10% Chad of Thrones / Chapter 1: Chapter 1
Chad of Thrones Chad of Thrones original

Chad of Thrones

作者: Chado_Sama

© WebNovel

章 1: Chapter 1

Thankfully, Dumbledore had been even easier to finish off than Voldemort, thanks to all the practice. With an army of House-elves to track the soul's movements, it was a simple matter to follow it back to Dumbledore's hidden base and end him.

The fallout from Dumbledore's death and subsequent exposure from using Dark magic was pretty fun to watch, but Chad had more important things to do since he only had a single month to prepare for his next Jump.

He did take pity on Ron though, getting Sirius to use his influence to push for only snapping his wand and forever prohibiting him from using magic. Killing a Dark Lord and the fact that he was still considered a child made it more palatable to the public than just letting him go unpunished, sent to Azkaban, or killing him.

As much as Chad wanted to savour the comforts of the modern era, it was not the reason he had asked for a month vacation before being inserted into Planetos. No, he needed that time to learn everything that could help him in his next Jump.

Unlike the geniuses that he read about being inserted into low tech worlds with all the knowledge they needed to modernise it, Chad barely knew the basics.

Things like crop rotation or double-entry bookkeeping was a given considering how much fanfiction he read, but designing seed drills or a Spinning Jenny? No way.

Thankfully, although with the seven rules of nerf from the Dresden universe in play, he could still use Occlumency, just not Legilimency. That meant that Chad had a month to cram as much technology into his eidetic mind as he could to make a veritable shit tonne of gold off the advancements he could introduce.

Everything from medicine to blacksmithing, from weaving to shipbuilding, Chad absorbed as much knowledge on industrial revolution techniques and beyond as he could. Anything that would give him an advantage over the currently used technology in his next Jump was prioritised.

Without Occlumency, it would not have been possible to learn so much so quickly. But magic was bullshit, and it scoffed at the word impossible! This was part of the reason why Chad had pushed for the Dresden rules instead of ROB just limiting full branches of magic.

Although he could no longer just brainwash people into loyal minions, he could still organise his mind into a full database of valuable information. Plus, there was no way he was going to fight the Night King or dragons without magic, let alone wallow in his filth from lack of hygiene practices.

Fortunately, while a little bare-bones, the CYOA ROB had given him to pick his new abilities from had some interesting choices. It even had a few magical talents.

This was more evidence of ROB's trickery when he tried to nerf his magic completely, for if magic had disappeared from the world, how could he now become a Skinchanger or a Shadowbinder? Warging was also borderline mind control, so it would help get around the new rules that ROB implemented. At least with animals.

Still, Chad had fallen into another trap by trying so desperately to hold onto his magic skills, that he agreed to a 'Quest' instead of a flat ten year stay on Planetos. That had been a mistake, especially when ROB tried to push him into choosing the 'Best Dynasty Ever' quest.

Take the Iron Throne and hold it within your family for three hundred years? No thanks!

After yet another haggling session, it was decided that it would be a mixture between the 'Best Dynasty Ever' and the 'Usurped' scenarios.

Chad could choose any starting region for free, but he had to hold the Iron Throne for twenty years and was not allowed to be born as an heir when he started the Jump. If Chad died, he would take over his own successor if he had one, or he would fail the Jump.

It was a terrible deal, even more so since he would not get any of the boons offered as a reward, but he was bargaining from a weak position. ROB was merely obliging him since a willing participant would be more entertaining to watch, not out of any sort of fairness.

He gained fifty Choice Points to use on something else but extended his time in a place that an inbred girl's pets could kill him with ease. He would have to make sure that situation never happened!

And thankfully, this CYOA let him choose the time of his entry into the world. Future knowledge was still the best cheat to have, well, if you had the power to take advantage of it.

If Chad was a powerless peasant, knowing how to hatch dragons was useless to him, and he would certainly be in no position to prevent Daenerys birthing her three 'children'.

Chad was now 'free' to chose his starting location, and he had thought over the decision extensively. Since he could select any point in time to arrive in this world, and planned to be of a Noble Great House, he needed to choose wisely.

He wanted to have knowledge of future events, but in a time to take advantage of them, like say Robert's Rebellion. Targaryens were out. They had managed to piss everyone off while at the same time losing all of their power.

Baratheon's got a second glance, but not much more. The Stormlands were surrounded by enemies and Chad didn't want to become like Stannis. The only other Houses that had any merit were the Starks or the Lannisters.

The Lannisters had more money than a bull could shit, but other than that, not much really going for them. Tywin would not be willing to share power, even if Chad was not retarded like Jamie Lannister.

The North, on the other hand, would see its leadership wiped out, and since he couldn't choose to be born before Brandon Stark, his younger twin would see him become the Head of the family when they were all killed off by a Mad King Aerys.

Even though it was a cold, desolate place with little going for it, that could all be changed with a bit of effort, magic and technology. Not to mention a lot of manpower.

The North had never been conquered other than with dragons, it was isolated, and had a large landmass with access to the massive magical wall right there for the taking. Chad's new lands would be neighbours with giants, Children of the Forest, Dire wolves, and Wargs!

If he could recruit them, they would be just another advantage he had over other kingdoms. Though he would have to deal with the Wildings since there was little chance of them accepting his rule.

The North was also dirt poor, so it will be very appreciative when he rebuilt it under his name. Well, maybe not some of the lords, but he couldn't be any worse than some of the other Starks that ruled.

It was surprising how they have muddled their way through for eight thousand years and still retained their position of power. Brandon the Burner could have at least sold the North's ships instead of burning them and crippling all northern trade. Just because his dad died at sea.

But the main reason Chad decided on the North, was that its religion was laid back and not too concerned about magic. The Faith of the Seven would kill him if he used his magic blatantly, not so for the Old Gods.

Though it came with its fair share of negative points, it would suit his plans much better than starting in a southern kingdom amidst a civil war, where everyone was gunning for a terribly uncomfortable chair made of swords.

Plus, the Starks would no longer fall into Ned's retarded hands.

Eddard and Lyanna Stark destroyed a House that was thousands of years old with their stupidity in canon, and Chad planned to not allow them to do so again. If he had to fight ice zombies, he preferred not having to rely on Ned or his equally retarded children for help.

Though with most of his magic still intact, it wouldn't be nearly so hard to off the Night King. He would also have plenty of time to prepare since ROB assured him that they would only attack when they did in canon. Though this also came at a price.

ROB really was quite shameless about forcing extra conditions on Chad for keeping his magic. Even though Renly died surrounded by a hundred thousand soldiers because of a single Red Priestess, apparently Chad having magic to protect himself was 'unfair'.

Which it was, in a way. Even as nerfed as he was with Dresden's seven rules, he was still going to dominate Planetos with all the ways Potterverse magic could be utilised.

He had already thought of many ways to get around not killing people with magic, the most significant limit to his power. Though in the Dresden Files magic could be used to kill non-humans, ROB had yet again stepped in to close the apparent loophole and make things harder for Chad.

No one-shotting the Night King with a Killing Curse...

The price for ROB's 'generosity' was instant hatred of any Red Priest, Qartheen Warlock, Shadow Binder or Qohor Sorcerers that he met during his travels.

This meant that he would be unable to recruit other magic users to his cause. Still, since they were mostly segregated from other factions or fanatically religious, it was no great loss.

Chad's children would also not inherit magic, or at least, not until he took over their bodies if he died. Only he would have magic. But what worried him the most was that instead of a thousand White Walkers, the Night King would now have double that at his command.

Since each White Walker could command a hundred undead, that meant that he now needed to fight off two million ice zombies around the year 300AC.

This would still be manageable with the time he had to prepare and with magic to help him fend off zombies with known weaknesses, and thankfully, ROB had not continued to push for more difficult challenges for Chad to face.

Though that could be because Chad suggested to just erase all magic from the world and only have to deal with mundane politics and armies, even ROB conceded that Planetos without magic would be a whole lot less complicated.

Daenerys would become a non-entity.

And so, after getting reamed by ROB and having to face a few extra problems, Chad was set to be born in Winterfell as Brandon Starks younger twin brother in the year 262AC. At least he got to keep his name this time. Jumping between Harry and Chad was a little tedious.

Unfortunately, he would have to take over his new body when it reached nine years of age since he would be shipped off to foster with Lord Arryn. There was also the fact that Chad couldn't allow his new identity time to soil his future reputation with the Flaws he planned to choose for extra CP.

Since Chad was now 'the spare heir', he would go instead of Ned to befriend Robert and make diplomatic inroads with the southern kingdoms. Which Chad found utterly unacceptable, hence why he chose that moment to be inserted into the world.

He planned to have the eight-year-old Ned go in his place, just like canon, screw wasting his time at the Eyrie unable to use his magic or his position to set his future plans in motion.

This meant he would yet again have to suffer through childhood...

Next to be locked in were his Flaws, Perks and Companions. Perhaps unwisely, Chad took three detrimental Flaws for an extra 500 CP to spend.

-Cruel: You are naturally cruel and known as such. You will not be able to suppress the urge to torture people from time to time.

-Stalwart Shield: You are entirely loyal to somebody in this world (Chad's Mother). You will spend a lot of time working with and for them as their loyal supporter and ally.

-The Unworthy: Your sexual appetites are astounding, and you will sire many a bastard (and you probably already have). This will take up a reasonable amount of your time, and your bastards are or will be an extremely troublesome lot.

By the way ROB smiled when Chad chose them, he knew they would make things harder for himself. But he had a plan, whether it was a good one or not was yet to be seen.

Since there was no real mention of Ned Stark's mum in the TV show, Chad assumed she died early. This would stop him from becoming a slave to her orders if she ever took advantage of his obedience.

Cruel was easy points as there were countless bad people in Planetos to take out his new character flaw on. And the Unworthy was just Robert Baratheon syndrome, he had made his companions female, hot and unable to give birth for a reason.

After spending the rest of his Choice Points on what would hopefully help him rule a new planet, Chad faced yet another problem. How the hell was he going to explain all of his items and companions suddenly appearing?

Chado_Sama Chado_Sama

The second book of Chad's adventures in the Multiverse. Please feel free to point out any mistakes or plot holes, but constructive criticism only.

I'm looking at you, David Gayle...

next chapter
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  • 世界の背景

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