20% Blue Archive - Story of Joshua Sensei / Chapter 1: Chapter 1) Welcome to Kivotos, Joshua Sensei
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Blue Archive - Story of Joshua Sensei

作者: Demon_Dragon_3832

© WebNovel

章 1: Chapter 1) Welcome to Kivotos, Joshua Sensei


We thirst for the seven wailings.

We bear the koan of Jericho. 




It was all my fault.

No, it wasn't.

My decisions, and everything they caused.

Don't blame yourself.

I see flashes of a silver-haired girl with a pistol at me. 

No, not at me, at a tablet.

One riddled with three bullet holes.

It had to come to this for me to realize that you were right all along finally.

My vision blurs as I finally realize my surroundings. 

Sat in front of me is a girl with long, white hair, clad in an equally white military uniform.

She sits in front of a window, and the sunset makes her hair and uniform, have a purple tinge. 

I can't see her face, though. She has a scratch on her cheek, yet...

I can't see her face.

She begins to speak again.

So forgive me for being so bold, but I must ask for your help.

No worries, Prez. You know I'll always help my students.

... Joshua Sensei.

You'll forget these words, but it won't matter.

Even without your memories, you'll probably make the same decision in the same situation... 

Probably, you know as well as I do, I don't change much.

Therefore, I believe what matters most are the choices we make, not the experiences we have.

There are choices only you can make.

My memory travels back, seeing flashes of my students.

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I can't quite remember their group's names.

I've spoken of responsibility before.

I didn't truly understand it then, but now I do.

Adulthood, responsibility, obligation... and the choices you make that extend beyond those ideals.

I even understand their implications.

Well, that's just a sign of growing up. There's nothing wrong with that, Prez.


Therefore, Sensei...

... You're the only one I can trust.

Only you can free us from this twisted, distorted fate...

... And find the choices that will lead us to a new reality. 

So, Sensei. Please...

...I'll do my best...



"...sei." A sharp voice calls out, in the darkness.

"Sensei. Wake up." Again with that voice. Who is...?

"Joshua Sensei!" The voice shouts as my mind finally becomes clear. 

My eyes shoot open to see a young woman with long hair, the inside of it being a dark blue. Her bright blue eyes are hidden behind thin glasses. She wears a white military uniform that covers her thin waist and... rather large chest. There's a pistol holstered to one of her legs, and she has a ring floating above her head that fades from blue to teal and back and has... Pointed ears? Is she a cosplayer?

I stare at her in confusion. I don't remember her or being in this office. Last I checked, I was in bed. Looking down, I notice that I'm wearing a white suit with a blue tie, the same color as her eyes, oddly enough.

She sighs. "You fell asleep after I asked you to wait here. I even had some trouble walking you up... I didn't expect you to be so sound asleep."

"That odd..." I say, somewhat to myself. "I usually am a pretty light sleeper, always keepin' one eye open."

"Hmm... you must have been dreaming. Anyway, gather yourself and focus. I will explain the current situation again." I nod simply, motioning for her to continue. "My name is Nanakami Rin, and I'm a General Student Council officer from Kivotos, the academy city." 

Academy City? There's nothing like that on earth... And Kivotos... There's a village in Greece with that name, plus the word also translates to 'Ark'. 

"And you're a teacher that we have summoned here... or so it would seem." She continues.

"Summoned? I mean, last I checked, Kivotos was a place in Greece and didn't have such fancy places." I gesture to the room around us.

"Well, pardon my uncertainty, but I only say that because I still don't fully understand how you got here." She takes an apologetic tone.

"I see."

"... I understand this must be very confusing to you. My apologies." She bows her head slightly. "However, I would like you to follow me for now. There's something I require your help with." What could she need my help for? "Let's just say that it's a grave matter... One that could determine the very fate of the academy city." Okay, now I'm worried. 

Shrugging off my worry, I say. "Lead the way, Rin." I know her name's set like the Japanese, but I'm an informal American, so I'll just call her by her name. She doesn't say anything about it, though, as we begin to walk through the building. I must be large as we pass large room after large room. 

After a short, silent walk, we arrive at a reception desk. Passing it, we enter a massive office. Rin leads me to an observation deck where I get one hell of a sight.

I stare out at a massive, urban city that seems to have no limit. Not in Greece. Skyscrapers scratch at the sky. A river flows through the city, dividing it. Above is a crystal blue sky and... strange, thin white rings float above the city. They seem to be one with the sky. What the hell are those?

Oh well, this isn't the first time I've been in a weird situation before, though this one tops them all.

Rin stands in front of me and gestures her hand to the city. "Welcome to Kivotos, Sensei. Kivotos is a massive city, home to thousands of different academies. This is where you'll be working from now on."

"Heh, I never thought I'd see something like this..." I say, in breathless awe.

"It's bound to be very different from the place you call home. You might find it difficult to fit in at first, but something tells me that you will adjust in due time."

"Well, I've had to adapt to lots of things in my life, so that'll be no different." I try to reassure her.

She merely smiles. "That's good. After all, you were chosen by the General Student Council president."

President... Prez... that seems familiar somehow.

"We can leave the rest of the details for later." She continues.

"Er, sure, but first, can you tell me what you mean by Sen-" My thoughts are cut off by the ding of an elevator. We leave the office and return to the reception room, where the elevator is. Four girls are waiting there.

"There you are, Acting President! We've been waiting! Get the real president in here already!" A girl, wearing a black blazer and skirt, covered by a white hoodie. Walks in, quietly yelling at Rin. She has a white tactical belt around her hips. Her purple hair is tied in twin tails and equally purple eyes. Her hair is held by two triangular-shaped, black hairclips that don't seem to touch her hair. The hairclips match the color of the circular halo above her head. She also has black boots that come to just above her ankles. She also has two black submachine guns on her back.

Halos... What are these girls? Are some kinda gun-toting angels?

The purple-haired girl seems to notice me. "Huh? Who's that adult with you? He's a... male?"

Male? Why ask something like that?

"I've been waiting to see you, Chief Officer." Says another girl. This one has long black hair and piercing red eyes. She wears a black sailor uniform that doesn't do much to hide her rather large chest with a long skirt that splits to the side, revealing her hips, and a black garter belt, which holds up her black leggings. On her feet are small business shoes that only really cover the toes, heel, and bottom of the feet. Her shirt also says 'Justice' on it. She has two large, black wings coming from her back. Her halo is a vibrant crimson ring, with a diamond in the center and four additional shapes in either of the cardinal directions. She also has a black sniper rifle with gold trim on her back.

"I'm here to meet with the with the General Student Council president. The head prefect has terms she would like to discuss." Says yet another girl. This one has pale hair, tied in pigtails, somewhat hiding her pointed ears. A small black bandana, tied above her forehead, comes from her hair. Her golden eyes are hidden behind thick, black glasses. She wears a white buttoned shirt and a black skirt, as well as bright red leggings. Her black boots, complete with red soles and laces, come to the middle of her shin. She carries a rather large bag with her and has a red and black circular band tied around her left arm. Her halo is a red ring, and four diamond shapes pierce it in either cardinal direction. She also has an old-school German pistol painted black and red strapped to her bag.

"Well... this timing is rather inconvenient," Rin says, her eyes looking off to the side, unable to meet the three girls' gazes. Wonder what's up.

Rin smiles sweetly, but I can tell she's annoyed. "Hello, guests that represent neighboring academies' student councils, disciplinary boards, and those who otherwise have too much time on their hands." Now that's a thinly veiled insult. Weird, usually I don't see those. It's mostly direct insults.

"I am well aware why you irksome-" I suppress a chuckle. "I mean, important representatives have come here today. You're here to blame us for the fuss happening in the academy city. Isn't that right?"

Something about that smile of hers makes me want to avoid pissing her off. That's saying something coming from me.

"If you're well aware, then do something!" The purple-haired girl exclaims, crossing her arms. "You represent the General Student Council after all! Thousands of academy districts are in a panic! Our academy's wind generator shut down just a few days ago!" Shit, it seems things are really serious, after all. They can't need me to fix that, do they?

"There are also rumors a student under the Federal Corrections Bureau's custody has escaped." The blond elf girl says. Escaped, prisoners too? Now that I can handle it. Bounty hunting's nothing new to me.

"There has been a sharp increase in the number of thugs attacking our students on their way to school. Public safety is not being properly enforced." Says the fourth girl, finally speaking up. She wears a grey and black, long-sleeved uniform and skirt. Her black thigh-highs lead down to brown shoes. Her eyes are also red, framed by her long, white hair that has what looks like a wing protruding from the left side of her head, but I think that's just her hair. Her halo is comprised of two magenta rings, held together by four lines that pierce through to end in arrows. She also has a white and black Assault Rifle.

"Illegal distribution of tanks, choppers, and other unknown weapons have increased by over 2000 percent. At this rate, ordinary school life in Kivotos will be a thing of the past." The black-winged girl says. Tanks? Choppers? Is this place one big military school? Couldn't be. These girls are serious but don't have the eyes of the military.

Rin remains silent, listening dutifully to their concerns.

"And what is the General Student Council president doing during such a sorry state of affairs? I demand to see her right this instant!" The purple-haired girl looks mad now, placing her hands on her hips.

Rin remains silent for a moment longer before saying, "The president is not here at the moment. To be frank, she's gone missing." Missing? That'd do it.

"What?!" The purple-haired girl yells.

"..!" The blond girl gasps.

"So the rumors were true..." The winged girl says.

"Allow me to cut to the chase. The General Student Council has no authority because the top administrator of Sanctum Tower has gone missing. We had been searching for a way to bypass the need for verification, all to no avail... until recently." Rin explains. I have a feeling this is what I'm gonna be helping with...

"You mean you've found a way now, Chief Officer?" The winged girl asks.

Rin nods. "That is correct. Sensei, here is the answer to our problems." She gestures to me.

I knew it.

The four girls look at me, in shock and confusion.

"This person?" The winged girl asks.

"Hold up." The purple-haired girl interjects. "Who is the 'Sensei' you're talking about? What is he doing here in the first place?"

"Your guess is as good as mine," I say, with a shrug.

"Whoever he is, he doesn't seem to be from Kivotos." The winged girl points out.

"This is Joshua Sensei. Not only are they going to be teaching in Kivotos, but he's also been personally selected by the General Student Council president." Rin introduces me and-

"Hang on a sec, teaching?" I ask with wide eyes. I finished high school, but that was a few years ago, and I doubt I'm qualified to teach anyone.

"The president chose him. The one who's now missing?" The purple-haired girl says, far more confused than ever. "Things are making less and less sense..."

"Well, it's nice to meet y'all." I greet awkwardly.

"R-Right. It's good to meet you, Sensei. I'm Millennium Science School's-" The purple-haired girl begins before she cuts herself off. "I-I mean, why am I even bothering to introduce myself right now?" She seems flustered. I've never seen an actual tsundere.

"Don't worry about that annoying girl. Let's just move on..." Rin says to me. A scarily sweet smile on her face.

"Who are you calling annoying?!" Oh, the purple-haired girl snapped. "I'm Hayase Yuuka! You should remember that name, Sensei!" Definitely a tsundere, she said with a blush.

"I will, Yuuka. It's nice to meet you too." I say with a nod, only causing her blush to strengthen.

"You're here to serve as the advisor for a club that was formed by the General Student Council president. The Federal Investigation Club: Schale." Rin explains. Schale? My German's rusty, but isn't that the German name for the Qliphoth? I've always been a big mythology buff, but still, angels, the Greek word for ark, and now the Qliphoth?

"This isn't your average club, more like a type of extrajudicial organization. Since it's a federal club, you'll be allowed to register students from any of the academies in Kivotos. Each academy region can perform battle activities without restriction." Battle activities? Looking down, I remember the holstered pistol on Rin's hip. Do these girls carry guns?

"Well, that's a relief, I doubt I'd be a good math teacher." I joke, noticing the four girls to the side crack a small smile.

Rin sighs and shakes her head. "How the president was able to create an organization with this much power, I have no idea. The Schale club room is about thirty kilometers from here. The building is currently empty, but we had to put something in the basement at the president's request."

That doesn't sound sketchy at all. The Prez knew something about me being here, and whatever's in that basement has something to do with me.

"It's my job to take you there," Rin says. She then pulls out her phone and holds it flat in her hand. Suddenly, it comes to life as a hologram of another girl appears from the device, causing my eyes to widen in surprise. "Momoka, I need a helicopter to take us to the Schale club room."

The girl in the hologram has bright pink hair, done in high twin-tails and sea-green eyes. She has two small horns and pointed ears protruding from her hair. She wears a big white hoodie with gold zippers, held up by one of her shoulders. She wears a white sleeveless 'shirt' more akin to a tight tank top that has a collar and a blue tie that ends in a skirt. She has high-heeled, black shoes with a white tongue and white socks. From her skirt is a long, black tail that turns into a fishhook and fades to pink. Her halo is made of six, four-pointed stars, each of which's horizontal points connect, and the vertical ones are much longer, causing the whole thing to resemble a crown. Each 'star' is white, with a pink outline. She is also holding a bag of chips.

The girl, Momoka, speaks in a high-pitched yet lazy voice. "The Schale club room? That's over in the outskirts. Things are kind of crazy over there right now..." She trails off as I hear, what sounds like crunching and chewing. Is she eating while on the phone?

"What do you mean 'crazy'?" Rin asks.

"A suspended student escaped from the Corrections Bureau and is wreaking havoc. It's a battlefield over there right now!" Momoka explains, sounding not too concerned.

"What?" Rin says in a low voice, a twitch in her eye.

"They rallied all the thugs in the area and are destroying everything in their path to get revenge on the General Student Council. I hear they've even got a Crusader Tank!" Somehow, the thought of angels riding a tank makes me laugh inwardly. Cue Ride of the Valkyries. "Hell, people even spotted that Wakamo girl around down there." She says, causing Rin's eyes to narrow further.

Wakamo? Is she someone I should watch out for?

"They must be trying to occupy the Schale building because they know the General Student Council controls it. Maybe they think there's something valuable inside." Momoka guesses.

"Like whatever you guys put in the basement," I interject.

Rin looks at me for a moment. It is likely to come to the same conclusion.

"Oh well. The city's already a dump, so I don't think it'll make that much of a difference..." Momoka says, sounding bored. Does she not care about the city she lives in? "Oh great! The food I ordered is here. I'll talk to you later." She says happily as I hear a click. Guess she hung up.

Rin freezes up with an indecipherable yet dark expression on her face. Did she snap? "Rin. Inhale, count to four, and exhale." I advise her.

Her eyes swivel over to me, still pissed, causing me to freeze before she closes them and takes a deep breath. She exhales slowly a moment later. "I'm fine... It's just a minor setback. No problem at all... But... thank you for that, Sensei." I nod and smile at her.

Rin's glare returns as she stares at the four girls, who've been silent until now. They all freeze up at her glare.

"What? Why are you staring at us like that?" Yuuka asks, nervous.

"It's so reassuring to have you trustworthy academy representatives with us," Rin says, with a slightly scary tone of voice. I think I see where this is going.

"Huh?" The purple-haired girl asks.

"We are going to need your help to bring peace back to Kivotos. Let's go." Rin says, brokering no arguments.

"Wait, what? Where are we going?" Yuuka asks as Rin begins to walk away. I look over to the other three girls and shrug as we all leave the room.

Oh, well. This is certainly a bizarre situation, but I'm no stranger to the weird shit.

I just hope everything goes well.


(My fingers hurt, but here you go, my readers.)

Demon_Dragon_3832 Demon_Dragon_3832

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next chapter
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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
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