

作者: obnoxiouslyqueen

© WebNovel


Zyaire Zimmermann walked into the building, taking off his shades. He walked fast and the two men behind him who served as his security, found it difficult to walk closely behind him. It was obvious he was furious with his strong gait and furious speed.

"Mr Zimmermann! " A voice came and a man in a black suit pant, a white shirt with a sleeveless sweater atop it, came running, trying to catch up to them.

Zyaire paid no note to the voice he knew belonged to the man that served as his business adviser. He walked to the elevator and pressed the button, waiting for it to open.

"Mr Zimmermann! " the voice of his business adviser came again making him press the button to the elevator once again.

"Sir.. " comes the voice of his adviser as the man reaches him and leans against the wall, trying to catch his breath from all the running he did

"How can I help you, Mr Harrison? " Zyaire asks, looking briefly at his watch and back at the still not open elevator doors.

"Is this thing broken? This is a private elevator, no one except my family uses it, so why isn't it opening up? " he asks to no one in particular

"Mr Zimmermann... "

"Mr Harrison, I ask again, how can I help you? Have I called you here? " he asks and the 50 year old man adjusts the files he held in his hand

"No, you didn't call me here but I need to speak to you" He says and Zyaire looks at him briefly before looking back at the closed elevator doors

"Mr Harrison, I'm sure whatever you have to talk about isn't all that important and can be scheduled for another time. As you can see I am very busy" Zyaire says, his foot tapping angrily against the tiled floor yet his voice remained calm

"I don't think it can wait... "

"CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN WHY THE FUCK THIS ELEVATOR ISN'T OPENING UP? " Zyaire suddenly yells, turning to the men standing behind him.

"We'll call for help, sir" one of the men says, his voice shaky as he picked up his phone from the phone holster he wore on his trouser.

"HOW CAN THE ELEVATOR NOT OPEN? WHAT? IS THIS SOME SORT OF JOKE? " he asks and by this time he had lost all his calm and his anger had only begun to surface

"Can I help? " a voice comes and he turns to see a woman of about 25 standing beside him, holding two bags.

"What do you want? " Zyaire asked his voice cold.

"Boy, why so cold? I just want to help with the elevator, that's all" she says and a frown covers his face

"What? " he asks letting out a bitter laugh "Do you know who you are talking to? " he asks

"Certainly not God, that's for sure " she says placing a hand on her hip. Truth be told, she had no idea who he was and she didn't really want to know.

She only came to offer help and if it wasn't needed, she had other places to be. "Do you want help or not? " she asks again, adjusting the bags in her hand

"Who... " Zyaire starts but is interrupted by Mr Harrison.

"Sir, just let her help if she can " Mr Harrison says before turning to the young lady that had offered help

"Can you fix the elevator? " he asks and she looks at the elevator before looking at him

"Well, I can try" she says "Here, hold my bag for me" she says to one of the men that stood behind Zyaire

"Come on, collect it. I don't have all day, you know? " she says when the man doesn't collect the bag and stretches her hand out with the bag.

The man clears his throat before he collects the bag from her. "Be careful, I just bought those things " she says before walking over to the elevator and taking off one of her shoes.

Zyaire crosses his arms over his chest, willing himself to say nothing as he watched this woman who clearly had no manners and control of her mouth, fix the elevator.

She hits the button once more with the sole of her shoe and in a second, the door opens. "All done" she says with a smile, putting her shoe back on and walking over to the man she had given her bags and collecting them back.

"Thank you very much " Mr Harrison says and she nods "You should train your son to say thank you too" she says glancing at Zyaire who looks at her with confusion

Was she referring to him? Zyaire Zimmermann?

"Who the hell do you think you are? " he asks and she raises a brow at him

"The one who just helped you with the elevator, that's who. How about you say thank you " she says with a cold glare

Who did this man think he was? A thank you wouldn't kill him but his stupid attitude surely will, if she doesn't take off her shoe and beat him to death with it first.

"Ma'am, I'll have to ask you to leave" The security man says and she turns her glare to him

"Bitch, I wasn't going to stay even if you begged." she says with a glare and without another word she walks away, leaving them in awe.

"Find out who that woman is and I want her here tomorrow morning, with an apology" Zyaire says walking into the elevator along with his security and Mr Harrison

"Yes sir" comes the almost automated reply

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


