27.99% Cambrian's Omniverse (A collection of short stories) / Chapter 138: A Party of Two (League of Legends AU)

章 138: A Party of Two (League of Legends AU)

A/N: A Party of Two was a commissioned two-shot originally written back in April of 2019. Posting it up now as a one-shot for people to enjoy!

Themes: Rough Sex, Drugged Sex, NTR


Miss you, babe.

Katarina can't help but smile at that when she looks down from getting ready for a moment to see the latest message from Garen. Scooping up the smartphone, the red head quickly types out a quick reply to her boyfriend

Miss you too, but I've gotta get ready for the party, honey!

Then she puts down her phone again and goes back to making sure her hair and makeup are absolutely perfect. Behind her, the opulent high-rise apartment that she lives in with Garen is all ready for her visitors to arrive. With Garen out of town for the weekend, Katarina figured she'd be lonely. So, she'd decided she'd throw a party, and sent an invite out to everyone at her place of work.

The first guests should be arriving any minute, though of course, the party itself was scheduled to start a half hour ago. Nobody was going to arrive early to a party though, it was always far more fashionable to be just a little late instead. And you didn't want to be the first person to show up, either, that just made you the weirdo.

Still, Katarina is really just making sure everything is perfect now. She's all ready for people to begin arriving. She's looking forward to it, in fact. She's- another message comes in from Garen, and Katarina's thoughts are derailed as she looks down and reads it.

Hey, can I get a pic of your tits? You know, for the road.

Katarina rolls her eyes at that, blushing just a little bit. But it does put a smile on her face, knowing her boyfriend admires her body so much. She is quite beautiful, after all, and she knows it too. Well… it couldn't hurt. Biting her lower lip, Katarina quickly pulls down the straps on her black dress, shifting it down off of her chest. Then, she quickly flips up the lacy bra she's wearing underneath and proceeds to take a quick selfie, her arms pressed together to accentuate her naked tits, and her face in the shot too as she gives Garen kissy lips.

It's just as she's hitting send that there's a sudden knock on the door. Letting out a yelp, given her current state of undress, Katarina hurriedly adds a quick 'first guests are here, gotta go!' with the picture, before putting her phone down and fixing up her bra and dress as quickly as possible. She's a lot more flustered than she wanted to be, when she finally gets to the door.

"Coming! Sorry, coming!"

Then, she opens the door. It's not anyone she was really expecting, though it's also not a stranger. The guy, standing there, IS in fact a coworker of hers, and Katarina HAD put an open invite on the office bulletin board, so basically everyone was invited. It was just… while the guy was certainly handsome enough, he was also a bit smarmy, and altogether too eager to get into her pants. He'd been trying for a while now at work, and while she'd been a little lax in rebuffing him because she secretly liked the attention, she DID have a boyfriend.

Needless to say, Katarina hadn't expected to be alone with the guy trying to get with her tonight, so it's a little awkward. But at the same time, she figures it's only a matter of time before others start showing up, right? Hell, they're probably on their way up to the apartment right now! Plastering a smile on her face, Katarina steps aside.

"Come in, come in! So good to see you!"

He steps inside but doesn't move past her. Instead, he quickly places a hand on her waist and leans in to steal a kiss, before pulling back with a shit-eating grin on his face.

"You too, babe. When I heard about this party, I couldn't wait to come."

Still flustered from having her tits exposed, albeit in the privacy of her bathroom, less than five minutes ago, Katarina just mumbles a response, even as she looks past him down the hallway, hoping that someone else was showing up around the same time, or something like that. But… there's no one there. In the end, she has to close the door and attend to her singular guest. Her pride as a hostess and a woman demands it.

"Um… help yourself to the refreshments. I'm sure other people will start showing up any second."

Her coworker has already moved into the living room area, where there are cute little cheese trays and bottles of freshly opened red wine. Katarina is so preoccupied with glancing at the door, hoping that someone else will show up, that she fails to so much as notice what he's doing, until he's next to her again, holding out a wine glass to her.

"I hate to drink alone. Here, I poured you a glass."

Tossing him a quick smile, Katarina takes the drink from him. It would be rude not to, though she barely pays it or him any mind as she sips from it. Really, where was everyone? It was one thing to be fashionably late… it was another entirely to leave her alone with this guy. She would have to have words with her friends at work tomorrow, THEY at least should have been here WAY earlier!

"Well… doesn't look like anyone's here yet. Should we play a game to pass the time until then?"

Katarina's eyes flicker over to the seemingly nonchalant man, who has one hand in his suit pocket while the other is holding the wine. He's sipping from the glass, as he raises an eyebrow at her.

"Uh… what did you have in mind?"

His eyes take on a distinct sort of twinkle, and he shrugs.

"We could… do truth or dare, I guess. Something easy, that we can just end the moment someone else gets here."

Katarina frowns, momentarily. But in the end, although she's a little wary, she also doesn't see this guy as much more than harmless. He's just a horny bastard, but he'll take no for an answer, if he knows what's good for him. She'll ruin his damn life if he tries anything with her. Not to mention, if he DID try anything… well, Katarina had had a bit of an ill-spent youth. Even if she was more composed and trying to live the high life now, she was a fighter, and always would be.

"Sure… truth or dare. That sounds like fun."

Her coworker just smiles wider, and they settle in to drink and exchange challenges. Of course, if Katarina had been a bit more aware of just HOW much her coworker lusted after her, the lengths he was willing to go to get with her… well, she might have kicked him out if not kicked his ass, right then and there. Because, no one else was coming. What she had no way of knowing, because she'd taken the day off from work to prepare for the party, was that someone had plastered a notice over her initial announcement, saying that she'd gotten sick and the party was cancelled. Someone, who had a vested interest in getting her alone.

Of course, on top of that, the girls that Katarina considered her 'friends' in the office were really a bunch of cut-throat bitches who didn't think much of her… at all. Put bluntly, she wasn't as well liked at work as she thought she was. So, the moment everyone thought they didn't have to go to her party anymore, they didn't even bother second-guessing it. They were all out on the town, having the time of their lives.

And then there was the drugs. That had been a tricky bit, but Katarina had been so distracted with staring at the door, wishing someone else would arrive, that she completely failed to notice her enamored coworker spiking both of the open bottles of red wine she'd left on the coffee table with something from a vial he'd pulled out of his pocket.

Of course, he drank just as much wine as she did over the next few hours, but the cocktail he'd mixed into the alcohol wasn't designed to roofie her or anything like that. Katarina kept her wits about her… she just got hornier and hornier as the night went on, almost crazed with lust, and with only one man around to slake her needy desires upon…

"I guess it's my turn now. So, Truth or Dare, Kat?"

Giggling, the red head doesn't even mind that he's using Garen's pet name for her right now. Normally, she would have. She would have told him that only Garen got to call her that. But Garen was the farthest thing from Katarina's mind at the moment, as she bit her lower lip and gave the hunk of a man sat across from her bedroom eyes.


She breathes the word lustfully, hoping to convey her NEED to him. She's been flirting with him for what feels like ages now, and yet, he still hasn't made a serious move. Until now, that was.

"Dare, hm? Well then… you look hot in that dress, Kat. It's a cute little number, but why don't you strip out of it and come over here and give me a kiss, huh?"

A few hours ago, she would have kicked him out for suggesting such a thing. A couple hours back, she would have whined playfully that he was basically daring her to do TWO things instead of one. But as Katarina was right now? She hops up off the couch and practically TEARS her dress off herself, pulling the straps off, and then shimmying out of it, leaving herself wearing nothing but her lacy bra and panties. As soon as she's kicked the dress off to the side, Katarina saunters back over to the couch where HE is sat, and leans down over him, wrapping her arms around his neck and giving him the sexiest, sluttiest kiss, she's ever given anyone.

Their tongues intertwine and they makeout sloppily for what feels like an eternity. Katarina is on FIRE right now, every fiber of her being needing, absolutely NEEDING to be fucked. She wants cock. She wants it so fucking badly. And she knows… she knows it's right in front of her, between her and him, down below, between his legs.

She could sink to her knees right now and suck his dick. That would make him fuck her, right? But what if he got angry and left? Katarina whimpers, indecisive as all hell, even as she pulls back and stares down at the man who, only a few hours before, she'd thought of as nothing more than a stalker. Now, he was the most handsome hunk of meat she'd ever laid her eyes on.

"My turn again, isn't it? I have a dare for you, Katarina… you wanna hear it?"

She's too far gone to point out that it's not supposed to be his turn, too far gone to point out that she was supposed to get to choose between truth and dare, rather than him picking for her. Instead, Katarina runs her hands up and down her barely-clothed body and moans, nodding her head as she answers him.


"I dare you to let me fuck you, Kat. I dare you to let me show you what you've been missing with a goodie two-shoes like that limp dick Garen."

It shouldn't be so hot, hearing him talk down to her boyfriend like that. But Garen isn't here, is he? And… and the man standing up now, the man loosening his belt… HE is.


"Turn around, bend over, and get rid of those panties, you hot little slut."

Katarina has never obeyed a man's orders faster in her life. And then he's inside of her, just like that. Her head is so damn fuzzy, but that much is crystal clear, as he grabs her by her hips and thrusts his cock forward, taking her from behind. Some small part of Katarina's feverish mind notes that he's not wearing a condom. And then it notes how GOOD it feels to be fucked bareback for the first time since she got together with Garen. Her boyfriend didn't trust the pill, he only believed in what he could SEE. So, while Katarina wasn't on birth control, every time she and Garen had sex, he made sure to wear a condom.

Getting fucked by a bare cock again, especially one bigger than Garen's by a couple of inches… it's eye opening for Katarina. Literally, as her eyes go wide and her lips form into a small o as she reaches climax in no time as a result of the rough pounding and the drugs circulating through her system. She cums hard and fast, and while that's the first time, it's certainly not the last.

Before she knows it, Katarina isn't even in the living room anymore. She can't remember how they got here, only that it was VERY pleasurable, but now she's on the bed, on her back, and he's STILL fucking her. The red head can only mewl and moan and cry out in ecstasy as he unclasps her bra and pulls that away, before leaning down to start lavishing her breasts with worship and praise.

Garen fucks her on her back too, but he never bothers with her pleasure. He fucks her, and she makes the appropriate noises to fake her orgasms, and when he finally cums, he rolls over and goes to sleep. Usually, Katarina has to take care of herself in that regard. But not tonight. Tonight, her stalker gives her everything she never knew she needed. He fucks her bareback, he makes her cum frequently, and after what feels like HOURS of sheer ecstasy… he cums, deep inside of her. His seed fills her womb to the brim, and Katarina's green eyes roll back in her head as she orgasms one last explosive time around his cock, her inner walls tightening and squeezing and milking him of every last drop of his seed.

For a moment, she's slowly falling asleep. It's over, after all… right? His cock leaves her, only for Katarina's eyes to open back up as a yelp escapes her lips when she's unceremoniously flipped over onto her front. Pinned to the bed, the red head can only claw at the sheets as his cock slips back between her thighs, still unbelievably hard, and thrusts back into her creampied cunt once more.

His hot breath brushes across the nape of her neck, and he speaks into her ear as he holds her by her hair.

"We're not done yet, bitch. We're just getting started."

His words prove true, as he proceeds to fuck her throughout the night. He cums inside of her again and again, but eventually Katarina DOES pass out from sheer exhaustion, somewhere down the road. The last, drug-infused thought before she goes unconscious is that he's so much better than Garen. So much better than her boyfriend, in every way.


Katarina wakes up the next morning pleasantly sore… but mentally horrified by her actions. She's even more horrified when she finds out what day it is. Namely, it's Sunday. Her party had been on FRIDAY! Garen was due back any moment! Needless to say, she'd immediately gone and taken a long, hot shower to try to wash herself clean of the taint.

But the problem was, it wasn't something that COULD be washed clean so easily. Because it wasn't her coworker's fault that she'd… that she'd been so quick to turn into a wanton slut. His touch was all over her, yes, but that wasn't the taint that she needed to cleanse herself of. No, the taint was inside of her. She was what was wrong, she was the one who'd fucked up.

She should never have let him in, but in the end, that had been her decision. Just as it was her decision to let him stay even when it became clear that no one else was coming, just like it was her decision to let the Truth or Dare game they were playing escalate the way it had, until she'd practically been begging him to dare her to suck his cock and let him fuck her.

She'd acted like such a little whore… and the worst part was, she'd enjoyed it. She shouldn't have, but she did. That was the real reason that she stayed in the shower for far too long, until her skin had been scrubbed raw. Katarina spent that entire time trying to remove the feeling of pleasure she'd felt when her coworker had taken her and fucked her.

Still, eventually the red head gets out of the shower. She gets dressed and done up, preparing the place for when her boyfriend finally comes home. She's not sure what she's going to do, regarding Garen. Does she tell him? How could she possibly tell him, truly? Katarina spends breakfast and most of the morning fretting over it, until finally, about an hour before midday, the lock turns in the door, and Garen finally walks into their apartment.

"Hey babe! I'm home! How'd the party go?"

The moment she sees the look on Garen's handsome face, the wide smile and the eagerness and happiness in his eyes, Katarina knows she can't tell him. But she also can't tell him the party went great, because if any of the people who didn't come tell him otherwise, well…

"U-Unfortunately, no one came. So, it was just me, all weekend. Glad you're back, honey!"

And she means it, too. She's well and truly glad Garen is back. Her… mistake on Friday night (and all of Saturday day from the look of things, her coworker had spent the night and then fucked her long and hard all over again before he'd finally left her passed out Saturday evening) was just that, a mistake. She was going to put it behind her, and forget it ever happened.

Of course, hearing that his girlfriend's plans fell through, Garen's face falls, because he's a good boyfriend and he loves her. He immediately sets down his suitcase as well as the bag from a shop Katarina recognizes and comes over, taking her up in a big hug and planting a kiss on her lips before pulling back with a commiserating look on his face.

"I'm sorry babe, that sounds awful. I can't believe no one showed up. There was probably some kind of miscommunication or something, yeah?"

Katarina just puts on a brave face and shrugs as she hugs her boyfriend.

"No big deal, I'm just glad you're home."

That's only half-true. Katarina puts a large share of the blame for her failure on the girls from work who she thought were her friends, but completely failed to back her up when she needed them most. She blames them almost as much as she blames herself. Interestingly enough, she doesn't blame the man who took advantage of her at all. After all, she's a beautiful woman, and he saw his chance and took it. It was her fault for leaving the opening for him to slip through, right?

"Well, I got you something! I was hoping you might wear it for me~"

Garen pulls away and hurries back over, grabbing up the bag and opening it up. He pulls free exactly what Katarina is expecting to see, a sexy set of lingerie. She recognizes the store name on the bag after all. Though the colors that the lingerie comes in, red and black… those are certainly exciting.

"The moment I saw this, I KNEW I had to see you in it. I just knew you would look absolutely fantastic wearing this little ensemble."

Katarina bites her lower lip as she smiles at Garen's boyish excitement. Her boyfriend was clearly ready and raring to go… and truth be told, so was she. The shower hadn't cleansed her of her sins, but maybe giving her boyfriend a long day filled with sex before the work week started tomorrow would be enough? Reaching out, the red head takes the lingerie from Garen and gives him a nod.

"I'll put it on right away then!"

At his eager nod, Katarina departs for the bathroom to get changed. She could have changed right then and there, but THAT would have ruined the point of the lingerie in the first place. Garen understood that well enough, so she didn't get any complaints from him as she retreated to the bathroom. However, just as she's finishing with getting on the red and black ensemble that her boyfriend has gotten for her, there's a knock on the bathroom door.

"Hey babe? Something came up at work… I'm gonna have to go in."

Katarina's face falls, though she can hear just how dejected Garen is as well. Still…

"W-Well let me come out real quick and give you a show before you leave!"

"No! I want it to be special, babe! I want to look at you, and then touch you, and just do all sorts of things to you! So… do you mind just waiting a bit longer? I'll go now, and I'll come back as soon as possible. You stay here and get ready for me, alright? When I'm back… I'm going to fuck you SO hard babe."

Katarina finds herself blushing deeply at Garen's crass but heartfelt words. In the end, how can she deny him, especially after she just cheated on him a day ago?

"Y-Yeah, okay honey… I'll wait for you."

"Great! See you soon, Kat!"

And like that, Garen is gone. She waits to hear the apartment door closing behind him before she exits the bathroom… and then she kind of just stands there, somewhat awkward, not sure what to do with herself. She could watch some TV, but he HAD said to get ready for him, right? And if it was something quick and easy, he may not be gone long, maybe as little as half an hour.

Licking her lips, Katarina flops back on their bed and slides her hands down the front of her body. One slips aside the lacy red and black panties she's wearing, while the other pushes up under her matching bra. She moans as she begins to touch herself to thoughts of her boyfriend and his big… fat… cock. However, the more she masturbates, the harder it is to focus on Garen… and not her coworker. His face, his cock, his hands… she remembers them all so clearly. It was so recent, after all.

This was why she wanted to fuck Garen, so that she could get rid of such thoughts. She needed her boyfriend to come home soon, because really, she was in a BAD way here.

Perhaps that's why, when there's a sudden knock at the door, Katarina doesn't stop to realize the simple fact that, if it was Garen, he wouldn't NEED to knock. She just assumes, because about half an hour of agony has passed, that he's back and ready for action. Not even bothering to put anything on over the lingerie, Katarina rushes to her front door, unlocks it, and opens it.

But it's not Garen, of course. Instead, it's her coworker, who had fucked her so roughly for a day and a half. Gobsmacked, the green-eyed beauty doesn't even stop him from pushing past her, though she does squeak and jump when he pinches her booty on his way past.

"Hey there, good-looking. And I mean that, you look positively AMAZING, slut."

Katarina blushes at the degrading title and ducks her head as she struggles to resist the urge to rub her already sopping wet thighs together. Shit, she was already on edge and horny as all fuck because she'd been masturbating in preparation for Garen. This was NOT good. She had to get rid of this man, and quick.

"You can't… you c-can't be here. My boyfriend could come back any minute!"

Her coworker just chuckles at that, looking around her place as if he wasn't just here the day before.

"Oh, I don't think that's anything to be worried about, my dear. In fact, you should be getting a phone call, right about… now."

And like magic, her phone begins to buzz. Staring at the man who'd given her multiple orgasms incredulously, Katarina nonetheless rushes over. She hesitates when she sees that the call coming in is Garen, but in the end, she's not just going to not answer it, right?


"Hey babe! Sorry, but I just wanted to let you know you shouldn't expect me back until way later tonight. This problem… it's a big one. Could you maybe order us some dinner, and I'll see you in a few hours or so?"

Katarina is about to answer with a whiny 'whyyyy?' when her coworker's hands slide across her body. He's walked up behind her, and now he's touching her, and it takes all of her willpower not to moan like a wanton whore. Instead, she controls herself and gives Garen a quick response.

"O-Okay… I understand, honey."

"Aw man, I'm really sorry. I know you've been lonely. Don't worry babe, as soon as I get home tonight, I'm going to rock your world."

Katarina shivers as her coworker's lips press into her neck, causing her to tilt her head towards her phone. She shudders, when one of his hands slide down between her legs, pressing up against the soaked through crotch of her lingerie.

"I-It's fine, honey… I'll see you later."

And then she hangs up, not even letting Garen get another word in because in the next moment, she's moaning like a wanton slut as her coworker digs his fingers into her cunt, pushing her panties up inside of her in the process. The worst part is… she doesn't fight back. She doesn't push him away, doesn't try to make him leave. She lets him have at her, lets him have his way with her. Because even now that she's sober… she loves it.

"You're mine now, slut. I'll let Garen continue paying for you, because we both know you're an expensive little bitch, but you belong to me now. This body… it belongs to me."

He doesn't wait for a response, doesn't bother with anymore foreplay than that. He simply bends Katarina over the back of the couch they're stood next to, slips the crotch of her panties aside, and thrusts into her from behind. She didn't even hear or see him take his cock out, but it must have been while she was distracted with Garen, because now he's buried inside of her, and there's no refuting that.

Katarina cries out in a truly ugly fashion as she's taken from behind like some… some common whore. It's not the first time he's fucked her like this, she remembers that much, but it certainly feels more… final now. There's no going back, the red head realizes that now. She realizes that the taint she thought she could wash away within her is here to stay, and she's never getting rid of it… or HIM.

But she doesn't want to get rid of him. She wants him to keep fucking her like he is, wants him to plow her like a fucking animal. She wants… she wants to be his bitch. Realizing that, accepting that, Katarina hangs her head and lets the man do whatever he wants with her. Her coworker fucks her long and hard, eventually reaching around to flip up her bra and pinch and twist her nipples between his fingers, and all Katarina can do is cum again and again around his big, fat cock.

He's so much rougher, so much more controlling, so much more IN CHARGE than Garen could ever hope to be. And at the end of the day, Katarina knows she's lost. She's completely, utterly lost. When he leaves her hours later with a womb full of cum and a handprint across her ass, all she can do is eagerly await the next time he comes around, like an addict looking for her next fix. And when Garen finally comes home hours after that, Katarina serves him the cold dinner she ordered in for him, and then tells him she's no longer in the mood, giving him the cold shoulder as she goes to bed.

Let him think it's because he had to work all day on a Sunday. Better that than him knowing the truth, that he no longer compared…


"So, as our friends and family, we wanted to tell you all at once… we're getting married!"

There's cheers and clapping and raucous celebration all around, even as Garen holds Katarina around her expanding waist. The red head is very pregnant right now, even as she shows off her engagement ring to all of their female coworkers, a bright, sunny smile on her face. Everyone they know is currently crowded into their high-rise apartment for the announcement, and everyone is excited for them, even if they all secretly think they know that the only reason Katarina and Garen are getting married is because he knocked her up.

Of course, to be fair, that's what Garen thinks he knows as well. He believes the baby is his, and that he has to make an honest woman out of his girlfriend before she eventually pops out the first of hopefully many children. The only two people in the room, nay, in the world who know otherwise, are Katarina… and the man she's been cheating on Garen with for months now, who smiles when she makes eye contact with him, holding up a glass of familiar red wine and giving her a wink.

Katarina blushes prettily and smiles back, already eager for the next chance they can get alone together. It doesn't matter that he got her knocked up… all that matters is that he keeps fucking her with that cock of his, even if they do have to switch to only oral and anal for the next few months until she's finally due.

No one knows that Katarina is a cheating whore who loves another man's cock more than her new fiancé's. And no one ever needs to know.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com where I have over a thousand stories! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

If you'd like to contribute to funding my writing at all, check me out on P atreon.com/Cambrian

Thanks for reading!

CambrianBeckett2 CambrianBeckett2

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