50.7% Catastrophic Cultivation! / Chapter 35: Sect Master- Meng Gou

章 35: Sect Master- Meng Gou

5 Stars- Investigating Eclipse Forest: Reports detail strange noises coming from the Forbidden Zone along with a cold and eerie feeling. Rumors include Spirit Herbs and Demon Beasts lurking around the Forest. Extreme Caution Recommended.

Jin Wu took down this task with a face full of excitement. Is there anything more fun than exploring a dark forest??

He walked up to the counter and looked at the Male disciple behind it, Jin Wu handed him the task and the disciple looked at it. He turned his gaze to Jin Wu, who was smiling excitedly at him. The Disciple turned back to the task before approving it.

What was he supposed to say?

Don't go?

The Task was on the notice board for a reason…

What sort of mentally disabled person would refuse a disciple from taking a task on the task board? It was nonsense.

Jin Wu was startled as he received a metal token signifying that he received the task. The Disciple simply said, "Good luck." before going to help other disciples. Jin Wu walked away in a daze, this wasn't according to the script!

He should've told Jin Wu that this task was extremely dangerous and then when Jin Wu insisted, he would call an Elder and then hold a grudge becoming a miniboss for revenge in 100 chapters!

If the Disciple heard Jin Wu's thoughts, he would simply say 'Retarded'.

Jin Wu walked to Mu Yu, who was furiously texting on her phone. She looked up to see Jin Wu holding a metal token with 5 stars on it. She was surprised and asked, "Did I miss the commotion?" Jin Wu let out a breath and pulled Mu Yu's small hand, explaining with surprise, "No!"

Mu Yu was confused and Jin Wu continued, "The Disciple only told me good luck. He didn't even call an Elder or anything! I was surprised!" Mu Yu sighed and shook her head as they walked out of the Task Hall, "You really can't trust those novels. Everywhere they turn, there's a conflict."

Jin Wu smiled happily, "This is better, at least we don't need to deal with so much bullshit." Mu Yu smiled and pulled Jin Wu, saying "Let's go back to the Hidden Sword Peak and prepare. Where's the forbidden area?"

Jin Wu replied, "Eclipse Forest." Mu Yu was stunned and said "Near the clan!" Jin Wu's eyes widened, "No way! The conflict was waiting for us here?!" Mu Yu smiled wryly, "Let's sneak into the Forest… If we meet my clan…" she looked at Jin Wu and her lips twitched.

Jin Wu froze and chuckled awkwardly, swallowing, "Uhm… Yeah." as they returned to Hidden Sword Peak.

Mu Yu and Jin Wu sat in his room, sorting out all their things, preparing for the journey.

Mu Yu flipped over several things she signed in for since the last time. They were all high quality items as she explained that as her cultivation base increased, the quality increased as well.

Jin Wu looked at the few things and smiled happily, sure enough! I can always count on Sarah!

[All Breathing Techniques]

[Warp-Warp Fruit]

[Daisy Johnson Vibration Power]

[1000 Year Old Ginseng]

[All Martial Arts and Fighting Styles on Earth]

Jin Wu swallowed the Warp-Warp Fruit and the Vibration Power before sending a dozen clones into Mu Yu's world to read the techniques and plant the Ginseng.

The Warp fruit allowed him to teleport and the Vibration Power allowed him to be immune to his own Vibrations while also strengthening them at the same time. However, to be at the level of what Jin Wu wanted to be at… He still has a long way to go!

While the duo were preparing for their journey, Elder Tu met with the Sect Master.

The Sect Master looked at Elder Tu and smiled, "I heard you received first place, Wang Tu. Good job!" Elder Tu smiled and bowed, "Yes, Sect Master… However, I would like to inform you of some things." The Sect Master looked at him with a curious gaze and smiled kindly, "Please speak."

Elder Tu sorted himself out before explaining "I think there's something wrong with Disciples Mu Yu, Jin Wu, and Long Zi. During the competitions they showed strength far above their level… Unimaginable strength inconsistent with their cultivation bases… The old man would also like to note that he couldn't see through Mu Yu's cultivation base after the Competition ended."

The Sect Master stroked his beard and waved for Elder Tu to go on, Elder Tu let out a breath and continued, "Just Disciple Jin Wu has displayed a strange form of Martial Arts that the old man is unfamiliar with…" he struggled before saying firmly "The Old man hasn't seen any techniques even close in the Sect's Library."

The Sect Master pursed his lips and stroked his beard in thought, after a few moments he asked, "You believe that Jin Wu is a spy?" Elder Tu was silent for a few moments before explaining his reasoning, "According to Elder Shen in the Hidden Sword Peak, Jin Wu had wasted Roots and only got into the Sect from a backdoor connection… The old man is worried…"

He didn't finish the sentence but the meaning was clear.

There was something wrong with Jin Wu!

The Sect Master asked, "And Mu Yu?" Elder Tu replied, "The old man can't guarantee anything but… all signs point to suspicion." The Sect Master waved and Elder Tu bowed, clasping his fists, "The old man would like to add that Disciple Long Zi is suspected of using Time related techniques, also not in the Sect Library." before retreating "The old man retires." as he left the room.

The Sect Master frowned slightly, stroking his beard. These points were suspicious. He squinted in thought, you have to know, the Sect Master was no slouch. If he was just a small fry, how could he keep the legacy of the Heavenly Sword Sect going?

Despite showing a Nascent Soul Cultivation Base on the surface… He was in the Void Crossing Realm! Albeit, only at the 1st Stage… However, here's where the problem lies. The Sect Master wasn't a greedy or cunning person…

His master only had one disciple and the Sect Master took over the Sect when his Master went into retreat to find a way to cross into the Tribulation Realm. It had been 300 years since then.

The Sect Master rubbed his head and sighed, deciding to keep an eye on the three disciples… As for their secrets, he didn't care. However, if they were really spies, then sorry! He would have to be ruthless!

Any threat to the Sect must be exterminated!

He wouldn't allow the Sect, that his Master entrusted him with, to be destroyed!

As for Elder Tu's concerns, he frowned slightly with an uncomfortable expression. This old fart kept talking about not being in the Sect Library, even an idiot could see what he was insinuating.

But there was no way he was going to press a couple Disciples for their secrets or techniques. Even if those techniques could allow him to ascend to Heaven on the spot. How can you be a Sect Master if you forced the Disciples to give everything to the Sect whenever they got something?

Not only is it immoral, but it was also idiotic. If he bullied his Disciples, would they feel any attachment to the Sect? In the end, he would only cultivate enemies. At that point, how high would the mountain of corpses be?

Forget it.

He, Meng Gou, was an honest Cultivator.

He was more likely to eliminate greedy Elders rather than innocent Disciples. You have to know, Meng Gou was a Sword Cultivator! Sword Cultivators always follow their heart righteously. What Time, what Mystery?

It would only slow the speed of his sword!

Although recently, he had been chatting with a female sword cultivator online, sharing insights. They even video chatted several times, her name was Shi Lan. She was coming to the Heavenly Sword Sect today.

Apparently Shi Lan was the Sect Master of a small Sword Sect. Meng Gou arranged a 'friendly competition between Disciples' and Shi Lan agreed.

Unlike Elder Tu's mysterious online lover, Shi Lan actually had some feelings for Meng Gou. Hopefully, everything went well.

As Meng Gou thought about it, he was excited. He forgot about Elder Tu's concerns and focused on the arrival of Shi Lan. Even if he was a bad person, he couldn't move the trio of Disciples.

Because they were all connected to Mu Yu, who was the daughter of the Ancient Mu Clan!

Speaking of which~

Mu Yu and Jin Wu were flying towards the Eclipse Forest after preparing. However, they didn't know that a Disciple watched them leave before secretly taking out his phone, "Patriarch, Youngest Miss is traveling to Eclipse Forest with the Golden Willow City Lord's Son."

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C35
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


