100% Campaign of the Dead / Chapter 1: Ch.1 Blood

章 1: Ch.1 Blood

In a well lit room a man of 5 foot 11 inches stands in front of a fridge. he has a light olive complexion, jet black cropped hair with a strong jaw and wide build. He glances into the empty fridge and humms as he remembers he had yet to go to the store for his dinner.

Realizing that it is starting to get late he decided to go ahead and leave for the store now; so grabbing his wallet, keys and pocket knife he leaves his apartment locking the door.

he feels a nice breeze and sees it is still light outside and so he decides to walk to the store as it is only around the block and didn't want to argue with his neighbors about his slightly loud motorcycle.

Alphonso goes out of the apartment complex in his thermal shirt,shorts and flip-flops. He walks along the sidewalk and spots ahead a flickering street lamp and sighs.

"after that car hit it 2 years ago you'd think that it'd be fixed by now and it doesn't help that there isn't any other lamps near it."

After reaching the end of the block he turns an sees the the neighborhood market at the other end of the block an checking his watch it's around 8 and the store closes at 9 so he figured he should hurry as sometimes they closed a little earlier so he loudly flops to the market in his flip-flops and apon arrival gets looked at strangely by a passing fellow in a long coat leaving the market.

he shrugs and continues into the well lit store looking around and grabbing some water, bread, and packed meat he goes to check-out. He doesn't see anyone but checking his watch it's 8:40 and knowing the owner he called out " HAY BEN GET OUT HERE IT'S ALPHONSO"! Waiting for a response he noticed money on the counter knowing if the cashier wasn't there the near residents would just leave approximate amounts for the payment.

Shaking his head he walks behind the counter and opens the register and collects the money from both the till and counter putting both in a small bag to the side then closed the register.

Turning around after grabbing the small bag he enters the employees only section.

Once entering he smells a slight whiff of blood; His crimson eyes narrow as he runs down the hall through two doors down a corridor and go's up the stairs to the security room finding the door locked Alphonso yells "BEN YOU OK OPEN THE DOOR!" with his ear to the door he hears no response just groans off pain and sobbing.

Without further prompting he kicks the door handle breaking it off and then using his pocket knife he sticks the blade tip in a small latch then twists the blade opening the door and bypassing the lock.

Entering the room he finds Ben crouched down squatting back facing him; his hands clutching his bald head and blood seeping between his fingers and the contents of the first aid box strewn about. Alphonso slowly walks up to Ben saying "how's it going Ben I think we need to get you to the hospital."

Reaching out he pats Ben's shoulder apon contact Ben's head whips around and you see him; tears and snot run down his sweat covered and red face and his teeth gritting so hard his gums bleeding.

Seeing AL'S face he yells in unknown sorrow ""AL!!!"" and with slight relief in his face as his color starts to fade you hear in his light breath "help."

Ben starts to collapse and go limp as AL Immediately grabs his shoulders and gently lowered his head to the floor not letting him get hurt in the fall. Quickly setting him down he checks his pulse.

It's gone he starts chest compressions yelling "DAMN IT BEN WHY CAN'T YOU LET ME HAVE A NORMAL SATURDAY NIGHT!!!"

After around 5 minutes and checking for a pulse he feels it faintly, and keeps a finger on there pulse as it starts to get stronger he calmed down and checks out Ben seeing the blood coming from his ears and blood shot eyes he went ahead and grab the stores Lan line and called 911.

Picking up the dispatch asked the emergency and location; taking a deep breath AL calmly responses" not sure he was found bleeding from the ears and doubled over in extreme pain followed by cardiac arrest and then resuscitation currently unconscious and breathing we are in the neighborhood market on the corner of 9th and Central up the stairs in the security room."

"hang on an ambulance is on the way, do you have any information about the victim."

"late thirties names Benjamin howler no medications or history of illness."

"ok if you could stay on the line entell the ambulance arrives." saying ok AL set the phone down shook his head looked back at Ben and sighed "Brother what the hell happened to you?"

next chapter
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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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