lot while reading this story, however while reading it I came to really enjoy it.
This story is a really good career building novel. The characters are written well with distinct personality traits, especially the MC. The MC also isn't one of those dense MC's which makes it a whole lot better to me at least,
One of my favorites in the slice-of-life genre. Great characterization, interesting story, in-depth and accurate looks at the entertainment industry.
This one is like my guilty pleasure novel. Well written novel. The interaction between character is so realistic. Slow romance is sweet. The comedy is PURE. GOLD. Lots of fun dialogue and back & forth between characters
When I read the first chapter I felt the writing is good and the chapter is interesting but I was afraid of too much details and the pace of the story. I worried for nothing.
I have only read the first chapter of this book and it is making sense. I like the way the author made a twist in the first chapter when he was ready to compensate her and not just being that rude, spoilt rich kid. I love this book maybe because it is a Chinese novel cause I love reading Chinese novel. ❤️
作者 Shazame
Shen Tong who values money and wealth above everything dedicates herself to her job, as she strives to reach the peak of everything she does. As she rises higher and higher, more and more people start to notice her, but not many can win her attention.... As she battles to reach the top of her field, can anyone win her heart?