100% Butterfly Effect: Yuta Okkotsu / Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Friends

章 6: Chapter 6: Friends

Yo! This chapter is funny as hell for what Yuta does closer to the end. You'll know what I'm talking about. Also, imma do my best to get two chapters for this out next week since this chapter was shorter. I would also appreciate ideas for curses! An example would be "Fear of Heights" or just anything. I'm not gonna use that one obviously, but any ideas like that would be appreciated!


Enjoy the chapter!


2014: Tokyo, Japan. 1:00 PM

"Oh, before I forget, wait here for a second, Yuta." Yuta just stared at the spot his sensei was in a deadpan before Gojo reappeared about a minute later with a tall, buff man wearing a white shirt and a paper bag covering his head.

The man looked terrified and shivered as he looked at Gojo in absolute fear, making Yuta sweap-drop before he shook his head and looked at his sensei questioningly.

Gojo grinned when he saw that as he held up the terrified man, who was stuck to his hand with a bit of 'Lapse: Blue', and shook him as he smiled wide.

"I brought a present!!" Gojo said, confusing his student more, to which the white-haired man just let his grin turn to a smirk before letting the man fall.

*BOOM* "Oww!!" 


The man not only landed harshly on the ground, but he also got a punch to the head from Gojo. Yuta was just deadpanned at this point, not even trying to understand what the hell was happening anymore.

"Get up, dumbass."

"AH!! Yes!!" 

The man immediately shot up and stood straight when he heard Gojo. The man kept his eyes on the ground the entire time. 

It's a good thing he did or else he would've been even more terrified then he already was if he saw the playful look on Gojo's face. The white-haired man chose this moment to enlighten his very confused student.

"Yuta, this guy is some dumbass 'Curse User' that tried to kill me during a mission while I was still at 'Jujutsu High', so don't feel bad for him. Since we are always short on 'Jujutsu Sorcerers' and his 'Cursed Technique' lets him make clones of himself, we work him to the bone. I brought him here so you could copy it." Gojo explained making Yuta's eyes light up in understanding and curiosity.

If Gojo-sensei says it's a useful 'Cursed Technique' and that it would be good for him to copy, he will listen every time. Who wouldn't want a free 'Cursed Technique' without even having to go get the guy?


"Oi, explain how your 'Cursed Technique' works." Gojo smacked the hell out of the guy again, almost making him fall over before he balanced himself. Yuta sweat-dropped again at that.

'I get he tried to kill you, but do you really have to keep hitting him?' Yuta thought to himself in the safety of his mind.

After the guy steadied himself and took another fearful glance at Gojo, he started explaining.

"My 'Cursed Technique' is called 'Cloning Technique' that lets me create up to 4 clones that can be considered identical to myself using a mud-like liquid material that I manipulate with my 'Cursed Energy'. I can also switch places with my clones at any time." The man explained and as he did, he lifted his right palm behind him and out to his right and the mud-like liquid he was talking about seemed to come out of the leg of his pants.

After a couple seconds, the liquid formed into a perfect clone of the man, completly indistinguishable from main body in any way.

Yuta watched in awe as the man used his 'Cursed Energy' to mold the weird sludge into 3 more perfect copies of himself. If they mixed themselves up, he would have no idea which one was the real one.

'Wait, if I copy this 'Cursed Technique' can't I just send in my clones to gather information and switch with one of them for a surprise attack? I can tell that while my clones could take a few hits, a strong attack or catching me off guard could take them out. Not to mention I can't immediately summon a new clone once one is destroyed.' Yuta thought to himself.

Even if they won't help a lot in a fight against someone like Gojo-sensei, and even if my clones can't manifest Rika-chan, they are still pretty strong.

"So, you got it? You still have 3 of your 'slots' open since you've only copied Nanami's 'Cursed Technique', right? Well, I guess 2 of them with this one, but still." Gojo asked, making Yuta nod in confirmation.

The white-haired man smirked at that before he was suddenly in front of the masked man with his finger on his forehead.



Yuta just sighed as the guy fell to the ground like a puppet with its strings cut before he started thinking.

'Honestly, with seeing Rika-chan in her human form again and now having a 'Shikigami' version of Rika-chan, I don't have the energy to care about this person.' Yuta thought to himself as he focused on creating the mud-like liquid he now knew how to produce and shape.

Yuta crouched down to put his open palm right above the ground and narrowed his eyes in concentration.

After a couple of seconds, there was a small burst of 'Cursed Energy' and the liquid suddenly split into 6 equal piles.

"Hmm, how interesting." Gojo said as the 6 piles each turned into a copy of Yuta, the only difference he could tell was the rings hanging on the clone's necks didn't have the same flow of 'Cursed Energy' the ring on the real Yuta's neck.

"I see. You can create 6 clones instead of this idiot who can only make 4 even though he's been using it his whole life because of the huge difference in 'Cursed Energy' between you two." Gojo said as he took off the bandages covering his eyes, revealing his 'Six-Eyes'.

"The only difference between you seems to be only the real you can summon Rika and these guys will turn back into that mud stuff if you hit them hard enough. It seems like you'll be able to make more clones as you get better with the 'Cursed Technique'." Gojo said thoughtfully as he watched Yuta and his clones look at each other before the real Yuta narrowed his eyes and the clones immediately dissolved into the liquid they were made out of and went back into Yuta's palm.

Gojo raised an eyebrow at that while he covered his eyes with the bandages again, making Yuta blush in embarrassment before he explained.

"I can hear the clones' thoughts too and every single one of them was thinking about taking my place as the 'Real' Yuta," Yuta said as he avoided eye contact, making Gojo laugh.

"Hahahaha!! You're honestly hilarious Yuta, but you better not be able to make like a million clones one day and take over the world." Gojo said in mock-seriousness getting a smile out of Yuta before the white-haired man continued.

"We are going to your new house. Do you have anything from your old place you want to bring?" The white-haired man asked his student, getting a shake of the head in response.

"No, that's alright. I'd rather just get new stuff."

"Hahaha, in that case, leave it to me!!" Yuta sweat-dropped at the enthusiasm the white-haired man was showing.

"Uhh, sure…"




"I'm home, and I've brought a surprise!!"

A boy who seemed to be a similar age as Yuta with spiked black hair that went in every direction and a girl around the same age with brown hair up in a ponytail both looked at the entrance to their apartment to see their caretaker and a kid around their age standing next to him with a nervous smile.

"Who is this, Gojo-sensei?" Megumi asked as he looked at Yuta with furrowed eyebrows. 

'This guy has an insane amount of 'Cursed Energy'. I never thought I'd meet someone with more 'Cursed Energy' than Gojo-sensei.' The boy thought to himself as Gojo smiled in response to the question, but Yuta was the one to answer.

"Hi, I'm Yuta Okkotsu, nice to meet you both. You can just call me Yuta if you'd like." Yuta said as he tried to calm his nerves. Megumi nodded in response.

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Megumi Fushiguro and this is my sister Tsumiki. I don't wanna be rude, but what are you doing here? We were just about to eat." The black-haired kid said as he gestured at the girl who was setting the dinner table, who smiled and waved at him.

Before Yuta could respond, Gojo spoke up with a grin.

"Yuta is gonna be living with you two for a few years before he enrolls at 'Jujustu High', so treat him well," Gojo explained, making Megumi raise an eyebrow and Tsumiki clap her hands in excitement.


"Oh, that's great!! Megumi keeps getting into fights at school and it would help a lot if I had someone else to scold him." She said happily, making Megumi glare at her, something she completely ignored. Yuta looked at Megumi for a few seconds before tilting his head.

"Why are you getting into fights?" He asked in confusion, making the boy in question scoff and Tsumiki shake her head in exasperation. She was the one to answer his question.


"Megumi isn't a bully, it's more that he bullies the bullies. If he sees someone going around making others afraid to anger them and going on a power trip, he'll use what Gojo-san has taught him to beat them up." Tsumiki said in a half-anger and half-pride.

She was happy he was protecting people who needed it and couldn't do it themselves, but she wasn't happy about him beating up around 30 people a week. At this point, even if she didn't like how he handled it, she hated dealing with the angry parents of those kids.

Everyone knew they couldn't leave that to Gojo. The reasoning is obvious.

Yuta just blinked at the reasoning before he smiled at the girl.

"I wouldn't worry about it too much, Tsumiki-san. It would be one thing if he was just going around bullying people, but he's not, he's protecting people. Sometimes people won't understand until they experience what they make others go through." Yuta said, making Tsumiki look contemplative and Megumi thankful.

With that, Yuta moved into the Fushiguro household without much issue, except for the fact that he was sleeping on the couch, but sometimes you just gotta deal with it. Gojo bought him new clothes and brought more food to feed three every day instead of two.

'Even if I say that, my back still hurts like a bitch...' Yuta thought to himself as he drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, with Gojo off on a mission and Tsumiki leaving early for school to meet up with her friends, it was just Megumi and Yuta at the table for breakfast. 

Their conversation started light with just a few pleasantries before settling into a comfortable science.

That was before Yuta asked Megumi "Why do you want to be a 'Jujutsu Sorcerer'?"

"All I want is to give my sister a peaceful life. Why should I try and be the strongest when I don't need to be the strongest to give her a peaceful life?" Megumi answered and asked the boy just a bit older than him, who looked at him with concern and confusion.

"Why wouldn't you want to be the 'Strongest' so you could protect your sister from anyone? What if someone as strong as Gojo-sensei wants to hurt Tsumiki-san and you're too weak to protect her?" Yuta asked with a confused head tilt, stunning Megumi silent.

People had always told him that he was blessed with an amazing 'Cursed Technique' and that he could be an amazing 'Jujutsu Sorcerer', but he never cared about that.

Megumi knew his sister Tsumiki essentially took care of him after his dad and her mom left, so he wanted to repay her for that, not fight battles for people he didn't care about. All Megumi cared about was making sure his sister was happy and healthy, he just never considered there might be people who want to take away that happiness.

"Gojo-sensei will probably tell you to be selfish because that's how he got so strong, but you don't have to do that because you aren't him and neither am I. Gojo-sensei said I'll probably be a 'Special Grade' when the higher-ups find out about me and all of my strength has come from others, so getting strength from others isn't a bad thing." Yuta said as Megumi went over what he was told silently.

Yuta smiled at the stunned boy before he continued.

"I want to get stronger so I can make Gojo-sensei feel like he isn't alone and so I can protect people I care about like you and Tsumiki-san. I'd rather have too much strength when I need it than not have enough and regret it." Yuta said before he stood up and gave the still-stunned Megumi a reassuring smile.

"You have to get strong enough to beat anyone that comes after the people you care about or else your love will turn to anger, regret, sadness, or a combination of the three." He said before his eyes turned more determined.

"Now that I know what it's like to be happy again, I'll do anything to protect those who gave me that happiness."

After he said his piece, Yuta turned around and started walking towards the kitchen.

"I'll go see if Tsumiki-san needs help with the dishes," Yuta said as he threw a wave over his shoulder and left Megumi to his thoughts.

Megumi had always been taught by Gojo that he would die alone and that if he didn't want to die, he needed to be selfish and do what he needed to so he could survive.

Now this guy a year older than him, who could be a 'Special Grade' based on the amount of 'Cursed Energy' he had alone, is telling him fighting for the sake of his sister is fine.

'In fact, Yuta said the reason WHY he's so strong is because he wants to protect others. Why can't being selfish mean becoming as strong as possible to protect Tsumiki?'



"Where are we?" Yuta asked with a confused head tilt as he walked alongside Megumi and Gojo.

Yuta had no idea what they were doing. It was just him and Megumi sitting in the living room about a week after he moved in when Gojo showed up saying he had somewhere to take them before grabbing their shoulders and taking them to where they are now.

They were right outside of a massive traditional Japanese estate that Yuta couldn't even see where it ended. 

"Why are we here? I said I never wanted to come back here." Yuta looked over at Megumi, who was looking as angry as he had ever seen him and he had seen him angry as hell.

You should see how pissed off the guy gets when you try to have more than a 10-minute conversation with him. Or any conversation at all about something he doesn't want to talk about.

"They want to do some bullshit to try and get you, Megumi, to come join their clan again but I just wanna go screw with them a bit," Gojo responded to the question with a smirk, making Yuta tilt his head in confusion.

"Are they good people?" Yuta's question made Megumi look at him like he was an idiot and Gojo laughed.

"Hahahaha!! No, they are the worst!! If you see someone you wanna beat the hell out of, just do it and I'll take care of the rest." Gojo responded, making Yuta blink in astonishment.

"What? Why would I want to do that?" Megumi was the one to answer him this time.

"I've only known you for a week and from what little I know about you, I'd be very surprised if you didn't want to fight at least one of them." The black-haired teen said, making Yuta sweatdrop.

'Where the hell are we?' Gojo must've seen his confused expression, so he decided to clarify.

"Welcome to the worst place on the fucking planet, the 'Zenin Clan'."

ntc15 ntc15

Yo! This is the description of the cloning ‘Cursed Technique’ the JJKWiki gives:

This technique allows the user to clone themselves using some kind of mud-like liquid material manipulated with their cursed energy.

The user can produce up to four clones, for a total of five bodies, and change out their real one with a clone at any time. Every clone can be considered identical to the original caster.

So it’s pretty open-ended, and this chapter explained my interpretation of it.

Anyway, imma do my best to get more chapters than I have posted, so stay tuned!!

Thanks for reading and hopefully see you next chapter!

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


